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Secondary psychoses: an update

1Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2Longwood Psychiatry Residency Training Program and Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, USA

Psychotic disorders due to a known medical illness or substance use are collectively termed secondary psychoses. In this paper, we first
review the historic evolution of the concept of secondary versus primary psychosis and how this distinction supplanted the earlier misleading
classification of psychoses into organic and functional. We then outline the clinical features and approach to the diagnosis of secondary psy-
chotic disorders. Features such as atypical presentation, temporal relation to detectable medical cause, evidence of direct physiological
causal relationship to the etiological agent, and the absence of evidence of a primary psychotic illness that may better explain the presenta-
tion suggest consideration of a secondary psychosis. Finally, we discuss how careful studies of secondary psychotic disorders can help eluci-
date the pathophysiology of primary, or idiopathic, psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. We illustrate this issue through a discussion
of three secondary psychotic disorders — psychoses associated with temporal lobe epilepsy, velocardiofacial syndrome, and N-methyl D-
aspartate (NMDA) receptor encephalitis — that can, respectively, provide neuroanatomical, genetic, and neurochemical models of schizo-
phrenia pathogenesis.

Key words: Secondary psychoses, temporal lobe epilepsy, velocardiofacial syndrome, NMDA receptor encephalitis, schizophrenia

(World Psychiatry 2013;12:4–15)

Classification of psychotic disorders has continued to DISORDERS PRESENTING WITH SECONDARY

generate debate. The idea that psychoses may be catego- PSYCHOTIC SYMPTOMS
rized into those with detectable anatomic pathology (or-
ganic) and those without such pathology (functional) has Virtually any substance, prescribed drug, or medical
been prevalent for more than a century (1). Unfortunately, condition affecting nervous system function can present
this distinction sometimes misled the field, particularly with psychiatric symptoms, including psychosis (Table
during the early decades of the 20th century, when func- 1). The mnemonic TACTICS MDS USE may offer the
tional was equated with psychogenic, and the etiology of clinician an easy way to remember the main groups of
schizophrenia was ascribed to psychologic factors such as disorders to consider in the differential diagnosis.
parental upbringing.
Recent decades have seen a growing realization that Traumatic brain injury
it is more useful to categorize psychiatric disorders as
secondary, when the symptoms are due to a known Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been proposed as a risk
medical illness or substance use, and as primary (or idio- factor for schizophrenia-like psychosis, though there have
pathic), if the symptoms cannot be explained by another been few systematic studies of the relationship between
cause. In this context, the DSM-IV dropped the terms these two conditions.
organic and functional used in the earlier editions (2). Fujii and Ahmed (3) conducted a review of case reports
The emphasis was shifted from the presence or absence in which they retroactively applied DSM-IV criteria to a
of discernible brain pathology (which is often difficult to total of 69 cases and concluded that TBI can be either a
identify, even in many neurological disorders) to etiology primary cause of psychosis or contribute to the develop-
(known, presumed, or unknown). The DSM-IV also ment of psychosis through inducing seizures, though this
made the distinction between psychotic disorders sec- study was limited by the heterogeneity of the case reports.
ondary to medical illness versus those secondary to sub- A cohort study of 3552 Finnish World War II veterans
stance use. (4) reported a rate of psychosis of 8.9% following TBI,
In this paper, the primary versus secondary approach has but the proportion of open injuries, potential comorbid-
been taken to understand psychotic disorders, since the ities, and lack of standard diagnostic tools call into ques-
term primary has the advantage of not ruling out a neuro- tion the generalizability of these findings.
biological basis. While a variety of secondary psychotic dis- Evidence from additional studies, including epidemio-
orders are described throughout this text, it is important to logic and case control studies, indicates that TBI may mar-
have an appreciation of how such understanding can eluci- ginally increase the risk of psychosis, though the increased
date the neurobiological substrates that might underlie pri- risk may be significantly higher for individuals with a
mary (or idiopathic) psychotic illness. We seek to briefly genetic predisposition to psychosis (5-7). The risk of psy-
provide an overview of what is known in this regard and chosis appears to be elevated when TBI is severe, diffuse,
offer an approach to the differential diagnosis between pri- involves the frontal and temporal lobes, and is associated
mary and secondary psychotic disorders. with abnormal findings on electroencephalography and

4 World Psychiatry 12:1 - February 2013

Table 1 Possible causes of secondary psychoses

Examples Investigations

Trauma Traumatic head injury CT, MRI

Autoimmune disorders Systemic lupus erythematosus, NMDA receptor Autoantibody titers


Cytogenetic/congenital disorders Velocardiofacial syndrome, agenesis of corpus Karyotyping, MRI


