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Human resource is an important corporate asset and the overall performance of

company depends on the way it is put to use. In order to realize company
objectives, it is essential to recruit people with requisite skills, qualification,
and experience. While doing so we need to keep present and future
requirements of company in mind.

Recruitment and selection is however not just a simple process but also
requires management decision making and extensive planning to employ the
most suitable manpower. Competition among business organizations for
recruiting the best potential has increased focus on innovation, and
management decision making and the selectors aim to recruit only the best
candidates who would suit the corporate culture, ethics, and climate specific to
the organization.

The process of recruitment does not however end with application and
selection of the right people but involves maintaining and retaining the
employees chosen. Despite a well-drawn plan on recruitment and selection
and involvement of qualified management team, recruitment processes
followed by companies can face significant obstacles in implementation.
Theories of HRM may provide insights on the best approaches to recruitment
although companies will have to use their in house management skills to apply
generic theories within specific organizational contexts.


Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization. When more persons
apply for the jobs then there will be a scope for recruiting better persons.

The job seekers too, on the other hand, are in search of organizations offering
them employment. Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing together those
jobs and those seeking jobs. In simple words, the term recruitment refers to
discovering source from where potential employees may be selected. The
scientific recruitment process leads to higher productivity, better wages, high

morale, reduction in labor turnover and enhanced reputation. It stimulates
people to apply for jobs; hence, it is a positive process.

It is concerned with reaching out, attracting and ensuring a supply of qualified

personnel and making out of selection of requisite manpower both in their
quantitative and qualitative aspect. It is the development and maintenance of
adequate manpower resources.

Purpose and importance of recruitment:

The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified

job candidates. Specifically, the purposes and importance are:

 Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization.
 Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidatefor
the organization.
 Determine present and future requirements of the organization in
conjunctionwith its personnel planning and job analysis activities.
 Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.
 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
 Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number
of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.
 Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will
leave the organization only after a short period of time.
 Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition
of its workforce.
 Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be
appropriate candidates.
 Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting
techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidate for the most
suitable candidate for the vacant position in the organization. In other words,
selection means weeding out unsuitable applicants and selecting those

individuals with prerequisite qualifications and capabilities to fill the jobs in
the organization.

Significance of selection:

Selection is an important process because hiring good resources can help

increase the overall performance of the organization. In contrast, if there is bad
hire with a bad selection process, then the work will be affected and the cost
incurred for replacing that bad resource will be high.

The purpose of selection is to choose the most suitable candidate, who can
meet the requirements of the jobs in an organization, who will be a successful
applicant. For meeting the goals of the organization, it is important to evaluate
various attributes of each candidate such as their qualifications, skills,
experiences, overall attitude, etc. In this process, the most suitable candidate is
picked after the elimination of the candidates, who are not suitable for the
vacant job.

The organization has to follow a proper selection process or procedure, as a

huge amount of money is spent for hiring a right candidate for a position. If a
selection is wrong, then the cost incurred in induction and training the wrong
candidate will be a huge loss to the employer in terms of money, effort, and
also time. Hence, selection is very important and the process should be perfect
for the betterment of the organization

Objectives of the Project

Every task is taken with an objective. Without any objective task is rendered

The main objectives for undertaking this project are:

1. To know the perception of employees regarding recruitment and selection

2. To know the recruitment process followed in Mudrabiz Finance Company.
3. To know the Selection process followed in Mudrabiz Finance Company.
4. To review the HR policies pertaining to recruitment and selection.

Theoretical Background of the Topic



According to Edwin B. Flippo“Recruitment is the process of searching for

prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the

According to Barber “Recruitment includes those practices and activities

carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and
attracting potential employees.”


Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for

employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when
their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from
which new employees are selected.

Recruitment is animportant part of an organization’s human resource

planningand their competitive strength. HRP helps determine the number and
type of people an organization needs. Job Analysis and Job Design specify the
tasks and duties of jobs and the qualifications expected from prospective

Recruitment Process:

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers to

build a poolof qualified job applicants. The process comprises fiveinterrelated
stages, which are:

1. Planning.
2. Strategy development.
3. Searching.
4. Screening.
5. Evaluation and control.

Recruitment Planning:

The first stage in the recruitment process is planning. Here, planning involves
to draft a comprehensive job specification for the vacant position, outlining its
major and minor responsibilities; the skills; experience and qualifications
needed; grade and level of pay; starting date; whether temporary or permanent;
and mention of special conditions, if any, attached to the job to be filled.

