December 2010 IT Status Report

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Technology Activity
and Status Report
December 2010

Announcements for Faculty and Staff Meetings

Contact Information
Technology Information Technology Welcomes Michael Lucas, Chief
Technology Officer. On December 1, 2010, Michael Lucas began his
new role as chief technology officer at Pepperdine. As CTO, Lucas will be
Anytime Support Desk responsible for leading Systems and Networking, Information Security,
Infrastructure, and Enterprise Information Systems. He will work alongside
Available 24 hours a day, Deputy CIO Jonathan See, who will continue to be responsible for Client
7 days a week Services, the Technology and Learning group, the Anytime Support group,
(310) 506-HELP (4357) the Help Desk, Tech Central, budgeting, and IT Administration. Lucas comes
or (866) 767-8623 to Pepperdine from Texas A&M University at Qatar, where he served as
director of computing services. Please join Information Technology in
welcoming Michael Lucas to the Pepperdine University community.
Technology and Learning
for Faculty
Travel and Expense Module Now Available in
http://services.pepperdine. WaveNet. On November 15, Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) and
edu/techlearn/ Finance launched the Travel and Expense module in WaveNet. The module allows all faculty and staff to:
reconcile travel and expense charges,
conduct online sign off, and
Office of the Vice input line-by-line transaction accounting.
Provost and Chief
Information Officer
Since the launch date, over 400 expense reports and five travel cash
advances have been processed. In early February, Tim Bodden and Hector
(310) 506-4501
Ramirez, EIS staff members who are leading this initiative, expect to add
more functionality to the module to allow users to attach scanned images
of receipts to individual expense reports. For documentation and support,
Request IT Services
visit the Finance website.

1 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, December 2010

Moving Faculty and Staff Email to Exchange 2007. Information Technology's Server
Engineering team including Ken Noone, Brian Aasen, Toney Lewis, and Peter Kain will be migrating all
faculty and staff email accounts to an upgraded platform over the next two months. The new platform
will allow end users to take advantage of the new Windows and MAC Outlook 2010/2011 clients. The
migration is expected to be seamless and will occur every night between midnight and 6:00 am. For
more information on this initiative, visit the IT website news alerts.

Scheduled Maintenance and Downtime During the Holiday Weeks. In addition to the
regularly scheduled PeopleSoft maintenance on Sundays (midnight to noon) throughout the month of
December, PeopleSoft Finance will be unavailable all day on Sunday, December 12 for additional
maintenance. On Saturday, December 18, Systems and Networking will conduct preventive maintenance
on many centrally located computer systems. Emails about regular monthly maintenance are distributed
to the Pepperdine community monthly via identified departmental liaisons. To become a departmental
liaison, please contact Dana Hoover at

Administrative Support for Schools

Blackboard Will be Decommissioned in Less than 30 Days. On December 31, 2010, the
University will decommission Blackboard. Courses, powered by Sakai, has been chosen as the
University’s official learning management system. Pepperdine faculty and staff members who are still
using Blackboard are encouraged to download any content that they wish to use in future semesters.
This content will not be automatically transfered to Courses. In case of grade disputes, an institutional
archive of all Blackboard materials will be created, however, this archive will not be available until January
31, 2011.

Courses Now Populated with Spring 2011 Course Information. Faculty members are
now able to upload syllabi and materials to Courses in preparation for next semester. Faculty may also
view photographs of enrolled students if those students have existing Pepperdine ID cards. Please note
that the spring 2011 course sites may displace existing tabs, however, faculty have the ability to restore
order by customizing the order and appearance of course site tabs inside Courses. Spring classes
include the suffix ”Sp11” in the course site’s tab name. Faculty who want to begin using Courses are
encouraged to view the following resources:
• One-on-one Consultation with an Educational Technologist
• Online Courses Support Documentation

Network Engineering Staff Tests Capacity to Answer Work Calls on iPhone/

iPad. IT staff members Kevin Phan, Vixay Suphasiri, Rita Schnepp, and Zorinan Kasilag recently began to
test the capacity of Cisco's mobility client, which allows individuals who currently have new Cisco
telephones to answer and make calls on their personal iPhone or iPad using the University's 4-digit
extension numbers. This service can provide significant benefit to faculty and staff who need to receive
work phone calls when they are traveling or working at off-campus sites.

2 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, December 2010

Quick Technology Fix Allows GSBM Student to Participate in Class from Afar.
During the fall 2010 term, a student in Dr. Mosen Neghabat’s Operations Management class had to
move out-of-state for approximately six weeks. Before leaving, the student approached Information
Technology staff member Jose Juan Hernandez at the West Los Angeles campus to pursue options that
would allow her to maintain her enrollment in the class. Information Technology staff set up a laptop
with Skype, an Internet-based video/audio/chat service, in a classroom seat facing both the professor
and the board. As a result, the student was able to participate as if she was in the classroom with her
peers. Staff has also experimented with a service called Mega Meeting to help other students who need
to participate in class from a distance.

