Soal Uus 1 BHS Inggris

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Nama :

Nomor :


Jl. Singosari No. 110 Magelang Jawa Tengah Kode Pos 56124 Telp. (0293) 361532
Web site: e-mail:


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : V (Lima)
Hari / tanggal :
Alokasi Waktu : 90 menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c or d

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a,b,c atau d !
1. Rani always . . . before going to school
a. has dinner
b. has breakfast
c. has lunch
d. has supper

2. Susi always . . . after take a bath

a. gets dressed
b. plays volleyball
c. sweeps the floor
d. has breakfast

3. Anita and their friends play . . . in the afternoon

a. volleyball
b. tennis
c. foodball
d. football


03.00 p.m. Play
05.00 p.m. Take a bath
07.00 p.m. Do homework and study the lesson
O9.00 p.m. Watch TV

4. What is Rani`s activities at 09.00 p.m. ?

a. watch tv
b. study the lesson
c. play
d. take a bath

5. Bayu : “What does Johan do after getting up ( gambar org mandi)

Boy : “He always . . .
a. takes a nap
b. takes a bath
c. takes a bed
d. takes a rest
6. Arrange these words below into good sentence !
a. I – four – get – o`clock – usually – up – at
b. I get up usually at four o`clock
c. I usually get up at four o` clock
d. I at four o`clock usually get up

7. Fani usually sweeps the yard at . . . .

a. ten past ten
b. ten to ten
c. ten past two
d. two to ten

8. What time does Adi come home from school.

a. twelve o`clock
b. one o`clock
c. once o`clock
d. ones o`clock

9. Adi : “What time . . . you go swimming ?

Soni ; “ I sometimes go swimming at 03.00 p.m.
a. do
b. does
c. is
d. was

10. Indah :”What time is it?”

Arya : it is . . . . ( 03.45 )
a. a quarter to four
b. a ten past quarter
c. a seven to half
d. a twelev o`clock

11. My father always goes to office at . . . .

a. 08.30
b. 08.25
c. 08.15
d. 08.20

12. Ibnu :”What time do you usually watch TV every night ?”

Vigo ;”I usually watch TV at ( 08.15 )
a. a twenty five past eight
b. a quarter past eight
c. a twelve past eight
d. a twelve to eight

Hello friends my name is Tuti Ramadhani.Just call me Tuti.My hobby is dancing

and singing.I like it very much.It is interesting for me because I can show in every
important event.I practice it on Sunday and Saturday afternoon.Someday I want to
be famous dancer and singer, just like Dewi Gita.
13. Who is the writer in the text above ?
a. Bayu
b. Tuti`s friend
c. Her mother
d. Tuti

14. What is Tuti`s hobby ?

a. singing
b. dancing
c. playing
d. dancing and singing

15. When is Tuti practice her hobby?

a. She practices her hobby on Sunday
b. She practice her hobby on Saturday
c. She practices her hobby on Sunday and Saturday
d. She practice her hobby on Sanday and Saturday

16. Who is Tuti`s favourite singer and dancer ?

Her favourite singer and dancer is . . .
a. Her mother
b. Her friend
c. Dewi Gita
d. Dewi

17. Santo :”What is Arya`s hobby?

Ami ;” Arya`s hobby is . . . .
a. Surfing
b. Dancing
c. Singing
d. Jogging

18. Rani`s hobby is . . . .

a. Cooking
b. Gardening
c. Jogging
d. climbing

19. They play . . . .

a. sword
b. top
c. marbles
d. mask

20. Boy and her friends play . . .

a. doll
b. top
c. berbie
d. kite
21. Sonia is playing . . . at home
a. doll
b. top
c. robot
d. marble

22. Romi plays . . . . . . in the backyard

a. sword
b. robot
c. top
d. marbles

23. They are playing . . . in the yard

a. hide and seek
b. slide
c. swing
d. walking on stilt
Text for number 24 – 25 !
My name is Selvie.Today my family plan to go out for dinner.We want to looking for heathy
food.It is contain nutritious food that can us grow up.It also produces energy.We need
energy for our activity.Nutritious food is good for our body health.The examples of
Nutritiuos food such as rice,vegetables,meat,egg,chicken,fruits,and so on
24. Why nutritious food is good for our healthy? Because . . . .
a. It can help us grow
b. It can make us fat
c. It can make us slim
d. It can`t useless