Strategy Development:

Once it is known how many with those qualifications of candidates are

required, the next step involved in this regard is to devise a suitable strategy
for recruiting the candidates in the organization.

The strategic considerations to be considered may include issues like whether

to prepare the required candidates themselves or hire it from outside, what type
of recruitment to be practiced, and what sequence of activities to be followed
in recruiting candidates in the organization.


The step involves attracting job seekers to the organization. There are broadly
two sources used to attract candidates.

1. Internal sources
2. External sources


However, some view screening as the starting point of selection, screening is

an integral part of recruitment. The reason being the selection process starts
only after the applications have been screened and shortlisted

Job specification is invaluable in screening. Applications are screened against

the qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities, interest, and experience
mentioned in the job specification. Those who do not qualify are straightway
eliminated from the selection process.

The techniques used for screening candidates vary depending on the source of
supply and method used for recruiting. Preliminary applications, de-selection
test, and screening interviews are common techniques used for screening the

Evaluation and control:

Given the considerable cost involved in the recruitment process, its evaluation
and control is, therefore, imperative.

The cost generally incurred in a recruitment process include:

1. Salary of recruiters.
2. Cost of time spent for preparing job analysis, advertisement.
3. Administrative expenses
4. Cost of outsourcing or overtime while vacancies remain unfilled
5. Cost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates.

In view of above, it is necessary for a prudent employer to answer certain

questions like whether the recruitment methods are appropriate and valid. And
whether the recruitment process followed in the organization is effective at all
or not? In case the answers to these questions are in negative, the appropriate
control measures need to be evolved and exercised to tide over the situation.

Sources of recruitment:

The searching of suitable candidates and informing them about the openings in
the enterprise is the most important aspect of recruitment process. The
candidate may be available inside or outside the organization. There are two
source of recruitment, which are:

Internal sources:

Best employees can be found within the organization. When a vacancy arises
in the organization, it may be given to an employee who is already on the pay
roll. Internal sources include promotion, transfer and in certain cases
demotion. When a higher post is given to a deserving employee, it motivates
all other employees of the organization to work hard. The employees can be

informed of such a vacancy by internal advertisement. The internal sources are
given below


Transfer involves shifting of persons from present jobs to either similar jobs.
These do not involve any change in rank, responsibility, or prestige. The
number of persons do not increase with transfers.


Promotion refers to shifting of persons to position carrying better prestige,

higher responsibilities and more pay. The higher positions falling vacant may
be filled up from within the organization. A promotion does not increase the
number of persons in the organization.

A person going to get a higher position will vacate his present position.
Promotion will motivates employees to improve their performance so that they
can also get promotion.


Depending on the performance of the employees of the organizations,

sometimes managers have to take decisions regarding lowering the positions
of few employees of the organization. These employees can act as a source of
recruitment of the lower positions.

Employees of the organization:

Employees of the organization communicate or inform about the vacant

positions of the organization to their friends and relatives. In many
organizations, they allowed referring potential candidates for the suitable

Retired employees:

If the organizations do not find the right persons to fulfill the key managerial
positions that they call back the retired employees for achieving the objectives.

External sources:

External sources of recruitment involve motivating the skilled and more
efficient candidates external to the organization to apply for the vacant
positions in the organization. Job openings are informed to the external
environment by using various methods, which are given below:


To find the skilled and more efficient manpower giving advertisement for the
vacant job position is better way. Advertisement help in attracting the right
candidates and in maximizing brand image. Advertisements may be given in
print media or electronic media; it gives better results and is cheaper than
approaching third parties.

Job portals:

With the growing technology and internet usage, job portals are playing a
major role in finding right candidates for right jobs. Job portals can inform up
to date job alerts to the candidates and offer attractive benefits and packages to
the employers. The tools and techniques used by the job portals highly reduce
the efforts in finding the skilled candidates.

Company’s websites:

With the increase in business operations and globalization, the need for human
resource is also increasing day by day. To face a severe competition and to
reduce the cost during the long run, many companies are setting up their own
websites for finding and attracting candidates with competitive skills.

Social networking sites:

Communicating about vacant positions of the organization through social

networking sites help in motivation and attracting the highly skilled and more
efficient candidates to apply for the jobs.

