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‘tnataor EMIZTOAH] TIPO TAAATAZ, rave AN woteux) TO THE GALAT KE®. a’, 1 Mlavdos, axerrodos ove aa? avOpwnwy oude Pat auapeti ot toms en nue 3? avdpwxov, adda Bia Inca, Xpurrov kat Gouge aman? bt though diewe | dvuitel nl Ocou marpos rov'eyeipayros quroy ck verpan" Got atulher ofthe Unsingtated, hin oubef Veal oussy, Feat of uv eyo warres EBEAGoL, TaIs €KKAY- sniwiowwide “ine, a Mths otha. eougte cuss rns Padarias: Sxapis Su Kat envy Goon ofthe Cale sar) togou and’ yeu aro Ocov warpos, kat Kupiou Susy Iyctov Xpier- om Gad ttathe,” Sud wed ofa Sion Aveta, tov, *rov Bovros éavrov rept rev dpa TONY ofibe, having given inullconsehing the juwr, bras etedAnrat huas ex Tov eWerrwros ‘ton orderthathen ress as ont of te hating bec preent auwvos movnpov, Ka7a To OeAnua Tov Deov Kat tnage, ofenly tscordgtotbe wilt ofthe God sul arpos huwr, 5g 4 Bota eis Tous atwvas rey aiker “efuytounomtbe glo. for the agra ofthe aiavar oun. § Oavpat:r, drs ore raxews tees avbelky — Awamieh beraune nas gatly perariea¥e aro Tov Kaderavros tpas ev Frsuetsogchengetfion the onelugeaied you ty sapirt Xpierov ets Erepov evayyedsov* 7 § ‘ave Nebr Sthecintcd te oiler ea cor adXo e& pn tives exo of raparoovres ve Gtr tel owe! “ae” abo, "he outing Spas, kat Berovres peraorpeyat 70 eveyyedo7 ‘Fou’ and. wihlog. “Aoturnsbout the, gi ‘tov Xpirrov. ® AANA Kat ea Hyets 9 aryyedos ‘cE ovparov evayyedi(nrat Suv, > rap? fica ‘Btaven should monownce glad tidings toyouy contrary to 4 evnyyedisauela Suv, avadeua eave, 9*Os fiat wesnnuueeed— toyou, —accurnad Ietimbe, AD mpocipnkauer, Kat apt wad Reywr er Tis Tmebeforemily ” even, mow again Tuayy ifany one iuns cvayyedicerat wap” 4 mapeAaBere, Jou addceuterw\h goed inge contrary to what gou recive arabicus eorw, Apri yap avOpamous sel, feewred thighs, New fort om de betes, © Varicaw Manvecurer Title TANS, CHAPTER 1 1 Paul, an_Apostte,— (not froin Men nor by @ Vian, butt by desis Christ, anil3x4% God the Fathet fovho raised hina from the Dead) 2 and ana the Brethren towho are with me, $0 the conanzoaxions * of Gana Father, fsa Lord of aus, dee sua Chiat 4 fia GAvE himeelt fn account of cur 8185 In order that he. might rescue us t from the russe Ext evil “Age,_ according. to the wunu of our GoD and Father; to. bom bo the exon for the aors of the ors. Anien, 6 Tam astonished That you have so quickly tured vay’ from. iat who caLtep you by the Favor of Christ, to other, Glad Tidings; 7 Tnot that there aro any others Wat there are Churane persons {who fate tRovaLine you, ant wishing to subvert the GLAD TrDinGs of the AnowvnD, 8 Bat even if £6e, or an. Angel from Heaton should announee glad tidings to Yan. diferent from what we announced toyou let him be nceursed, "As. we before said, even ‘now again La Ifany ono announces glad Lidings ‘to You different from: what you received, let him be accursed. 10 For do 1 now obe Men, or Gop? ‘or do AB: Aets tx. Bom. 1b sett en om Fei tor EE Sake, xx. 906 testa Tk r7acor-ia Pi. Aetu'sve1, 24; FCorsik ap; R18; Gab, Chap.1: 11) GALATIANS. {Chap. 1 ; 20, Tov Ocov: (re avdperors apearew; ei] steko plene Alen? fr BR” Gant rr evegmmons specueiys | eek a nese Men for [yap] ert avOpwmois npeokov, Xpeatou Sovdos should not be a Servant of ovk ay v. "Prwpile Se imi, adcAgor, ro], IC But 1 make known, SSDUStee” Tate ldaanwney, Shel” Shh we enous cette bY” “an TE een as wept 10 wape, wre bute edidaxOny, 2 for 2 neither ree de ere? Papen” zo Meee Oreo [ote tot esac thes SeNge Tanti aes “eee HM fae li Sua ak aT Y ENVY avacrrpa ‘Wore ef “gy | Christ, BO Te? BRP cafe "AE SNE [OMS For sound gt wx Jedaucues fre Kal’ bxepBonny Teeny tay 2 That L Exeecdingly “ete aie si “at Teed” ne” RS, Sow of Got aad fil ‘ere SE detail se TMG | 39 thd made potency Patcestatags nag a’ chau? "RLTEOTEPOS tebe same age among ny Sinan OrepRer Tay warpicay, now mapeae et dae eet he ocav, ‘Ore Be evdouncev *[5 Oeos,] 5 ago-|*APITIONS of my FA Maen was Heated” (ihe Gon] ost