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NBB 6 Test 1

1) Complete the text with: and, are, aren't, finish, finishes, got, have, in, is, their.

The school year in Croatia starts in September and __________________ in June. It is

different in Australia. Australian pupils begin the school year ___________________
late January or early February. They ________________finish the school year in
December. The first day of school _________________a special day for pupils
_______________ teachers. The pupils _______________ excited. They laugh and
talk about _________________ summer holidays. They haven't ________________
many lessons. There ________________ any tests. The pupils
_____________________ a good time.

2) Complete. Nadopuni s: at (X2), with, to, on.

a) You're good __________________ English.
b) My brother always helps me. I can count ___________________ him.
c) My sister is mad ___________ me because I lied.
d) Are you in love ____________ anybody?
e) Please listen ___________ the teacher.

3) Choose HAVE TO or DON'T HAVE TO

1) Children have to/don't have to listen to their parents.

2) I have to/don't have to tidy up my room.
3) On holiday children have to/don't have to do their homework.
4) When school starts children have to/don't have to do their homework.

4) Odd one out. Izbaci uljeza.

History Geography Art beach

Dingo kangaroo koala dog
Boomerang excited worried scared
English Spanish Japan French
Ruler chemistry a folder a map
5) Choose the correct word for these definitions. Zaokruži točnu riječ.

The main town in a country. A very strange Australian animal with a

A boomerang/ the capital beak
A dingo/ A duckbilled platypus
An Australian animal that howls
A duckbilled platypus/a dingo An Aboriginal tool
A joey/a boomerang
The first day of the week.
Monday/Friday The capital of Australia
Another name for Australia
Down Under/Kangaroo A baby kangaroo
A beak/a joey

Native people (first people that came

to Australia)
Aboriginal people/Koalas

6) Write a subject:

,,Germany is a country in Europe'' ________________________________

,,Birds can fly and they have beaks'' _____________________________

,,Tomislav was the first king'' _________________________________

,,May I use watercolours?'' _____________________________________

,,Circle is a geometrical shape'' _________________________________

7) Put VERB TO BE (jesne, niječne i upitne rečenice).-

_____________ you at school?

Yes, I ___________________. How about you?
No, I_______________________. I __________ at home.
I can't see Ella. No, she ________________ here. ______________ she ill?
I don't know. Maybe she ____________ a bit late.
_________ the boys happy that she school is starting? Elliot and Sam _______ happy.
My name ______ Masato. I ______ ten. I have a sister and a brother. My sister _____nine
and my brother _____ eleven. We ______ getting along with each other well. Our house
_____ very big. We ______ always playing together. We have a lot of friends. We _______
all going to the same school. My best friend is Naoki. We _______ always having fun!. His
dad ______ a police officer. His mom ______ a doctor. They ____ very kind. I ________
always looking forward to meet them.
8) Put verb TO BE or TO HAVE.

a) My mum ______________ tall.

b) My parents ______________ two sons.
c) My sister ________________ glasses.
d) My friend and I ______________ a lot of friends.
e) Luka __________________ clumsy.
f) I ____________________ eleven.
g) My mum ________________ thirty-nine.
h) My friends ________________ pimples.
i) My friends ________________ plump.
j) I ___________________ a watch.
k) Marin ____________________ polite.

9) Write plural. Napiši množinu:

a) a man- f) a monkey-
b) a leaf- g) a dingo-
c) a beach- h) a foot-
d) a box- i) a story-
e) a baby- j) a wolf-

10) Circle the correct option. Zaokruži točan odgovor.

1) ………… is in class with ………

Her/ us She/we She/us
2) Does ………… use a laptop at home?
He it him
3) These are my mum’s friends. ………… usually goes out with …………….
She/ they Her/them She/them
4) Do ………… eat pasta? No, I don’t like ……
we/it you/it you/her
5) We don’t talk to Sam. We’re angry with ………
he him his
6) Can you pass ……… the sugar, Terry?
you I me
7) “When do you do homework?” “I do ……… after school.”
them it he
8) Give ....... to …………, please.
I/it it/I it/me
10) Ispravi netočne rečenice s: me, you, his, her, us, them ili he, she.

My friend Sue is fantastic. I love she.

Do you play tennis with they?
My brother hates hamburgers. She never eats it.
Do you come with Sue and I?
The boys don’t play with her because her is very unfriendly.
Does him like cooking? Yes, he does.
Sarah never listens to him sister.
Paul and Mary don’t invite we to parties.

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