Placement agencies:

Approaching placement agencies reduces the time and efforts to find the right
candidates from the pool of skilled candidates. They use various tools and
techniques to filter the resumes they send it to the companies for further

processing. The main drawback of this method is commission basis on hiring
the candidates.

Job fairs and walk in interviews:

Walk in interviews and job fairs are declared and conducted by companies to
find the skilled candidates. Following this method highly reduces efforts in
finding more efficient human resources for the bulk recruitment.

Campus interviews:

This is an easy and economical method of finding eligible candidates, through

this method organization can find energetic and more competitive candidates
for suitable vacancies, this method is beneficial for both the candidates and

Head hunters:

They are useful in specialized and skilled candidate working in a particular

company. An agent is sent to represent the recruiting company and offer is
made to the candidate. This is useful source when both the companies are in
the same field, and the employee is reluctant to take the offer since he fears,
that this company is testing his loyalty.

Factors affecting recruitment:

There are number of factors that affect recruitment. These are broadly
classified into two categories:

Internal factors:

The internal factors likewise term as endogenous elements are the components
inside the association that impact selecting in the organization. The internal
forces i.e. the factors which can be controlled by the organization are:

Recruitment Policy:

The recruitment policy of the organization i.e. recruiting from internal sources
and external also affect the recruitment process. The recruitment policy of an

organization determines the destinations or enlistment and gives a structure to
usage of recruitment program.

Human Resource Planning:

Effective human resource process and procedure helps in fixing the loops
present in the existing manpower of the organization. This also helps
in filter the number of employees to be recruited and what kind qualification
and skills they must possess.

Size of the Organization:

The size of the organization affects the recruitment process. If the organization
is planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of
hiring more personnel, which will handle its operations.

Cost involved in recruitment:

Recruitment process also count the cost to the employer, that’s

why organizations try to employ/outsource the source of recruitment, which
will be cost effective to the organization for each candidate.

Growth and Expansion:

Organization will utilize or consider utilizing more work force in the event that
it is growing its operations.

External factors:

The external forces are the forces, which cannot be controlled by the
organization. The major external forces are:

Supply and Demand:

The availability of manpower both within and outside the organization is an

essential factor in the recruitment process.

Labor Market:

Employment conditions where the organization is located will effected by the

recruiting efforts of the organization.

Goodwill / Image of the organization:

Image of the firm is another factor having its effect on the Different
government controls forbidding separation in contracting and work have
coordinate effect on enlistment practices. As taken example, Govt. of India has
the convention of reservation in work for booked standings/planned clans,
physically disabled and so on. Additionally, exchange associations have the
significant part in enrollment. This limits management freedom to select those
individuals who can be the best performer. This can work as a potential
constraint for recruitment. A company with positive image as an employer
able to easier to attract and retain employees than an organization with
negative image. Organizations actions and activities like good public
relations, public service like charity, construction and development roads,
public parks, hospitals education and schools help earn image or goodwill for

Political-Social- Legal Environment:

Different government controls forbidding separation in contracting and work

have coordinate effect on enlistment practices.

Unemployment Rate:

The element that influence the availability of applicants is the economy growth
rate. At the point when the organization isn't making new jobs, there is
frequently oversupply of qualified work, which thusly prompts unemployment.


The recruitment policies and procedure of the competitors also affect the
recruitment function of the organizations. Time to time the organizations have
to change their recruitment policies and manuals according to the policies
being followed by the competitors.



According to Steven P. Robbins and Marry “Selection is the process of
screening job applications to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are

According to Dale Yoder “Selection is the process by which candidates for

employment are divided into two classes those who will be offered
employment and those who will not.”


Once the recruiting effort has developed a pool of candidates, the next step in
the HRM process is to determine who is best qualified for the job. This step is
called selection process. The enterprise decides whether to make a job offer
and how attractive the offer should be. The job candidate decides whether the
enterprise and the job offer fit his or her needs and personal goals. The process
also seeks to predict which applicants will be successful if hired. Success, in
this case, means performing well on the criteria the enterprise uses to evaluate

Selection process:

Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a

procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and
qualifications of people. The Employee selection Process takes place in
following order:

1. Preliminary Interviews
2. Application blanks
3. Employment tests
4. Selection Interviews
5. Medical examination
6. Appointment Letter

Preliminary Interviews:

It is used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum

eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and
family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined
during preliminary interview. Preliminary interviews are less formalized and
planned than the final interviews. The candidates are given a brief up about the
company and the job profile; and it is also examined how much the candidate
knows about the company. Preliminary interviews are also called screening

Application blanks:

The candidates who clear the preliminary interview are required to fill
application blank. It contains data record of the candidates such as details
about age, qualifications, reason for leaving previous job, experience, etc.