25. The example of nutritious food are . . .

a. Rice,vegetables,egg
b. Humberger,pizza,hotdog
c. Hotdog,vegetables,meat
d. Rice,vegatbles,humberger

26. I like to eat . . . .very much

a. a plate of satay
b. a plate of pizza
c. a bowl of meatball
d. a bowl of soto

27. I like to drink . . . .

a. A bottle of tea
b. a botlle of sirup
c. a bottle of milk
d. a bottle os soft drink

28. Bayu :”What do you want to eat for lunch ?”

Tuti :”I want to eat . . . ( semangkuk bubur )
a. a bowl of pouridge
b. a bowl of meatball
c. a bowl of soup
d. a bowl of poride
29. Shinta :”What do you want to drink ?”
Rika :” I want to drink . . .
a. a glass of mango juice
b. a glass of guava juice
c. a glass of banana juice
d. a glass of strawberry juice

30. All of students of Rejowinangun Selatan 4 have to wear . . . . for flag ceremony in every
a. kimono
b. coat
c. uniform
d. kebaya

31. On the 21st April ,our country celebrate of Kartini Day.

The students have to wear . . . .
a. trousers
b. coat
c. swimsuit
d. kebaya

32. Ani wears . . . . to the party

a. kebaya
b. kimono
c. pejamas
d. gown

33. T-shirt and short can wear then we do . . . .

a. Ceremony
b. Sport
c. Party
d. Sleep

34. The student wear . . . for swimming in extracuriculer.

a. Shirt
b. Pejamas
c. Gown
d. Swimsuit

35. The traditional cloth from Japan is . . . .

a. Kimono
b. Kebaya
c. Sari
d. Coat

I. Fill the blank with the right answer !

36. I usually . . . . ( belajar ) after have dinner at 07.30 p.m
37. Indah :”What does Sinta usually do before going to school ?”
Luna :”Before going to school she usually . . . .
38. Firma :”Do you sweep the floor in the afternoon?
Maya :”Yes,I do.”
Firma :”What time do you sweep the floor ?
Maya :”I usually sweeps at . . . .

39. My hobby is gardening so I usually go to the . . . . ( kebun ) every afternoon

40. Rudi hobbies is playing . . . . .

41. Andi likes to play . . . after go home from school

42. My little brother likes to play . . . . in the backyard

43. Ana :”What do you usually eat for dinner ?

Anton :” I like . . . . “

44. Bowo :”What do you usually drink before going to school ?

Tuti :”I usually drink . . . .

45. When you go to school you have to wear . . . .( seragam )

II. Answer the qustion with right answer !

46. Yoyok is a smart boy.He has full scedule for his activities after school.
On Wednesday and Thursday,he takes an English course.On Sunday and Friday,he
takes a mathematics course.Every weekend,Yoyok practices playing guitar.He joins a
guitar club in his town.
When Yoyok practices playing guitar ?
47. What are you doing before going to school ?
48. Short – Gunawan – his – wears – the – beach – at
Arrange the word into good sentence !
49. What do you usually eat for breakfast ?
50. Mention 3 traditional games !
Nama :
Nomor :


Jl. Singosari No. 110 Magelang Jawa Tengah Kode Pos 56124 Telp. (0293) 361532
Web site: e-mail:


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : IV ( Empat )
Hari/ Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 menit
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c,or d !
1. Santi meets Ani at 08.30 a.m. in the park .She says . . . to Ani
a. good bye
b. good morning
c. good afternoon
d. good noon

2. Mira :”Good evening, Alisa?”

Alisa :”. . . .,Mira !”
a. Good night
b. Good evening
c. Good noon
d. Good bye

3. Shinta :”How are you, Andi?”

Andi :”. . . .”
a. Hi
b. Hello
c. I `m fine
d. I`m not so good

4. Mr.Bayu :”I think the time is up for this lesson.

Ok, Good bye student see you later next week!”
Students :”. . . ,Sir !” Thank you.
a. Good luck
b. Good bye
c. Good day
d. Hi