hang PAINS Pras Me ek KoLALas wyTpOS pov, Kat KaAemas |__15 But when it please Act apart me from womb ofmother ofmer aad Maviog evtied {THAT goo nee aee ng dis. zs xapiros airou, aocaduipat ray vw [S¢0t som iy Bath and abrov ev euot, iva evayyeACauat avrov ev|me, {that 1 might ane Tas Overs: evdews, ov mporavedenny cape| TIONS, I did not immer ine “aasoey = bemetateh, Ser TPORAUEE CNY cape ately consult with Mesh arty TovBe ay sf yjaae | and Bloods SE TAN gt “Tecakune hae di Ya wp ene Tes pe stay aetowrohous, aXX’ ann ddov were Arosti bere ne, eis ApaBiav, kat radwy Swegrperpa eis Aauacxor. | Arabia, m (returned aguin WEmeira pera ery Tpid andlor es “Iepocorv:| 16 ‘Then, after three Thee ther jert lee Cin Gk MPROAU 18, hen, aftr the Ha, loropnoa: Terpoy, Kat eeneva xpos avrov| salem to visit” Cephias, Toei keen? ta! Tecma EQS MAO” salem fo et Cepts, fmepas Bexanevrer ' Erepoy Be rwv amoorroruy |fifieen Days; ‘days a ‘Blteen; other but of the: ‘apostles Pat and I saw no other oun Sov, er TanwBov roy adeddor lof the ArosriEs except sot ‘the? Hf fet IatwBov tov adeApay rou {i3dames he naomi of ‘xuptou, ‘A Be aw inv, ov evwrroy uptoue A Be ypae trot ‘ie peace 20 (Now, the things 1 * Varican Mawuscnsr2.—t0. For—omit, 15, the Goo-omit. ‘18, Cephats 420, The Mebrews called all nese rotations brothers ‘This James was the sn of Alphas by Mary the sistor of our Lord's motuers-antniyngc TM James was theson of Alpheus EMBs, a Ga ae OE Racal ath hat Hath avi t7 1 Goran Behe victgy oy Matis TiO, i 694 Mate vi Map. 1; 21.) GALATIANS. [Chap 2: 5. tou Oeou, drt ov Wevdopar. "1 Ewerra nAGov| am writing to you, behold, 2 apne a aldol _| and of Crnseras seen a ceaeeetecees te TPOmRe Ta | but Tad unknown : personally to mos con kAnoiais Ts Tovaas rais ey Xpiory* * wovoy| bunoatioNs of, JUDEA egition ofthe Juden howe ty Anoiicd, only’ | whieh are in Chtst : ‘; hey’ only having Be axovorres oar ‘Ori 8 Bucur jpas more,| 25, Wey only fawing tee henge wows Battheone yong onc,” | MRED Tha 3K who wae voy evayyericerat Ty manu Sy wore exop-| now announcing as glad Sow pocntas lad ings the faith whieh ones heweelyig| tidings the BAIT Wek he | formerly laid. waste.” Bev reas eBokaor ev enor rov Oeov, KED, p'.|ONLHE Nd wastes” wate; andthey weregloniyingin se the, Gol Gop on ny ood 1 Emera Bu eras eT a a BN eseregass Deneceapar cray mex” sre] CHAPTER 1, 1 Then within + Pou term “Yor Tet up Seam, to Jeraen with ? AveBnv Be kara amoxadv-| Barnabas, taking Titus 2 Now I went up a6 cording to. a Reraaton, Sd sabi fo Sem he pucow ev tors Overt Kar? iDiay Be Tors BoKoV-| GLAD viDINGS which a, Mamas eis Revoy rpexen, 1 eBpquoy.) ONS, DO Paley ing mney of ht Any eis ‘IepovoAuua pera BapvaBa, cuwmapa- sp fo Serutsem “with” Batnabay” having ten ae AaBuy Kat Tero ‘companion pur, masavedeuny avrois ro evaryyeduov 5 y= thon) and minted todhem the lad ings which 7 SAAN’ ovde Tiros 6 avy enor, “EAANY w, Bat noteren Tin be wth Sen” x Gk ag awaryear on repitunigvat, 4 Ata Be Tous) my associate, though & sl,” On accountofbut the | Greek, was under a neces- rapewwaxrou: BadeApous: (ofrives mapero~| SY 0 be circumcised, Tekisineenend Pnaheabons Colzwes wapeige (nT oa secant even of 7 tthe FALSE BRETHREN ndAGov kaTackornoa Thy eAevOeptay Huwy Hy) SKCRETLY INTRODUCED; f our $7REEDOM which we vy iva jas KaTadov-| nossess in the Anointed exouer or Xpirry Ty wehold fe “Anolated Jenes, so that ue they mists | Jeans, {so thal they might 7 ‘ enslave us;) Awawvrai) Solis ovde xpos dpay eanev 77 7 ‘ i an Hour did we yield by trorayn, tva % adnBeva Tov evayyedtov dia-| suunissioN; inotderthat ste riectuatthe truth ofthe glad‘slings might) fthe TRUTIE of the GLAD + Varican Maxuseater—3. But not even tus, my associate, though a Greek. 