Employment Tests:

Selection is the process by which either a candidate is offered employment or

is rejected. An employment test is an instrument designed to measure the
selected psychological factors in order to help management select the
appropriate candidate. In order to predict what an individual will do under
certain circumstances, various types of test are conducted such as:

 Intelligence test:
It is defined as measurement of mental ability quantitatively. This test
generally include word fluency, memory, reasoning ability, power of
understanding, etc.
 Aptitude test:
Aptitude refers to characteristics or abilities relating to his/her capacity to
develop proficiency on specific jobs. Aptitude test is used to measure an
individual’s potential for development or learning on the job.
 Interest test:
This test is an inventory of likes and dislikes of people in relation to
occupations, hobbies, and recreational activities. This test measures the basic
interest of the person and tries to match it with the required job in order to find
out whether the person is fit for the job or not.
 Personality test:

This test proposes to discover an individual’s value system, his emotional
maturity, relational moods, and his intuitiveness. It helps in weeding out
candidates who may not be able to get along with other people.
 Achievement test:
This test seeks to determine how much individuals know about a subject. It
tries to identify as to what a person has accomplished.

These tests help to measure various types of qualities and abilities of the
candidates. Their use would depend upon the nature of post to be filled up and
the company’s policy in that regard. However, excessive reliance on such tests
may lead to overlooking more suitable candidates, who may not have
performed well at these tests.

Selection Interviews:

Interview is an attempt to secure attention and gather maximum amount of

information from the applicant concerning his/her suitability for the job under
consideration. Interview is conducted to measure the applicant against the
specific requirements of the job and to decide whether he will be a good fit.
Some of the personality traits, for example, looks, manners, conversational
skills, etc. can be judged only through an interview.

Medical examination:

Medical examination is performed in order to observe the candidate’s

endurance or tolerance level under pressure, as there are several jobs which
require a lot of patience. Medical examination evaluates whether the candidate
possesses these traits or not. It identifies the deficiencies of selective and
qualitative placement for a positive cause and not for rejection only.

Appointment Letter:

A reference check is made about the candidate selected and then finally he is
appointed by giving a formal appointment letter. Such a letter contain date on
which the appointee must report on duty.

Type of selection interview:

Following are the various types of interview used in the employee selection

Informal Interview:

An informal interview is an oral interview and may take place anywhere. The
employee or the manager or the personnel manager may ask a few almost
inconsequential questions like name, place of birth, names of relatives etc.
either in their respective offices or anywhere outside the plant of company. It
is not planned and nobody prepares for it. This is used widely when the labour
market is tight and when you need workers badly.

Formal Interview:

Formal interviews may be held in the employment office by the employment

office in a more formal atmosphere, with the help of well-structured questions,
the time and place of the interview will be stipulated by the employment

Non-directive Interview:

Non-directive interview or unstructured interview is designed to let the

interviewee speak his mind freely. The interviewer has no formal or directive
questions, but his all attention is to the candidate. He encourages the candidate
to talk by a little prodding whenever he is silent

The idea is to give the candidate complete freedom to “sell” himself, without
the encumbrances of the interviewer’s question.

Depth Interview:

It is designed to intensely examine the candidate’s background and thinking

and to go into considerable detail on particular subjects of an important nature
and of special interest to the candidates.

Stress Interview:

It is designed to test the candidate and his conduct and behaviour by him under
conditions of stress and strain.

This type of interview is borrowed from the Military organization and this is
very useful to test behaviour of individuals when they are faced with
disagreeable and trying situations.

Group Interview:

It is designed to save busy executive’s time and to see how the candidates may
be brought together in the employment office and they may be interviewed.

Panel Interview:

A panel or interviewing board or selection committee may interview the

candidate, usually in the case of supervisory and managerial positions. This
type of interview pools the collective judgment and wisdom of the panel in the
assessment of the candidate and also in questioning the faculties of the

Sequential Interview:

The sequential interview takes the one-to-one a step further and involves a
series of interview, usually utilizing the strength and knowledgebase of each
interviewer, so that each interviewer can ask questions in relation to his or her
subject area of each candidate, as the candidate moves from room to room.