5. Are – you – how - Andi

a. How are you Andi
b. Are you how Andi
c. You are how Andi
d. Andi how are you

6. Mother buys a kilo of fresh tomato.She buys it because it has beautiful . . . colour
a. blue
b. brown
c. purple
d. red
7. The colour of Indonesian flag is . . . .
a. white and green
b. yellow and white
c. white and blue
d. red and white

blue purple yellow green

8. The colour of eggplant are . . . .

a. green, yellow
b. purple,green
c. blue,purple
d. yellow,blue

9. Is the . . . for keeping our books ?

a. refrigerator
b. wardrobe
c. shelf
d. box

10. It is made of from wood

It is for keeping our clothes.
It is . . . .
a. wardrobe
b. bed
c. bad
d. carpet

11. Hendri wants to brush the teeth so he need . . . .

a. pail
b. soup
c. toothpaste
d. soap

12. My brother buys some stamps in the . . . .

a. museum
b. library
c. post office
d. market

13. There are many . . . . in the garden

a. plants
b. buterflies
c. bees
d. snakes

14. Andi :”Who is the manage the traffic ?”

Wina :”The police manages the traffic in the . . . .
a. mall
b. street
c. field
d. yard
15. Can- use – frying pan – fry – Ayu – fried chiken – the - to
a. Ayu can frying pan fry in the fried chiken to use
b. Ayu to fry can frying pan in the fried chiken use
c. Ayu can use to fry the fried chiken in the frying pan
d. Ayu can use frying pan to fry the fried chiken

16. It is . . . .
a. pan
b. fryingpan
c. stove
d. spatula

17. We can use . . . . for eat stick.

a. spoon, knife
b. knife, spoon
c. fork, knife
d. spoon,fork

18. The number inenglish is . . . .

a. threeteen
13 b. thriteen
c. thirteen
d. thirten

19. How many horses based of the picture ?

a. nine
b. ten
c. eight
d. five

20. Arif :”What is the result of three plus eight ?”

Ria :”It is . . . .”
a. twelve
b. eleven
c. fourty
d. thirty

21. Rahayu :” How many colour pens belongs to Anis ?”

Maya :”. . . are five ribbons.”
a. That
b. There
c. It
d. Then

22. In - - durian – that – basket – how - the – many ?

The right arrange word is . . . .
a. How many basket in that durian
b. How many durian in that basket
c. How many in that durian basket
d. How many durian that in basket

23. We can walk using our . . . .

a. finger
b. leg
c. hand
d. head
24. We can see hearing teh voice using our . . . .
a. eye
b. ear
c. nose
d. mouth

25. We can smell something using . . . .

a. hand
b. mouth
c. tangue
d. nose

26. It is . . . .
a. chest
b. shoulder
c. neck
d. stomach

27. There are ten . . . .

a. finger
b. hand
c. ear
d. eye

28. My father has a father .I call . . . .

a. Mother in law
b. Grand mother
c. Grand father
d. Mother

29. My aunt has a husband.I call . . . .

a. Niece
b. Nephew
c. Uncle
d. Father

30. My mother`s husband is my . . . .

a. Uncle
b. Grand father
c. Father
d. Aunt

31. My uncle has a son.He is my . . . .

a. Nephew
b. Niece
c. Son
d. Cousin

32. Mr. Bayu is my father .I call her . . . .

a. mother
b. sister
c. father
d. aunt

33. My brother has a daughter.She is my . . . .

a. cousin
b. niece
c. nephew
d. brother
The table is for number 34 – 35 !

34. My name is Riza.Iqbal is my . . . .

a. Brother
b. Sister
c. Uncle
d. Grand father

35. Mr.Purwo and Mrs.Lis are my . . . .

a. Mother
b. Father
c. Parents
d. Family

II. Fill in the blank with the right answer !

36. Rani :”. . . . Tina.”
Ria :”I`m fine.”
37. The rainbow is . . . .
38. Two brown bag means . . . .
39. We can wash our body using . . . . and water
40. We use . . . . for frying fried rice
41. We do flag ceremony in the . . . .
42. The number after eleven is . . . .
43. Bayu :”Is this number nine ?”
Toni :” No, . . . .
44. We smell something using our . . . .
45. Uncle means . . . .