Administrative Support for the University

Departmental Liaisons Receive Previews of 2010/2011 Microsoft Office
Applications. In November, Information Technology staff members Jonathan See and Prakash
Sharma invited all departmental liaisons to a special preview of Microsoft Office 2010 for Windows and
Microsoft Office for Mac 2011. Liaisons represent the schools and departments of the University and
partner with IT to serve as a communication channel to their respective groups. Often, they are the first
to know of new technologies or IT initiatives.
Four Microsoft Office preview sessions were offered to liaisons; 51 liaisons from around the University
attended. Windows users were pleased with the new menu and "ribbon" bars in Office 2010 and Mac
users were excited about the new Outlook client. These applications will be available to the Pepperdine
community beginning January 17, 2011. Online training will be provided through Pepperdine's professional development program.

Testing for Pepperdine ID Card Web Deposits Extended to Test Group. Under the
leadership of Information Technology staff members Jonathan See and Raphael Norton, significant
progress has been made on the implementation and testing of the secure, web-based deposit system
for campus ID cards. The system will provide students, faculty, and staff the convenience of depositing
money on their ID cards anytime, anywhere, and for immediate use. Due to the complexity of the
accounting system behind the ID cards, Finance, Housing, and Information Technology staff have been
collaborating for several months to bring this service to the University community. This month, the
system will be tested by IT's departmental liaisons, with a tentative plan to launch the service to the
Pepperdine community in early January 2011. For questions about this service, contact Jonathan See at

Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR) Hosted at

Pepperdine. On November 20, 2010, Pepperdine University hosted over 1000 people for the
Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research. In preparation for the event, developer
Mark Giglione of the Technology and Learning group partnered with University Communications to
build a proposal-submission database for prospective presenters. More than 600 proposals were
submitted via the new system. Conference organizers praised the new online system for its usability and
During the conference, Presentation Services team members Brian Bowen, Dave Lockett, and Cesar
Uribe Lopez were on hand to assist conference presenters and ensure that all 250 presentation
speakers had audio and visual support when needed.

3 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, December 2010

Board of Regents Uses Courses to Share Committee Materials. In November, the
Technology and Learning group worked with Marnie Mitze, chief of staff and associate vice president, to
establish a Courses Project Site for the Board of Regents. The Regents will use the secure site to share
committee agendas, minutes, and other meeting materials.

Infrastructure, Systems, and Networking Updates

Network Engineering Staff Explore Ways to Increase Internet Bandwidth.
Network Engineering director Kevin Phan is exploring ways to increase Internet bandwidth on the
Malibu campus, where the need is greatest according to diagnostic tests. Phan is working with current
University partners Cenic and Verizon to explore the costs and technical challenges associated with this
initiative. Over the past year, Information Technology has witnessed a greater demand for network
resources due to the fact that more individuals have multiple devices connected to the network.

4 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, December 2010

Benchmarks and Accountability
Anytime Support Help Desk Statistics for November. During November 2010, there
were 1301 requests for support managed through the Anytime Support Desk. Of these requests, 19
percent were resolved within two days and 75 percent were resolved in fewer than five days. The
average wait time for individuals calling the Anytime Support Help Desk was 68 seconds. Seventy-five
percent of the requests were resolved on the first call.

Online Requests. In November 2010, there were 209 additional requests for support managed
through online web request forms. The top two types of online requests were for departmental phone
service (36) and Presentation Services requests (82).

Anytime Support Desk User Survey Results for November. Through an automated
feedback process, all Anytime Support Desk callers have the opportunity to complete a web-based
satisfaction survey. In November 2010, 173 (15%) of 1144 survey requests sent to customers were
submitted. The four-question survey uses a “1 to 5” scale with “4.00-5.00” equal to excellent.

Response Overall Customer Resolution

Month Competency
Rate Satisfaction Service Timeliness
September 13.9% 4.29 4.40 4.14 4.35
October 16% 4.34 4.46 4.15 4.42
November 15% 4.44 4.54 4.25 4.56

Staff Support by Major Area. All Pepperdine IT staff allocate their day-to-day efforts using
client, project, and task codes; using this data, total division-wide staff effort for November 2010 was
distributed as follows:

University Administration Support 1,498 hours 10.39% $75,148.36

Colleges, Academic Affairs 2,904 hours 20.14% $76,240.39

University-Wide, Common Services 4,064 hours 28.00% $161,414.34

IT Administration and Management 2,524 hours 17.51% $99,046.49

General Overhead (Leave, Holiday) 3,426 hours 23.77% $134,096.35

Total: 14,416 hours 100% $545,945.93

Support for Schools. Pepperdine IT staff effort provided to Pepperdine schools is as follows:


September 57.79% 21.48% 17.67% 0.98% 2.08%

October 48.88% 27.12% 19.05% 0.95% 3.99%
November 52.09% 23.94% 19.08% 0.59% 3.58%

How to Subscribe to this Report. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this
report, please contact Dana Hoover, communications manager, at extension x4948. The Monthly IT
Status Report archive is available online at

5 Information Technology Activity and Status Report, December 2010

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