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A. Cognitive: Identify the difference between Impromptu Speaking and Extemporaneous Speaking
B. Affective: Cite the Importance of Public Speaking
C. Psychomotor: Perform either Impromptu Speaking or Extemporaneous Speaking

A. Topic/Subject Matter: Public Speaking: Impromptu and Extemporaneous


A. References: Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School, Internet
B. Other Learning Resources: Power Point Presentation, Cartolina, Strips of paper


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Okay class. Before anything else let us

all first have the prayer.

Please lead the prayer _________ Everyone please stand and let us bow our
head and feel the presence of the Lord.

You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am!

2. Greetings

Good morning again class! Good morning, ma’am!

How are you feeling today class? (Students respond.)

3. Checking of Attendance

For your attendance, the secretary of the (Class secretary checks the whole class’
class will now check your attendance. attendance.)

4. Checking of Assignments

Class do you have your assignment last (Students pass their assignment to the center
meeting? Please pass it to the center aisle then, aisle and then pass it forward.)
pass it forward.
B. Drill
Directions: Choose your answer that best
corresponds to the given questions. Answers Key:
b. C
1. What is major characteristics of an c. A
impromptu speaking? d. A
a. It requires a lot of research. e. B
b. It is rehearsed over several days. f. C
c. It is unplanned
2. Impromptu speaking is easily achieved
a. Practice
b. Done without being planned or
c. Confidence
3. When a speaker gives a speech without
prior planning or preparation it is a(n):
a. Impromptu Speech
b. Manuscript Speech
c. Memorized Speech
d. Extemporaneous Speech
4. Extemporaneous speaking is a form of
delivering a speech that
a. Uses a manuscript
b. Uses an outline
c. Is off-the-cuff using no notes or
5. Extemporaneous public speaking is
speaking ________
a. To a group more than 15 individuals
b. To an unknown audience
c. With less than 30 minutes to prepare

C. Review

Class, what have we discussed last


Yes, ________ please stand. Ma’am, our last discussion was about. . .

Okay very good.

D. Preparation

What can you observe about the Ma’am, it shows a person delivering a
speakers, class? speech in front of a crowd.
That’s right! When someone speaks in
front, confidence is a must. Speaker’s confidence
and discomfort may be a result of different speaking
conditions and environment.

Class, our lesson for today is about

Public Speaking: Impromptu Speaking and
Extemporaneous Speaking. So to start with, let us
first be guided with our target or objective posted
on the board.

Everyone kindly read the objectives. Objective:

 Identify the difference between Impromptu
Speaking and Extemporaneous Speaking
 Cite the Importance of Public Speaking
 Perform either Impromptu Speaking or
Extemporaneous Speaking

E. Developmental Activities:

1. Activity

Today class, we will be discussing

another topic but before that, let us first watch this

(The teacher plays the video)

Now, after watching the video what Ma’am the video shows the difference
have you observe? between Impromptu and Extemporaneous
Yes, __________

That’s right! And what is the difference (Student respond)

between the two?

Nice answer, ___________.

2. Analysis

The difference between Impromptu and

Extemporaneous is that Extemporaneous means
you are carefully prepared but delivered without
notes while Impromptu means it is composed or
uttered without previous preparations or it is

Did you understand, class? Yes ma’am.

(The teacher presents the topic)

First, we have Useful Tips in Effective

Impromptu Speech Delivery.

What is Impromptu Speech? Everyone

please read.
Now, what could be the possible tips to (Students respond)
use in impromptu speaking? Anyone?
(Student respond)

Yes, thanks for that answer. One of the

many tips that I can share to you is that Go easy
on yourself. We all want to speak perfectly every
time, but demanding perfection from yourself in an
impromptu speech is setting the bar too high. The
audience (probably) recognizes that you’ve been
thrown in at the last minute, and they will

Okay. There are some useful tips in

effective Impromptu Speech Delivery

1. Before the Speech

a. Smile

Anyone who would like to share why is it

important to smile before the speech?
(Student respond)
Yes, _________

That’s right. Smiling before you present

increases your chances of capturing their attention.

Next, please read and share your

b. Relax by thinking about positive things.
Keep telling yourself, I’m a brilliant speaker.
That’s right Ms, __________. In I will nail this presentation.
delivering a speech you have to think positive
things for you to be able to present the speech
clearly and to avoid mumbling.

b. Relax by thinking about positive things.

Keep telling yourself, I’m a brilliant
speaker. I will nail this presentation.

Yes__________ kindly read.

c. Identify your purpose. Is it to inform, to

entertain, to welcome, to congratulate,
to apologize, or to give birthday c. Identify your purpose. Is it to inform, to
greetings? entertain, to welcome, to congratulate, to
apologize, or to give birthday greetings?
Nice answer! You have to identify your
purpose in delivering your speech in order for
them to know what you are saying in front.

Everyone, kindly read the last one.

d. Start outlining in your head. Focus on d. Start outlining in your head. Focus on what
what to say first. Be reminded that your to say first. Be reminded that your first
first words are crucial, so make them words are crucial, so make them strong,
strong, powerful and catchy. powerful and catchy.

Our Second Tips in Delivering

Impromptu speech is. . .
2. During the Speech

Kindly read the first one. Yes, you!

a. When you are called, keep composed.

Walk slowly to the lectern or the center
stage. a. When you are called, keep composed.
Walk slowly to the lectern or the center
Share your understanding with this.

