Investigatory Project

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An Investigatory Project

Presented to

Mr. Felix C. Ocba, Jr.

Quezon City Polytechnic University,

Quezon City


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Course

Biological Science


Presented by:

Cruz, Kenneth Harvey A.

Racachot, Daye C.
Delaminez, Rodolfo C.
Libradilla, Joseph M.
Arancillo, Aivy Loren S.
Robles, Angelica A.

BAGE 108– Group VIII

February 15

Researchers: Cruz, Kenneth Harvey A.
Racachot, Daye C.
Delaminez, Rodolfo C.
Libradilla, Joseph M.
Aracillo, Aivy Loren S.
Major in: Information Technology

Type of Documents: Science Investigatory Project

Total Number of Pages: 97
Name and Address of Institute: Quezon City Polytechnic University
Batasan Hills, Quezon City

This study was conducted to know the rumors that music really improves

or affects the way of plant growth. The researchers have found out that music

affects plant growth by the help of the music’s sound waves. As for us humans,

the sound waves of music travels through the air at varying frequencies and

finally reaching our eardrums, that is when we recognize it as music. When the

plant is exposed to the same music, it also receives the same sound wave the

music emits and could in fact be receiving the some form of stimuli that we are

yet able to understand. Some experiments done by scientist have shown that

some plants grew more quickly after being exposed to musical stimulation. The

aim of our study is to determine if music is potentially affecting plant growth. Our

research started on Feb 15, 2016

and was conducted in the area of Quezon City. In this area, we will know if music

can really affect plant growth.


The researchers would like to take this opportunity to extend their

sincerest and the most profound gratitude to the following for making this

Investigatory Project a reality:

PROF. Dax Gaffud, the adviser of our class and for his genuine

support and guidance for the improvement of this study; his concern is more than

enough to uplift the researcher’s morale and not to give up;.

PROF. Felix Ocba jr, for providing us knowledge at guiding us to

properly conduct our research

The Researchers, for cooperating and helping one another and for

making this research possible.

Above all, to Almighty God, his source of strength, wisdom and

knowledge, for shedding the light and reason to overcome the trials and

challenges in the course of this proposal.

The Researchers


To almighty God
I am thankful for giving me knowledge
in doing this research study.
To our families and love ones
Especially our parents,
Our relatives who gave us encouragement
And moral support
To the teachers who
Helped us, for their contribution in
Our research paper.
To all our friends
Who contributed to this research paper,
for all needs I asked them.
To the memories of
my friends, classmates and group mates.



Cover Page i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iii

Dedication iv

Table of Contents v

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii



Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitation

Definition of Terms


Related literature

Method of Research

Method of Collecting Data

Materials and Procedure

Sampling and Design


Title of the Table






A. Gantt Chart
B. Letter to Respondents
C. Documentation
D. Receipts
E. Sample Questioners
F. Certificates

Students Profile

List of Tables

1. Respondents of the research “How Music Affects Plant Growth”

List of Figures
1. Location Map of Quezon City Polytechnic University

Figure 1
Location Map of Quezon City Polytechnic




How does the music affect the growth of plant? Many of us didn’t know

that the music have an effect to the growth of plant because Music is a vibratory

phenomenon. Air particles are set in motion and these air particles in turn set

matter that is within hearing distance into motion. This is called vibrational

sympathy: When the vibration of sound effects the airwaves, the airwaves effect

other matter that they come into contact with in a manner that is in sympathy with

the originating source. Music has a definite effect on people , animals, and

plants. In fact it can have a powerful influence on our body , mind, and emotions.

Music with a beat can stimulate your body: music with powerful melodies and

harmonies performed with feeling can make you weep or cry out with joy. Music

grabs our feelings.

In 1973, a woman named Dorothy Retallack published a small book called

the sound of music and plants. Her book detailed that the experiment that she

had been introduced at the Colorado Woman’s College In Denver using the

school’s three biotronic control chambers. Mrs. Retallack placed plants in each

chambers and speakers through which she played sounds and particular styles

of music. She watched the plants and recorded their progress daily. She was

astounded at what she discovered. Her first experiment was to simply of the
three chambers, she played a steady tone continuously for eight hours. In the

second she played the tone for the three hours intermittently, and in the third

chamber, she played no tone at all. The plants in the first chamber with constant

tone died within fourteen days. The plants in the second chamber grew

abundantly and were extremely healthy, even more so than the plant in the third

chamber. It was a very interesting outcome. When music was played

continuously, the workers were more fatigued and less productive, when played

in several ours only, several times a day, the worker more productive and more

alert and attentive that when no music was played.

Another American botanist and horticulturist, Luther Burbank, Studied in

what way plant will react when removed from their natural habitat. He talked to

his plants and from his horticultural experiment he attributed around 20 sensory

perception to plants. His studies were inspired by the work of Charles Darwin ‘

The variation of animals and plants under domestication’ Published 1868

The purpose of this study is to know what will be the effect of music to the

growth of plant and how it will affect the growth of plant and to find out the

significance of it.
Statement of the problem

The focus of our study is to determine if music really has an effect on plant


Main Problem: Is there a significant relationship between music and plant


1. Does music really affects the growth of plant or not?

2. Is there any difference on the growing of plant in traditional way vs. growing

plant with the use of music?

3. How do respondents find the use of music in plant growth?


The focus of our study is to know and observe if music really affects plant


H: Yes, there is a significant relationship between music and plant growth.

Significance of the study

Farmers. They are the first beneficiary of this study because this study are

related to their field. And this can help them a lot in so many terms and ways. By

using this study, they can make their work easier.

Department of Agriculture. They will also benefit in this study because their

department was the one who is responsible in all agricultural duties. And if this

study will be successful they can promote this in all of the farmers.

Students. Students can also benefit in this study because they will be having

those knowledge in terms of farming and agricultural matters. And this study can

also help them to become more responsible and more conscious in agriculture
Scope and Limitations

This research is focus on how music affect the plant growth.This is limited

only to pechay plant because it is easy to grow and it grows only within three

weeks. Music helps plant growth because of the vibrations that the music gives

off to the plants, it does not really matter what genre of music the plants are

surrounded by, but rather the amount of beats and the rhythm of the music and in

this research, we will find out if this is true. In this research we need to know if

music affects the growth and quality of pechay and if it has a good or bad effect

on the plant.
Definition of Terms

Plant: a living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses,

ferns, and mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and

inorganic substances through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by

photosynthesis using the green pigment chlorophyll.

Music: an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant

forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

Phenomenon: a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially

one whose cause or explanation is in question.

Vibrational sympathy: A vibration produced in one material by the vibrations of

the same frequency, or a harmonic multiple of that frequency, from a sound

wave in contact with the object, by means of the air or an intervening material.

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