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Chapter II

Review of Related Literature & Studies

This is the section of the study that is composed of different statements and ideas from

grilling entrepreneurs regarding their experiences and tips on how to wisely manage a grilling

business, which has a relevance to the present study. It also involves the different factors that

contribute on the success of a grilling business that are all referred by different materials and

authors of different articles from net that may serve as the basis for solving some problems that

will be encountered in the development of this proposed study.

Related Literature


According from an article written by Dan, Gentile (2014), these are the following factors

that contribute to successful barbecue industry.

Rick Monk stated that the proper and better way of cooking pork shoulders should be done

in a 10-hour process. He also said that it’s really difficult to find young men that can learn a trade

like that which is something that they could be proud of that have 10-hour days. Like gas

cookers, most people nowadays want to take shortcuts. He still believes that the more gas

cookers there are, the better will be his business gets. (Rick Monk, Lexington Barbecue)

According from Adam Perry Lang of Serious Barbecue, within the past few decades, the
BBQ industry has exponentially improved with the help of the automation and food science.
Recently, it has reached a plateau and has decreased to a large degree. The appearance of the
idea about the 'set it and forget it' smoker has all but helped the pit masters to reach success.
Moreover, it also opened the BBQ industry to an accelerated food abuse. Everything would have
been okay if there’s no difference with the rubs and sauces that are being used.

He also stated that he was over-generalizing because for the sake of simplicity. He also

sees the improvement in the BBQ industry because of the appearances of a lot of good BBQ

places but since many of these places sets and produced its barbecues in the 'set it and forget it'

smoke ovens, there is still a limited distinction. (Adam Perry Lang, Serious Barbecue)

Another well-known pit master, Brad Orrsion of The Shed BBQ stated that he finds

barbecuing has a lot of similarities just like in farming. He compares it also with the horses and

hand plows that are used in farming. He says that with the use of the new farming technology,

anyone can get in an air-conditioned tractor and use the GPS but make sure that you don't run

into anything. Furthermore, you can make a great barbecue that could be compared to someone

who's stayed up all night. It may take a lot of work but still it is a great product. (Brad Orrison,

The Shed BBQ)

Mike Mills stated, "You're finding considerable measures of the old traditionalists are

blending forested areas now, as a result hickock What's more oak are ruling flavours. They're

utilizing that's only the tip of the iceberg fruitwoods, which would An milder smoke. Also,

they've took in that the bark on the wood darkens. In any case in you utilize the inside wood, it’s

got an alternate flavour to it. Along these lines a considerable measure from claiming kin are

debarking their wood currently with dispose of those darkening impact. “(Mike Mills, 17th Street


"We began turkey around 15 years back, I think since we have more taught clients over the

most recent 20 years than any time in recent memory. We now need to realize what we're

cooking with, and be taught to converse with general society about sodium content and different

things like that. They inquire as to whether you utilize shelled nut oil. 20 years back, individuals

weren't getting some information about that. Yet, we haven't changed how we cook."(Rick

Monk, Lexington Barbecue)

"Indeed, even five years back, brisket was a sandwich. Previously, individuals would be

more intrigued by requesting cleaved hamburger, however now everybody needs the damp cut

brisket. They will utilize their fingers to get the meat to check whether it's cooked right. They're

continually attempting the meat without the sauce first." (Doug Pickering, D.W.P. Grill MD)

"In terms of meats, we were the main individuals to offer an enormous amount of beef ribs.

15 years prior, I would've never speculated they'd turned out to be so prevalent." (Kent

Black, Black's Barbecue)

"There are more sauces and rubs accessible in retail locations than any time in recent

memory. 10 years back, when you went into the BBQ path you would simply observe Sweet

Baby Ray's. Presently you see 20 others! Any flavor that you're going for, you can discover it.

