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In this film we see a great example of self-improvement, tells the story of a poor family,
which was an impediment to get ahead, but it looks like the main character, a girl
named Liz Murray managed to break the barrier that meant having a drug-addicted
parents, not having a place to live to get ahead and fight for their dreams, never
forgetting his past and all the things that had to pass in order to move forward with their
studies and show that nothing in the life is easy and only enough desire and desire to
improve so that our lives can make a positive change.

The film features a girl named Liz Murray, although his family does not care about her
struggles to get away from the world as cruel as that of drugs in which they are
immersed their parents. We can see how it has assessed the conditions less favorable
to the most positive and opting for a different path than her family had decided to

Normally all human beings seek in any way to move forward and fulfill their dreams to
live quietly, in this case the protagonist of the story is still hopeful despite the death of
his mother and selflessness her father to her and her brothers it is those moments of pain
and despair when she decides to change his mind, motivate and reverse this difficult
situation that was going on, which shows us that all people are able to change all those
who mistreat us emotionally to improve ourselves personally. Psychologists define
motivation as a "state of great excitement or emphasis faced with a situation that
denotes a strong urge to satisfy a need";

The great message that leaves the film shows us that in life there are no limits when we
dream big and want to get out of difficult times, it shows that though we believe that
there is nothing worthwhile there are always good things in the world and fighting with
great determination and dedication anything is possible, that nothing in life is easy or
much less gifted, there comes a time in life you everyone where we must show what
we are made, which we test our values and capabilities, but this can not be done
alone so it's good to always rely on someone when things do not go as we want,
someone to talk to and ask for advice, as well as a motivation why we get ahead.

The biggest lesson that can leave us the story of Liz Murray is essential that can be
studying in order to become someone in life, we see how after bottoming the
protagonist of the story it was proposed to finish his studies first finished in just 2 years
studying high school and all by the desire to overcome that motivated then by a grant
received by a prestigious newspaper as it is the new york times does he joined the
famed American Harvard University, where he won graduate as a licensed

Studying is too important in the life of every human being aspect as it is at this time
when we learn the things that will serve us for the rest of our lives and vain define our
future and our entire family, such reason during this stage is when we give the best of
us and seize the opportunity that life gives us and strive to always be the best because
there are not many people and the world that do not have the facility to study and
improve their chances to succeed.

Life is never easy and to improve ourselves personally we must be persistent whenever
we have a goal or objective can not be influenced by bad thoughts, much less by bad
friendships that will always try to curb our desire to succeed, as we move forward the
results of our efforts are to be noticing in our ratings University, pride of our families, in
our work and all the opportunities that will be presented in life.

This movie left me feeling like teaching the daily struggle to get ahead and fulfill my
dreams and goals I set my mind that there are no obstacles to overcome all that is
not outdone me the negatives that other people think I have, taught me that I am
able to accomplish many things and have no reason to abandon my dreams. There
will always be something in the world for which I have to fight that motivates us to not
stop on the road to success.

Currently Liz Murray who was the inspiring story of the film, is a writer and famous
speaker who travels around the world telling his story of personal growth to thousands
of people who need a push to get the world to fulfill their dreams and leave fears not
let them risk being successful.

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