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Research Review

Sports Medicine 5: 248-267 (1988)

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Exercise and the Immune Response

D. Keast, K. Cameron, and A.R. Morton
Department of Microbiology and Human Movement and Recreation Studies,
University of Western Australia, Nedlands, and Department of Physical Education,
Ballarat College of Advanced Education, Ballarat

Contents Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 248

I. The Immune System ............................................................................................................. 249
2. Immunity ................................................................................................................................ 249
2.1 Nonspecific Immunity .................................................................................................... 249
2.2 Acquired or Adaptive Immunity ................................................................................... 250
2.2.1 Antibody-Mediated Immunity .............................................................................. 250
2.2.2 Cell-Mediated Immunity ....................................................................................... 252
3. Factors that Modify Immune Mechanisms ......................................................................... 253
4. Exercise and Metabolism in the Immune System .............................................................. 254
4.1 Energy Supply and Fuel Utilisation by Lymphocytes .................................................. 254
5. Exercise and the Immune System ........................................................................................ 256
5.1 Effects on the Numbers of Circulating Lymphocytes .................................................. 256
5.2 Effects of Exercise on Lymphocyte Function ............................................................... 258
5.3 Effects of Exercise on Antibody Synthesis .................................................................... 259
5.4 Effects on the Phagocytic Cells ...................................................................................... 259
5.5 Effects on Natural Killer Cells ....................................................................................... 260
5.6 Effects on Platelets .......................................................................................................... 260
6. Exercise, Hormones and Immunity ..................................................................................... 260
6.1 Catecholamines and the Immune System in Exercise ................................................. 261
6.2 Glucocorticoids and the Immune System in Exercise ................................................. 261
7. Prostaglandins, Exercise and the Immune System ............................................................. 262
8. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 262

Summary A growing number of reports have become available which implicate infectious disease
with reduced performance in athletes.
The immune system consists of both nonspecific and specific components geared to
control infections. Adaptive immunity functions through both antibody-mediated and cell-
mediated compartments to establish and maintain long term immunity to infectious agents.
Evidence is accumulating to support the view that physical exercise can lead to modifi-
cation of the cells of the immune system. However, studies have often not been well de-
signed to control exercise protocols when examining the effects of exercise on the immune
Large numbers of peripheral blood lymphocytes are mobilised with exercise and in
vitro tests indicate that temporarily these cells may not be capable of responding normally
to mitogens. These reactions appear to be influenced by hormones to some degree and
Exercise and the Immune Response 249

there are reports that the cells of the immune system are extremely active biochemically
and may depend on products from muscles to maintain their activity.
Specific populations within the circulating leucocyte pool vary significantly with ex-
ercise and there is some evidence that the T4iTs lymphocyte ratio may become signifi-
cantly reduced. This reduction in ratio may be related to the variable responses to T and
B cell mitogens recorded in vitro which overall suggests that a temporary immune suppres-
sion may exist following certain training or performance schedules. It is argued that this
may lead to a temporary susceptibility to infection and could result from overtraining.

The study of the effect of physical exercise on anecdotal. However, epidemiological studies
the immune system is of importance 'because of the (Douglas & Hanson 1978; Heiss 1971; Peters &
growing number of reports implicating mild infec- Bateman 1983) lend some support to these obser-
tious disease with reduced performance of the ath- vations and have been suggesting that serious ill-
lete. Historically, anecdotal information has sug- ness and death have resulted from training in the
gested that, in some instances, athletes undergoing aftermath of virus infection (Roberts 1986). Many
heavy and intensive training can become more sus- of the proponents of exercise, however, see it as a
ceptible to minor infections. panacea and a means of increasing the functional
Limitations to the interpretations of much of capacity of the immune system (Good & Fer-
the current literature in this area exists because of nandes 1981; Green et al. 1981; Nash 1986). In the
the variability of the intensity and duration of ex- last decade there has been an increasing interest in
ercise and the fitness level of the subjects employed the effects of regular vigorous exercise on the im-
to date. Despite this, major variations for the ma- mune system (Cameron et al. 1987; Lewicki et al.
jority of cells of the immune network have been 1987; Nash 1986; Peter 1985).
recorded, along with often major changes in clas- A better understanding of the mechanisms in-
sical in vitro tests used as indicators of metabolic volved and how these can be influenced by phys-
responsiveness of the cells involved. ical training, provide a major challenge for future
It is now possible to accurately prescribe exer- research.
cise protocols to selectively stress energy metab-
olism both on a short term and long term training 1. The Immune System
basis. Therefore, a more accurate delineation of the
true role of various types of exercise on immune The immune system consists of 'all those phys-
function should be possible. In addition, recent iological mechanisms that endow the animal with
technical advances allow the immune system to be the capacity to recognise materials foreign to itself,
better defined into functional subpopulations. For and includes nonspecific defense mechanisms'
example, 2 of the subpopulations of lymphocytes (Bellanti 1985). Our interest mainly concerns ac-
provide evidence that the T -helper: T-suppressor quired or adaptive immunity.
ratio can be significantly changed following exer-
cise and we suggest this may result from physical 2. Immunity
stress and indicate the presence of overtraining.
Many athletes are forced to temporarily with- 2.1 Nonspecific Immunity
draw from sport during each season because of mi-
crobial infections. To-date claims by athletes of de- Nonspecific immunity is a body's initial def-
creased resistance to minor infections and published ence mechanism against an invading micro-organ-
reports (Douglas & Hanson 1978; JokI 1974, 1977; ism. It aims at preventing opportunists and/or pa-
Nash 1986; Peter 1985; Roberts 1986) are largely thogens from entering the body while those that
Exercise and the Immune Response 250

