Spectral and Biological Profile of Complexes

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J. Env. Bio-Sci., 2019: Vol. 33 (2): 291-302 ISSN 0973-6913 (Print), ISSN 0976-3384 (On Line)


Dayanand Prasad, Deepak Kumar1, Amit Kumar, B. N. Subhs, Vijay Kumar2 and Shivadhar Sharma*
University Deptt. of Chemistry, Magadh University, Bodhgaya - 824234
P. G. Deptt. of Chemistry, R. N. College, Hazipur.
B. R. A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur
Email*: sharma.shivadhar@gmail.com
Received: 04-07-2019 Accepted: 25-12-2019
2,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde was condensed with S-benzyldithiocarbazate to produce the Schiff base 2,4,5-trimethoxy
benzaldehyde-S-benzyldithiocarbazone, henceforth abbreviated as BBTC, which was used for complexation with Mn(II), Fe(II) and
Co(II). The complexes were formulated as M(BBTC)2X2 where X is Cl-, NO3- and CH3COO-. The FTIR spectra of complexes in
comparison to that of free ligand suggested the coordination through azomethine nitrogen and thion sulphur forming six membered
chelating with metal ion. The magnetic susceptibility and electronic spectral bands revealed octahedral symmetry (Oh) around
Mn(II) but tetragonally distorted octahedral symmetry (D4h) of Fe(II) and Co(II) complexes. The positive value of Dt for Fe(II) (68.42-
135.2 cm-1) and Co(II) (263-280 cm-1) clearly indicated elongation along z-axis in these complexes which was also supported by the
less value of Dq(z) than Dq(xy) for the complexes. The ligand as well as it complexes have been found active against the bacteria
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
Key words: D4h, Staphylococcus aureus, Racah Parameter B, C and Dt.

The synthesis, spectral investigation and biological activities 2,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde were procured from Lupin and
of carbazones, thiocarbazones and their metal complexes have S-benzyldithiocarbazate was procured from Merk. The two
extensively been studied because of their wide variation in precursor were condensed together to produce the required
modes of co-ordination, stereochemistry and beneficial ligand according to the method reported by Md. A. Islam et al.
pharmacological activities [1-3]. Thiocarbazones have also been 0.01 mole (1.96 g) of 2,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde and 0.01
reported as interesting chromogenic reagent that gives intense mole (1.98 g) of S-benzyldithiocarbazate were dissolved
coloured complexes, shows more bathochromic shift, more together in 30 ml of ethanol and about 2 ml of conc. H2SO4
sensitivity and more selectivity. That is why this field has was added to it. The resulting solution was refluxed on water
attracted the considerable attention of inorganic chemists [4- bath using air condenser for about four hours, where by yellow
9]. Schiff's bases of carbazones and thiocarbazones are very turbidity appeared which got solidified after living over night. It
good chelating agents. As chelation causes drastic changes was filtered and solid was recrystallized in ethanol acetone
in the biological properties of the ligands as well as the metal mixture and dried in desicator on anhydrous CaCl2. The m.p.
moiety, such complexes have been found potentially, was recorded 184°C and the yield was 79%. It has been given
antibacterial, antifungal, anti-cancer etc [10-16]. Due to below.
pharmaceutical properties of carbazones and thiosemi-
carbazones which are frequently higher for metal complexes
than the free ligands, they have extensively been studied in
recent years [17-20]. Keeping the vasts spectrum of fascinating
properties of carbazones and thiocarbazones complexes and
in continuation of our previous work [21-26], we report here the
spectral and biological profile of complexes of 2,4,5-