Structured Interview:

In a structured interview, the interviewer uses pre-set standardized questions,

which are put to all the interviewees. This interview is also called as ‘Guided’
or ‘Patterned’ interview. It is useful for valid results, especially when dealing
with the large number of applicants.

Unstructured Interview:

It is also known as ‘Unpatterned’ interview, the interview is largely unplanned

and the interviewee does most of the talking. Unguided interview is
advantageous in as much as it leads to a friendly conversation between the
interviewer and the interviewee and in the process, the later reveals more of
his or her desire and problems. But the Unpatterned interview lacks uniformity
and worse, this approach may overlook key areas of the applicant’s skills or
background. It is useful when the interviewer tries to probe personal details of
the candidate it analyse why they are not right for the job.

Mixed Interview:

In practice, the interviewer while interviewing the job seekers uses a blend of
structured and structured and unstructured questions. This approach is called
the Mixed Interview. The structured questions provide a base of interview
more conventional and permit greater insights into the unique differences
between applicants.

Telephone Interviews:

These type of interview is conducted on phone.

Second Interviews:

Job seekers are invited back after they have passed the first initial interview.
Middle or senior management generally conducts the second interview,
together or separately. Applicants can expect more in-depth questions, and the
employer will be expecting a greater level of preparation on the part of the

Factors affecting selection process:

The major factors which determine the steps involves in a selection process are
as follows:

 Various steps involved in a selection process depends on type of personnel to

be selected. Selection process for managerial persons are more comprehensive
as compared to that of workers.
 Selection process depends on the source of recruitment and the method that is
adopted for making contact with the prospective candidate. In each type of
method, selection process involved is different to some degree.

 Selection process depends on the number of candidates that are available for
selection. If the number is large enough, there is a need for creating various
filtering points and reducing the number of applicants at each successive point.
However, where the number of applicant is small, lesser the number of
filtering point are required.
 Organization’s selection policy also determines the step which may be
involved in selection process.

Difference between recruitment and selection:

 Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective candidates and

motivating them to apply for the job in the organization. Whereas, selection is
a process of choosing most suitable candidate out of those, who are interested
and qualified for the job.
 In the recruitment process, vacancies available are finalized, publicity is given
to them, and applications are collected from interested candidates. In the
selection process, available applications are securitized, Tests, interview, and
medical examination are conducted to select most suitable candidate.
 In recruitment, the purpose is to attract maximum number of suitable and
interested candidates through applications. In selection, the purpose is to
appoint the best candidate out of qualified and interested candidate.
 Recruitment is prior to selection. It creates proper base for actual selection. .
Selection is to next to recruitment and is out of interested candidates.
 Recruitment is the positive function in which interested candidates are
encouraged to submit application. Selection is a negative function in which
unsuitable candidates are eliminated and best one is selected.
 In recruitment, service of expert is not required. Whereas, in selection, service
of expert is required.

Company Profile

Figure no.1

Table no.1

Company name Mudrabiz Finance Company

Address of the Pooja park, plot no 12, besides sai
organization ganesh villa, near eklavya college,
paud road
Location Kothrud, Pune
Website www,
Year of 2014

History of the organization:

Mudrabiz is India's premier "Finance Services" Company, with over years of

experience in helping people protect and grow their wealth. It was formed in
2014 by Amresh Das.Its headquarter is in pune.Company helped to create
more capital than any other firms in India. Their deep personal relationships
with clients set themapart. No other firm can match the depth of their
experience and dedication to personal service. The markets may fluctuate, but
their dependability never does.

They have assisting their valuable customer to take better business and
investment decision- in India and across the Globe. They educate the youth of
the Nation to be better finance professionals & provide them great
opportunities with their careers. From 2016 they are providing training and
placement services to the youth of the Nation.


We aim to be the most respected financial services provider that reaches out to
the millions of people pan-India. We aspire to live up the expectations of our
clients, our people, our investors, and the society.


Our company is single minded in its determination to achieve excellence in

what we do. We are dedicated to achieving the highest standard in the area of

Service profile:

Service profile of Mudrabiz Finance Company includes:

Stock broking:

One can choose from a wide range of investment that are options, products,&
services, to build a portfolio that will fulfill your financial goals with ease.