escape and gain entry into the body activate the (antigens) of infectious agents and other immu-
specific immune defences. Nonspecific immunity nogenic materials. As the term 'acquired immu-
includes: nity' implies, this type of immunity does not occur
1. The ability of the skin to resist invasion both until after the first exposure to the antigen.
by its mechanical properties and by the fact that it There are 2 basic types of acquired immunity,
excretes salts, long-chain fatty acids and other bac- one termed antibody-mediated immunity or
teriostatic and bactericidal materials on to the sur- humoral immunity and the other, cell-mediated
face. immunity (Bellanti 1985). Both systems involve
2. The ability of the nose and mucous lining of lymphocytes residing in structured depots around
the respiratory tract to filter air entering the pul- the body such as the lymph nodes, spleen, sub-
monary system. mucosal areas of the gastrointestinal tract and to
3. The ability of the highly acidic digestive juices some extent the bone marrow. In addition there
in the stomach to destroy, to a large degree, in- are relatively large numbers of lymphocytes dis-
gested organisms. tributed throughout the skin and a smaller pro-
4. The lowering of iron levels in blood and in- portion in circulation in the blood and the lym-
testinal fluid, which deprives pathogens of an ele- phatics. Several subtypes of lymphocytes are now
ment that is required, to a large degree, for their known to exist that can be distinguished by mono-
growth and replication. clonal antibodies. Classically, the 2 main subgroups
5. Phagocytosis of unopsonised bacteria, vi- that can be distinguished both by monoclonal anti-
ruses and other antigenic material by cells of the bodies and by their functional characteristics are
reticuloendothelial system. the so-called B lymphocytes, which promote anti-
6. Triggering of inflammatory responses which body-mediated immunity, and the T-Iymphocytes,
bring, along with other cells, macrophages to the which promote cell-mediated immunity.
area of infection and/or cell damage. This results
from the activation and liberation of chemotactic 2.2.1 Antibody-Mediated Immunity
substances such as complement, properdin, hist- The B lymphocytes, as do the T lymphocytes,
amine, bradykinin and serotonin. The 2 complex develop from lymphocytic stem cells now consid-
serum components known as complement and ered to exist in the bone marrow in the mature
properdin can be involved in several of these re- mammal. Just where in the body the B lympho-
actions while also taking part in specific antigen/ cytes are first 'educated' into developing irrever-
antibody reactions designed to inactivate and re- sibly as B cells is uncertain; however, claims have
move antigenic material and micro-organisms from been made for either fetal liver, spleen or bone
the system (Lentner 1984). marrow with the latter now being accepted as the
7. Secretion of antibacterial substances such as site for production of most lymphocyte precursors.
lysozyme in tears, saliva and the mucous ofthe gut The B lymphocytes, when exposed to a specific
and one or more of the a-interferons, which appear antigen and/or in cooperation with macrophages,
to bind to cell surface receptors. One of the prop- T lymphocytes and their soluble products in the
erties of the interferons is to instigate the produc- lymph node, replicate and subsequently mature into
tion of anti-viral proteins within cells, thus pre- plasma cells which synthesise and secrete mainly
venting the synthesis of the macromolecules glycoprotein molecules called antibodies (fig. 1).
required for virus replication. This pool of replicating cells is specifically reactive
2.2 Acquired or Adaptive Immunity to the initiating antigen and the antibodies react
with and lead to the destruction of the antigen. The
This type of immunity is referred to as 'specific antibodies formed by the plasma cells, and the more
immunity' because this system relies upon the mature B cells diffuse into the circulating lymph
body's ability to recognise foreign macromolecules and blood for transport to the site of infection where
Exercise and the Immune Response 251

Stem cell

Colony forming units ----- ~
compartment .. .~phocyte
Megakaryocyte ~~ ~ , Large granular lymphocytes

• My~asy ~
~ pr~.e I~mphocyte ~
I \ Natural killer cell
Eosinophil Neutrophil MonJyte /
.. , (blood) \ ~. T-Killer cell
.. ~ Mature suppressor cell
l Macrophage
(tissue) lymphocyte T-Helper cell
I) (Cell-mediated immunity)

Fig. 1. The differentiation of cells of the immune system. The differentiation of myeloid,lymphoid and eythroid cells from a pluripotent
stem cell present in the bone marrow is illustrated. This differentiation occurs under the influence of soluble mediators such as
colony stimulating factors in the bone marrow and thymopoietin in the thymus. These and other maturational changes can now be
monitored by monoclonal antibodies through a series of well defined subsets of cells with outer membrane markers, 2 of which lead
to the T4 :CD4 and Ts:CDs T lymphocytes. Often cooperation between these cells and macrophages with concomitant production of
Iymphokines in particular interleukin 1-4 (IL-1 :IL-4) leads to antibody production.