4,1. Some think that the time specifed in this vorse, was when the apostle went to Je- roaten about the question of eirteinion, Arts Av. Wes, hore a fealty. dala ‘hinining the exact clironology of this vist” to Jerusalem, thoweh shiy was probably the ime, as the apostle gays he went up by renelation, aud thetefaee Ie must ave been Oh hie portant business, “Some contond, howeven, that the journey” a'hvled to wats the one men Honed in Acts x17, when the coherenation at Antioch sent Duns ytd salt with reed Fonthe poor Gusatlns im Judea, but tits would hot allow susiene Ltn for Pe foarte ‘eure muntioned. FW Rom iT | fMActsixm. 4 Actex. 1,24; 9Cor x9 4 galwiah "4. 2Con xi. 305 Galviv.a,0. "PR vores. ofap.2: 6) GALATIAN Chap. 2: 1. EU ‘pos vy 8 Aro Be twy Soxovy- TIDINGS might remain foaitroaghow'el® fu” Yom carne spseog With Yo 6 Bui from tHose of TOO lg hall, TEM aM, ARG amr, wae hey were formely i of no Hot Biadeper (mpoowror Geos avlpwrov ov cormenuence toners Gor tes pear” ar SERN Seid AauBaver) euor of BoKxourre: ovbdev! Personal appearance;) for bang) atat ap gol. Boxourres,, cube: Perna nppenree:) for mpoaavederro, 7 adda Towavrioy, sovres, dre, TON communicated nothe commie” “Ont” nthecntny eens” OE og commun, memorevuat 70 evaryyeAtoy THs axpoBva~ James and Cephas and Tose etal with fe iting othe fncreme! oh —anose Taman Tuts Kallas Therpos rns mepirouns, °6 yap ore ara peresvin itor Srens Pelee oftee heumenton’ (That TF was ‘entrusted evepyngas Terpg eis awooroAny TNS | for the UNCIROUMCISION, Daring inwarily wrought in Peter) for anaposteship “ofthe (yut®, Patar wu a ae reperouns, eonpynoe Kat ejot 1s Ta €6¥7,) cincuacisions ‘lreamehion,” lamaly wrought suo nme for the genes) |B (ROP HM WHO. OPERA Saar yvorres Tay xapw env Bodeway jot, {PH in Peter for the Apos- indhavlagyeesned “the “ete tht haviggbeen given tome, Ueship of the ernovster- * S10, {operated in me al- TaxwAos kat Knpas war Twavyns, of Boxouyres | so for the GentiLes ;) James” ant Keplas ant doy” howe naming.” | OG bang knoe edging orvrot ewat, Debias Bonar enor kar Bapvafa| THAT COMMISSION GIVEN Ti Sins eee cat at Banya ose ere vome and ae Kowartas, iva hers wey eis ra eOvm, avror Be| name the Right hands of tts that sheet fr the getey they Yee| Pep, ik onder that eis tay mepirouny: wovoy tev wrwxey tvalriuns, and they for the Yer the ietamcnion; only” ofthe pooranerthat| ClneUMerStONS wmuovevaner 5 Kat eoxovdaga avro tovto| 10 only urging that we somite mh wich ae lntoveeammaty senting woe” should De inital of the Nore de MAGE Tlerpos eas Avmio-| FORT t which yoy thing ig fo pesto. Xela, Kama mpogwroy avr avreoray, drt| il But when * Cephas se Rte tte) epee, bev eae fo aio Laypeed kareyraopevos my. Tp Tov yap eAdew| Him Face to face, Because Tingbeen amet, ess Bale ote ro neecesne | he as plameablen Tivas aro TakwBov, pera Tay eOyev GuVvyTBLED | yolyy er eerare,, Contain. : rionh at from Sey Crna" fom soma” in “ae” Seta, lng, | Ferma 40 rom Janes dre Be nA9ov, SweoreAAE Kat apwpiCey éav-|GENTILES; but when they Freee Tees UNEOTEANE at axbapiCey doyle he wilde ed Sepreied. Mins” vat fad of maose bene to the Circumcision. cuvurenpiOngav avte Kat of Aovos Tovdaot"| 13 And the orumx Jews pole Coed occ autor BR ool grr eo tint even Sea ae ‘led astray by Their wxroc pire, MAAN dre ecdov, drt ove opPorodovat| 14 But when T saw That Bors AN SSR EE OE Qiarehog| M Bot when Tow Tat tov, poBoupevos Tous ex mepirouns. ™ Kat on Tearing those of ciréumcision, And ore Kat BapyaBas ovvarnx On avrwy 79 broK- sothat even Brrmaba wat ledasiray” af'themby the hypo * Varicax Mawusente.—il. Cephas, 26. Acts x54; Rom.ii, 11, 17, Acts xl. 405 Rom. 1.65 38.195 1 Tim, ite7 2Tinsiette PEL Phos. th pa Acts ix.aby xu dy nit gt L.Cot,xi,0- Gal.J. 16; Cole 30. 20. Rom. i.03 xiled) 03 20-153 4 Eph 90. Bee Core “xvi. 15 2 Cor. wilt tae Map. 2: 15.J GALATIANS, xpos Ww adnBeray rou evayyeAtov, etroy| with respect tof the Wohin ae Ma es ERIN ate hy ih Ty Terpy cumpordey mayrwy Ex av, TovBaios| o%,2 Sid 10° Centos sane Bac ines ots ae | BS nga dee tmapxwr, eOvinws Cys Kat ove Tovdaucws,|livest Nike’ the Gentiles, ‘PX " teem, Whe Genter thos vest and not ikedews, ?