Toxic/substance-induced disorders PCP, MDMA, LSD, cannabis, alcohol Careful medication history; urine screen for drugs,
Lead, mercury or arsenic poisoning heavy metal screen; trial off the offending agent

Iatrogenic disorders Antimalarials, steroids, isoniazid Careful medication history; trial off the offending

Cerebrovascular disorders Stroke, subdural hematomas CT, MRI

Space-occupying disorders Cerebral tumors CT, MRI

Metabolic disorders Phaeochromocytoma, metachromatic Urinary catecholamines; arylsulphatase-A levels,

leukodystrophy, Wilson’s disease copper and ceruloplasmin levels

Dietary disorders Pellagra, B12 deficiency; vitamin D deficiency B12, Folate, D3 levels

Sepsis/infectious disorders Neurosyphilis, toxoplasmosis, HIV disease RPR to rule out syphilis; HIV antibody titers;
glucose, protein in CSF

Unknown cause/degenerative/ Lewy body dementia, Parkinson’s disease, MRI, CT, EEG, evoked potentials
demyelinating disorders Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis,
Fredreich’s ataxia

Seizure disorders Partial complex seizures, temporal lobe epilepsy EEG, including sleep deprivation; telemetric EEG as

Endocrine disorders Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Serum calcium, thyroid/parathyroid hormone levels


CT – computed tomography; MRI – magnetic resonance imaging; NMDA – N-methyl D-aspartate; PCP – phencyclidine; MDMA – 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methyl-
amphetamine; LSD – lysergic acid diethylamide; RPR – rapid plasma reagin; HIV – human immunodeficiency virus; CSF – cerebrospinal fluid; EEG –

neuroimaging investigations (8-10). When psychosis does results in resolution of the psychotic symptoms, although
occur in the setting of TBI, it is characterized by promi- these medications themselves can induce psychotic symp-
nence of persecutory delusions and auditory hallucina- toms and contribute to diagnostic difficulty (14).
tions, with a relative paucity of negative symptoms (3,8). Autoimmune disease as a cause of psychotic symptoms
Given this evidence, further research examining the inter- is not limited to SLE. Psychosis may be the presenting
action between TBI and genetic risk factors for schizo- symptom in multiple sclerosis (16,17) and has been docu-
phrenia is warranted. mented to occur in Hashimoto’s disease (18,19).

Autoimmune disorders Congenital/cytogenetic disorders

Psychotic symptoms are a rare, but known, manifestation Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), discussed in further
of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), with a reported detail below, is caused by a heterozygous chromosome
prevalence ranging from 1 to 11% (11-13). Retrospective 22q11.2 deletion and is associated with the strongest link
analyses reveal that, when psychosis does occur in SLE, it yet identified between a genetic condition and psychosis,
tends to appear early in the disease course. Approximately with 25–30% of VCFS patients developing symptoms
30–60% of the patients found to have psychosis were psy- analogous to schizophrenia (20-23).
chotic when diagnosed with SLE and up to 80% developed VCFS is of particular interest because the neurocogni-
these symptoms within 1 year of SLE diagnosis (13-15). tive findings, brain structural abnormalities, psychotic
While psychosis can be the presenting symptom in SLE, it symptoms, and patterns of treatment response seen in
occurs more frequently in the context of other lupus symp- this disorder are all highly similar to those seen in schiz-
toms, most commonly cutaneous involvement and arthritis ophrenia (24).
(13). Other genetic disorders in which psychosis can occur
Symptomatically, lupus psychosis is frequently charac- include Prader-Willi syndrome (in which the rate of schiz-
terized by paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations, ophrenia-like psychosis is approximately 16%) (25,26),
and delusions of grandeur (14). Immunosuppressive treat- Huntington’s disease (rate of 5–16%) (27,28), and Fahr’s
ment, including steroids and antimalarials, typically disease/syndrome (29,30).