they react with the antigen to form an antigen/anti- (Lentner 1984). These are immunoglobulins and
body complex which can also include other serum are classified by their molecular weights, their bio-
factors such as complement and properdin (Guy- logical properties and sites of origin (Lentner 1984).
ton 1986; Lentner 1984). These reactions effec- The IgM class of antibody is traditionally the best
tively kill and assist in the removal of the invading activator of complement, although it is not as spe-
micro-organism or virally infected cells from the cific as the class IgG which is now known also to
body. An important component of the develop- weakly fix complement. The complement system
ment of the pool of antigen specific lymphocytes consists of some 20 reactive components, which
is a group of 'memory' cells which form the basis though usually inactive in the blood can be acti-
of long term immunity to the individual. vated by 2 independent pathways, each leading to
There are 5 classes of antibody which can be a common terminal sequence of events. The 'al-
synthesised, designated IgM, 19A, IgG, IgE and IgD ternative' pathway involves the activation of pro-
Exercise and the Immune Response 252

perdin which subsequently stabilises components the body which may be abnormal antigenically and/
of the complement system (Lentner 1984). While or infected with bacteria or viruses and are exhib-
the terminal sequence of events relies on cell mem- iting newly induced antigenic markers on their sur-
brane attack, activation of complement results in faces. They can also lyse tumour cells which have
a cascade of interactions involving these proteins, recognisable antigenic changes on their surfaces,
the end product of which is death of the micro- induced as part of their neoplastic changes.
organisms. The helper T cells facilitate the functioning of
Complete or partial activation of the comple- the immune system. They accomplish this by hav-
ment cascade can result in: ing the ability to be activated by much smaller
1. Coating of the micro-organism or immune quantities of antigens than other cells in conjunc-
complexes, thus facilitating destruction via phag- tion with interleukin I produced by antigen pro-
ocytosis. cessing macrophages. These activated T-helper cells
2. Rupture of the cell membrane - lysis of the then themselves produce and release further lym-
cell. phokines one of which, interleukin 2, appears to
3. Being a further aid to agglutination of micro- increase the activity of the T cells to allow them
organisms. to secrete a further lymphokine, interleukin 3. To-
4. Neutralisation of viruses. gether these reactions generate a pool of activated
5. Chemotaxis of participating cells in the con- lymphocytes which include T lymphocyte memory
trol of infection. cells which can become reactivated T cells at any
6. Rupture of basophils and mast cells, result- subsequent exposure to the given antigen. This
ing in the release of histamine and other vaso- subsequent response occurs far more rapidly than
reactive substances which playa major role in in- that following the initial exposure to antigen.
flammation (Lentner 1984). Suppressor T cells are downregulating cells and
appear to suppress and turn off both cytotoxic cells
2.2.2 Cell-Mediated Immunity and T-helper cells. It is thought that the suppressor
Cell-mediated immunity following antigenic cells regulate the activity of other cells to prevent
challenge results from the formation of activated undue damage to the body.
T cells rather than antibodies. The reactive Most of these reactions are said to be genetically
lymphocytes have been previously modified or restricted, indicating that the cellular cooperation
processed (educated) in the thymus to form T that is required to produce these reactions will only
lymphocytes (fig. 1). The processing occurs shortly occur between cells that are genetically identical.
before birth in most instances. The processed cells This genetic restriction resides with what is known
form germinal centres in the lymph nodes and the as the major histocompatibility complex II, the
spleen and from these T lymphocytes repeatedly surface expression of genes closely associated with
circulate through the blood to the tissue spaces and the genes responsible for control of the immune
back. T cells become specifically sensitised by an system.
antigen following which they may develop the abil- For some 20 years or more a basic but contro-
ity to attach themselves to the antigen and destroy versial proposition has been researched which pro-
it or they may cooperate with macrophages and B- poses that some type of cellular immune surveil-
lymphocytes to give impetus to antibody devel- lance exists as a primary defence, in particular
opment. This reactiveness stems from the fact that against cancer (Keast 1980). In the search for cells
several sub-types of T lymphocytes exist (Thomas which might mediate this surveillance a group of
et al. 1981). Three ofthe more important sub-types so-called killer cells have been found which, while
are: the cytotoxic T cells, the helper T cells appearing histologically similar to lymphoid cells,
(T4 cells) and the suppressor T cells (T8 cells). do not carry any, or very little, of the normal sur-
The cytotoxic T cells recognise and kill cells of face markers of the lymphocytes (Keast 1981).
Exercise and the Immune Response 253