{ and not like the Jews: how, ros 7a eOvy goaeynaters, LovdaiGeur, Hes Aa Gint then dest compel on he Gute dentthosenml todudanes jo the Gans to Judas? gure Lovbaiot, Kar ove cf cOve duaprodor| Namal birthe aul. me Bymate dora 7 ad aot f Govti “eneas | ners of th Geniers SeiSores Be, ort ov Bucatovrar avOpomos et] 16 and tkuowng ‘hat omg and that aoe “josie “atom bya Man ia Rot justified by epyey vouov, cay wy Bia migrews Iyrov Xpia-| Works of Law, except on wouke “otlm,” AF wotomaccountoF ath of dens Ancates| secount of Fatih of Tou" kat fers ets XoivTov Inco emirrevaa-| have believed into * Jesus fod ne Unto Anointed Seana ‘aie, Christ, so that we may bs her, iva Bixaiadaner ex marews Xprorov, wax used by Lalthof Christ, fotnte may beet by "ich annntaty anay and not by Work of Law 4 ovr «€ epyor vouovr Biort e& epywr vouow ov| Law wills flesh be site not by works ceflaw, became by works, eflaw not] fed™ BucawOnrerat xara cont. Es de Cyrouvres;, 17 Butif seeking to bo Siinopmaaa™ are gerk. Bate Grrowmres| alt by rst even Buuciadnvar ey Xpuore ebpedruer wat avroe| 82 ours, 1a found t vant of Sin? By no Guapradot, apa Xpioros duaprias Brakovos :| mene : [Chap. 3: tohavabeenjonifedin Anointed weere found eren we onracne so ao tte Umno) 8 Tori hi tase votre. SE, yap & karedu very things T pulled down, Be nae EE ar Rerhoess care steinte aiyell warW ouoBoum, rapaBarmy euavroy ovnis-| MERE a rave, MEye yap 51a vouov vouw ameBavor| I might tlive by God. eee la ee ee a an, iva Occ 0. Xpary cuverravpwpar| fed Yogether with Chris Fee eee ee eaten tt Tn yl no lenge E, but Chit lives in nie; fw Be, ovnere eva, (n Be ev enor Xpurros: 5 for that life which I now Fite tee) otenger Ty? usleane Se She Aveneaty ee) (OF, Ua ie which now Be uy Cn ev oapet, ev mires Co Ty Tov viov| ing by sia Kauh of the but now Tlive flesh, by faith Live in theof that son of Gop, twho LovED tov Aeov, Tov ayawnoavros me Kat mapadovros| me even to delivering him- Sie Got,” oftat “"avngtoved ean hava deerchop| self up on my bell @o.not set aside the favroy tmep cuov. "Ove aber rv xopi"| yaron Ut Gone tine Winet SaSetale ote,” Not Toatante the Yaror (MANOR, Ot GOR: 2 for, if Tov Bcovr et yap Bia youov Bixatoourn, apal cousness, then Chuist died orthe Gots Ke or sheongh law justifications” then! unnecessarily. Xpioros Bwpeay ameOavev. KEb. 7’, 8.19) CHAPTER IIL ‘Anolated withost em ‘ied, 1 10 ‘Thoughtless Galne * Vasroaw Mawusonrer.—14, Cophas, 18. Christ Jesus, 16, Jesus Christ, 80, by rua Paith of suat Gop and Christ, who rovien mee 114, verses. £ 1g 1 Tim, v.20, 114, Acts x,98 5 xi. bets Eph 72 ‘eis 31,88, 90, 15, Rome! Gal. ili, 24; Wb: vil. 1, 10. Rom. viii, Web. tx.1 1'those vein lil aty Heb. vit 1, £18, Matt, 7 ti. 99, 885 visi by tie ti Chap. a) GALATIANS. avon Sergi kar’ of aduous Inoous Xpicros mpoeypahn miterepectdo ser denne abetted wan ores *[ex duty] coravpaperos. Touro povoy derw ‘ong youl” having Seeneracted, Thiet’ ouly, Tek , Tadarat, ris Suas eBaskave ; ols 2 Galaann,” shen Yor deaded? dowhom wader — ah? Suwvr ef epyeov vouov To vEv- | latte efor onan Pectin tea (Chap. 3:11. tians! $who has deluded You, before whose Eyes Jesus Christ was previous- ly represented as having Been crucified. 2 This only I desire to learn from yoits—t Did you receive tho sprmir on ac- count of Works of Law, 8 op. [ef sn.account of Obedience ja edaBere, 7 «& — axons morews : oreah? Aid you receive, or om acedunt of shearing et uth? 82D ae you co, hough Tws avonror eore; evapkauevor mvevuart, voy lest {Having begun in ought ateyon? “haviepbegen gape emiredciobe ; * Tovavra ewabere Indah areyouteing made perfect?) Somany things you sutured eins eye kat een. 9 °O avy emtxo- Sindee indeed stenwitont sau. He then ni prrvey dpuy ro mveyua, Kat evepyer Buvapers ev Ee aon the “piety 7 and working mirsclesamong| byw, cE epywv vouov, 1 e& — axons Tonon account of worka oflam,” of onaccvtof cbedleves miotews; Sxalos ABpaau emorevte Ty bey, pie,” now oftith?enay Abram’ teened Gnthe Got? kat edoyicdn avry es Bicatorvyny. 