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Business Research

Lecturer: Mr. SENG VEYANET
Contact: 088 995 1008 / 096 501 2693
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Chapter 2

By completed this chapter, the student will:

• Understand the purpose of Research Proposals

• Understand the structure of Research


• Understand where submission of Research

• To present the importance of the research topic
• To get authorization for research implementing
• To suggest the data necessary for solving issues
and how data will be collected and analyzed
• To seek for funding

1. Introduction or background
2. Problem statement
3. Research objectives
4. Identification of information needs
5. Expected research outcome
6. Research framework/Plan
7. Scope and limitation
8. Research methodology
9. Organization of study
10. Research team (optional)
11. Research fund needed (optional) 5
1. Introduction or background:
• Describe what relevant to the topic
• Describe what the topic about
• Describe the importance of the topic

2. Problem Statement:
• Indicate the problem of the topic
• Question why the problem happen
• Question impacts of the problem
• Question for solution to solve the problem

3. Research Objective:
• State what you want to know and study about;
• State what you want to do and to achieve;
• Express how will you do to solve problem;

4. Identification of information needs:
• Types of information and data;
• Sources of information and data;
• Uses of information and data;

5. Expected Research Outcome:
• Express what you will find from the research
study (in general the expected outcomes are
consistent with the research objective);

6. Research Framework/plan:
• Identify order of work to be done;
• Assigned responsible for each member;
• Allocate time to fit with the work process;
• Specify milestone of the overall work completion;

7. Scope and Limitation:
• Subjective of the study
• Time limitation of data and information used
• Target area and
• Group of people that will be related to the topic

8. Research Methodology:
• Research Design
• Data/Information collection procedure
• Method of sample collection
• Data/Information analysis procedures

9. Organization of the study:
• Arrangement of research output in accordance
with expected outcomes and objectives
• Organizing research report in sequencing
• Establishing brief contents of report

10. Research Team (optional):
• Showing member of research team following
with respective responsibility for research
• Showing disciplines and commitment for
achieving the research goals/objectives

11. Research Fund Needed (optional):
• Proposing amount of funds needed to meet
research implementation
• Allocating funds to research each activity
(designing, collecting, processing, analyzing,
interpreting and reporting…)

 Top management (chief of org…)
 Adviser or advisor’s team or academic research
 Research funds or organizations
 Any research foundations

ប្រធានរទ៖ ការវាយតម្លៃពប្ី រសិទភា
ធ ពម្នការប្ររ់ប្រង
ធនធានធលមជាតិ ដោយមានការចូលរ ួលពីសហរលន៍ដៅ
ដេតត ដសៀលរារ ប្រដទសកលពជា

ិ ដហំ
1. ស្វែងយល់ពហី េតុផល នង ើ រការននការបហងកត
ើ វេគមន៍តប
ំ ន់
ិ តំបន់វេគមន៍នរពហ ើ
2. វាយតនមៃពរី បវិទ្ភា
ធ ពននការរគប់រគង នង
ិ របតប
ិ តតកា
ិ ររបវ់វេគមន៍
តំបន់ការពារ នង
ិ វេគមន៍នរពហ ើ
3. ពន
ិ ត
ិ យពផ
ី លរបហោជន៍ស្ដលវមាជក
ិ វេគមន៍ទ្ទ្ួលបាន ពកា
ី រ
ចូលរួមកនុងការរគប់រគងធនធានធមមជាតហិ ោយវេគមន៍
ការអរ់រ ំដៅកលពជា
ុ ឆ្ន ំ ២០១៥: ការងារ និង ការផ្ដល ់
ធិ ណា
ំ ច
 ការវិកាហនេះ វំ ហៅពន
ិ ត
ិ យជាទ្ូហៅពន ី ន្ន
ិ ន ការកនៃងមក នងិ បញ្ហាហោល
នហោបាយកំពុងផុវហ ង ើ កនុងរបព័នអធ ប់រ ំទំងមូល ស្ដលមានតំងពី ការ
ិ អភវិ ឌ្ឍន៍កុមារតូច នង
ិ ការអប់រ ំហៅ សាលាមហតយយ បឋមវិកា
មធយមវិកា រេូតដល់ ឧតតមវិកា នង ិ ការអប់រ ំនង
ិ ប ុ ្ េះបណ្ដ ្ ល
បហចេកហទ្វនង ិ វជា
ិ ា ជវី ៈ (TVET)។ ការវិកាហនេះ មន ិ ស្មនហដម ើ បកំ
ី ត់ហចញនូវ
ដហំ ណ្ដេះរសាយស្ផនកហោលនហោបាយអប់រ ំដ៏ជាក់លាក់ហន្នេះហទ្ បស្ុ នតហដម ើ បី
បំផុវហោយហ ញ
ើ បញ្ហាធំៗមួយចំនន
ួ ស្ដលវងគមជាទ្ូហៅ នងិ អនកបហងកតើ
ហោលនហោបាយ ជាពហិ វវោចរតូវរប មមុខនង ិ ស្វែងរកដហំ ណ្ដេះរសាយ
1. What is research proposal?

2. Why do we develop the research proposal?

3. Summarize the structure of a research proposal.


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