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- 2004
Quiz 5

1. SelecttheINCORRECTstatement
aboutHIV cytopathiceffects.

Eg to CD4 insidethecell blocksCD4 expression

at thecell surface
vpu aid nef slnc productsuprcgulateCD4 and MHC ClassI
C. Syncytia formation kills both infectedand uninfectedcells
D. Increase in plasma membranepermeability results in the uptake of lethal amounts
of calcium (osmotic lysis)
E. vRNA and unintegratedvDNA accumulationis toxic to cells

2. select the INCORRECT statementconcerning Type I Immediate (Anaphylactic)


A. Antigen binds to IgE on the surfaceof mast cells causingthe releaseof

inflammatory mediators.
ires the formation of IgE antibody.
ipg specific IgE that is firmly artachedto lrceRl on mast
or activatedeosinophils
D. Re-exposureto the sameantigenresultsin cross-linking of the cell-boundIgE and
release of inflammatory mediators within minutes.
E. Crosslinking of FceRI on the surfaceof mast cells by antigenand IgE causes
mast-cell activation and degranulation.

3. Selectthe INCORRECT statementconcerninsAutoimmune Diseases.

A. Autoimmune diseasesare chronic inflammatory responsesdirectedagainst

components of the body.
B. Immunity againstself antigens(called autoantigens)is called autoimmunity.
C. They are much more prevalent in females.
D. 2-3% of the population of developedcountriessuffers from an autoimmune


+. moleculescausingthe immune responseto be

Some tumo$ secreteimmunosuppressive
down-regulated. TRUE

5. In Myasthenia Gravis, antibodies bind to the acetylcholine receptor on muscle cells

resulting in their endocytosisand degradation. TRUE

6. Rabies fmmune Globulin EiC) is used for prevention of rabies for those exposedto the
virus and is producedby bleeding feral rabid dogs, squirrelsand horsesthat have bitten
humans- FALSE
7' The phenomenonin which further
is shutdown on
theotherchromosomalalleleis called

A. Clonal selection
B. Allelic imprinting
1e)ettetic exitusion
Y. Isotype switching
E. Productive rearrangement

8' The processby which neutuophilscross

the vascularendotheliumis called

LA-2diapedesis ," .;
B. chemotaxis
C. complement fixation
D. opsonization
E. polymorphonuclearleukocyteresponse

9' which of the following is not a characteristic

of macrophages?
A. secretionof soluble mediators
I killing tumor cells
€) rearrangement of antigen-specifi c receptors
D. phagocytosisof immune complexes
E. presentationof antigento T cells

I0' which combination of cytokinesact

in the chemotaxisof polymorphonuclear
leukocytes (pMNs)?

A. IL-2 and IL-4

@ IL-$ and llrlFcr
C. L-10 and IL-12
D. IL-4 and IL-5
E. none ofthe above
1l. Membrane-boundIgM characterizeswhich of the following cell types?

A. T helper cell
B. plasrnacell
(Q i^-unocompetent B cell
Y cvtotoxicT cell
E. dendritic cell

12. Which of the following would be a CD4 positive cell?

A. plasma cell
B. cvtotoxic T cell
$ thelper cetl
D. langerhans cell
E. macrophage

13. Which is the order of a pathogenthat crossesthe epithelialbarrier in high


@ connective tissue > peripheral lymphatics > lymph node > vasculature > spleen
B. connectivetissue> peripherallymphatics> spleen
C. vasculature > spleen> peripheral lymphatics > lymph node
D. connective tissue > peripheral lymphatics > lymph node > thymus > vasculature>
E. vasculature > spleen > lymph node

*d 14. Which of the following best describesthe differencesbetweenhow T cells and B

cells recognize antigen?

