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Listening Section



II. Question and responses

4. Mark your answer sheet
5. Mark your answer sheet
6. Mark your answer sheet
7. Mark your answer sheet

III. Short Conversations

8. What will the man probably do later?
a. Cook the best menu
b. Talk to a new client
c. Provide a new menu
d. Give a catering service
9. What was the woman probably doing while the man was away?
a. Having a meeting
b. Leaving the office
c. Finishing her work
d. Typing the document
10. Where will the woman probably be next week?
a. At the plane
b. At Jatim Park
c. In Yogyakarta
d. At the temples
IV. Short Monologues
11. Who will find the procedure useful?
a. Tellers
b. Vendors
c. Students
d. Technicians
12. Where can we find the program instructions?
a. On a good hard flat surface
b. Underneath a receipt paper area
c. On the next page of the manual
d. In the receipt paper compartment
13. Shop assistant : ____________________
A lady : Please, I’m looking for some toiletries.
Shop assistant : They’re in aisle four, at the bank, next to the tissues.
a. How have you been?
b. How do I get there?
c. May I help you?
d. Are you looking at me?
14. Suharso : Good evening. I have a reservation for a group of 8 under my name,
Receptionist : Suharso? I’m sorry, I ______________ your name. What time was the
Suharso : It was 7 p.m. I called on Wednesday and spoke to the owner, Rita
a. Not see
b. Don’t see
c. Didn’t see
d. Won’t see
15. Martin : Well, in my last job I was paid four million Rupiahs and I would be hoping to
earn more than that.
Ms. Ina : We would offer you slightly more. How about a starting salary five million
Martin : _______________. It is a deal.
a. Not too bad
b. No way!
c. It sound excellent
d. Congratulation
16. Read the following dialogue
Boby : How are you going to spend your annual leave?
Donny : if I have enough money, ______________________
Boby : I see
a. I will take vacation to Labuan Bajo
b. I would travel around the world
c. I would have visited my hometown
d. I could celebrate my wedding anniversary
17. Noel : Hi Lisa, do you have a moment?
Lisa : Sure, what do you need?
Noel : I need to find some information about an old product line.
Lisa : _____________ to the library on the 4th floor. The catalogues are on the right.
a. Don’t go
b. Just go
c. Go away
d. Go over
18. Dedy : Good morning, Miss. How would you like your hair cut today?
Anna : I am not sure. What do you ____________?
Dedy : Why don’t you tell me about your lifestyle? That makes it easy to decide which
style is best for you?
a. Have
b. Imagine
c. Do
d. Suggest
19. Mr. Andika : Would you like to visit our factory while you’re in Mojokerto next
Mr. Park : ________________ I have always wanted to see your operation first hand?
Mr. Andika : Ok. Let me know when you’re available and I will show you around.
a. I can’t. I am sorry
b. That would be great
c. You’re cordially invited
d. I would like to invite you

Questions 20 to 22 refer to the following text.

Lawang Sewu is a popular landmark in Semarang, Central Java. It is named Lawang
Sewu or Thousand doors because the building has plentiful doors and arches.
Originally built as the headquarters of the Dutch East Indies Railway Company, Lawang
Sewu is a beautiful, historical, colonial building. The building faces the Tugu Muda
Roundabout, which was formerly known as Wilhelminapelin.
The landmark companies a complex of several buildings. The two main buildings,
named A building’s shape looks like the letter L and has two identical towers, which are used
to store water. It also has large stained – glass windows and a grand staircase in the center.
There is a monument commemorating five employees who were killed during the Indonesian
war of independence in front of the A building.
The Three – story B building is located behind the A building. Its first two floors consist
of offices and the third is a ballroom. It also has high large windows which left abundant light
in. The B building’s basement kept partially flooded to keep the building cool through
Lawang Sewu has been renovated and designated as an historical treasure.
20. What is the topic of the fourth paragraph?
a. To explain the function of each floor
b. To describe the B building’s basement
c. To tell of the building’s evaporation problem.
d. To describe the B building of Lawang Sewu
21. Form the text, we know that….
a. Lawang Sewu was previously named Wilhelminapelin.
b. The C and D buildings are the biggest in the complex
c. Lawang Sewu comprises more than four buildings
d. The A building is located in front of the B building
22. What was the basement used for?
a. Letting the light in
b. Cooling the building
c. Flooding the building
d. Storing water for the complex

Questions 23 to 25 refer to the following text.

Follow these steps to upload video to YouTube successfully:
a) First, convert your video into a proper format accepted by YouTube, such as .AVI, .
3GP, .MP4, .MPEG and save it to your computer.
b) Second, log in to your YouTube account
c) Then find the upload button on the right side of the search bar and click it.
d) Click the “Select files to upload” button and find the file that you want to add. After
choosing the file, click the Open the button.
e) When the file is successfully uploaded, give it a little and description. Remember that
the details should give clear information.
23. When car we save any changes we made with or video?
a. After finishing our privacy setting
b. When the video is successfully uploaded
c. Before logging in to our YouTube account
d. Before giving details of the uploaded video
24. What should we do before saving our video to the computer?
a. Log in to our YouTube Account
b. Convert our video to the proper format
c. Find the “Upload button” on the screen
d. Give a little and description to the video
25. ……………. And save it to your computer…………..(Line3)
The word it refers to …
a. YouTube
b. .MPEG
c. Format
d. Video

Questions numbers 26 to 29 refer to the following text!