Toxic/drug-induced disorders psychiatric illness (50,51). Additional classes of medications
that have been linked to toxic psychosis include antidepres-
Individuals using psychoactive substances can experi- sants (52), anticonvulsants (53), antiemetics (54), antipar-
ence psychotic symptoms in various contexts, including kinsonian agents (55), antipsychotics (47), opioids (47), his-
acute intoxication, withdrawal, delirium induced by either tamine antagonists (56), and antibiotics (57), particularly
intoxication or withdrawal, substance-induced mood dis- when toxic blood levels occur.
order with psychotic features, and substance-induced psy-
chosis (SIP). SIPs are best conceptualized as those condi- Cerebrovascular disorders
tions where the psychosis begins in the context of sub-
stance use but persists for days to weeks in the absence of Post-stroke psychosis prevalence rates are estimated at
continued substance use. 3–4% (58,59). While psychotic symptoms have occurred in
The substances with the clearest psychotogenic proper- association with strokes in numerous brain regions, they are
ties include stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine) (31-33), most common in temporo-parietal-occipital lesions (59).
cannabis (34,35), and the psychotomimetics (phencycli- The nature of the psychotic symptoms differs from schizo-
dine, ketamine) (36,37). Opiates and nicotine have not phrenia, with post-stroke psychosis more likely to include
been clearly shown to produce psychosis, while alcohol visual, tactile, and olfactory hallucinations (60-62). Halluci-
and benzodiazepines may induce psychosis just in acute natory behavior in post-stroke patients has been further
withdrawal states (33,38,39). Lysergic acid diethylamide classified into frank hallucinations and hallucinosis, the lat-
and 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) ter distinguished by ego-dystonia and retained insight into
can produce hallucinations in acute intoxication, but there the fact that the perceptions are not real (63).
is no clear evidence that they induce an ongoing psy- There has been little systematic study of the link between
chotic disorder (40,41). vascular dementia and the development of psychotic symp-
The interaction between susceptibility to psychotic dis- toms, though the fact that psychosis occurs at similar rates
orders and to substance abuse disorders is complex, with in both vascular and Alzheimer’s dementia argues against a
evidence suggesting both that genetic vulnerability to psy- psychotogenic mechanism specific to the cerebrovascular
chosis in combination with drug abuse can bring about disturbance (64).
psychosis and that individuals with such vulnerability may Studies that have searched for evidence of cerebrovas-
be more likely to abuse substances. cular injury in patients who develop late-onset psychotic
Toxic psychosis can also occur in the context of expo- symptoms have produced conflicting results (65). Based
sure to heavy metals, including lead (42), mercury, and on the limited data currently available, it is difficult to
arsenic (43). conclude to what extent cerebrovascular disease predis-
poses a patient to the development of psychotic symptoms,
Iatrogenic psychoses and further research is needed to confirm or disprove this
Toxic psychosis can be caused by numerous centrally active
medications and is often characterized by acutely impaired Space-occupying intracranial disorders
cognitive function in addition to psychotic symptoms.
The reported rates of psychotic symptoms in patients Brain tumors are an uncommon, but important, cause of
receiving glucocorticoids have varied widely, although secondary psychosis, and there is evidence that the preva-
there is evidence that mood disorders secondary to glu- lence of intracranial tumors is increased in patients with
cocorticoids are associated with psychotic symptoms psychiatric illness (66-68). Symptomatically, psychosis sec-
more frequently than are primary mood disorders. While ondary to intracranial tumors can be indistinguishable
onset of psychotic symptoms usually occurs within sev- from schizophrenia, although it is more commonly associ-
eral days of initiating glucocorticoid treatment, the ated with visual hallucinations, simple unelaborated delu-
symptoms can occur anytime from hours to weeks after sions, and absence of formal thought disorder (69-72).
the first dose is administered (44). Tumors located in the temporal lobes or limbic struc-
Elderly patients are at particular risk for developing toxic tures are the most likely to produce psychosis, with one
psychosis in reaction to medications with anticholinergic study demonstrating that 20% of tumors in the temporal
properties (45,46) and to benzodiazepines (47,48). The de- lobe resulted in psychotic symptoms (69,73). There has
velopment of psychotic symptoms following initiation of iso- been no demonstrated link between the histological type of
niazid treatment has been documented in a growing number tumor and the frequency of psychosis, though low-grade,
of case reports (49), and ascribed to alteration in catechol- slow-growing tumors seem most likely to produce psy-
amine and serotonin levels via monoamine oxidase inhibi- chotic symptoms in the absence of neurological signs (74).
tion. Antimalarial drugs including chloroquine and meflo- Neuroimaging with either computed tomography (CT)
quine have been linked to psychotic symptoms, with evi- or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is recommended
dence that the risk is higher in patients with a history of in older patients presenting with new-onset psychosis