 Equity:
Long-term wealth generation.
 Derivatives:
High profits at a low cost.
 Commodity:
An exciting opportunity to enhance your portfolio
Portfolio diversification for investors
Portfolio with a global asset


Their advisory provides the recommendations for Stocks-Cash and F&O

traded in NSE and commodities bullion, metals and agro-commodities traded

They work with various kinds of strategies to delight the customers by

providing continues profit in the market.

They offer diversified range of services as per the investments of an investor,

trader, and broker.

They strictly follow the basic principles of the investment.


Mudrabiz have taken bold steps to empower the state’s youth with financial
knowledge that will lead to future stability and success in homes and the

They are empowering the youth to emerge strong in the field of finance. With
250+ Successful placement record they have a target to generate more
awareness about Capital Markets believing it to be a major source of economy.

Their Modules:

 Basic Module
 Standard Module
 Advanced Modules
 Professional module
 Diploma in capital market


They provide placement in banking and finance sector, which has come up as
one of main industries that are in need of high intellect and is seeing growth
rate that is faster than ever before. Further, with overall industrial as well as

economic development, there is also need of handling the funds that rapidly
change hands and find their way through banking and finance institutions, thus
making this industry sector as a hub of all commercial activities as well as
basis of every business.

Placement is provided in their career partners, which are as follows:

 HDFC Securities
 Indiabulls
 Dalal Street
 Reliance Securities
 Kotak Securities
 Motilal Oswal
 Geojit BNP Paribas
 Sharekhan
 Karvy Stock Broking
 Angel Broking
 Religare
 India Infoline

Research Methodology

Research methodology is a method to solve the research problem

systematically. It involves gathering data, use of stastical techniques,
interpretation, and drawing conclusions about research data. The methodology
plays a dominant role in any research work. The effectiveness of any research
work depends upon the correctness and effectiveness of the research

Method used:

Descriptive research is used in this project.

Sampling technique:

Convenient sampling is used in this project.

Sources of data:

There are two types of data source available to the research process.

Primary data:

Primary data involves the collection of data that does not already exist. This
can be collected through questionnaire, interviews, and personal interaction.

Secondary data:

Secondary data is the data that have been already collected and readily
available from other sources. Books, journals, records of organization, manual
of organization, brouchers of organization, website of the company and
government records, can collect this.

Data collection:

Data for the survey is collected from primary source as well as secondary

Primary data:

Primary data is collected through questionnaire and also involved personal
discussion to obtain insight of the information.

Secondary data:

The secondary data is collected from records, brochure, website of the

company and books.

Tools used for analysis:

Simple percentage is used.

Data Interpretation & Analysis

Classification of the respondents based on their age level.

Table no.2

Age No of Percentage
18-22 years 5 25
23-30 years 11 55
31-40 years 4 20
Above 40 0 0
Total 20 100

18-22 years 23-30 years

31-40 years above 40 years

Figure no.2


From the above data, it is observed that 25% of the respondents belongs to the
age group of 18-22 years, 55% belongs to 22-30 years, and20% belongs to 31-
40 years.

Question: How do you come to know about the organization?

a. Friends
b. Employees working in the organization
c. Job portals
d. Other

Table no.3

Options No of Percentage
Friends 3 15
Employees working in 5 25
the organization
Job portal 10 50
Other 2 10
Total 20 100

Friends Employee working in the organization Job portal Other

Figure no.3


From the above data, it is observed that 15% of the respondents came to know
about the organization through friends, 25% came to know through
employees working in the organization, 50% through job portal, and 10%
through others.

Question: Which of the source of recruitment is used in the organization?

a. Internal
b. External
c. Both

Table no.4

Options No of Percentage
Internal 2 10
External 15 75
Both 3 15
Total 20 100

Internal External Both

Figure no.4


From the data, it is observed that 10% of the respondents says that internal
source is used in the organization, 75% says external source is used, and 15%
says both sources are used.

Question: Which of the following external source are used by the


a) Campus recruitment
b) Job portals
c) Advertisement
d) Any two(then tick those two)
e) All three

Table no.5

Options No of Percentage
Campus 0 0
Job portals 10 50
Advertisement 2 10
Any two(then 8 40
tick those two)
All three 0 0
Total 20 100

Job portal Advertisement Any two(then tick those two)

Figure no.5


From the above data, it is observed that 50% of the respondents says that job
portals are used, 10% says that advertisement is used, and 40% says that job
portal and advertisement are used.