A. T cells recognizeself MHC molecules,while B cells recognizesoluble antigen.

Q f ce[s rccognize foreign peptidesin the context of self MHC molecules,while B
cells recognize native, foreign proteins.
C. T cells rccognizeprotein antigens,while B cells recognizenon-proteinantigens.
D. T cells recognizeforeign peptides,while B cells recognizewhole proteins.
E. T cells recognize self MHC molecules,while B cells recognizepeptide antigens.
15. Peptideloadingof MHC classII moleculeswith foreignantigenoccurs

- {\r. endosomal/lysosomal compartment

B. in cytosol
C. on cell surface
D. in endoplasmic reticulum
E. in golgi

16. T cell development in thethymusincludesthefollowingprocesses:

A. T cell receptorrearrangement
B. negativeselection
q positive selection
*@ all of the above
E. only B and C

'. - ' 17. After degradationin the cytoplasm,fragments

of foreignproteins(ie virus-derived)
arepumpedinto theendoplasmic reticulumfor MHC classI peptideloadingwith

A. invariantchain
Q proteasomecomplex
I €)Transporter Associated
with AntigenProcessing
D. MHC classII
E. None of the above


A. geneticfactors
B. environmentalfactors
(!) botUA and B
D. noneof the above
' '"' 19' Which of the followingautoimmune
is characterize<l
by thepresence
immunecomplexesformedbefweenantibodies andDNA, histone,andribosomal

;\ rheumatoidarthritis
@ systemiclupuserythematosus
C. Hashimoto's disease
D. multiplesclerosis
E. noneofthe above

20' T cell autoimmunityagainstmyelinantigenscanleadto which

multiple sclerosis
insulin-dependentdiabetesmellitus (IDDM)
D. rheumatoidarthritis
E. none ofthe above

2l ' Microbial infections can precipitateautoimmunediseases

in what way(s)?

\!J molecular mimicry

B. pathogen-inducedtissuedarhage.
releaseof autoantigens
<--€lall of theabove
E. none ofthe above

t' 22' Mechanismsof peripheral

toleranceinclude all of the following EXCEpT 2
A. Activation inducedcell death
B. CTIA-4 signaling
L. Productionof suppressive cytokinesby regulatorycells
\D) Destructionof autoreactivecellsbv CTLs
E. Clonal anergy
23. Which of thefollowingis NOT a functionof T helperI (Thl) cells?

A. Productionof IFNy
B. Activation of naturalkiller (NK) cells vialL-2 production"
C. Promotionof cytotoxicT cell differentiation
@ pro-otion of IgE productionby B cells , r..:
E. Activationof macrophages anddendriticcells.

24. Which of thefollowingcostimulatory

moleculesbind to 87 on antigenpresenting

A. CD28
B. CTLA4 ,;I ". ('r
c. cD40
D. all of the above
@>both A and B

,,. 25. Which of the following statementsis TRUE regardingnarveT cells?

A. Naive T cells circulatethroughoutthe entire body, including the spleen,and

readily leave the intravascular space.
B. NarVe T cells produce large amounts of effector cytokines such as IFNy and IL- t ,
Naive T cells expressT cell receptorbut have not been exposedto antigen.
D. Naive T cells are extremelyshort lived, with an averagesurvival time of 8-12
E. Naive T cellsrequirelittle costimulation
for activation..

areTRUE regardingmemoryT cells?

26. Which of the following statements

A. Memory T cellshavean extremelylong life span.

B. Memory T cellsarederivedfrom the populationof effectorT cells'
C. IvtemoryT cells requirelittle costimulationfor proliferationandcytokine
D. Memory T cellscirculatethroughthe entirebody andreadilyleavethe
- intravascularspace.
@eu of the above
27. Which of thefollowingdescribetherole of CD28in T cell activarion?

A. CD28on theT cell bindsto CD4OI,on theantigenpresenting

B. Activationof CD28promotescell death.
C. Preferentialengagementof CTLA-4 versusCD28may leadto cell proliferation.
D. Only A and B are correct
p. A, B, and C are correct
fF\, None of the above '.u ,
. 28. The bone marrow is an imoortant site for

r '- ''..^\
-j-.!&) hematopoiesis
1 B. B cell maturation
C. T cell maturation
D. immune surveillance
E. central tolerance

- ,, 29. Which of the following doesnot protectthe externalbody surfaces?