Among the group of cells known as null cells is a lack of antigenic challenge from the environment,
cell type which has been called the natural killer and in the other it is running down, due to a life-
cell, which has, in circulation in humans, an equiv- time of antigenic assault.
alent known as the large granular lymphocyte cell Bellanti and Kadlec (1985) point out that meta-
(Sakasela et a1. 1983). bolic factors such as a depressed state of certain
Finally, there exists a group of cells, the mac- hormonal systems result in an increased suscepti-
rophages, whose prime function is to process anti- bility to infection. In particular, the depressed level
gen to remove it from the body and to synthesise of hormonal secretions from the pancreas, the
interleukin I, which plays a prime role in activat- adrenals, and the thyroid glands are presented as
ing the lymphocytes as described above (fig. I). examples. Genetic factors are important in the ef-
Subgroups of macrophages exist which can be dis- ficacy of the immune response and have been
tinguished by the presence or absence of a surface shown to be involved in different levels of suscep-
marker, la. The la+ macrophage appears to be re- tibility to certain infections that can exist within a
sponsible for the synthesis of interleukin I. population. In humans some of the differences in
The macrophages are involved in the gross de- susceptibility are racially biased and probably rep-
struction of invading micro-organisms and are large resent to a large extent the natural selection pro-
phagocytic cells which are thought to develop from cess.
the circulating monocytes which move out of the Environmental and nutritional factors, in par-
blood to infiltrate the tissues. Historically these cells ticular malnutrition, have long been recognised as
then take on site specific names originally given to being associated with lowered immunity. As de-
them by histologists. scribed in section 2.1, certain anatomical barriers
Macrophages in the liver sinuses are called to infection exist as a first line of defence. These
Kupffer cells, while those in the lungs are referred barriers include skin and the mucous membranes;
to as alveolar or interstitial macrophages and tissue physical, nutritional and physiological damage to
histiocytes when located in the subcutaneous tis- these barriers result in an increased susceptibility
sues. In the skin there exists the Langerhans cells to infection. Other physiological factors which when
and it is still unclear as to whether or not these are modified may result in significant changes to the
metabolically modified macrophages or a specific immune system, include the action of the cilia in
cell type closely resembling other dendritic mac- the respiratory tract, the peristaltic action of the
rophages of the body. Macrophages in the lymph gut and the force of expression of urine. Dysfunc-
nodes, spleen and bone marrow have been called tion in any of these parameters can lead to in-
reticulum cells and the microglia are the macro- creased incidence of infection often associated with
phages of the brain. an overwhelming of the local immune system.
There are a number of other physiological func-
3. Factors that Modify Immune tions that help prevent infection which if changed
Mechanisms can change the effectiveness of the immune sys-
tem. These factors include certain bactericidal
Bellanti and Kadlec (1985) indicate that there compounds present in skin secretions, lysozyme
are a number of factors that can modify immunity. and naturally cross-reacting antibodies. Major
Their list includes age, genetic, metabolic, envi- changes in the natural flora existing on and within
ronmental, anatomical, physiological and micro- the body can lead to immune modulation. These
bial factors. changes can be brought about by changes in diet,
The very young and the very old are more sus- environment and by the introduction of new mi-
ceptible to infection due to lower levels of im- cro-organisms into the body by, for example, travel
munityat these ages. In the one instance the im- from one area of the world to another.
mune system is immature, due in part to an initial There is now an increasing acceptance that psy-
Exercise and the Immune Response 254

chological stress can be a major contributor to muscles to the demands of the sport (Saltin 1986)
modification of health but the role of the stress of and much of the direction of sports dieting has also
physical exercise, if any, in adding to the immune been geared to boost pools of metabolic energy
modulation likely to occur from one or more of which will come under demand. Yet, to date, there
the above factors is largely unexplored. It is clear is no clear evidence available as to whether or not
that extensive physical training induces major such metabolic demands can influence the func-
physiological changes and often psychological tion of the immune system. This most probably
changes which have the potential to be expressed comes from a lack of appreciation of the overall
in several of the above areas. metabolic demands of the immune system.

4. Exercise and Metabolism in the 4.1 Energy Supply and Fuel Utilisation
Immune System by Lymphocytes

The accepted dogma of immune reactivity is that It is now acknowledged that there are at least 2
the cellular components of the immune system are major sources for the provision of energy for
activated by an antigen and transfer from a resting lymphocytes: these are glucose and glutamine (Ar-
state into one of high biochemical activity. dawi & Newsholme 1984; Hume & Weidemann
This activity involves rapid -cell division along 1980). The utilisation and relative contributions of
with the production of antigen specific antibodies, long chain fatty acids and ketone bodies as energy
the production of many mediators and chemical sources in lymphocytes is far less clear, although it
signals including at least 4 interleukins, which serve is clear that ketone bodies alone cannot support
to amplify the immune response (Bellanti 1985). lymphocytes in culture (Ardawi & Newsholme
Ardawi and Newsholme (1985) have presented evi- 1984). However, the addition of oleate to isolated
dence that both the so-called 'resting' lymphocyte lymphocytes in culture raised the oxygen con-
and its antigenically stimulated counterpart are sumption significantly, indicating that fatty acids
extremely metabolically active. The study of the can be utilised. While both of these substrates pro-
demands of the immune system on the general duced a glucose sparing effect, it was suggested that
metabolism of the body is in an embryonic state. this was not so important in conserving glucose in
It has been acknowledged, however, that its study, the whole animal as in maintaining the concentra-
integrated with the demands on metabolism of tions of glycolytic intermediates necessary for the
physical exercise (Rybka & Novosad 1984) may be maintenance of cell proliferation (Ardawi &
a profitable means of exploring shared metabolism Newsholme 1984). Other studies have suggested
on a tissue basis and the possible interdependence that anaerobic (glycolytic) metabolism might be
of tissues on each other's metabolic products (Ar- more important than respiration (aerobic) for the
dawi & Newsholme 1985). These workers suggest maintenance of energy metabolism in lymphocytes
that there is ample evidence to indicate that, with and various other lymphoid tissues including thy-
respect to amino acid metabolism, there is almost mocytes (Kit 1976). Ardawi and N ewsholme (1985)
certainly an interdependence between muscle and have recently reviewed much of the biochemical
the lymphocytes. Whether disturbance of this in- literature on the metabolism of lymphocytes and
terdependence leads to a lowering of immunity there is no evidence to date that human lympho-
in the 'training' athlete or not has yet to be ex- cytes are different from those of other animals (Ar-
plored, but represents an exciting prospect for the dawi 1987). Some important issues taken up in that
future. review follow. The low levels of phosphorylase ac-
It has now been accepted that part of the phys- tivity, which is less than that of hexokinase, sug-
iological process of training the athlete results in gests that endogenous glycogen is not important as
an adaptation of the biochemistry of the active a fuel to supply glucose for the lymphocyte, but
Exercise and the Immune Response 255