7 Tvwo- and itwanCountel tobi for rightepumew | Knomyon kere apa, dri of ex morews, obro eit viot esi that hoe of filly? there ate vous ABpaau. * Mpoioura be 4 ypadn, drt ex ma~ fAbraam.” Having Veforeseen and the writing,” ae by faith reas Bixaiot ra €0m 5 Geos, mpoeumyyeAuraro Stites the nations the Gots before senouteed gad lage tq ABpaay: ‘Ore evevroynOnoorrar ev rot fothe Abrasms That aballGeMeued iw thee mayra ra eOvn. ®'Qare of ex murrews, evdo- ‘ail the mations, So thatthore of faith, yourrat ow Te mory ABpaay. ™‘Oaor yap’ Stewed with the believing Abram: Anmany'as for | ef epyer vouov e1oiy, imo Karapay vow yey) oF Ee ethan “se Panter Seewnte Gheyaes Ten pawrat yap: ‘Ort emwaraparos nas $s ovn ex peetmattedie, Thats neue everyone ho ‘not cose evel € magt Tos yeypanwero1s ev THe BiBAL Bane Gatiniraions Wetbelehenes ie ue AGA rov vouou, Tov woimoa aura. “Ori de ev Stine "Tay? ofthetotavedone theme” Tint but by voup ovdeis Bixcsovrar rapa Ty Gey, BnAov The? bene iefueted elo the Gol dears bre b Buxauos ee murrews, Cnoerar 15 Be secamethe just By tty the bat * Vaniean Maxvsensrz—1. a 1. Gal. ¥.7. 19h ah a der i 2 3. Gal. iv.o, 8. Spirit, are you now bein made perfedt in Meth? 4 Have you suffered so Much for nothing? if ine eed it is for nothing. 5 tx then suretyixe to you the sprarr, and per- forming Miracles among ‘you, does he these on ace count of Works of Law, of ‘on account of Obedience of Faith? 6 even as Abraham 2bo- “ieved Gov, and it was counted fo him for Right- 7 Know you, certainly, That aden of Faith, these are Sons of Abraham. 8 And the scmrrunr, having foreseen That. Gon would justify the WaTIONS by Faith, previously an- nounced ‘glad tidings to Annanant, That “In thee “shall AU the NATIONS be “blessed.” 9 Thos of Faith, there- fore, are blessed with mx- irvine Abraham, 10 For as_many ns are of Works of Law areunder a Curse; for it has be written, 'f*"Accursed it “every one who continues “not in All those THIN0s “HEAVING DERN. WRITTEN “in the BooK, of the TAW “todo them.” 11 Besides, That no one is justified ‘by, Taw bee fore Gon is clear; Bee case, £ “The nigiteous “by Faith, stall live.” teiilan, © fap. 8: 12.4 GALATIANS {Chap. 3: 20. Youos ov eo ek motes: GAN’ 6 woinaas) 12 Now the Law is not Sag, EET eur pores figas| cata ie by then. vos Seep iuor karapar (yeypanras yap Emt= Seoasenbadtta’ Nazape’ (yeyparrat yap" Bae | Shee en araparos ma: Ne aer’ vous) | $< EVERY ONE who is cele agane be MaMa GROS ext Eunow) | naxony on aioe ac a “curseds”) Miva as ra eOyn 4 evdoyia Tov ABpaau yern-| 14 ts0 that the wuxss- rota fr te nnonthe “hi ft Aten Tih | a of Angas mig rat ev Xpiory Inaov, fa tqy ewayyeday rou |for the nations, by Christ Be ia Med wu? hat thee tuceton ofne esting and tha hough Tveuparos AaBupey dia THs mirrews, % AdeA- [the PATTIE we might re- ‘vit wemightretsivethrough the fith Bretheen, ani of the sprarr. Gory Kara avOpwrov Aeya* duws avOpwrov|” 15 Tirethien, I speakac- sceording to man Lapeaks though ofaman | cording to man;-n0 one Kekupaperny iadguny ovders aberet y emiBiarag-| Sets aside or | superadds Ntegbec raed nennant ne aneete nite of | conditions oa ated cera. "Ty be ABpaau eppnneay af emaryye- | Compr hough human Tothenow Aura” —-werespoten the prami.| 26 Now to’ Annanan were the PRoMsEs spoken, Arai, katte omepuare avrov, Ou Acyer Kat| even for his ehh He sey evenforthe ated oi.” Not heats, Ant | ioe not say, tnd to {he To1s omepuagiy, ds ent FOAAWY, aAN HS €Q"| serps,” a concerning (othe seedy” anconecrangsanyy bat seconoering | many,” Dub 86. eOncerning vos Kat rp amepuart gov bs cart Xpurros. lone; ¢ And to thy one; Andtothe seed ofthee; who is Anointed. Sed titer anal VTovro be Acywr Bia okeKupyeojse 7 Now this I attirm, Tan? me Tae Balen seorenpveneg? that, a Corenant-angago- nient previously ratific xo tov Oeov *[ es Xpurrov,] 3 wera rerpaKo-| Gov, “the Lavy, fissted ny the God feoheerning AvolotedJ at ater’ faurtse-| four huserea endear 1a kat Tpiakovra ern yeyorws