6 World Psychiatry 12:1 - February 2013

and in patients who present with focal neurological find- Although the link between folate deficiency and psycho-
ings on exam (75). sis is tenuous, there is some evidence that folate supplemen-
tation in patients with schizophrenia enhances recovery
Metabolic disorders (92). Psychotic symptoms including auditory hallucinations,
persecutory delusions, and delusional parasitosis can very
Disordered neural connectivity, the putative mecha- rarely develop in the setting of pellagra (niacin deficiency),
nism for the symptoms of schizophrenia, can also occur though this occurs almost exclusively in chronic alcohol
in metabolic disorders that result in disrupted neuronal abuse (93,94).
function or neuronal death. For example, although lyso-
somal storage disorders typically produce early severe
neurological deficits and often death, there are adoles- Sepsis/infectious diseases
cent or adult forms of these disorders that are associated
with secondary psychosis. These disorders, such as Nie- Historically, neurosyphilis has been closely tied to
mann-Pick disease type C (NPC), Tay Sachs disease, psychiatric hospitalization. In 1900, approximately 5%
and alpha mannosidosis, likely produce psychotic symp- of institutionalized mental patients were diagnosed
toms through the interaction of the neuropathological with general paresis of the insane (95). Syphilis infec-
processes with neurodevelopmental changes including tion rates have increased since the appearance of
synaptic pruning, myelination, and changes in connec- human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and patients
tivity (76-78). A similarly disordered interplay of func- presenting with exclusively psychiatric symptoms in the
tional connectivity and neurodevelopment is seen in the setting of neurosyphilis have been noted (96). Such
leukodystrophies, with the late-onset form of metachro- patients can present with both affective and psychotic
matic leukodystrophy (MLD) as the prototypical exam- symptoms that are indistinguishable from primary psy-
ple of the link between this group of disorders and sec- chiatric disorders (97). Treatment of neurosyphilis with
ondary psychosis (76,79). antibiotics, and adjunctive antipsychotic medications as
Psychotic symptoms have been reported to occur in up necessary, typically halts, but does not reverse, mental
to 50% of patients with late-onset NPC and MLD (76). In status deterioration due to neuronal loss (98), although
addition, there have been case reports of patients with mi- there are case reports of significant clinical improve-
tochondrial disorders presenting with psychotic symptoms, ment (99,100).
and it is thought that the leukodystrophy that can occur Estimates of new-onset psychosis associated with HIV
in mitochondrial disorders is implicated in the psychosis infection have ranged between 0.23% and 15%, with
(80-82). symptoms generally presenting either in late-stage HIV
Wilson’s disease, involving abnormal deposition of or when patients have transitioned to acquired immuno-
copper in the liver and brain, has reported prevalence deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (101,102). Symptomatically,
rates of psychosis ranging from 2 to 11% (83,84). The HIV-related psychosis is characterized by persecutory,
psychosis in Wilson’s disease is characterized not only grandiose, and somatic delusions, with hallucinations as
by typical symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, and a second prominent symptom cluster (103). The effect of
thought disorders, but also by a myriad of additional treatment with highly active antiretroviral therapy on
symptoms, including euphoria, sexual preoccupation, psychotic symptoms remains unclear, and is further
hebephrenia, and catatonia (85). complicated by the fact that side effects of antiretrovirals
include hallucinations (102). Although antipsychotics
Dietary disorders are generally effective in HIV psychosis, patients with
HIV are at increased risk of developing extrapyramidal
The link between nutritional deficiencies and psychiatric symptoms and tardive dyskinesia, particularly with the
symptoms has been investigated and debated for decades. use of typical antipsychotics (101,104).
There is evidence that psychiatric symptoms of cobalamin Additional infectious causes of secondary psychosis have
deficiency may occur without evidence of hematological or been postulated, including infection with Toxoplasma gondii.
neurological abnormalities (86,87). Case reports of psychosis This link is based on the fact that studies have demonstrated
secondary to cobalamin deficiency describe symptoms of an increased prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii
persecutory delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, in patients with schizophrenia (105,106). Moreover, toxo-
disorganized thought processes, and psychomotor agitation plasmosis has been linked to psychotic symptoms including
that were unresponsive to treatment with antipsychotic delusions and auditory hallucinations, even in the absence of
medications but resolved completely after parenteral cobal- concurrent AIDS (107,108).
amin therapy (88-90). Additional evidence in support of this Finally, there is increasing evidence to support prenatal
connection includes a study in which depressed patients infections as potential risk factors for schizophrenia.
with psychotic depression had significantly lower cobala- Although still inconclusive, prenatal infections with influ-
min levels than those with nonpsychotic depression (91). enza, toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes simplex virus, and