III. Answer These questions below with the right answer !

46. Mention 3 colours of rainbow !
47. Mention 3 things on the bed !
48. Mention 3 names of the finger !
49. Write down in to the alphabetical !
a. 3 = . . . .
b. 5 = . . . .
c. 12 = . . . .
50. Write down your family tree !
Nama :
Nomor :


Jl. Singosari No. 110 Magelang Jawa Tengah Kode Pos 56124 Telp. (0293) 361532
Web site: e-mail:


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam)
Hari/ Tanggal :
Waktu :
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c,or d !
1. Lava :”Where is Borobudur Temple located ?”
Ana :”It is in the . . . .
a. West Java
b. Central; Java
c. East Java
d. North Java

2. Pasha :”. . . The Parang teritis beach located?”

lia ;”It Is in Jogyakarta .”
a. When
b. Where
c. Why
d. Which

3. They spend their holiday by . . . in Raja Ampat Papua.

a. surfing
b. rafting
c. diving
d. fishing

4. Every holiday my father always brings rope in the rock mountain Because he likes . . . .
a. camping
b. hiking
c. climbing
d. rafting

5. Indah ;”What do you thing abaut Tasya ?”

Ratu :” . . . . “
a. She has a curly short brown hair
b. She has a curly short hair
c. She has a curly hair
d. She has a short hair

6. Pak We :”What do you thing about the furniture such as

The picture ?
Rayan :”It is . . . .
a. It is made of from wood.
b. It is made from rubber.
c. It is made from plastic
d. It is made from iron
7. Mickey :”How much . . . this bag cost ?”
Drika :”It is fifty thousand rupiahs.”
a. do
b. did
c. does
d. done

8. Oki ;”How much . . . . these books cost ?”

Lili :”It is twenty thousand rupiahs.”
a. does
b. did
c. done
d. do

9. I have an umbrella.
This umbrella is . . . .
a. I
b. me
c. my
d. mine

10. Today is Sunday.They go to the beach with . . . family.

a. our
b. we
c. their
d. us

11. Aqil :”Where is the legend of Banyuwangi ?”

Dafa :”It is from . . . . “
a. Central Java
b. East Java
c. North Java
d. West Java

12. Yudha :”Do you know the legend of Lutung Kasarung ?

Reza :”I know.This story is very famaous in our country.
Melly :”Do you know who is thr actress in this story, Reza ?”
Reza :” She is . . . . who merried with Lutung Kasarung
a. Purbasari
b. Roro Jonggrang
c. Roro Anteng
d. Dayang Sumbi

13. The museum is . . . . .

a. beside the market
b. in front of the market
c. next to the park
d. across from the market

14. This sign means . . . .

a. Don`t turn around
b. Don`t turn right
c. Don`t blow horn
d. Don`t swim

15. Dani :”Where do you spend your holiday,Rizky ?”

Rizky :”I go to the . . . . because I like motocross
a. mountain
b. desert
c. beach
d. village

16. Malik :”Have you ever been to Tampak Siring Palace in Bali ?”
Ayu :”. . . . because I never go anywhere.”
a. No,I have
b. No,I has
c. No,I haven`t
d. No,i hasn`t

17. The opposite “ fat ‘ is . . . .

a. short
b. narrow
c. far
d. thin

18. Rani 55 kg, Tina 45 kg.

The right statement is . . . .
a. Rani is older than Tina
b. Rani is fater than Tina
c. Rani is taller than Tina
d. Rani is younger than Tina

19. We can buy dome vegetables in the . . . .

a. stationary c. greengrocer
b. drugstore d. fruitstall

20. Ani buys some medicines in the . . . .

a. mc donald c. stationary
b. drugstore d. fruitstall

21. This is a ruller.

It belongs to me
It is . . . ruller
a. my c. his
b. our d. hi

22. These are books

These books belongs to them
These are . . . . book
a. theirs c. they
b. their d. theys

23. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu comes from . . . .