Question: What are the key factors considered in the organization to recruit the

a. Discipline
b. Qualification
c. Team work ability
d. Other

Table no.6

Options No of Percentage
Discipline 4 20
Qualification 9 45
Team work 5 25
Other 2 10
Total 20 100

Discipline Qualification Team work ability Other

No of respondents

Figure no.6


From the above data, it is observed that 20% of the respondents says that
discipline is considered as a key factor to recruit employee in the organization,
45% says qualification, 25% says team work ability, and 10% says other.

Question: What are the steps involved in the selection process?

a. Initial interview
b. Employment test
c. Reference check
d. All of the above

Table no.7

Options No of Percentage
Initial 20 100
Employment 0 0
Reference 0 0
All of the 0 0
Total 20 100

Initial interveiw

Figure no.7


From the above data, it is observed that initial interview is the major step
involved in the selection process.

Question: How company will evaluate the candidate?

a. Interviews
b. Group discussion
c. Written test
d. All of the above

Table no.8

Options No of Percentage
Interviews 20 100
Group 0 0
Written test 0 0
All of the 0 0
Total 20 100




Figure no.8


From the above data, it is observed that company will evaluate the candidate
through interviews.

Question: Does the Job Description is clearly defined to the candidates

appearing for selection process?

a. Always
b. Sometime
c. Never

Table no.9

Options No of Percentage
Always 14 70
Sometime 6 30
Never 0 0
Total 20 100

Always Sometime

Figure no.9


From the above data, it is observed that most of the time Job Description is
clearly defined to the candidates appearing for selection process.

Question: What according to you is important for an interview?

a. Communication
b. Subject knowledge
c. General knowledge
d. All of the above

Table no.10

Options No of Percentage
Communication 3 15
Subject 3 15
General 4 20
All of the 10 50
Total 20 100

Communication Subject Knowledge

General lnowledge All of the above

Figure no.10


From the above data, it is observed that 15% of the respondents says
communication is important for an interview, 15% says subject knowledge,
20% says general knowledge and 50% says all are important.

Question:Do you think innovative technique like stress test, psychometric test,
and personality test should be used for selection?

a. Yes
b. No

Table no.11

Options No of Percentage
Yes 7 35
No 13 65
Total 20 100

Yes No

Figure no.11


From the above data, it is observed that 35% of the respondents think
innovative technique like stress test, psychometric test, and personality test
should be used for selection, and 65% disagree.

Question: Isrecruitment and selection process followed by the company is


a. Yes
b. No

Table no.12

Options No of Percentage
Yes 16 80
No 4 20
Total 20 100

Yes No

Figure no.12


From the above data, it is observed that 80% of the respondents are satisfied
with recruitment and selection process, and 20% are not.

Question: How do you rate the recruitment and selection process?

a. Short
b. Average
c. long
d. Very long

Table no.13

Options No of Percentage
Short 5 25
Average 10 50
Long 4 20
Very long 1 5
Total 20 100



Short Average Long Very long

No of respondents

Figure no.13


From the above data, it is observed that 25% of the respondents says that
recruitment and selection process is short, 50% says it is average, 20% says it
is long, and 5% says it is very long.

Question: Is there any bond signed by employees while joining the


a. Yes
b. No

Table no.14

Options No of Percentage
Yes 13 65
No 7 35
Total 20 100

Yes No

Figure no.14


From the above data, it is observed that 65% of the respondent says that they
have to sign bond, and 35% says no.

Question: How do you rate the HR policy of the company?

a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Need improvement

Table no.15

Options No of Percentage
Excellent 2 10
Good 10 50
Average 6 30
Need 2 10
Total 20 100



Excellent Good Average Need improvement

No of respondents

Figure no.15


From the above data, it is observed that 10% of the respondents feels HR
policy of the company is excellent, 50% feel good, 30% feel average and 10%
feels there need some improvement.



The main observations are as follows:

 Majority of the employees belong to the age group of 23-30 years.

 Majority of the employees came to know about the organization through job
portals and somethroughfriends and employees working in organization.
 Majority of the employees are satisfied with the recruitmentand selection
process followed by the company and they gave average rating to the process.
 HR department carries the recruitment and selection process in the
 Initial interview is the major step involved in the selection process.
 Most of the employees think innovative technique like stress test,
psychometric test, and personality test should not be used for selection.
 Company follow same type of recruitment and selection process for hiring
different jobs.
 Most of the employee are comfortable working with the current HR policies
and some feel that they need some changes in the policies. The policy of the
company is to sign employment bond of 3 months or 6 months and if they
leave the company they have to pay certain amount to the company.


