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1768 N. Tenth St.

Apt # 301
Fargo, ND 58105
December 13,2010

Department of English
North Dakota State University
NDSU, Dept. 2320
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Dear Assessment Readers,

Throughout the fall 2010 semester I have accomplished a substantial amount of work in English
320. During the course of the semester I have completed five different projects including this
one which have tested and improved my writing ability and perspective. The projects I have
completed include a resume, personal recommendation, creating instructions, individual
project, and a portfolio. All of which are on my website
During all of these projects I have taken notice to some aspects of my writing that I can improve
and ways of which I have met the course objectives while completing them.

Of the projects I have included on my webpage I had also included my scannable resume, cover
letter, transmittal letter for recommendation report, usability test report for instructions,
individual project proposal, and progress report. All of which are under their respective Unit
and are as they had been handed in.

The project I feel is my best work would definitely be this portfolio. I feel that it was my best
because it did not require me to physically write a lot compared to any of the other projects. I
was able to put some of my own personality into this website and not have to worry about all
the writing that usually has to take place. I typically do not like to write papers, especially when
I have to worry about my grammar and if what I write makes sense. Typically I have a knack for
thinking much faster than I can write, thus I have many errors to correct in all of my papers.
Many of which make sense to me, but typically do not make sense to anyone else. That is why I
feel that this portfolio (content, overall appeal, and personality) is one of my best projects this

There are a few elements of my writing of which could be improved. The most significant being
checking my work thoroughly multiple times before turning it in and checking for grammar and
content. Even though it is tough to catch my own mistakes, I do have the resources to have
others correct my paper multiple times. Having my friends/fiancé look over my work would also
help see what others think of my papers and if they get the main picture. Having all of these
resources correct my papers and just reading my documents over would help me get those few
extra points of which I had missed over the semester. It's not always the easiest thing to do, but
to make the grade seem that much better, it would all be worth it in the end.

Over the course of the semester I feel as if I have effectively met the course objectives. I feel
that I am able to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts and genres, using a variety of
communication skills. The course has also shown me how to manage my time along with
different types of projects of which have been completed during this course. The group project
for creating the instructions also is proof that I am able to work with others and am reliable
enough to care enough about others grades along with my own. These skills, amongst other
upper-division writing outcomes at NDSU, have been fully accomplished and learned to their

This portfolio is a presentation of some of my best writings all in one place. Having almost all of
my writings completed this semester presented, I feel that I am willing enough to prove to the
English department that I have met their required outcomes, maybe not perfectly, but to the
best of my ability. English 320 has shown me how to manage my time more effectively and
efficiently. It feels good to have completed this course to the best of my ability and have
provided sufficient results to prove this.


Drew Berens

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