To : All Staff
Re : Halal Bihalal Gathering
From : Anita Hassan
Date : July 16th, 2018
This is just a quick note to let all know the arrangements for next week’s halal bihalal
gathering. As you know, the gathering will be held at the Recreation Hall, which we have
reserved between 7.30 p.m and 10 p.m. on the evening of July 23 rd, I have received replies
from almost all of you confirming attendance, but if you have not let me know yet, please do
so in the next day or two. Tickets for all employees have been covered by the company.
The recreation Hall management has asked me to explain that the parking space is
sufficient for only 75 cars and 150 motorcycles, so they would like to ask you to plan how you
will go there.

Thank you,
26. What is the main purpose of the memorandum?
a. To re-invite the staff to the halal bihalal gathering
b. To explain the arrangements for a special event
c. To ask all staff to help arrange a party
d. To thank the staff for attending the gathering
27. What does the clause “As you know” in the memorandum imply?
a. The Halal Bihalal gathering is not a surprise event everyone
b. Not all staff know when and where the gathering is
c. The invitation for the gathering have been distributed
d. Anita Hassan has spread the rumor about the gathering
28. Which of Anita’s point NOT mentioned in the memo?
a. Payment for extra guests
b. Parking restrictions
c. Timing for the event
d. Attendance list
29. “Ticket for all employees have been covered [Paragraph 1]
The underline word can be replaced with…….
a. Protected
b. Paid
c. Closed
d. Removed
Question numbers 30 to 33 refer to the following text!
The White Hare and the Crocodiles
A long time ago, there lived a little white Hare. His home was on the island of Oki, and
across the sea was the mainland of Inaba. He wanted to cross over to Inaba. Day after day, he
hoped to find some way of getting across.
One day, he was standing on the beach and looking towards the mainland across the
water. When he saw a great crocodile near the island, he asked the crocodile to carry him
across the sea. However, he was doubtful whether a crocodile could carry him. He had an idea
to calling some crocodile so he could jump across the sea. He said to the crocodile, “Mr.
Crocodile, you live in the sea and I live on this island, and we do not often meet, so I know
very little about you, tell me, do you think your numbers are greater than mine”?
The crocodile answered, “We have many groups, you are little.” The hare, who meant to
play a trick on the crocodile, said again, “Do you think it possible for you to call up enough
crocodile to form a line from this island across the sea to Inaba?” “Of course, it is possible.”
Then some crocodile arranged themselves in the water so as to form a bridge between
the island of Oki and the mainland of Inaba. When the hare saw the bridge of crocodile, he
said: “How splendid! I did not believe this was possible. Now let me count you all! Please
keep quite still, or I shall not to be able to count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
Thus, the cunning hare walked right across to the mainland of Inaba. He began to jeer at
the crocodiles instead of thanking them, and said, as he leaped off the last one’s back: “Thank
you crocodile. Now I have done with you!”
30. What kind of narrative is this?
a. Legend
b. Myth
c. Fable
d. Fairy tale
31. What did the hare want to do?
a. He wanted to cross the strait
b. He wanted to keep dry and warm
c. He wanted to count the crocodile
d. He wanted to prove his ability
32. What can you conclude about the hare?
a. He had many friends
b. He was good hearted
c. He was smart
d. He was tricky
33. What is the moral value of the story?
a. Crocodiles are foolish animals
b. Animal worlds are always cruel
c. Looks and words can be deceiving
d. You will learn from your mistakes

Questions number 34 to 37 refer to the following text

When the earthquake hit the city, I was sleeping soundly, so I didn’t know what was
happening. Loud noises from outside woke me up. I heard people screaming in fear. At first, I
thought there was a robber caught in the act, but then I heard my mother screaming that it
was an earthquake. I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs. I felt the floor shaking
violently under my feet. All I could think of was just getting out of the house. My mind was
totally blank.
When I went outside, I saw a lot of people in uniforms working together to help
people. I noticed there were some people injured. After a few minutes, we went back to our
house. All of us were very scared. Fortunately, our house was not badly damaged. The floor of
our garage was cracked, but the other parts of the house were fine. The most important thing
was that my family and I were fine.
34. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe an earthquake in general
b. To explain how an earthquake happened
c. To retell the writer experience in the past
d. To persuade people of the dangers of earthquakes
35. What made the author wake up?
a. Earthquake
b. Loud Noises
c. His mother
d. A robber
36. From the text, we can conclude that…
a. The writer could not think clearly when he woke up
b. Nobody was injured because of the earthquake
c. The writer house was seriously damaged
d. The earthquake lasted for a few hours
37. … I was sleeping soundly …. (Paragraph 1)
The word “soundly” in the sentence has a similar meaning with …
a. Easily
b. Noisily
c. Deeply
d. Silently

Questions for number 38 – 40 based on the following table

38. Which one is not include in the let’s save it plan?

a. Large companies
b. Individually owned business
c. Factories and stores
d. Hospitals
39. Why is the city implementing the plan?
a. It has run out of electricity
b. It needs to save resources
c. It wants to attract new business
d. It has a surplus of energy
40. How many times has the plan been used before
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

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