What's more, the kind of the meat itself is changing through legacy breed creatures from Meyer

and Compart. (Brad Orrison, The Shed BBQ)


"When we went plastic, I thought it was a cluster of poo. In any case, it's recently the way it

is: an ever increasing number of individuals are utilizing cards. I need to pay an expense

regardless of what card you utilize. It influences the business: MasterCard charges are a major

weight on individuals like me. I don't have that figured into my cost. “(Rick Monk, Lexington

Barbecue Lexington, NC)

"At Black's, clients have appreciated an indistinguishable feasting knowledge from clients

back in the 1930s, aside from with one little expansion: aerating and cooling. Something else,

grill in Central Texas hasn't changed much, except for the cost because of an expanded

worldwide interest for meat and a current dry season bringing about a diminished number of

dairy cattle crowds." (Kent Black, Black's BBQ , Lockhart, TX)

"Grill was economical on the grounds that there wasn't the request. It was modest. Not any

longer. The cost of meat has risen 100% over the most recent year and a half. With such a large

number of individuals entering the market and the dry spells that happened that made groups be

sold to market, supply continues going down. We're practically turning into our very own

casualty achievement.

"Entirely from a financial point of view, all items and administrations achieve immersion

levels. They experience unsurprising life cycles. The thing that Central TX-style grill has putting

it all on the line today is that it's not restricted by geology. It's spreading all through the nation
and world like out of control fire. It's a global thing. We'll see it rise and fall first here, then

broadly and globally." (Wayne Mueller, Louie Mueller Barbecue , Taylor, TX)

“I opened my first eatery in 2008, and the economy was so harsh. These individuals who

have been offering BBQ for a considerable length of time have construct their menu with respect

to cuts that verifiably have not cost a lot. I'm paying twice as much today per pound for pork butt

than when I opened. I can just envision these different foundations that have been doing business

so any longer managing these expanded costs on pork and meat. Generally, you could simply get

a BBQ sandwich and not spend a ton of cash. That is evolving." (TuffyStone, Q

Barbeque Richmond, VA)

"Pork's gone up practically $1 per pound since five years prior. It doesn't seem like a

considerable measure; however it has a major effect. When I began it was $.86, we're currently at

a $1.74. There's many individuals utilizing all beef hamburger or legacy breed pork, however our

eatery isn't in a range that backings that. We charge $3.24 for a sandwich in Alabama. I can't

charge $10. Individuals get some information about the breed, yet it's simply ware pork, since

we're not a market that can bolster $6 a pound pork bear." (Ken Hess, Decatur, AL)
Review of Related Studies

Farrish, John Raymond, (2010), “Critical success factors in barbecue restaurants: Do

operators and patrons agree?” this study stated that there is a gap in the aspect of literature

within the barbecue restaurant industry. Specifically, it analyzed a particular case whether the

barbecue restaurant owners have an in-depth understanding of the customer preferences.

This study utilized of the mixed methods study wherein the research team conducted a four

separate case studies of the barbecue restaurants in some specific areas of United States wherein

each state represented one of the four major barbecue traditions. The case studies were utilized to

create a model of success factor unfamiliar to barbecue restaurants. A qualitative model was also

assessed through administering a survey to the regular patrons of the barbecue restaurants. A

qualitative model was also assessed through administering a survey to regular patrons of

barbecue restaurants. The qualitative model was then examined by managing the principal

component analysis that resulted to a six-factor model explaining 68% of the variance.

According to the study, it was found out that the regular patrons identified that the barbecue

quality, convenience, side dishes, pork, alcoholic beverages, and tea as being important factors in

restaurant selection. Lastly, the model was further examined to diagnose whether customer

attitudes differed in states in states with strong barbecue traditions and states without such a

tradition. There were no significant differences that were found.

In the study of Hui Guo that was entitled, “A Feasibility Study for a Quick-Service

Restaurant in Chengdu, China” (2006), determined the feasibility of opening a restaurant

selling toufunao in Jingyang living area, Wuhou District in the city of Chengdu. Moreover, the
study also looked at the literature with regards to the restaurant feasibility study. Then the

researchers followed the four (4) steps that were proposed by the literature to conduct the

feasibility study of the proposed restaurant. Through observational research, surveys and

literature review, results of the analysis are concluded; factors such as the market area, site

selection, competition and financial analysis were created.

Summary of the Related Studies

Through the related studies, the research team created a synoptic analysis:

Most of the respondents of the related studies are the regular patrons of the barbecue

businesses and also the operators behind the barbecue business. All of the related studies shown

used the regular patrons of the barbecue businesses as their primary respondents and the

operators of the barbecue business as their secondary respondents. All of the barbecue

restaurants that were visited by the research team for data gathering purposes were both selling

various types of skewed and grilled meat products.