A. mucous.'
B. skin
:-l-9. gutttic acid
-Xal salivary.amylase
E. gut microflora

30. The processby rvhichcomplement

of bacteriais called

' 0.) opsoruzatron.
C. exocytosis
D. proteolysis
E. bacteriolysis
3l ' which oneof theseconditionsis not directryassociated
with HIV?

A. Profoundimmunosuppression
B . OpportunisticinfectionsandCNS degeneration

I Multiple sclerosis
Malignancies andwasting

32. Which statementis incorrect about CCR5?

A Is expressedon dendritic cells, macrophages,CD4+ T cells 1

Appears late in diseaseand is the onlt'coreceptor for HIV r' r* r,
9. the receptor used by the most frequently transmitted virus (mucosal route)
D. Servesas coreceptorfor macrophage-tropicHIV strains

33. Which statementis incorrect about HIV pathogenesis?

q vpu and nef geneproductsupregulateCD4

Syncytia formation kills both infected and uninfectedcells
c. HIV specific crl- attackcausean increasein plasmamembranepermeability
results in the uptake of lethal amountsof calcium (osmotic lysis of infected cell)
D . vRNA and unintegratedvDNA accumulationis toxic to cells

34. Which of the following is not an advantageof killed vaccines?

A. Cannot revert to virulence

B. More heat stable
. c. can be safely given to immunodeficientpatientsand pregnantwomen
'B L induces a weaker mucosal IgA antibody response

35. Which statementis not true about Subunit Viral Vaccines?

A. Contain primarily the immunity-inducing component of the virion

B. Consist of protein or portions of proteins from virus particles
AContain active nucleic acid consiiting of the entire genome
H. Can be natural or recombinant proteins
36. Which statementis not accurateabout Bacille Calmette-Guerin(BCG) Vaccine?

It is a live attenuatedstrainof Mycobacterium&ovlsftovine strain)

(U)Is routinely given in Europe, US and other parts of the world rn.'' r" " rd',.r . 'r
T. It invalidatesthe TB skin test usedto verify exposureto the tuberclebacillus
D. Is effective againsthuman tuberculosis(TB).,

37. which statement is not true concerning Type I Immediate (Anaphylactic)


A. First exposureto antigen stimulatesproduction of IgE that bind to the surfaceof

mast cells
(8lB'l Results in formation of IgE antibody that is not antigen specific
C. Antigen binds to antigen specific IgE that is firmly attachedto FceRI on mast
cells, basophilsand activatedeosinophils
D. Re*exposureto the sameantigencross-linksthe cell-boundIgE causingreleaseof
inflammatory mediators within minutes (immediate reaction)

38. Which statementis not accurateconcemingatopy or allergy?

r ,.'
_,. - ,."i
Lessthan l0% of people in the US have experiencedan atopic disorder

D. Genetic predispositionincludesmutationsin the genesencodingthe alpha chain

of IL-4 that enhancesthe effectivenessof IL-4, resulting in increasedamount of
IgE synthesisby B cells

39. Which statementis incorrectconcemingType IV Delayed-TypeHypersensitivity


A. It is a function of T lymphocytesand can be transferredby sensitizedThl cells

(CDt T ceils)
B.' Responseis delayed and begins hours or days (peaks at24-48 hours) after
exposure to antigen..
Q There is a slow inflammation at the site of antigenexposue .'
fD) fne tuberculin test is always positive in people with suppressedcell-mediated
rmmunity (AIDS, measles,lymphoma) .f,
40. which statementis not accurateconcerningtumor suppressorgenes?

A. They encodeproteins that preventthe unwantedproliferation of mutant

B. p53 is a fypical tumor suppressorgene and is muiated in 50% of human
C, They are expressedin responseto DNA damage
pnsl gene encodesa protein that causesthe damagedcell to proliferate

41. Which one of thesevirusesis not associatedwith induction of human cancer?

A. Human Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus

B. Human Papillomavirus Virus
C. Epstein-Barr Virus
42. which statementis not true of the immune responseto T and B lymphomas?