syphilis have been associated with the development of associated with epilepsy is also well documented, with a
secondary psychosis (109-113). recent study reporting a relative risk of 2.48 (125,126).
Phenomenologically, psychosis associated with epi-
lepsy is difficult to distinguish from schizophrenia, as
Unknown cause/degenerative/demyelinating disorders
suggestions that it is characterized by a more benign
course and relative lack of negative symptoms have not
Although the data on psychosis in multiple sclerosis
been verified in the literature (65,125). Risk factors for
(MS) have been inconsistent, recent evidence suggest that
developing secondary psychosis include a more severe
MS does increase the likelihood of developing psychotic
form of epilepsy with multiple seizure types (127), his-
symptoms (17). A large, population-based study from
tory of status epilepticus (125), and resistance to medi-
Canada reported that 2–4% of patients with MS became
cation treatment (65). The preferential, though not
psychotic (114). Delusions are the primary psychotic
exclusive, association of temporal lobe epilepsy and the
symptom observed in MS, while hallucinations and nega-
development of psychotic symptoms is discussed in fur-
tive symptoms are rarely seen (115). Reports of a tempo-
ther detail below.
ral correlation between MS symptoms and psychosis,
however, have been conflicting (74,115). Psychotic symp-
toms may be related to increased lesion burden in the
periventricular white matter and temporal horns, though
Endocrine disorders
a precise mechanism remains to be elucidated (116).
While psychotic symptoms secondary to abnormal
Chronic psychosis due to MS seems to be rare.
thyroid functioning are rare, there are case reports of
Estimates of the prevalence and incidence of psychotic
psychosis developing secondary to hyperthyroidism,
symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have varied, with
hypothyroidism, and even rapid alteration of thyroid
one review of 55 studies reporting an overall prevalence
state. Psychosis has been described as the presenting
of 41%, consisting of 36% of patients with delusions and
symptom of thyrotoxicosis in Graves disease (128), thy-
18% with hallucinations (117). The first three years of AD
roid storm (129), toxic nodular goiter (130), subacute
are characterized by an increasing incidence of psychotic
thyroiditis (131), and painless thyroiditis (132). Simi-
symptoms, after which there seems to be a plateau
larly, hypothyroidism has been associated with psycho-
(117,118). Psychotic symptomatology in AD most often
sis, with one study reporting that as many as 5–15% of
consists of delusions, typically of theft or suspicion, visual
myxedematous patients have some form of psychotic
hallucinations more frequently than auditory hallucina-
symptoms (133-135).
tions, and misidentifications (119). These symptoms are
Thyroid-associated psychosis does not contain a char-
typically coincident with other psychiatric symptoms
acteristic psychotic symptom cluster, as patients have pre-
including aggression, agitation, apathy, and depression
sented with auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions,
and paranoia. The majority of patients present with affec-
While psychotic symptoms appear to be less common
tive disturbance (130,136). Treatment of the underlying
in the fronto-temporal dementias, they have been noted
thyroid abnormality tends to result in resolution of the
in approximately 20% of patients, with higher rates in
psychosis, such that antipsychotic medications are neces-
particular subtypes (121,122).
sary only in the acute setting (128,132,136). Interestingly,
however, rapid correction of abnormal serum thyroid hor-
Seizure disorders mone levels can both induce and exacerbate thyroid-asso-
ciated psychosis (137,138).
Schizophrenia-like psychosis has been associated with The association of hyperparathyroidism and hypercalce-
epilepsy for more than a century, and there is strong evi- mia with significant psychiatric symptoms is well known,
dence that chronic psychosis occurs more frequently in although the specific prevalence of psychosis in patients
patients with epilepsy than in the general population. with hyperparathyroidism remains unclear. Case reports
Psychotic syndromes in epilepsy have traditionally been describe patients presenting with auditory and visual
categorized based on their temporal association with hallucinations, persecutory delusions, and disorganized
clinical seizures. Ictal psychoses represent psychotic thought processes in the setting of hyperparathyroidism-
symptoms occurring in the context of an active noncon- induced hypercalcemia (139,140). The available evidence
vulsive seizure, tend to last for minutes to hours, and indicates that correction of the hypercalcemia, generally
consist of prominent hallucinations and paranoid delu- via parathyroidectomy, results in resolution of the psy-
sions (65). Post-ictal psychoses are brief psychotic epi- chotic symptoms with no subsequent recurrence (139-
sodes that typically occur hours to days following a sei- 141).
zure cluster, consist of delusions, hallucinations, and Although less common and investigated, hypoparathyr-
affective symptoms, and generally resolve within several oidism can also present with psychosis. A review of 268
days (123,124). The development of a chronic psychosis cases of hypoparathyroidism published in 1962 reported