vouos ovr axv-| Years afterwards does not fet nd“ geurhtingeemestow | tot Tat] anal 30a fo aval ¢ rai ry eraryyediay’ | DATE the PROMISE; Feet asin the thm Oe Trae 4 for ie the 1sinearn. anon be by naw, fit i800 ‘Yap EK Vouov H KAnpovouia, ovKeTt ef emayye-|\ Wer by* Promises bu TP GF en AMERROR CRATE SF IAS, Jimeee hy” fronines but Aas 1p Be ABpaau. Bi exwyyeAias KeXapto- | Anmastant hy Promise. tothebut Abraam through promise ‘haeteoety|""19 Why then the Law ? rat 5 Bos. Tt ovy 5 vouos, Twy mapaBa-|Tt was appointed on a Gente Coie” Why thenthe it The conntof teanscEssions, ceay Xap even, (axpisov dOnt Me atte praia Se meee wt panna couaemontbrecne) cameo what the prone TO owEpHa, @ exnyyeATat,) Siararyers | instituted by means of toe "eke to wbomit hated ymin) arog ben tnartne | ee gb mens of Bf ayyeAwr, ev yeupt peorrov. 0 Be|Meliator. treme ses’ 8 AY otic, “ate 20 OF ene pars, Yow Le! é a je Geos ex: rip, | ever, he is not the MEDIA. Hee ee Ou OE oe Bie ot Sie “re from Pout Gop iso + Varreax Masuscarrr—eoncerning Anointed—omit, Buck, xx.115 Rom. x5. 2.18, Rom. vill. 35 2 Con, sel PT tom, v.90. ba Hebelne te Ip. Homey. 135 vereezig of 18 pagtrenie tie 828, Acta wiles; Hebeiege | gb. Exod ax soaeaa7, ate £20! Rom. lil 34,0. ap. 3: 213 GALATIANS. {Ohap. 4: 2. a ay vonon nara ray enayyenvay [rou], 21 Te era then con; 0 oun meyos_ ware, car enarryenar “L100 tary to the rapa? Beov ;] Mn -yevorro. Bi yap €B00n vouos, 8 By no means ih wat deou i] May -yevoiro. Et ap Cretan that ny Masako alive, ct Buvapevos (woromoa, ovtws av ck vouOU 1” ‘Altainly —RicuTxOUSNESs wyauevos Cworoiyeais ores ay PeEPY Tawthe oull come. from that Bixauorvvy = adda guverdAciorer 4 yen ra) Law; Buenioguya Sanne Cevenograe te ren Te 1 eyhat the semen rayra ino duapriay, | bya 7 a emayyena eH aoe ee ae ore = one ee or Vie pnowisk by Faith of iatews Invov Xpisrov Body Tos moTevover. | Jesus Christ ‘might be 2TIpo rou Be eAGew thy mioriv, bro voHOY 23 And before the com Tepe oe oe ef he This” water "Tow | Nf that yarns we were * ccouete cupmenderguevor exs-rmy wennov- [suarded unde La, seine ebpoupouneda curmecrncioneret 3 Toy MEMES shut up togster for fe PAID BEING ABOUT to be cay mar exoxadupoyver. *'Qare 6 vows |revealed. SoMa” “iNet: setae tw Soa ra tat vaiBaryaryos hwy -yeyover, ets Xprorov, fva ex become our + Pettacene Says IY yee? ok Anoatas’ tat byt eal to Chst teh oe ‘ ucarwBaper: % eGov might be justified by Faith, mugreus Bunaabeoney” % GoveNS Be TNS Tia | 28 Bu he TATE eee me he Ting come, we are no longer news, ovkert bro maidaywyov cone. % Taye “a under a Pedagogue 5 olonger valor nebildlendee wen age Since gor areal res yap vier Oeov care Bia Tas marcas cy rSons of God, through the yap vio ocoy Craethraugh the th by, FALTHL Dy Christ Jesus. Xpuory Incov: %7 bao “yap 1s Xpirrov eBan-!_ 27 Besides, bas many of Sere erie animany an Tor into heolntet am" you as wore immersed into Christ, were clothed with miaOnre, Xpiaroy eveduraade, * Ove evt Tour | Christ. Fe Ga ei aY Souweesitaes, —otubweis#| 98 Tn him therg is not " eee cyt Bovhos, ouBe ede- Jew Hor Greck ; there is Baios, oude “EARP” own cys boyoss Oe ACY, not a Stave not 8 Nite : : : man} there is not Male and. Females for you all Qeposs ove ent apoey Kar Ondv' wavTes "yap Bepose om ort SECT ASG taney “oat or /argtonesn Ohvet Zeenes guets e1s eae € Sm er Be 6 fand if you belong (o Spats ais core o7 XE lai Be Sets| christ, certainly you are Annaam’s Seed, tand Xpwrov, apa rov ABpaap omepua eore, * [eae irs according row Xpooron ape, row ABpaau omepue cece, “Cgs] Hels ase © 1 kar’ ewaryyeAay KAnpovopot. KE®, a. 4. CHAPTER IV. VAcyw Be, ep? door xpovov 6 Trey now, for a 1 Now L say, for as long cpovoy 5 eAnPOXOHOS inne as ite anein is Chil ng aiters in nothing aymos earmay, ovder Biaipepet Bavdov, kupias |iyom a Slave, Lord of al yneIOS ETRY, OO Uhetites aslve,” Toat [though he be} © Vatican Manuscnter—21. of Gon—omit, 20, and—omit. 4 a4 Peidagnoyo from pais ach, and agoogor, a