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I. How to structure your speech:
Opening part: maximum two sentences, the structure “I would like to talk about/share about
(someone), who I admire/ is very smart/ would like to meet/…” can always be used in any case.
Body part: develop following guiding questions, frequently seen as below:
- Who the person is?
- How does he/she look like?
- How do you come to know him/her?
- Why do you like him/her?
For each question, use 1-2 sentence to answer. Try to use short, simple sentence using linking words,
comparison, relative clause… like you are telling a story. Frequent tense used in speaking is past
tense, present past tense, therefore, make sure you pronounce the words clearly. Unlike in writing,
active voice should be used, informal words such as: well, then, like… are encouraged to make you
sound more natural.
Conclusion: one sentence to wrap up your story, emphasizing on why you chose to talk about the

II. Vocabulary:
- Philanthropist: someone who donate money/time for charity purpose
- Talented: (someone who has) a natural ability to be good at something, especially without being
- To be struck by (something): to be very impressed by something/someone
- Inspirational: (someone/something) that motivates mentally or emotionally
- Feminism: the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes
- To embrace (something): to adopt or support willingly or eagerly
- A good example of: a role model
- To be around with: to socialize with or have close physical proximity with someone
- To come up with (something): to produce, bring forth, or discover
- To be flooded with (something): to cover with something
- To have such a great time: to have fun
- To bond with each other: to join with each other to create a strong relationship
- To raise awareness: to bring something into notion, strong understanding
- Gentle: considerate, kind, polite

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- Well-behaved: conducting oneself in a satisfactory manner
- Bilingual: using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency
I How to structure your speech:

Opening part: maximum of two sentences, the structure “I would like to talk about/share about a
good news I heard, that is...” can always be used in any case.

Body part: develop the following guiding questions, frequently seen as below:

- Which is the news?

- How do you come to know about it?

- Who is affected by it?

- Explain why you think it is good

For each question, use 1-2 sentences to answer. Try to use short, simple sentence using linking words,
comparisons, relative clauses… like you are telling a story. In part 2, look at the verb tenses in the
questions. These are the tenses that you will use most often in your answers: the present tense, the
past simple tense, and the present perfect tense, therefore, make sure you pronounce the words clearly.
Unlike in writing, active voice should be used, informal words such as: well, then, like… are
encouraged to make you sound more natural.

Conclusion: use one sentence to wrap up your story, explaining why you chose to talk about this

II. Vocabulary:

- Enforcement: the process of making sure people obey the rule/law

- Necessary: needed, essential, required to be done
- Violence: the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy
- Sexual abuse: unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking
advantage of victims not able to give consent
- To minimize: to reduce (something, especially something unwanted or unpleasant) to the
smallest possible amount or degree.
- Impact: effect, influence
- Progressive: (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về các khóa học mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: mục
“Khóa học” nhé
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403
+ Email: 2

III. How to structure your speech:

Opening part: maximum two sentences, the structure “I would like to talk about/share about my free
time” can always be used in any case.
Body part: develop following guiding questions, frequently seen as below:
- When was it?
- What did you do on your day off?
- How did you feel afterward?
For each question, use 1-2 sentence to answer. Try to use short, simple sentence using linking words,
comparison, relative clause… like you are telling a story. Frequent tense used in speaking is past
tense, present past tense, therefore, make sure you pronounce the words clearly. Unlike in writing,
active voice should be used, informal words such as: well, then, like… are encouraged to make you
sound more natural.
Conclusion: one sentence to wrap up your story, emphasizing on why you chose to talk about the

IV. Vocabulary:

- The perk of (doing something): the benefits of doing something

- Workout: to exercise
- To chill: calm down and relax
- Treasure: keep carefully, value highly
- Recharge: (of a person) return to a normal state of mind or strength after a period of physical
or mental exertion.

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về các khóa học mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: mục
“Khóa học” nhé
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403
+ Email: 3

V. How to structure your speech:

Opening part: maximum two sentences, the structure “I would like to talk about a sport that I would
like to tried/try in the future” can always be used in any case.
Body part: develop following guiding questions, frequently seen as below:
- What the sport is
- How do you come to know about it?
- Where and when you did it
- How did you feel about it?
- Why did you want to try it?
For each question, use 1-2 sentence to answer. Try to use short, simple sentence using linking words,
comparison, relative clause… like you are telling a story. Frequent tense used in speaking is past
tense, present past tense, therefore, make sure you pronounce the words clearly. Unlike in writing,
active voice should be used, informal words such as: well, then, like… are encouraged to make you
sound more natural.
Conclusion: one sentence to wrap up your story, emphasizing on why you chose to talk about the
topic or explaining how you felt after playing the sport.