8 World Psychiatry 12:1 - February 2013

that 11% of the patients had psychotic symptoms, often in suspicion of neurological disease. Thus, denial of blind-
the setting of surgically induced hypoparathyroidism (142). ness that may appear delusional should trigger suspicion
Subsequent case reports have supported the occurrence of of Anton’s syndrome (cortical blindness, due to visual cor-
psychotic symptoms in hypoparathyroidism and empha- tex lesions) and denial of paralysis should lead to a con-
sized the fact that symptomatic improvement requires nor- sideration of anosognosia (due to lesions in the nondomi-
malization of magnesium and calcium levels, in addition to nant parietal cortex). Likewise, both an isolated delusion
treatment with antipsychotics (141,143). of misidentification (Capgras syndrome) and olfactory hal-
lucinations are suggestive of temporal lobe disease.
SCHIZOPHRENIA Is the medical condition or substance use temporally
related to the psychosis?
Establishing a cause-effect relationship between sub-
stance use/medical illness and psychosis is not easy. Sus- Secondary psychosis is likely when the psychosis begins
pecting an underlying medical illness is a logical initial following the onset of the medical condition, varies in se-
step when encountering psychosis in general medical set- verity with the severity of the medical condition, and
tings. Comorbid medical illnesses are also quite common resolves when the medical condition improves. An example
in patients presenting with psychotic symptoms, espe- is the appearance of delusions when a patient with hypo-
cially among the elderly. Suspecting and identifying an thyroidism stops taking thyroid treatment and the resolu-
underlying medical illness in younger patients with psy- tion of the symptoms after resuming medication. This rule,
chosis in mental health settings is more challenging. however, has many exceptions; for example, psychosis in
In making the distinction between primary and second- temporal lobe epilepsy appears several years after the onset
ary psychosis, it is important to first establish the presence of the seizures. Conversely, a medical illness may simply
of the general medical condition. The next step — estab- worsen or trigger a relapse of schizophrenia without being
lishing the cause-effect relationship between the medical the direct cause of the illness.
condition and psychosis — is often difficult, but can be
helped by considering the following three key principles: Is the psychosis not better explained by a primary
atypicality, temporality, and explicability. psychotic disorder or another mental disorder?

Is the presentation of the psychosis atypical? Comorbid medical illness is very common in patients
with chronic psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. In
An underlying medical cause for psychosis should be some cases, even if a concomitant medical illness may raise
especially suspected if the presentation is atypical. An exam- suspicion of a secondary psychosis, the presence of a strong
ple is later age of onset: new onset of psychosis in a 70-year- family history of schizophrenia and a premorbid schizoid
old man should raise suspicion of an underlying medical ill- personality point to a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Similarly,
ness. It is to be kept in mind that no single clinical feature in patients with a known history of an affective illness, the
or combination of symptoms reliably distinguishes between appearance of psychotic symptoms is likely related to the
primary and secondary psychotic disorders. If, however, a affective illness rather than a medical condition.
particular feature predominates, that should raise a red flag.
Thus, a strong component of severe disorientation and/or Is psychosis a direct physiological consequence of a
confusion must raise suspicion. Catatonic symptoms, medical illness or substance use?
altered states of consciousness (i.e., confusional or “dream
like” states), and visual hallucinations are more frequent in The answer to this question depends first on establish-
secondary psychoses. Certain delusions, such as those ing the presence of an underlying medical condition or
involving beliefs of mistaken identity of others (i.e., Capgras substance use that might be the etiological agent. This will
delusions), are thought to be more common in secondary require a careful history, physical, and neurological exami-
psychoses than in schizophrenia. The presence of multimo- nation, along with appropriate laboratory investigations.
dality hallucinations (e.g., visual and tactile) also increases Second, even if such a causal agent exists, it is often diffi-
the likelihood of a secondary psychotic disorder. cult to ascertain whether the symptoms of psychotic ill-
Accompanying symptoms that are disproportionate to ness are a direct physiological consequence of that factor.
what may be expected from a psychotic disorder should Sometimes such a direct link may be obvious. For exam-
also make one consider a potential underlying medical ple, the presence of autonomic hyperactivity (e.g., dilated
disease. For example, a large weight loss that may not pupils, tachycardia) along with paranoid anxiety might
be easily explained by the mild depression in a psychotic suggest a sympathomimetic agent such as amphetamine,
patient may trigger suspicion of a medical illness. phencyclidine, or an adrenal tumor.
Specific types of psychotic symptoms may also often In every patient with a first episode of psychosis, it is
point to regional alterations in brain function and raise critical to obtain a detailed history and complete