".. Span of TCA


'---- ®~ 1
~ @Malate

Aspartate oxaloacetate;/"

\ -L,,:,. (~o

Pyruvate _ Lactate

Fig. 2. The proposed pathway for the partial oxidation of glutamine in lymphocytes. 1 = glutaminase; 2 = aspartate amino-
transferase; 3 = malate dehydrogenase (NAD+-linked); 4 = malic enzyme [NAD(P)+-linked]; 5 = phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxykinase; 6 = pyruvatekinase; 7 = lactate dehydrogenase. Modified from Ardawi and Newsholme (1985).

that glucose is an important substrate mainly amino acids (Tate & Meister 1973). More recently,
metabolised by glycolysis (Newsholme & Leech Ardawi and Newsholme (1985) have proposed that,
1983). in vivo. the glutamine pathway in lymphocytes may
The Kreb's cycle is fully functional in lympho- be under external regulation and that this may be
cytes and the fact that it increases substantially in with respect to the supply of the glutamine itself
activity when lymphocytes are responding to im- (fig. 2). This raises important issues from the ath-
munological challenge indicates its importance in letes' viewpoint because muscle is a major site for
cell division for these cells (Ardawi & Newsholme the synthesis of glutamine (Ardawi & Newsholme
1982). 1985). These authors have suggested that some of
Glutamine has been known for some time to be the anecdotal evidence that well trained athletes
an important fuel in a number of rapidly dividing may be more susceptible to minor infections may
cells and lymphocytes (Ardawi & Newsholme stem from the fact that under intense physical ex-
1983), although classically glutamine is considered ercise the demands on muscle and other organs for
to contribute nitrogen-containing precursors for the glutamine are such that the lymphoid system may
synthesis of macromolecules, including purine and be forced into a glutamine debt which temporarily
pyrimidine nucleotides, amino sugars and some affects its function.
Exercise and the Immune Response 256

5. Exercise and the Immune System some 5 to 10 minutes after exercise protocols de-
signed specifically to stress the 3 main energy sys-
It soon became obvious on exploring the liter- tems used in sport. We have also shown recently
ature that much of the research into the effects of that the performance of the closed sport of archery
physical exercise on the immune system has been by trained archers is sufficient to induce a leuco-
carried out with little systematic regard for the cytosis within 15 to 20 minutes of commencement
various types and amounts of stress that can be of competition (Keast & Morton, unpublished).
applied to the body by sports exertion. Thus, while More detailed analysis of the extent and the
some emphasis has been placed on differences duration times for the leucocytosis is required as
which might exist between responses seen, within there is some small amount of evidence that these
the immune system, at the beginning of a training may be related to the degree of stress experienced
period and that seen in the entrained athlete, there by the individual (Eskola et at. 1976; Hedfors et
has been little regard given to the different exertion at. 1976; Moorthy & Zimmerman 1978; Soppi et
patterns that different sports activities may place al. 1982). This appears not to be related to the type
on the athlete. It is difficult, therefore, to begin to of energy system under stress (Cameron et al. 1987).
link any of the now many changes that have been There is some evidence that the magnitude of the
recorded to occur within the immune system with leucocytosis may be inversely proportional to the
any specific physiological or biochemical mech- degree of previous training (Moorthy & Zimmer-
anisms, such as the effects of aerobic as opposed man 1978; Soppi et at. 1982); although it is also
to glycolytic demands of certain physical exercise possible that the magnitude of any leucocytosis
patterns. could be related to raised levels of circulating cate-
cholamines, since the infusion of catecholamines
5.1 Effects on the Numbers of does give rise to a leucocytosis (Crary et al. 1983;
Circulating Lymphocytes Eriksson & Hedfors 1977; Mishler & Sharp 1976;
Steel et al. 1971) and it has been established that
It is now well established that in most studies the levels of catecholamines increase with intensity
on the effects of physical exercise on the immune and duration of physical exercise (Galbo 1983).
system the number of circulating leucocytes has The picture remains far from clear when the cell
been shown to increase as a result of a wide range types that are contributing to the leucocytosis are
of exercise stresses (Bieger et at. 1980; Busse et at. investigated. The differential mobilisation of all
1980; Cameron et at. 1987; De Lanne et al. 1960; leucocyte subsets have been reported as well as sit-
Edwards et al. 1984; Eskola et al. 1978; Hedfors et uations when specific subset cytopenias have also
al. 1976; Moorthy & Zimmerman 1978; Nguyen et occurred. Lymphocyte numbers have been shown
al. 1984; Soppi et al. 1982; Steel et al. 1964). The to increase in peripheral blood during physical ex-
exact time of onset of the leucocytosis during ex- ercise of less than 15 minutes duration (De Lanne
ercise has not been extensively studied, but De et al. 1960; Edwards et al. 1984; Hedfors et al. 1976;
Lanne et al. (1960) detected a significant elevation Nguyen et al. 1984; Robertson et al. 1979; Soppi
of leucocyte numbers within 5 minutes of begin- et al. 1982; Steel et al. 1964) and also after long
ning submaximal exercise and most studies have term exercise (Moorthy & Zimmerman 1978; Ngu-
indicated the leucocytosis to be well established and yen et at. 1984). There have also been reports in-
maintained for at least 15 minutes after cessation dicating that after some long term exercise sched-
of exercise with the numbers still significantly raised ules, in particular after marathon running, little or
for at least 3 hours after marathon runners had no lymphocytosis was present at the end of the race
completed their competition (Eskola et al. 1978). (Eskola et al. 1976; Moorthy & Zimmerman 1978).
More recently Cameron et at. (1987) have shown The changes that have been recorded in the total
that the leucocytosis is well established at sampling lymphocyte pool as a result of physical exercise
Exercise and the Immune Response 257

