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Date: 22/09/2019

An Industrial visit to “CHITALE INDUSTRIES Pvt. Ltd.”, Khedshivapur,pune was organized

by the MBA Faculty on Friday, 20th September, 2019. Ninty Seven MBA students and Fifteen faculties
visited to CHITALE INDUSTRIES Pvt. Ltd . to interact with the FMCG Industry to understand current
market scenarios, latest most- demanding food item in market & to understand the process of making the
sweets and bakarwadi(speciality) of chitale etc. In this visit students were very eagerly waiting for listening
to industrial higher authorities.
In the morning at 11:00 am we visited to Chitale Industries Pvt. Ltd. We divided our students in
the batch of 30 students per batch for the visit and the interaction with the industry person. The Operation
Head of Chitale Industries Pvt. Ltd. conducted very informative session for the students. Also he motivated
to the students to select their domain and area of interest. He also guided the students to select the areas like
operation , supplychain & marketing management etc. and its importance in the current market. Finally he
gave a brief introduction of Chitale Industries Pvt. Ltd. and other FMCG Companies to the students.
The session was concluded with Question- Answer session. Many of the students asked different
questions to the Operation Head on current process of manufacturing of bakarwadi & sweets etc. and he
cleared all the doubt and myths which was in students mind about the process. All students were satisfied
after the session. Company motivated to the students by giving token of affection in the form of bakarwadi
and sweets . The visit came to an end at 2.30 p.m.

Finally, we left the premises at 2.30 p.m. It was an informative, interesting and a successful
visit. As students of MBA, they understand a live operations and process of the fmcg industry ,
etc. We express our thanks to the Operation Head and all team members of Chitale Industries Pvt.
Ltd. who spent their valuable time for us. We also thank to our respected Director Maam who
motivate us to arrange such an program for the first year students . Lately we request you to arrange
more industrial visit in the future for the students which will be helpful for the students and help
to train our students.

Mr. Amit Deshmukh

Mr. Vikrant Maheshwari

Faculty Coordinator

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