All the reagents used were of Anal-R-grade. The precursor

NAAS Rating (2019)-4.43

The ligand has been used for complexation with Mn(II), Fe(II) intensity and remains almost intact in the spectra of
and Co(II) metal ions by used method of reflux. The ligand as complexes. It shows the non-participation of methoxy oxygen
well as complexes were microanalysed by Perkin-Elmer-2400- of ligand in co-ordination. The medium band appearing at
CHN elemental analyser. Mn(II) and Co(II) were estimated 1045 cm-1 due to ν C-S stretching vibration of free ligand
gravimetrically while Fe(II) was estimated volumetrically after undergoes red shift appearing at 1010-1020 cm-1 in complexes
decomposition of the complexes. The FTIR spectra of the ligand which indicates coordination through thionyl sulphur of the
and complexes were recorded on Perkin-Elmer-FTIR ligand to the metal ions [38]. The coordination through sulphur
spectrometer using KBr are disc between 4000 to 400 cm-1. and azomethine nitrogen of the ligand is furthur supported by
The magnetic susceptibility of complexes has been determined the appearance of new band at 530-535 cm-1 due to ν M-N
by Gouy's balance at room temperature using mercuric and 445-450 cm-1 due to ν M-S in the FTIR spectra of the
tetrathiocyanatocobaltate(II) as calibrant. The electronic spectra complexes [39]. In addition to these bands some new bands
of metal complexes were recorded on Shimadzu UV-Visible appear in complexes. In complexes number 1, 4 and 7 new
spectrophotometer (UV-160). The molar conductivity of band appears at 420-425 cm-1 due to ν M-Cl stretching
complexes was determined in DMF solution 10 -3 M showing the presence of chloride in their co-ordination
concentration using Toshiniwal CL-01-06 conductivity bridge. sphere[40]. In complexes number 2, 5 and 8 two new bands
The ligand as well as complexes were assayed against the appear at 1380-1384 cm-1 and 840-848 cm-1, which shows
bacteria Bascillus subtills and Klebsiella pneumoniae using the presence of mono co-ordinated NO3- ion in these
Ciprofloxacin as reference.
complexes [41]. The new bands appearing at 1560-1565 cm-
and 1320-1330 cm-1 in FTIR spectra of complexes no. 3, 6
and 9 may be attributed to ν asyCOO- and ν syCOO- respectively
The percentage composition of ligand and its complexes has [42]. The between symmetric and asymmetric vibrations of
been given in Table-1. acetate is more than 200 cm-1 which is typical of monodentate
The extremely low value of conductivity (18-23 ohm-1 cm2 mol-1) co-ordination of acetato group in these complexes [43]. The
of complexes clearly indicates their nonelectrolytic nature [28- tabular form of FTIR bands in ligand and complexes have
30]. The percentage composition and molar conductivity of been presented in table-2 and the graphs have also been
complexes reveal their formation as [ML2X2] where, M = Mn(II), presented in Fig. 1 to 14.
FTIR-SPECTRAL STUDY: The free ligand absorbs at 3455 cm - COMPLEXES : Magnetic moment of Mn(II) complexes are
which is assigned to ν N-H [31-33] stretching vibration of the found 5.80-5.83 BM. The values are very close to the magnetic
ligand, which remains intact in complexes. It indicates that ν N- moment corresponding to five unpaired electrons. This is
, nitrogen of the ligand is not involved in coordination. The free indicative of the fact that Mn++ complexes are high spin
ligand absorbs at 2620 cm-1 due to  C  S  CH 2 vibration which
magnetically dilute octahedral complexes [44]. The slightly
doesn't undergo any change in complexes, which is indicative low value of magnetic moment may be due to spin-orbit
of non participation of thio ether group of the ligand in coupling, which further restricts the spin as well as orbital
coordination. A medium band appears at 1650 cm-1, which motion of the electron to the little extent. The Mn(II) complexes
undergoes negative shift by 32-35 cm-1 and appears at 1615- display four very weak bands in their electronic spectra. The
1650 cm-1 in the FTIR spectra of complexes. It is a distinct bands have been given in Table-3.
indication of co-ordination through azomethine nitrogen of the The weak bands of electronic spectra of Mn(II) complexes
ligand in complexes [34-36]. The coordination through are assigned to the following spin forbidden transitions, ν 1
azomethine nitrogen of the ligand is further supported by an = 6A1g 4T1g (4G), ν 2 = 6A1g  4T2g or 4A1g or 4Eg (4G), ν 3
increase by 15 cm-1 in absorption frequency of ν N-N which = 6A1g  4Eg (4D) and ν 4 = 6A1g  4T1g (4P)
absorbs at 1013 cm-1 in FTIR spectrum of free ligand [37]. The
methoxy group of free ligand absorbs at 1160 cm-1 with medium Using Tanabe-Sugano diagram the values of different crystal

Table 1: % Composition, Physical properties and molar conductivity of ligand

and complexes.