A. The T cell receptorexpressedby a T cell lymphoma can be a tumor specific

B. The membrane immunoglobulin expressedby a B cell lymphoma can be a tumor
(p|ryan papillomavirus virus (F{PV) can be a rumor specific antigen
-D. Both
cytotoxic T lymphocytes(CTLs) and antibodiescan r"cog.rize tumor
specific antigens

43. which of the following.testscan not be usedto measurean antigen level?

A. immunodiffusion '4
..-.i^.i:.. ,, ,.!
(E complement fxation
E Ertsa I t::r''-r": -"^4{4 ,,;$. i,;g ;,.r: (l

D. Western blot "

44.A 3 yearold presentswith oral ulcers,poordentition,anda glutealabscess
culturesS. aureus.You suspect he hasa primaryneutrophildefect.Considerations
for diagnosisincludeall of thefollowingexcept.----.-.

A. Job'ssyndrome
B. leukocyteimmunodeficiency (LAD-1)
tC)iGeorse svndrome.
D. Chronic granulomatousdisease(CGD)

45. Which of the following patientswith recurrentinfections is most likely to survive to


A. severecombined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID)

9.. Wiscott-Aldrichsyndrome
tC.) common variable immunodeficiency syndrome (CVID)
D. ataxiatelansiectasia

46. T cell number olr.,n"tion can be measuredby all of the following except

A. flow c5rtometry
B. delayedtype hypersensitivity(DTH) response
C. lymphoproliferation
D. cytokine nroduction

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For each of the following questions,please answer A if the statementis true and B if the
statementis hlse.

47. In the acquired immune response,B and r lymphocytes only generatereceptor

specificitiesJhat bind to previously encounteredforeign antigens.

4 8 . Each imrrunoglobulin molecule has 2 antigen binding sites that are each made from
4 polypeptide chains.

49. Mature T lymphocytes oeanng a particular T cell receptor will undergo somatic
hypermutation and affinity maturation upon encountering foreign antigen (presented
on self-MHC on antigen oresenting cells) in the periphery.

50. Naturat kilter (NK) celts uan kill turqor cells in the absenceof MHC class I.

51 . IL-2 can induce both apoptosisand prourbrationof T cells.

52. Transplantrejection occurswhen a transplanteddonor organ is recognizedas foreign
and is attacked by the recipjqnt's immune system.

53. Immunoglobulin V heavy chain generecombinationis similar to T cell receptorB

chain recombinationbecauspthey both use diversity (D) gene segmentsto make VDJ
gene segments.

54. The gene segmentCe encodesthg constantregion of the IgD isotype.

55. The strongestgenetic factor inl^*--cing susceptibilityto autoimmunediseaseis

inheritance of particular HLA allqles.

56. Inappropriateregulation of T helper cell responseslikely plays a role in a majority of


57. SelectiveIgA deficiency is the most common inheritedimmunodeficiencyin the US


58. Detection of antigen specific antibodiesof isofypeIgM is routinely performed in

clinical laboratories.

59. Cells destinedto becomeB cells arisetrom hematopoieticstem cells in the bone
marrow, enter the circulation, and are directedto the thymus by chemotacticfactors.

60. Recurrentbacterial infections are alwayqpredictiveof inheritedor acquired

immunodefi ciencv svndromes.

MMI480A 2002Final Exam

l.A 3 1 .C
2.B 32.8
3.D 3 3 .A
4.A 34.D
5.C 3 5 .C
6.8 3 6 .B
7.C 37.8
8.A 3 8 .A
9.C 3 9 .D
10.B 40. D
ll.c 4 1 .D
12.c 42.C
1 3 .A 43.8
14 .B 44.C
15 .A 4s.c
16 .D 46.8
17 .C 47.8
18 .c 4 8 .B
19 .B 49.8
20.A 50.A
2 t.D 5 1 .A
22-D 52.A
23 .D 5 3 .A
24 - E 54.B
2s . c 5 5 .A
2 6 .E 5 6 .A
27 .F 51.A
28.A 5 8 .B
2 9 .D 5 9 .B
30.A 60.B
Spring 2002
Final Examination