In short, I can say that recruitment is the process of the searching for
prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for the
jobs in the organization. Selection is selecting the right candidate at the right
time at the right place.

The main thing that I want to conclude firstly is that with the help of analysis I
found that company is following an good recruitment and selection process
and HR department of the company is good.

The study of this company helped me to understand the recruitment and

selection process right from collecting data base to the final placing of the
candidate in the respective position followed by the company. This study also

helped me to gain some knowledge of banking and financial sector. In the
company most of the people are satisfied with the recruitment and selection
process followed by the company and mostly all people in the organization are
aware about the process and HR policies of the company.

Learnings from the project

The main learning from the project are as follows:

 I have learnt the different methods of recruitment such as internal methods as

well as external methods and how these methods are used and implemented in
the organization. In fact which method is more useful and beneficial for
recruitment of employees so that these method can be applied in a well manner
 During the internship I came across corporate world and got to know about the
organizational behavior and some necessary factors of it.
 Learnt how academic knowledge can implement practically and which norm
should specifically implement.
 While working as an intern I have learnt about some challenges which came
across organization to sustain is fast growing market.
 Learnt to collect the necessary data and how to fetch the exact required data
from that so that I can prepare my research report.

Suggestions and recommendation

 The company can adopt some more recruitment sources like campus
recruitment for recruiting the candidates.
 The company should add more steps in the selection process.
 The company should also consider written test, and group discussion for
evaluating the candidate.
 The company should follow different recruitment and selection process for the
different type of jobs.

Scope and limitation


The benefits of the study for the researcher is that it helped to gain knowledge
and experience and also provided the opportunity to study and understand the
prevalent recruitment and selection procedures.

 To study the fact about Mudrabiz Finance Company as a group.

 To analyse the recruitment and selection process of the company.
 To understand the HR policy of the organization.
 To suggest any measures/recommendations for the improvement of the
recruitment and selection procedure of the company.


 Since time is limited it can’t be possible to go for an extensive process.

 The study is limited to employees in department of Mudrabiz Finance
 The data is collected from 20 employees.
 Another important constraint is the hesitation from the side of employees as
they are unwilling to answer some of the questions.
 The attitude of the worker changes time to time. Hence the result of the project
may be applicable only at present.



 Human resource and personnel management by K Aswthapa.

 Human resource management by Desseler.




This questionnaire survey is purely for academic purpose. Any information

collected through this survey is confidential and would not be shared with
anyone other than the people involved in this.

Name: …………………………….

Designation: ……………………….

Age: …………………………..

Qualification: …………………..

Answer the following questions: (kindly give your unbiased response)

Question1: How do you come to know about the organization?

a. Friends
b. Employees working in the organization
c. Job portals
d. Other

Question2: Which of the source of recruitment is used in the organization?

a. Internal
b. External
c. Both

Question 3: Which of the following external source are used by the


a. Campus recruitment
b. Job portals
c. Advertisement
d. Any two(then tick those two)
e. All three

Question 4: What are the key factors considered in the organization to recruit
the employees?

a. Discipline
b. Qualification
c. Team work ability
d. Other

Question 5: What are the steps involved in the selection process?

a. Initial interview
b. Employment test
c. Reference check
d. All of the above

Question 6: How company will evaluate the candidate?

a. Interviews
b. Group discussion
c. Written test
d. All of the above

Question 7: Does the Job Description is clearly defined to the candidates

appearing for selection process?

a. Always
b. Sometime
c. Never

Question 8 : What according to you is important for an interview?

a. Communication
b. Subject knowledge
c. General knowledge
d. All of the above

Question 9: Do you think innovative technique like stress test, psychometric
test, and personality test should be used for selection?

a. Yes
b. No

Question 10: Is recruitment and selection process followed by the company is


a. Yes
b. No

Question 11: How do you rate the recruitment and selection process?

a. Short
b. Average
c. long
d. Very long

Question 12: Is there any bond signed by employees while joining the

a. Yes
b. No

Question 13: How do you rate the HR policy of the company?

a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Need improvement


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