Table 2: FTIR bands in Ligand and complexes (in cm-1)


Table 3: Electronic Spectral bands (cm-1) and Magnetic moment of Mn(II) complexes

Table 4: The values of crystal Field parameters for Mn(II) Complexes

Sl. Complexes 2 Dq(cm–1) B(cm –1 ) C(cm –1) C/B 

I [Mn(BBTC) 2Cl2] 1.35 1254.442 896.03 3098 3.45413 6.66354

II [Mn(BBTC)2(NO3) 2] 1.34017 1649.238 916.243 3005.51 3.2802 4.55795

III [Mn(BBTC) 2(CH3COO)2] 1.33022 1427.450 892.156 3057.68 3.4273 7.06699

Table 5: Electronic Spectral bands (cm-1) and Magnetic moment of Fe(II) complexes

Table 6: Electronic Spectral bands (cm-1) and Magnetic moment of Fe(II) complexes
Sl. Complexes Dq (x y ) Dq (z) Ds Dt
(cm – 1 ) (cm – 1 ) (cm – 1 ) (cm – 1 )
I [Fe(BBTC) 2 Cl 2 ] 1927 1690.4 3042 135.2
II [Fe(BBTC) 2 (NO 3 ) 2 ] 1900 1766.72 2983.6 76.16
III [Fe(BBTC) 2 (CH 3 COO) 2 ] 1870 1750.00 2950.70 68.42
Table 7: Electronic Spectral bands and Magnetic moment of Co(II) complexes

Table 8: Values of various crystal field parameter of Co(II) complexes


field parameters have been derived and values have been octahedral symmetry which appreciably contribute to the
presented in Table- 4. magnetic moment of Co(II) complexes in octahedral symmetry
[23,51,52]. The electronic spectra of Co(II) complexes display
The ratio of Racah Parameter C/B derived for Mn(II) complexes
four bands which has been given in Table - 7.
(3.28-3.45) is very close to the theoretical value (3.5)[45]. The
values of different crystal field parameters support octahedral The bands have been assigned to the following spin allowed
geometry around Mn(II) in these complexes [30, 46]. transitions,  2  Eg  B2 g ,  3  Eg  Eg ,
4 a 4 4 a 4 b

 4  4 E ga  4 B1g and  5  4 E ga  4 E gc
The magnetic moment of Fe(II) complexes exhibit magnetic The first band ν 1 due to 4 E ga  4 A 2a g is not
moment 5.00-5.10 BM, which shows the presence of four observed due to small gap between the two levels causing
unpaired electrons in the complexes. The values are a bit higher absorption energy in I.R. range. The value of 10Dq(xy) has been
than that corresponding to four unpaired electrons (4.89 BM) derived from ν 4 - ν 2 and Dt has been derived from 354 (   ) ,
which may be attributed to the ground state term 5T2g which Dq(xy) was derived from the popular equation, Dt = 7 Dq  Dq .
3 2

( xy ) ( z)