physical, including neurological examination and labora- Table 2 Approach to investigating patients to rule out secondary
tory evaluation to rule out common medical disorders psychoses
(Table 2). Additional investigations such as brain imag- First line assessments (to be routinely considered in all first psychotic episode
ing, cerebrospinal fluid and electrophysiologic studies patients)
may be needed, especially for those with atypical presen- Detailed medical and neurological/psychiatric history
tations and those in whom there is reason to rule in a
Physical/neurological examination
primary disorder.
Neuropsychological tests
The question of whether to conduct a brain scan in a
patient with suspected schizophrenia on a routine basis is Laboratory tests: complete and differential blood count, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, glucose, electrolytes, thyroid function tests, liver
debatable. When brain scans, commonly structural (such as function tests, urinary drug screen
MRI or CT), have been used clinically as part of the work-
Second line assessments (to be considered when above assessments raise
up of a psychotic patient, the purpose has been to rule out a specific diagnostic possibilities)
space occupying lesion or developmental malformation as
Laboratory tests: rapid plasma reagin to rule out syphilis; HIV testing; serum
potentially causative of the psychosis. Although incidental heavy metals; copper and ceruloplasmin levels; serum calcium levels;
findings have been reported in MRI studies of patients who autoantibody titres (e.g., antinuclear antibodies for lupus); B12, folate levels;
present with psychosis (144), and indeed occur even in arylsulfatase-A levels; urine: culture and toxicology, drug screen
healthy individuals (145), such findings are rare. Thus, in Neuroimaging: computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging,
the absence of quantitative analysis, routine brain imaging positron emission tomography, single proton emission tomography

cannot aid in the differential diagnosis of psychosis without Electroencephalography, polysomnography, evoked potentials
considering the clinical presentation (146). Cerebrospinal fluid investigations: glucose, protein, cultures, cryptococcal

Given the substantive heterogeneity of schizophrenia, it
Schizophrenia, a common and highly disabling disease would be difficult to envision any individual secondary psy-
with unclear causation, is a broad heterogeneous entity chosis being an adequate model to explain all aspects of
that may comprise several idiopathic psychotic disorders that disorder. Not surprisingly, several psychotic disorders
(147). To unravel its complexity, it is important to identify stemming from the etiological factors listed in Table 2 dem-
homogeneous subgroups within this illness to better char- onstrate only partial similarity to what we clinically identify
acterize its pathophysiology. One approach to address as schizophrenia. Some disorders, however, are more likely
this is to examine syndromes of known etiology that pres- to show clinical, pathophysiological, or etiological parallels
ent with clinical manifestations similar to schizophrenia, to schizophrenia; we discuss them briefly as they may pro-
that is, phenocopies of this illness. vide clues to better understand that disease.
To identify suitable phenocopies of schizophrenia to
study, one needs to first define what we know about the
pathophysiology of schizophrenia. At an anatomical level, Temporal lobe epilepsy: an anatomical model of
schizophrenia is characterized by brain structural abnor- schizophrenia
malities in frontal, temporal, parietal, basal ganglia, tha-
lamic, and limbic regions (148). Functional imaging studies Psychosis appears to occur in 7–11% of patients with
suggest impaired function of prefrontal regions (hypofron- epilepsy, a rate much higher than in the general popula-
tality) and impaired interhemispheric and intrahemispheric tion (151). Psychosis, when it occurs in temporal lobe epi-
connectivity. At a neurochemical level, increasing evidence lepsy, has been thought to closely resemble schizophrenia,
points to dopaminergic, glutamatergic, and GABAergic dys- as described by Slater in a classic early paper (125). The
function in the pathophysiology of psychosis, with the N- emergence of psychoses in temporal lobe epilepsy has
methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) hypofunction hypothesis as a been associated with onset of epilepsy under the age of 20
leading theory to describe the pathogenesis of schizophre- years, a history of epilepsy lasting for more than 10 years,
nia. Several lines of evidence also point to alterations in a history of complex partial seizures, and lesions on the
immune and oxidative stress mechanisms in schizophrenia left side (152).
(149). From an etiological point of view, schizophrenia is The occurrence of psychoses in temporal lobe epilepsy
thought to be highly heritable (heritability > 70%), but sev- is consistent with the medial temporal structural altera-
eral environmental factors including viruses, drugs of abuse, tions reported in schizophrenia (148). In particular, posi-
head trauma, and obstetric complications have been impli- tive symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and formal
cated (150). It is thus likely that the symptoms of the illness thought disorder have been linked to structural alterations
arise through the combination of genetic vulnerability and in the auditory association areas in the superior temporal
environmental stressors. gyri (148). The striking prominence of positive symptoms

10 World Psychiatry 12:1 - February 2013

in temporal lobe epilepsy has led to the question whether appear to predict the emergence of psychotic symptoms
there might be a resemblance between temporal lobe epi- (156), though further research is needed to identify the neu-
lepsy and the neurochemical models of schizophrenia. robiological and genotypic signatures of VCFS patients that
Ando et al (153) examined alterations of central dopami- go on to develop secondary psychoses. Studies, such as
nergic systems in the kainate model of temporal lobe epi- these, of the neurobiological basis of psychosis in VCFS will
lepsy using methamphetamine-induced locomotor activity likely elucidate the pathophysiology of at least a subgroup
as an index of dopaminergic sensitivity in adult rats. They of patients with schizophrenia.
found evidence of dopaminergic hypersensitivity, which
can clearly explain the mechanisms underlying epileptic
psychosis and can also indicate similar alterations in idio- NMDA encephalitis: a pathophysiological model of
pathic psychoses. schizophrenia