(Student respond)
Very good! What is meant here is that if
you are composed means you’re free of emotion or

Everybody please read.

b. Shake hands with the one who

introduced you, if necessary.
Shake hands with the one who
introduced you, if necessary.
c. As you stand to deliver, establish eye
contact, and begin right away with your
opening statements. Part of your
opening is greeting your audience.

What do we mean by this, class?

(Student respond)

Very well said. When delivering speech

it is important to have eye contact with your
audience to cease your nervousness in front.

Please read, __________.

d. Observe appropriate and effective

nonverbal cues.

Okay. When we say nonverbal cues it

includes the communication between people that
do not have a direct verbal translation. These are
body movements, facial expressions and etc…

Right? Let’s proceed to the last one.

Everyone kindly read.
Yes, ma’am.
e. Observe time limit. Remember, you
barely have five minutes to say
something. e. Observe time limit. Remember, you barely
have five minutes to say something.

Anyone from the class what do we

mean by this?

Yes, right. You have to observe the

allotted time for you. If your presentation is planned
for 60 minutes, you should speak at least 54 or 55
for nice round.

The last Tips in Delivering Impromptu

Speech is.

Everybody please read.

3. After the Speech

3. After the Speech
a. Say thank you.
b. Return to your place comfortably. c. Say thank you.
d. Return to your place comfortably.

Now let’s proceed to our next discussion.

There are also three Steps in Studying

Extemporaneous Speaking Topic.

1. Identify the type of extemporaneous

question that you have to answer.

Now class, why do you need to identify the

type of extemporaneous question that you have to

Yes, ________ please stand.

(Student respond)
That’s right. You have to identify is it a
question of fact? Or what? This type of question is
typically answerable by “Yes” or “No”.

Please read and share some idea.

2. Determine the purpose appropriate to your


Having a specific purpose will help you keep

on track while preparing your speech. Is it
Informative? Or persuasive?

Nice answer.

3. Stick to your topic and look at all of the sides

and angles of the problem.

Yes, Mr ___________. What does this


Yes, that’s right. Don’t jump with another

topic that was not included to your speech, right?
Yes, ma’am.
Steps in Preparing for a Successful
Extemporaneous Speech.

1. Reinforce!

What do we mean by this, class?

Yes. This will you greatly help your audience (Student respond)
remember your message.

2. Capture!

You have to state the central idea of your

extemporaneous speech in one declarative
sentence. Keep your sentence specific. Ask
yourself what you want your audience to know
(Student respond)

How about this? Please read everyone.

3. Develop!

This means, you have a clear idea, you
are ready to map out the supporting points in an This means, you have a clear idea, you
outline. are ready to map out the supporting points in an

Right, class?
Yes ma’am.

Please read, Ms __________.

4. Introduce!

Class I know you are all familiar with this
term. Okay anyone?

Yes, it is. In the introduction, make sure

(Student respond)
 Grab the attention of your audience.
 Give a short background by explaining why
they have to listen.

Everybody please read.

5. Check!

You have to develop at least three main
points and check each of them if each point has one You have to develop at least three main
single idea? points and check each of them if each point has
one single idea?

Everyone, kindly read.

6. Supply!

In supply, make sure that each main point

has enough examples. You give the audience new
information or views to learn from.

And the last step in Preparing for a

successful Extemporaneous Speech is. . .

7. Conclude!

Mr, _________ please give your opinion on this.

Thanks Mr, __________. This time you

have to give your conclusion. Connect the needs
and interest of your audience with the theme of your
speech. Restate your statement or review your
main pints.

F. Enrichment Activity

From the discussion, we can claim that

preparedness in presenting speech is very relevant
for a speaker to avoid embarrassment. And
knowing the importance of Public Speaking helps
you to improve your knowledge. The preparation
that goes into a speech and the fact that you have
to work out how to communicate to others
effectively makes you understand your content that
much better.

So what does preparedness tell to us as

Ma’am, it tells us that whatever speaking
situation you are in, the most important thing is you
master your speech and prepared beforehand.
Nice answer, ________! What else?

Ma’am, I think practice also pays a big part in

Very well said! Being prepared comes with effective delivery of speech.

G. Application

Class this time, we will have an activity.

Now, let’s divide the class into two (2) groups. So
kindly count 1 to 2.

Now go to your designated groups.

I have here two strips of papers with a

challenging situation/s often encountered in public
speaking. The task of each group is to perform Challenging Situation No. 1
whether Impromptu Speaking or Extemporaneous You’re sitting in a meeting, and your boss
Speaking. Afterwards, choose one representative calls you in front of your colleagues to give a
to present your output. You only have 5 minutes to speech.
talk with your groupmates.
Challenging Situation No. 2
Imagine yourself at a dinner party with a
Your 5 minutes starts now. couple of friends and many others. In the midst of
a conversation, one of your friends turns and ask
you about the Current trend. All eyes are on you.
Will you mumble something about not being able
to remember? Or will you answer confidently and
H. Assessment explain?

For your assessment, kindly get a ½ sheet

of paper and answer the question on the
(Student get their papers)
“What do you think are the importance and
benefits of being a good Public Speaker to
you, as a student?

I. Assignment

Practice and prepare next meeting for your

Extemporaneous or Impromptu Speech

Have an advance study about the

Manuscript and Memorized Speech.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflections

Prepared by:
Katya Grace B. Nabore

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