being orbitally degenerate contributes to the magnetic moment The values of the different crystal field parameter derived from
of six coordinate Fe(II) complexes. The magnetic moment of the spectral bands have been presented in Table - 8.
six coordinate Fe(II) complexes also show enhancement due
to deviation from octahedral symmetry [47-49]. The Fe(II) The electronic spectral graph of Mn(II), Fe(II) & Co(II) complexes
complexes display three bands in their electronic spectra which may be seen in Figures 12-14.
is indicative of tetragonal distortion in octahedral symmetry of From the values of Ds and Dt the value of ν 1 has been derived
Fe(II) complexes. Under the influence of tetragonal distortion which were found 6,694 - 6,919 cm-1, which falls in I.R. region.
both the ground state crystal field terms 5T2g and the excited The +ve value of Dt and Ds are indicative of tetragonally elongated
crystal field term 5Eg of its ground term 5D undergo further octahedral geometry of all the Co(II) complexes [53,54]. The
splitting causing the possibility of three spin allowed transition tetragonal elongation along z-axis in all Co(II) complexes is
bands. The electronic spectral bands [50] and their assignment also supported by the smaller value of Dq(z) than Dq(xy) [55,56].
have been presented in Table - 5.
Antimicrobial activity: The ligand as well as its metal
These bands were assigned to the following spin allowed complexes were screened against bacterial species
transitions, 1  5Eg  5B2g, 2  5Eg  5A1g and  3  E g  B1 g Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus using
5 5

On the basis of these transitions and energy associated with ciprofloxacin as reference for the evaluation of their antibacterial
different transitions the various crystal field parameters have activity. The bacteria was incubated for 24 hours at 35°C and
been derived and values have been presented on Table - 6. the activity was determined by measuring the diameter of
inhibition zone by agur diffusion method. The results have been
From the table it is obvious that Dq(z) for all the complexes is shown in Table - 9. From the table it may be inferred that the
less than Dq(xy) which shows that the axial ligands are slightly free ligand is active against both E. Coli and S. aureus, but it
away from the metal ion in respect of the planer ligands in all is less active than the standard ciprofloxacin. The metal
the complexes. It predicts the tetragonally elongated complexes of the ligand are found more active against both,
octahedral symmetry (D4h) for all the Fe(II) complexes. The E. Coli and S. aureus strains. The positive effect of almost all
elongation along Z-axis is further supported by the positive the complexes is comparable to ciprofloxacin.
value of the radial integral Dt for all the Fe(II) complexes [25].
The grater inhibitory effect of metal complexes than the ligand
ELECTRONIC SPECTRA OF Co(II) : The magnetic moment for the bacterial strains may be attributed to overtone concept
of Co(II) complexes has been found 4.72 - 4.79 BM. Co(II) is a and chelation theory [57-59].
d7 system having three unpaired electrons and hence the spin
only value of magnetic moment is expected to be 3.87 BM. CONCLUSION
The abnormality in the magnetic moment of Co(II) complexes The ligand BBTC is found to act as neutral bidentate one
may be attributed to 4T1g ground state crystal field term in coordinating through azomethine nitrogen and thionic sulphur.

The positions along z-axis are occupied by chloride or nitrate

Grants Commission for granting Rajiv Gandhi National
or acetate ions. All the complexes of Mn(II), Fe(II) and Co(II)
Fellowship vide Registration ID : RGNF-2017-18-SC-BIH-41422.
are found to possess D4h symmetry with elongation along z-
Authors' are thankful to Prof. S. K. Singh, Head, P. G.
axis. The free ligand and its complexes are found active against
Department of Zoology for allowing the microbiological lab of
E. Coli and S. aureus. The antibacterial of free ligand is found
his department to carry out the antimicrobial study.
to have enhanced after complexation with metals.
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One of the author, Deepak Kumar is thankful to University Christlieb, G. C. Churchill, A. R. Cowlry, J. R. Dilworth, P. S. Donnelly,

Table 9: Zone of Inhibition of Ligand and Complexes

Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin
E. Coli Test zone S. aureus Test zone
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4 [Mn(BBTC) 2(CH 3COO)2 ] 29 24 31 30
5 [Fe(BBTC) 2Cl 2] 31 32 34 32
6 [Fe(BBTC) 2(NO 3 )2] 30.8 33 32 30
7 [Fe(BBTC) 2(CH 3COO)2 ] 28.9 33 30 31
8 [Co(BBTC) 2Cl 2] 26.4 30 29 30
9 [Co(BBTC) 2(NO 3 )2 ] 26 31 28.8 31
10 [Co(BBTC) 2(CH 3COO)2 ] 26 31 28.6 32

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