While there has been considerable progress in our under-

Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS): a genetic model of standing of the pathophysiological substrate of schizophre-
schizophrenia nia, the core dysfunctions remain a matter of debate. A lead-
ing theory is that glutamatergic and GABAergic dysfunction
While the etiology of schizophrenia remains unclear, it may underlie the developmental pathophysiology of psycho-
is widely agreed that genetic factors have a substantial sis, perhaps through glutamatergic NMDA receptor hypo-
contribution, with heritability estimates of greater than function (157,158). This model is supported by clinical
70%. Currently, schizophrenia is thought to be polygenic observations of a psychosis closely resembling schizophrenia
and multifactorial, with a small proportion of cases due to that is caused by the NMDA receptor antagonist phencycli-
copy number variations, such as microdeletions or micro- dine as well as by neuropathological observations of altered
duplications of chromosomal regions. A large portion of NMDA receptor binding and expression in postmortem
the genetic etiology of schizophrenia remains uncharted, brains of patients with schizophrenia (159). The NMDA re-
necessitating the study of discrete genetic syndromes that ceptor, therefore, provides a natural biological model for fur-
present with schizophrenia-like features. ther study and may provide insight into the complex patho-
VCFS is characterized by a large deletion on one copy physiological heterogeneity of schizophrenia.
of chromosome 22 (comprising up to 30 genes), which Glutamatergic dysfunction may result from a failure of
can be detected with genetic testing. It is the most com- GABA-mediated regulation of predominantly glutamatergic
mon chromosomal microdeletion in humans, and is char- pyramidal neurons. This theory is supported by observa-
acterized by congenital abnormalities of the heart, facial tions of reduced GABA synthesis, as reflected by decreased
dysmorphism, and cognitive deficits in childhood. A sub- neuronal activity of the 67-kDa isoform of glutamic acid de-
stantial proportion of affected individuals develop major carboxylase (GAD67), in patients with schizophrenia (160).
psychiatric illnesses in adolescence or early adulthood, Several lines of evidence also point to alterations in immune
with schizophrenia spectrum disorders occurring in 25– mechanisms in schizophrenia (161). There is a need to
30% of affected individuals (20-23). draw connections between the NMDA/GABA alteration
VCFS may offer a model of the relationship between model and theories of immune system modulation in schiz-
genetic liability and risk of symptomatic manifestations of ophrenia; studies of the appropriate forms of secondary psy-
schizophrenia. The cognitive deficits in schizophrenia have choses might be one way to further elucidate this model.
been linked to a polymorphism of the gene coding for cate- An intriguing form of secondary psychosis that leads to a
chol O-methyltransferase (COMT), an enzyme involved in hypofunctioning NMDA receptor state may provide insight
the degradation of dopamine. Individuals who have the into the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Since 2007,
Val/Val polymorphism have reduced prefrontal dopamine many case reports described a form of encephalitis in which
because of increased activity of COMT, and as a result, may patients presenting with neurological and psychiatric symp-
have impaired cognitive function (154). VCFS is associated toms were found to have positive autoantibodies to the
with similar cognitive impairments to those seen in schizo- NR1/NR2 heteromers of the NMDA receptor. Dalmau and
phrenia, including deficits in executive control, memory, colleagues (162,163) examined 100 patients presenting with
and attention. Individuals with VCFS who have the hemizy- NMDA receptor encephalitis and showed that 77% pre-
gous COMT Val(158)Met genotype have been shown to sented with a variety of psychiatric symptoms that included
have improved cognition associated with decreased enzy- anxiety, insomnia, fear, grandiosity, delusions, hyper-religi-
matic degradation of dopamine (154). Brain morphologic osity, mania, and paranoia.
brain abnormalities, including prefrontal and cingulate gray A model that integrates NMDA receptor encephalitis with
matter loss, similar to those seen in schizophrenia, are also GABA/glutamate dysfunction includes the idea that an anti-
observed in VCFS, and such abnormalities appear to be cor- body-mediated decrease in NMDA receptors may inactivate
related with cognitive impairments (155). Longitudinal GABAergic neurons, which normally serve to inhibit extrac-
studies suggest that brain structural alterations in VCFS ellular glutamate. Without the regulating presence of GABA,

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