have also been explored at their subpopulation lev- malignant cells and cells carrying and/or possibly
els. Although some workers have found no differ- expressing infection induced and related surface
ences in the relative proportions of T and B markers (Keast 1980), lack the majority oflympho-
lymphocytes before and after exercise (Bongers & cyte markers, and as a group are known as null
Bertrams 1984; Hanson & Flaherty 1981; Kanon- cells. The current consensus is that the numbers of
choff et al. 1984; Soppi et al. 1982), others have null cells is increased in circulation as a result of
reported significant changes in the B cell/T cell ra- physical exercise (Cameron et al. 1987; Edwards et
tio (Edwards et al. 1984; Hedfors et al. 1976, 1983; al. 1984; Hanson & Flaherty 1981; Hirsen & Mal-
Landmann et al. 1984; Robertson et al. 1979; Se- ham 1983; Nguyen et al. 1984; Targan et al. 1981;
neczko & Rzetelski 1985; Steel et al. 1964; Tomasi Tomasi et al. 1982). There may also be an en-
et al. 1982). There has been some evidence that hancement of their functions (Hedfors et al. 1976,
while the total population of circulating T lympho- 1983; Hirsen & Malham 1983; Targan et al. 1981).
cytes may be depressed after exercise, some sub- Several workers have found the proportion of
populations of the T cell, which are characterised neutrophils to be raised in circulation following
by their cytotoxic properties, may become elevated physical exercise (De Lanne et al. 1960; Eskola et
(Edwards et al. 1984). It has been suggested that al. 1978; Lewicki et al. 1987; Moorthy & Zimmer-
these variations are influenced by hormonal man 1978). An increase in neutrophils has been
changes known to occur during exercise (Fauci correlated with an increase in plasma cortisol
1975, 1976; Galbo 1983; Tharp 1975). (Moorthy & Zimmerman 1978) while corticoste-
More recently research workers have been able roids are known to be capable of inducing a neu-
to use monoclonal antibodies to further discrimi- trophilia (Bishop & Athens 1968; Cream 1968; Dale
nate changes in the subsets of the T lymphocyte et al. 1975). It has been suggested that plasma cor-
compartment (Bongers & Bertrams 1984). Some tisol concentration decreases at workloads below
workers have been unable to detect any significant 50% of maximal oxygen uptake and only increases
changes in the T 4/T g ratio (Kanonchoff et al. 1984) at workloads of greater than 60% of the maximal
following physical exercise. However, at least 6 oxygen uptake (Comil 1965; Davies & Few 1973;
other studies have found a reduction in the helper Few 1974). This may explain some of the varia-
to cytotoxic/suppressor ratio following exercise bility that has been recorded following exercise.
(Berk et al. 1985; Cameron et al. 1987; Edwards et Both eosinophilia and eosinopenia (Cameron et
al. 1984; Hedfors et al. 1983; Landmann et al. 1984; al. 1987) have been recorded as a result of physical
Nguyen et al. 1984). The work of Cameron et al. exercise. These variable observations may again be
(1987) was designed to test selectively each of the related to cortisol levels in the blood (Anderson &
3 main energy systems used in physical exercise Bro-Rasmussen 1969; De Lanne et al. 1960; Fauci
and the results indicated that while a significant et al. 1976; Kellgreen & Janus 1951; Moorthy &
reduction in the T 4/Tg ratio occurred it was not Zimmerman 1978; Weber 1971).
specifically related to anyone particular energy The effects of exercise on monocyte dynamics
system. is by no means clear. The number of circulating
Both T4 (helper) and Tg (suppressor/cytotoxic) monocytes has been reported to both increase
lymphocytes play crucial regulatory roles in the (Cameron et al. 1987; De Lanne et al. 1960; Ed-
immune response and a reduction of this ratio has wards et al. 1984; Lewicki et al. 1987) and decrease
been associated with immunosuppression (Hans- (Moorthy & Zimmerman 1978) during and as a
brough et al. 1984) in circumstances where a sus- result of exercise. The variations in results may
ceptibility to minor infections might also exist. again be related to cortisol concentrations, al-
Another group of lymphocyte-like cells that are though Thompson et al. (1980) found no correla-
becoming of increasing importance in terms of im- tion between endogenous cortisol levels and mon-
munosurveillance of the body, in particular for ocyte numbers during a 24-hour study.
Exercise and the Immune Response 258

