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What is volcano?

A volcano is an opening in the earth’s crust through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape. Volcanic eruptions are partly driven
by pressure from dissolved gas, much as escaping gases force the cork out of a bottle of champagne. Beneath a volcano, liquid magma
containing dissolved gases rises through cracks in the Earth’s crust

Types of volcanic cone…

Volcanoes are classified by the eruption type and by the volcanic cone shape. There are three basic cone shapes and six eruption
types. The three cone shapes are cinder cones, shield cones, and composite cones or stratovolcanoes

Factors of affecting volcanic eruption ….

Volcanoes erupt differently. They are generally classified

As wet or dry depending on the magma’s water content .

The volcanoes are described according to the style of

The eruption as follows.

Types of eruption…

Volcanic eruptions can be explosive, sending ash, gas and magma high up into the atmosphere, or the magma can form lava flows,
which we call effusive eruptions. Whether an eruption is explosive or effusive largely depends upon the amount of gas in the magma.

Benefits and harm in volcanoes…..

these can be and are devastating to those in close proximity, with toxic plumes, evacuations, and homes being destroyed, among other
dangers, sometimes with little notice. Despite these dangers, volcanic eruptions and volcanism do have many benefits.while Lava can
travel very far and burn, bury, or damage anything in its path, including people, houses, and trees. The large amount of dust and ash
can cause roofs to fall, makes it hard to breathe, and is normally very smelly. The ground around the volcano is not secure and can
cause big earthquakes.

What are the signs of impending volcanic eruption…..

According to the Philippines Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

(PHIVOLCS) the government agency tasked with monitoring earthquakes

And volcanoes in the country, the following are commonly Observed signs

that a volcano is about to erupt. These may vary from one volcano to another.

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