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Libungan Senior High School G7-12

Libungan, Cotabato
SY 2019 = 2020
Third Quarter Examination
January 9, 2020

Name ______________________________________ LRN_____________________________ Score ____

Subject: Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems Teacher: Edison C. Cordero

_____1. A particular way of ordering the realities of one’s world is called a belief system.
_____2. A religion is the pursuit of transformation guided by a sacred belief system.
_____3. Religious men and women are only those who always go to the church.
_____4. Spirituality is one’s integrative view of life which involves a quest a quest for ultimate value as opposed to an
Instrumentalist or materialistic attitude to life.
_____5. Faith and religion are one and the same.
_____6. Religion is from the Latin Word which means religare which means “to cut”.

SELECTION (Select the correct answer from the words listed below0
__________________ 7. A belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the
__________________ 8. Relating or affecting the human spirit or soul that is one’s personal integrative view on
__________________ 9. The belief that there is only one God who could have designed and created the universe.
__________________ 10. The belief in many principal gods among whom no one is supreme.
__________________ 11. The belief that there is no genuine distinction between God and the universe.
__________________ 12. Denial of the existence of God.
__________________ 13. The belief that the God’s existence is unknown and unknowable.
__________________ 14. An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules to worship a god or a group of gods.
__________________ 15. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by the people.
__________________ 16. The systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine.
__________________ 17. One of the theories of the origin of religion describes that “primitive people believed in souls
or anima found in people and in all of nature.
__________________ 18. Human beings first developed their religions from their observations of the forces of nature.
__________________ 19. People had gone three phases of development where the first is primitive magic, second is
religion and the third is science.
__________________ 20. Religions were developed by the few as a means to control the masses and suppress revolution
as a result of the continuing struggle between classes.

Theology Agnosticism Polytheism Theism

Worldview Monism Monotheism Atheism
Religion Spirituality Philosophy Wish fulfillment theory
Animistic theory Magic Theory Nature Worship Theory

IDENTIFY (Positive or Negative Effect of Religion)

_______________ 21. It helps loosen the feeling of helplessness among people who believe that they are not alone in this
world, that they need not rely on their capabilities alone, and that everybody else is on the same boat.
_______________ 22. This religion has the pope, cardinals, bishops, priests and the believers as its composition.
_______________ 23. Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin urged the people to join the protest rally to oust the dictator, former
president Ferdinand Marcos.
_______________ 24. Communities are able to recognize and offer vital action and service to provide the needs of a larger
community or community in need.
_______________ 25. History witnessed numerous lives sacrificed and lost in the name of religion.

ESSAY: Write a minimum of 75 words essay on the topic: “Religion: What Does It Mean To Me” on the space provided
at the back of your test paper.
Guide Questions:
a. What different values have your religion instilled in you?
b. What guiding principles which may have been influenced by your religion do you adhere to in your life?

Rubric for Essay

Criteria Description Points

Content The content was well-thought of guide questions 6

were thoroughly answered
Organization The answer was well-written with ideas easily 5
conveyed to readers
Development Points are thoroughly developed 4
Total 15






































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