For eachof the following question,selectthe single best answerto fili in on your answer

l. Which of the following are true statementsconceming the differencesbetween

antigens and immunogens?
( 1,. )ntigens are targets of an immune lesponse, while immunogens induce an
-8. une response'
Immunogens induce cellular immunity, while antigens induce humoral immunity.
C. In order to induce an immune response,immunogensneedto be coupledto a
foreign protein "carrier", while antigenscan be injected alone'
D. All of the above are true statcments
E. Only A and B are correct

2. The membraneprotein on an antigenpresentingcell which is usedto bind and present

antigen to helper T cells is --.

T cell receptor
Class II
MHC Class I

3. Which of the following are true statementsconcerning clonal selection?

A. Each lymphocyte generatesone unique antigen-bindingspecificity

B. Self-reactive lymphocytes are deleted
, C* Foreign-reactive lymphocytes proliferate and differentiate
(y) All of dre above are true statements
E. Only A and B are correct
4. Which of the following are true statementsconcerningimmunoglobulin isotypes?
(' 1
' \A--The isotype of an immunoglobulin is determined by the type of heavy chain that it
B. Isotype switching refers to a changein the antigenspecificity of eachisotype.
C. The isotype of an immunoglobulin is determinedby the light chain gene locus
(either r or L).
D. AU of the above are true statements
E. Only A and B are correct

5. The effector molecule of the humoral immune system which is transported across
epithelia and into secretoryproducts such as saliva is

A. IgM
_--8. CD8
f,e) lge
Y invariant chain
E. IgE

6. Which of the foliowins best describesthe differencesbetweenrecombinationof

"' immunoglobulin heavy u"'a figfrt chain genes?

A. Heavy chain genesrearrangeDNA sequences,while light chain rearrangementis

-*--: _ performed by RNA processing.
€) Heavy chain genesencodeV, D, and J segmentsthat rearrange,while light chain
v rearrangementusesonly V and J gene segments.
C. Heavy chain genesundergo rearrangementafter light chain genes.
D. Heavy chain, but not light chain generearrangementusesmechanismsof
junctional diversity.
E. The heavy chain genesare encoded on two different chomosomes,while light
chain genesare encodedon one.
i' immuno quiz 1+ answers,2002 StronaI z

Quiz l with answers

1. True/False thanthe innateimmuneresponse
is moreessential
The acquiredimmuneresponse in the

betweenhowT cellsand B cellsrecognize

2.Whichof the followingbestdescribesthe differences

A. T cellsrecognizeselfMHCmolecules, whileB cellsrecognizesolubleantigen.

B. T cells recognizeforeign peptidesin the contextof self MHCmolecules,while B cells
C. T cellsrecognizeproteinantigens,
whileB cellsrecognize antigens.
D. T cellsrecognize whileB cellsrecognize
foreignpeptides, wholeproteins.
E. T cellsrecognizeselfMHCmolecules, whileB cellsrecognizepeptideantigens.

3. Whichof the followingare truestatementsconcerning the generationof diversityat the

immunoglobulin chainlocus
A. Somatichypermutation occursbeforea B cellis exposedto antigen
B. lsotypeswitchingoccursbeforea B cellis exposedto antigen
C. P- and N-nucleotides are addedto D-J genejunctionsbeforea B cell is exposedto antigen
D. All of the abovearetrue statements
E. OnlyA and B are correct

is madeup of 6 hypervariable
4. True/FalseEachantigenbindingsiteof an immunoglobulin

S.Theprocessby whichneutrophilscrossthe vascularendotheliumis called

A. phagocytosis
B. chemotaxis
C. complementfixation
D. diapedesis
E. acutephaseresponse

are inducedin a viralinfectionby the presenceof

6. Interferons

A. singlestrandedRNA
B. singlestrandedDNA
C. double stranded RNA
D. All of the above
E. Noneof the above

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I A2-quizIYo2B
0a/exams 2005-05-

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