Tender, which amegng she ct dy Peidepeoe, fork Se buses it wan constantly Ap attend on MSZ OGPE Eo, prone aie havior and pateculary to tead (agin), himn $9 fg fe ater Fer a a eee ree licee Pakage eee ee a ea a andthe lace oF exerci [fw Gewiah feccers and dewish fn 0! which the term 8 9 plied by Paul —Parktwrst, 42, Rom. 110,19, 985 33.32, Top, Acta xl, $75 Gal $26. Jonn | so fae Rom Ngee ved 5s, 1Zobn iLL BF a7 Som. toast Roma Ia ‘Eph Weg a0, Rom. vith 177 3 Conan. i's) Epn i118, Chap, 4: 2.) GALATIANS. (Chap. 4: 18. nayrwy wy: Pada bro emtporous eort kat o1-| 2 but is under Guar. ofall being; but under guardians itis and stew-/dians and Stewards, till “twat period PaeDETER: kovowous, axps tas mpodcomins Tov warpos.| TAT Deiod raxerza iis TE AD atest tae tee” PUSH OF RHO PATI. 2Obrw Kat fuers, dre quer vnriot, dwo Ta|we were Children, fwere se te ne” wie tee “hen ete ‘he ulved ter the ave aeaieh ov macy bebo +t Se Manes of the WORLD. eatin cae geht wee wee babe, whe] Du $ when fhe Coxe vunmion of the TIM Be Ade ro wAnpapa Tov xpovov, eLamcoresrey| ey Genes ae Ais fh ‘tome the ten ofthe tiny? “Feaefonn [EH GoD sent forth is 4 Geos tov viov airou, yevouevoy ex yvatkos, duced from. a Woman, Me Gat the soothe gn nn nr” Si whe Ty evouevor oxo youory * iva rou 5 finorder that he might Freee ce Tee oeatnecwes “El” |radcem titosn under Law, 5 7 ‘that we might receive the ekayopacy, iva ray viodeciay aroraBuper, | stiatwe might Remigstoeyeh tat te tonip “nema 8 Aid Because you aro ®'Ore Be core viouw elancarerer *[4 Ge0s]|Sons, he sent fori tthe Besa aad youare sony “henetiords he Got)” |spitin of his. sox “inte 4049) Srov cis ras kapbias hur, |OWt MEATS, exclaiming, eee eee ema nae Mapbuas Hays tba Buthest - 70 that thon art no xpaCovs ABBa, 3 marnp, T'Qore overs et] Iongera Slave, buta Son, Cones Abba the face” Sothat motongerthovar| med SE a" Ron hse ea, Bovdos, add” vios+ 1 Be vlos, kat kAnpovopos| felt of God. Seley” bet ators AE Due neon? ale eae =o s + a 8 Butat that time, in- Geov *[Bia Xpiorov.] SAAA| Tore per, ovk| deed, not’ knowing “Gat, 2€Got thioush aneined] Bat then heeds net you were veneheed to eiBores Beoy, eBovdevoare rois ducer pn ovet| THOSE by Nature Who ARE “Knowing. Ged,” youereeniaved (othowby naare sot beleg| BOF Gods Beorss ®yuy Be, yvovres Beor, wardoy Be yua-| 9 now, however, having eles tow Dutleriagnown Gedy? more ant hating seknowiged "a," Gr hi father hving been ace Bevres to Beov, wus emorpepere wad ental rntoarey ee Gee ecrSeray “Gea? Taw soporte "ge ete) saminedged by God, how cabern kat wraxa groixela, ofs radi aveBer| again to tthe WrAX an rent and peak uaiznatsfomich agian a or nutinents fo which * again a8 at frst, you Wis Bovdevery Oedere; 1 'Hyepas maparnpeobe! tS iyein subjection? rintabjection you wah? Moige yousatcheaoniy® | bot subjection # 10 {Are you observin kat pnvas kat Kaipous Kat evcavtouss boBov-|Days, and” Moons, an foc mid teens sud yen Tam | Seasons, and Years ? at Suas, pnmes en Kekomaxa eis Spas, 1. Tam afraid for you, {tata gous leat ering inate Tiaboredued for fous Jet perhaps I may fave labored for you in vain, UP weade ds eyo, dre kayo ds Sperss ader-| 12 Brethren, T entreat Baoneyon ae L? for erent at yous brt-|youtohoas E am, for E buoys ovber ee qBenoare, Or. [amas you weres_ you ine ene eee” thing as "hraocgae’ ” ealiuted Mein nating i‘ 18 And you know }That Bare Be, bri BP ardenay rns capwos evayye-|tnrough Weakness of the now butytat hvovgh weabaeas ofthe Seah Kannowsced [yous Mycakness of the Varicaw Manvscntry—2, nar sumoxennsinen of the rarune 7. torough knotagee som A" Vhroagh Gods 1 8, verse; Gal.y15 Col-I8, 205 Heb. x. 0, 24. Genatic. 