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DEPARTMENT a Republika ng Plipinas DepED KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON ] Rehiyon Xx }OF EDUCATION Sangay ng Lungsod ng Davao Lungsod ng Davao TIN: 000-863-958 TEL, NOS. 224-3274/224-0100/224-3274/227-4726 221-0059/222-1672/221-8587/224-0854/225-3600 www.deped-davaocity.ph Division Memorandum No, 90301525 5 2016 To Public Schools District Supervisors ‘Secondary School Heads Subject! 2016 NATIONAL READING MONTH Date: 2.4 NOY 2016 Herewith is the Regional Memorandum No. 336 S. 2016 and its attachments from Atty. Alberto T. Escobarte, CESO Ill, Regional Director, Department of Education, Region XI, dated November 22, 2016 re: 2016 NATIONAL READING MONTH, content of which is self-explanatory. For information, guidance, and appropriate action MARIA INES C. ASUNCION, GSO vl Schools Division Superintendent fab For the Schools Division Superintendent Soe, TERESITA F. DEL VALLE, Ph.D. ‘n:cilanninational acing month Chief SGoD in charge of the Division KeT10N Aout Pas d «acaba d Beitevon woven I Lungsed ng Dabaw repair 06 Tanggaps 1g Panrahiyon Regional Memorandum” No, DG, s. 2616 2016 NATIONAL READING MONTH To: Schools Division Superintendents 1, Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum: No. 193, s, 2016, re 2016 National Reading Month, the DepEd Region XI through Curriculum and Learning Management Division 4D) will join in the nationwide celebration of the 2016 National Reading Mo: (NRM) witi the theme Nasa Pagbasa ang Pag-asa this November. 2. The objectives of this celebration are to: a. support the K to 12 Basic Education Program: and b. strengthen the DepEd’s Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) making every Filipino leamer a reader. 3. Details of the activity are found in the enclosures, 4. Pictorials and narrative reports of the activities done during the 1 celebration is expected to be submitted to the Bureau of Leaming Delivery-Te: and Leaming Divison (ELD-TLD) through email address: bld,thdider tater than December 15, 2016. 5 Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. Reference: DepEd Memorandust N To be incicated in tne Perperic! Inces under the folios CELEBRATIONS — FESTIV FARNING ERS AS) READING SCHOOLS ROCIHlonmpreliets Republic of the Pbilipprnes Department of €ducation MEMORANDUM No 193s. 2016 2016 NATIONAL READING MONTH Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintend Public and Private lementary and Secondary Schoo! Paghasa ang Pag-asa this November 2. The Celebration aims to: a. support the K to 12 Basic Education Program; and b. strengthen the DepEd’s Buery Child A Reader Program making every Filipino learner a reader. 3. All school officials and learning center administrators are enjoined to conduct activities listed-in the enclosure for all elementary, junior, and senior high school learners. However, schools are also encouraged {0 hold other related activities other than those from the list. 4. The NRM shall commence with a Mystery Reader and shall culminate with the nationwide synchronized Araw ng Pagbasa on November 25, 2016, 9:00 a.m. Philippine Standard Time (PST). 5, However, it should be emphasized, that the school activities during the celebration of the NRM must not disrupt the contact time between the teachers and learners as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s, 2005 entitled instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith. 6. Pictorials and narrative reports of the activities done during the month-long celebration is expected to be submitted to the Bureau of Learning Delivery-Teaching and Learning Division (BLD-TLD) through email address: bld.tld@deped. gov.ph not later than December 15, 2016. Dept crap, Meni Aone, ase hy 1900 Msa.r204yess-220/692-1261 Meow 17087-5209 A ew depot -LEBRATIONS AND FES’ Learning Arew, READING LEARNERS. HOOLS TEACHERS IVALS y-Teaching and Learning Division (BLO-fLD) 1» of Learning ‘Ms. Angelika D. ped} Ce DepEd Memorandum No, 193 2016) ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES FOR THE NATIONAL READING MONTH _ officials ano others may also be invited to this activity, i [Exchange Books. All learners and teachers will bring an old story book the | read. Afer the flag raising ceremony on @ selected day, each one will trade his/her book to another reader ~ | 110 hold training for teachers | Reading Academy. Schoois and City Divisions are enjc on storytelling and story reading. | Reading Camp. A weeiciong activity thal wil highlight the fotowing | + Reader's Theater «Reader's Het (storybook reading} + Book Talk (Story Teling) «Trivial Purstit (quiz hae for children's stories) | + Read In’ (Poster making contest on the value of reading) | © From Book to Film (video making contest featuring stories written by Filipino writers) | + These will feature Filipino literature including those stories about Filipino heroes. Reading Challenge. The learners shall set hisiher reading goals. The school shall give out five, four or three story books as rewards to the first three (3) readers who can finish | their reading goat ahead of the others. Climb the Poetree. Each learner writes on a paper leaf his/her favorite line from a favorite | Filipino poem that he/she have read in the class. He/she may also write an original poem and post it in the school's postree, Planting Reading Trees. During the month-long celebration, the learner shall plant a tree | seedling as he/she completes a book. Name the tree after the title of the book instead of | its botanical name | |

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