Research methods used for the related studies are Mixed-method, Qualitative Study,

Feasibility Study, Case Study, and Pilot Study, Observational research method, Surveys,

Questionnaires and Telephone Interview.

In the first place, both of the related studies determined that most importantly else, grilled

meats must be damp and delicate. Anything less would keep clients away. Second, all of the

related studies have an understanding that the meats must be smoked and the smoke season must

be show, however not overpowering. Three of the four proprietors utilized either all organic

product wood or a blend of hickory and organic product wood. Every one of the four was in

assertion that the specific kind of wood utilized was vital to their clients.

No doubt, thusly, that both of the related studies found out that grill eateries of numerous

types offer pork ribs, pulled pork, and meat brisket. Positively that turned out to be a piece of the

model to be tried. However, one of (1) the related studies found out that some restaurants

offered chicken whiles three of the four offered hotdogs and two offered turkey. were in

assertion that grill eateries must offer cole slaw, potato plate of mixed greens, prepared beans,

and some kind of broiled potato, despite the fact that there was difference about regardless of

whether the side dishes would create business all by themselves or head out business on the off

chance that they were absent. The same is valid for drinks. Every one of the four eateries offered

a determination of soft drinks, plain frosted tea and sweet tea.

In the comparison of the related studies, there was accord that the style of cooking was

critical to clients, despite the fact that Eatery A trusted its clients were adaptable given the way

that it is equidistant from Memphis and Kansas City. Just Eatery C had a go at taking its grill to

an alternate some portion of the nation where another kind of cooking held influence; they had

taken Memphis style grill to North Carolina. Eatery D had taken Texas grill to Minnesota where

there was no grill custom. Eatery B had taken Carolina style grill to uncommon occasions

outside the area, yet generally in the west where no grill custom exists.
Three of the four proprietors trusted honours won at rivalries drove clients in the

entryways, yet were not consistent that accomplishment at rivalry was an antecedent to

achievement. Two of the four additionally trusted that rivalries helped them enhance their items,

yet that clients would not see partaking in rivalries per se as motivation to belittle. Of the three

eatery proprietors who took a dynamic part in rivalry (Eateries A, B, and C), just eatery A had

utilized rivalries as a springboard to the eatery business. Eateries B and C utilized rivalries to

sharpen their abilities and to showcase their eateries. Each of the four concurred that providing

food, both for private capacities and everywhere opens occasions, produced positive exposure

and informal and eventually prompted client support. Two of the four proprietors accepted firmly

that their sweet offerings conveyed clients to their eateries.

Conceptual Framework

Distinguished Qualities Tyoe of Wood

Distinguished Qualities
Of A Great Grill Establishment
Of A Great Grill Establishment
Heat Source
Distinguished Qualities
The dining experience
Of A Great Grill Establishment
Heat/time ratio
The establishmentQualities
Distinguished ambience

Of A Great Grill Establishment

Serving high quality grilled Factors that The rub
Distinguished Qualitie Distinguished Qualities
Affect the Flavours of the
Of A Great Grill
Something unique
Establishment Barbecue Cut quality

The price factor

Product/Brand Sauce or no

The establishment’s cleanliness

Distribution The smoker


Figure 1.The framework of the different forces that drive the competition within the grill

This study will utilize the concepts or ideas from an internet article entitled, “Dining Out | Spot
the 6 Qualities That Make a Great Restaurant!” that is written by Dawett Fine Indian Cuisine,
2017. According from this article, the people must be able to distinguish the top 6 qualities of a
great restaurant so that every time they will dine out again they will have a return visit on that
certain restaurant and will have a better dining experience.

Moreover, this study will also incorporate the ideas from an internet article entitled, “HAVE
BARBECUE? CHANCES ARE… YOU HAVEN’T!” that is written by Recipe Station, 2016.
According from this study that you may not think too much about all of the factors involved in
cooking meat, thinking that you simply need to throw it on the grill and wait. There is this list,
however, proves that cooking meat is a more complex process than many of us ever imagined!

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