5.2 Effects of Exercise on 1976). In this study the pokeweed mitogen re-
Lymphocyte Function sponses were depressed despite the fact that there
was an increased proportion of B cells in the leu-
While the number of lymphocytes in the blood cocyte samples. Hedfors et al. (I983) have devel-
may be elevated by physical exercise, there is some oped the notion that the suppression of T cell re-
evidence to suggest that their function on occa- sponses to mitogens and the suppression that is
sions is also temporarily impaired. The assessment found in the allogenic mixed lymphocyte reaction
of lymphocyte function following exercise has usu- in postexercise peripheral blood samples could be
ally involved the in vitro responses of peripheral due to a decreased proportion of T -helper lympho-
blood leucocytes to plant lectins. Phytohaemaglu- cytes. The reduction in T 4fT8-lymphocyte ratios
tinin and concanavalin are polyclonal T-Iympho- that have been shown to occur after exercise can
cyte mitogens. Pokeweed mitogen and purified be interpreted to support these views. It has also
bacterial proteins such as purified protein deriva- been shown that when the T 4fT8 ratio of T -helper
tive are B-cell mitogens and which nonspecifically lymphocytes to T-suppressor lymphocytes falls
stimulate DNA synthesis, blast transformation and below 1.5 then DNA synthetic responses of
proliferation in lymphocytes (Bellanti 1985; Eskola lymphocytes to polyclonal T-cell mitogens be-
et al. 1978; Fauci 1982; Hedfors et al. 1976; Hells- comes decreased (Chailleux et al. 1985; Filipovich
tedt 1975; Roosnek et al. 1985; Sasaki & Norman et al. 1982). However, once again some workers
1966). In vitro impairment of responses to these have not been able to support these results (Ed-
mitogens has been associated with a variety of im- wards et al. 1984). Recently, Cameron et al. (1987)
mune deficiencies in vivo (Bellanti 1985; Levy & have shown that individuals can vary widely in
Kaplan 1974; Lopez-Bortet et al. 1982; Oppenheim their responses to both T - and B-polyclonal
et al. 1970). lymphocyte mitogens in vitro. The variations seen
Studies to date have not produced a total agree- were not consistent within an individual who might
ment on the importance or otherwise of some of on one day produce peripheral blood lymphocytes
the in vitro mitogen reactions oflymphocytes from postexercise that exhibited a depressed response to
trained athletes. Green et al. (1981) found that the the mitogens and on another day produce lympho-
leucocytes of 20 marathon runners responded nor- cytes with a heightened response. However, taking
mally to phytohaemaglutinin and pokeweed mi- the results overall, there was a greater number of
togen in vitro, while Soppi et al. (1982) found that tests showing suppression of responsiveness to the
a slight increase in lymphocyte responsiveness to mitogens than there were showing heightened ac-
mitogens developed in subjects who underwent a tivity. There was no evidence of in vitro prosta-
6-week training programme. However, there is a glandin synthesis being responsible for the vari-
large body of information that indicates that im- ations seen and the sera of the athletes failed to
mediately after a single bout of exercise, lympho- modify any in vitro responses. In a second set of
cyte transformation in vitro in the presence of mi- trials where the T 4fT8 ratios were determined it
togens can be suppressed. This suppression of was shown that these were severely reduced im-
lymphatic activity has occurred over a wide range mediately postexercise, but there was no consistent
of exercise stress. Eskola et al. (1978) reported that relationship between this reduction and respon-
responses of peripheral blood leucocytes to phy- siveness of the subjects' lymphocytes to polyclonal
tohaemaglutinin, concanavalin and purified pro- DNA mitogens (Cameron et al. 1987). There was
tein derivative in vitro were depressed in 8 subjects significant suppression of polyclonal lymphocyte
30 minutes after completing a marathon, but had responses postexercise, when all the treatments were
recovered within 24 hours. Suppression oflympho- analysed together under the heading of'nonspecific
cyte function has also been demonstrated following exercise stress'. However, none of the 3 exercise
15 minutes of mild bicycle exercise (Hedfors et al. protocols alone produced consistent results. These
Exercise and the Immune Response 259

protocols had been designed to place the major en- hanced. There have been few other studies that
ergy stress onto 1 of the 3 energy systems used in provide any further information on whether or not
sports activities and for which individuals can be humoral antibody production can be influenced
trained. significantly by physical exercise. The rudimentary
While the results when viewed from the T 4fT 8 information available suggests at this time that in
ratio viewpoint might be variable, it may well be vivo humoral responses may not be modified to
that the ratio is in part hiding a critical real number any great extent by exercise, although the role of
threshold for. suppression in mitogen activity in overtraining in this area might be usefully inves-
vitro, which at this time could reside in either the tigated.
T-helper lymphocytes (T 4) or the T-suppressor
lymphocytes (T 8) [Berk et al. 1985].
The reduced response to T- and B-cell mitogens 5.4 Effects on the Phagocytic Cells
and the lowered T 4fT 8 ratio may reflect a tempor-
ary immune suppression of cell-mediated immu-
nity sufficient to allow micro-organisms and in Several research.groups have shown that both
particular viruses time to evade early immunolog- the number of circulating monocytes and their
ical recognition and thus establish on-going infec- functions can be modified by physical exercise and
tions in the athlete. that over a physical training period the number of
insulin receptors increase significantly on the mon-
5.3 Effects of Exercise on Antibody Synthesis ocytes of the trainees, suggesting a substantial in-
crease in the potential for energy metabolism to
In humans, normal levels of IgG, IgA and IgM occur and hence an increase in the phagocytic ac-
have been recorded in marathon runners (Green et tivity of the cells (Bieger et al. 1980; Koivisto et
al. 1981) and marathon runners who were immun- al. 1979, 1980; Pedersen et al. 1980; Soman et al.
ised immediately after a race with antitetanus tox- 1978, 1979).
oid antigen showed no impairment of their abili- A bidirectional effect has been shown for the
ties to produce antibody (Eskola et al. 1978), even
affinity binding of insulin to its receptors on mon-
though this is the time when in vitro immune
ocytes (Michel et al. 1984). Exhaustive exercise de-
suppression of antibody synthesis has been shown
creased the binding efficiency of insulin to mon-
to occur (Hedfors et al. 1983). On the other hand,
ocyte receptors while moderate exercise increased
Tomasi et al. (1982) sampled cross-country skiers
its binding affinity; these results could be repro-
for salivary IgA immunoglobulin levels before and
duced in vitro.
after a race and found them to be suppressed after
the race. It was then suggested that the breathing While phagocytosis and antigen processing have
of cold air had influenced salivary antibody secre- been shown to remain unchanged following the
tion. Petrova et al. (1983) have produced evidence running of a marathon (Green et al. 1981), a large
for a reduction of both serum and secretory im- study involving 91 sportsmen and 30 healthy adults
munoglobulins which is related to increasing in- not active in sport showed a decrease in functional
tensity of exercise work load. In animal studies, activity of neutrophils along with a decrease in
antibody production in response to a primary anti- serum and secretory immunoglobulins (Petrova et
gen inoculation in exercised rats and mice was not al. 1983). Recently results obtained from condi-
significantly different to that of non-exercised ani- tioned cyclists support these results and Lewicki et
mals (Carmack 1984; Cross 1985). Earlier studies al. (1987) suggest that nonspecific immunity may
by Douglas (1974) showed that while primary re- be stressed by maximal physical exertion and con-
sponses to an antigen were not altered by daily ex- tribute to an increased susceptibility of the sports-
ercising of mice, secondary responses could be en- person to infection.
Exercise and the Immune Response 260