VI. Vocabulary:

- Snorkeling: the sport of swimming with a snorkel and face mask

- Life jacket: a personal floatation device
- Coral reef: an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building corals
- Worth the effort: If you say that something is worth the effort, you mean that it will justify the
energy that you have spent or will spend on it
- Adventurous: willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences
- Accompany: go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về các khóa học mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: mục
“Khóa học” nhé
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403
+ Email: 4

II How to structure your speech:

Opening part: maximum of two sentences. Several structures can be used:

o “I would like to talk about the occasion, when I had such a bad experience…”
o There was one time when (the occasion/bad experience) happened to me

Body part: develop the following guiding questions, frequently seen as below:

- What the problem was?

- When was the occasion?

- Who were you with?

- How did the bad experience happen?

- How did you solve it?

- What was the result?

- How did you feel about it?

For each question, use 1-2 sentences to answer. Try to use short, simple sentence using linking words,
comparisons, relative clauses… like you are telling a story. Frequent tense used in speaking is past
tense, present past tense, therefore, make sure you pronounce the words clearly. Unlike in writing,
active voice should be used, informal words such as: well, then, like… are encouraged to make you
sound more natural.

Conclusion: one sentence to wrap up your story, explaining why you chose to talk about this topic or
simply described how you felt after the experience.

II. Vocabulary:

- Picky: to describe someone who is choosy, fussy, exacting especially about details
- To feel upset: to be in a state of emotional and mental distress
- Frustrated: having feeling of dissatisfaction or lack of fulfilment
- To celebrate: to engage in festivities (birthday, anniversary)
- To tremble: to shake involuntarily as from excitement or anger, quake
- Constantly: continually occurring, persistent

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về các khóa học mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: mục
“Khóa học” nhé
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403
+ Email: 5
- Unhygienic: not clean, unsanitary
- On the house: paid for by or courtesy of the merchant
- To resolve: to find a solution, solve
- To break down: to be unusable or inoperative
- Terrified: to be filled with terror
- To calm down: become quiet and less intensive
- To look up: to search
- To find out: to ascertain (something), as through examination or inquiry
- Wrench: a tool to adjust jaws, used for gripping, turning or twisting objects such as nuts, bolts,
or pipes
- To tie up: to fasten or secure
- Unfortunately: unlucky, having bad luck
- On one’s own: to be by one’s self, alone
- Critical: serious, severe
- To handle: to direct, execute or dispose

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về các khóa học mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: mục
“Khóa học” nhé
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403
+ Email: 6

III How to structure your speech:

Opening part: maximum of two sentences. Several structures can be used:

o “I would like to talk about an interesting place where I would like to visit in my
o There are many interesting places I would like to visit in my country. One of them

Body part: develop the following guiding questions, frequently seen as below:

- What it is?

- How do you learn the new language?

- Why do you think it is difficult to learn?

- Explain why you want to learn it

For each question, use 1-2 sentences to answer. Try to use short, simple sentence using linking words,
comparisons, relative clauses… like you are telling a story. In part 2, look at the verb tenses in the
questions. These are the tenses that you will use most often in your answers: the present tense, the
past simple tense, and the present perfect tense, therefore, make sure you pronounce the words clearly.
Unlike in writing, active voice should be used, informal words such as: well, then, like… are
encouraged to make you sound more natural.

Conclusion: use one sentence to wrap up your story, explaining why you want to learn the language.

II. Vocabulary:

- Compulsory: required by law or a rule, obligatory, mandatory

- To struggle: strive to achieve or attain something in the face of difficulty or resistance
- To pay attention to: to focus, concentrate, consider someone or something very carefully
- Syllable: a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding
consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word
- Mother tongue: the language which a person has grown up speaking from early childhood

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về các khóa học mới nhất của thầy Bách, các bạn truy cập: mục
“Khóa học” nhé
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403
+ Email: 7

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