19 wea OTS ites tem iridy ate ag, * SE Mp Gane 1S, a Pet A890 HS ohn et Gal tie ay Fe Pao Vicia ays Gal ih a8, OPPS oe a ee eat s, EdLaan Ns Be bane wit Se He, vit isi * tte alak Soe 45 1 thawte 28 Teor hss Uap. 4:14.) GALATIANS. (Chap. 4: 2 Auwauny dw ro mporepor, 4 kas tov weipagpoy| nounced glad tidings to ate ile Xe "ear "as ar gag | mae oh OV TOY ev 7H GapKt pov ove cLovdernoare ovde| 14 and * THAT TRIAL Sem Ret oY OP apt pow eux chevbernzare o¥Be|oemign wich ton Tuasity you aid not dee, ekemrucare: add’ bs ayyedov Beov edatarde| pice; nor did you neck Syornteny “bet ae cedar otoau maker | POE, Bee did you rect us) bs Xpiorou Ingour. Tes ovr ny & pau | MeeeHEEE of God, Yat csloeess Anata ean” Wh eenete enn as Gonet Tes) pianos Suwy ; waprupe yap iui, drt, € Buva-| yout BeNunIctions! for Beem cheat’ Me a ioe ca? SE POR Estar goers nie Toy naUs opaduovs ipsar Eoputawres ay ede Dont ur vane ant i givin thon Lome” kare wo. '‘Aore expos suey yeyova adn-| 16 80 that 1 have be- Bie tome, Sete. tXeeny ofyoutaetlecane mnte| ome Your nem f eling yo the (rath 7 They love you ar- Joe st heen deny Bet Hosiorably aha exrdeisat Suas Bedovow, iva avrous ¢y- |hutthey desire *to exclude Ta teranerens Ot Qehouguny tea aureus Co sso that you may love jem ardently. Aovre, 8 Kadov Be *[ro] Cmrovebat ev] 18 Now itis honorable meyaeniyive Honorable tat {ine} to Veen devordia| to he nedehtty een ed hee KpAw mavrore, Kat jy over ey rp mapewvas| "RIDA good cause, at al SEetenagataitines? toa dae Men” Te repeat ond notanly during ‘He mpos tyas. —} Texvia pov, obs adv wbive, | ERSENCE with HU, fe "wih Jou. Obidecitrenotmeyntom unt amtenvog, |g gp OY Lill even axpis ob uoppwOn Xproros ev duis ® nBedov | again, till Christ be formed Bt sorbet Abd in gah tema on at addabas ryy|, 20 and I could wish to Be Septms EAE SHES opr was aAAcEat Tay lap peace with you no, oe 7 jand to change my TON®; dovay your bre amopovuor ev suv, % Aeyere| locause Tam perplexed fone” stan, ene lamfepeednith “you, Spectyoa| conseining Yous Hot, af bro vowov Oerovres ewat, Tov vouov| 91 Tell me, You whe foméimovewsder “Tiw dalnlag” tobe,” the law [are DYSIRING tobe under ue axovere; ™Leypamrat yap, bre ABpagp| pry’p? Vu Bot hear the sous doyouheat? —Tehmteenritten forr that Ableant Gevey ju; 7 Znrovow — duas ov Kadws* fng tuth to you? ‘hey show afection twa 7 29 For it has been writ. duo vious exer" éva ex rys waidicwns, katlten, Thar Abraham had tre sone Ely one trom the bondwomany” ‘aad | Two Sons; fone from the ‘ > uoxp-WoMAN, and tone éva cx THs edevBepas. AAR S *[ wer] ex THs Spite wowii sretton Gn teerwoane’ at tht (ede) fo te | FM the FRER-WONAR. 25 Now, tthe one from the nonb.‘woNAN was nee atbeenborss eat Bot om) tially pmntced Ed neuBepas, Bi edas. 2*Arwa|the other from the Fara he cman tovghe poms ” whichiiage| WOMAN waa through the Posse, 24 Which things are ale legoriealy for these repre= Bednar pia wey ano opovs Zur, es Bovderay sent Teo Covenants One cues “ons te ownt Sin tor aemede [indeed fromm Mount Sinat, maidioxns, Kara gapka -yeyernTar 3 de ek Sondenocan,aecodigtofteh het corw — adAnyopopevar —abrat yap eat Bv0 1 bing adapted tooo thew foe ‘are two * Varieax Manvacerrs—14. your rarat. which was in my vumau. 15, Where then. 7, toexclude us, so thats TB. themamie. "3, indeed—omits 14, 2.Sam, 114, John xiii. 20, $18, Gal it.5,14 410. Tories sp aa Genexvicas, fe ROSES Rom, 1 xvllE 10,145 x31. 1,25 Heb. xi, 21 Chap. 4: 25.) GALATIANS. . (Chap. 5: ® yevvera, Aris eoriy Ayap 70 yap Aryap, | breeding children for Ser- Bioging forth, which ts Agate the for’ Agar’ [vitudo;—-that is Hagar, 85, Now ¢ Iacan signi Ewa opos cor ev rp ApaBig, overorxot Be rp | es Sinai—(a Mountain in Sisiomoata the Ai” Weorponn adobe | Anan) and 1 cote: ponds to the reaset Jo- yuv ‘Tepovaadnu, Bovrever yap wera raw Tex |Psileny for she isin bone Twovent Werunlemy, sheinin ondagevor ith the elldven | Nove wiih her CMULDREA, 6 But the mxaxtyn Jerusalem represents. the Free-woman, who is our Mother. 27, Forit has been writ- ten, 44 Rejoice, O Barren EvgpavOnre oreipa 4 ov tucrouga, pnkoy kat! "“woman, Witd dost nok renee paa Shanes se Sconged Necehens | pane” vont Burst “forth and shout, THOU “who art not in Lanons “For many more are the “

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