a. East Java c. Central Java
b. North java d. West Java
24. Candra Kirana cures tobe a golden snail This sentence is a part of the legend of . . . .
a. West Java c. South Java
b. East Java d. Central Java

25. Bayu puts some chalk. . . ( di dalam ) the box

a. in c. under
b. on d. beside
26. Anisa puts the ball. . . .( di bawah ) the table
a. beside c. under
b. between d. on

27. Last holiday I went to the. . . . .There are many kinds of stone relief there That reliefs
descript of the
a. temple c. zoo
b. beach d. mountain

28. My name is Lisa.I like visiting history places very much.On this holiday.I will visit
Taman Sari water casttle .It is Located in Jogyakarta.
Where does Lisa go on next holiday ?
a. She go to Taman Sari Water Casttle
b. She goes to Taman Sari Water Casttle
c. She went to Taman Sari Water Casttle
d. She want to Taman Sari Water Casttle


a. Bambang is taller than Ahmad

b. Ahmad is taller than Bambang
c. Bambang is bigger than Ahmad
d. Ahmad is slimer than Bambang

30. The right statement is . . . .

a. The brown bag is more expencive than yellow bag
b. The brown bag is expenciver than yellow bag
c. The brown bag is more big than yellow bag
d. The brown bag is biggest than yellow bag

31. Rani buys . . . . in the Jogja Mall

a. trousers
b. ring
c. t-shirt
d. shirt

32. My mother . . . . in the stationary

a. vegetables
b. school things
c. drug
d. fruit

33. We have a new house.

This new house is . . . .
a. our
b. us
c. we
d. ours

34. This handphone belongs to Anisa

This is . . . bookshelf
a. her
b. his
c. hers
d. anita,s

35. The story about golden snail belongs to . . . .

a. myth
b. fable
c. legend
d. fairy tale

II. Fill the blank with the right answer !

36. Ratih :”. . . .?”
Dewi :”Go straight on then turn

37. Mr.Dani : ‘Where is the bus station ?”

Mr.Banu :”It is . . . .

38. Andika . . . .( pergi ) to Semarang last night

39. Every Sunday Santi spend her time in the . . . . Because she likes swiming very much.

40. Maya :”What do you think abaut Mr Haris ?”

Anton :”He is . . . .

41. Bayu is twelve years old

Putra is ten years old
Putra is . . . than Bayu
42. . . . . tallest student in the class ?
The right question word is . . . .
43. Rani :”Can I help you,Sir?”
Wati :”Yes, I need a . . . .”( sabun )
44. These pens belongs to Sinta and Dewa.These pens is . . . .
45. Sangkuriang wanted to merry his mother.This tittle of this legend is . . .
III. Answer these question below with the right answer !
46. We facing at the east .What is the opposite of east is ?
47. Ida :”. . . . ?”
Toni :”I will go to the beach.”
48. Write the description about the picture !

49. Where can we buy according the picture below in the ?

(a) (b) (c)

50. Yomangga was a beautiful girl.She lived with her grandmother.Actually Yomangga had
two sisters.But they live in another village.
Yomangga was a kind girl.She always helped her grandmother in the field.Every morning
they went to the field and they always went back home in the afternoon.Every day they
took the same route.They did not know that the dragon was always looking at them when
they passed by a big tree.It was the dragon`s house
a. Who is Yomangga ?
b. Yomangga lived with . . . .
c. Where did the dragon live ?
IV. Answer these question below with the right answer !
51. We facing at the east .What is the opposite of east is ?
52. Ida :”. . . . ?”
Toni :”I will go to the beach.”
53. Write the description about the picture !

54. Where can we buy according the picture below in the ?

(a) (b) (c)

55. Yomangga was a beautiful girl.She lived with her grandmother.Actually Yomangga had
two sisters.But they live in another village.
Yomangga was a kind girl.She always helped her grandmother in the field.Every morning
they went to the field and they always went back home in the afternoon.Every day they
took the same route.They did not know that the dragon was always looking at them when
they passed by a big tree.It was the dragon`s house
d. Who is Yomangga ?
e. Yomangga lived with . . . .
f. Where did the dragon live ?




























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