5.5 Effects on Natural Killer Cells the glycolytic (lactate) energy cycle in trained ath-
letes, on average there was a 43.5% increase in the
Several groups have reported an increased num- number of platelets in circulation. This increase was
ber of natural killer and related null cells being greater than that induced by exercise designed to
mobilised by exercise and that their activities are stress either the phosphate (31% increase in num-
enhanced (Cameron et al. 1987; Edwards et al. 1984; bers of circulating platelets) or the aerobic (23%
Hanson & Flaherty 1981; Hirsen & Malham 1983; increase in platelet numbers) energy systems. In this
Nguyen et al. 1984; Targan et al. 1981). This is of study there was no evidence for a preferential mob-
particular interest as there has been the occasional ilisation of larger platelets than those seen pre-
report that exercise has enhanced the resistance of exercise.
experimental animals to tumour growth (Good &
Fernandes 1981). While this can result from an ar- 6. Exercise, Hormones and Immunity
ray of cellular activity (Keast 1980) a group of null
cells, the natural killer cells, are being projected as It is now well established that during strenuous
the main group responsible for an immune sur- physical activity and exercise many metabolic and
veillance role with the activity of recognising and hormonal changes take place in the body (Bunt
destroying the first few neoplastic cells that de- 1986; Galbo 1983). The current state of knowledge
velop and which may have the potential for de- of the mechanisms of action of hormones import-
veloping at some later time into a malignant can- ant in physical activity has been detailed by Bunt
cer. (1986). Sympathetic nervous activity increases as
a result of exercise and the levels of several hor-
5.6 Effects on Platelets mones, such as adrenaline (epinephrine), nor-
adrenaline (norepinephrine), vasopressin, gluca-
It has been known for some time that platelets gon, growth hormone, adrenocorticotrophic
exhibit some bacteriocidal and/or bacteriostatic hormone, cortisol and thyroid stimulating hor-
properties (Myhre et al. 1974). mone, have been shown to increase in concentra-
There is also recent evidence that platelets may tion in blood. Many of the changes have been con-
be involved in other immunological events such as sidered to be components of the stress response
the lysis of tumour cells (Ibele et al. 1985), schis- (Selye 1976). While the early definitions of stress
tosomes (Joseph et al. 1983) and cells opsonised have been summarised as 'the nonspecific response
with antibody (Soppi et al. 1982). In addition to of the body to any demand' (Selye 1976), more re-
their traditional roles in providing mediators and cently the term 'stress' has been taken to encom-
matrices for the induction of the clotting of blood, pass the activating agent, the reaction to it and the
platelets are also considered to play a role in in- consequences of that reaction (Stein 1985). Thus a
flammation, both by the release of mediators and variety of stimuli, both psychological and physical,
by aggregation which traps leucocytes and induces have been shown to be stressors and have included
venous occlusion (Bellanti 1985). Inflammation can such psychological stressors as bereavement,
be the outcome of both overwork and trauma in- depression and anxiety and such physical stressors
duced by physical exercise. Platelet numbers in as surgical trauma, electrical shock, thermal stress
peripheral circulation have been shown to rise after and starvation (Selye 1976). Relatively little em-
exercise (Freedman et al. 1977; Peatfield et al. phasis has been placed on the role of stress, in-
1985). Platelets can be categorised on their cellular duced by physical exercise, on the immune system,
volumes, and those of the larger volume group can although it is implicit in all the research under-
be mobilised preferentially by physical exercise taken. Physiological and biochemical stress occur
(Peatfield et al. 1985). Cameron et al. (1987) have during exercise and may subsequently influence
shown that in exercise designed to stress mainly immunocompetence by subtle means (Ardawi &
Exercise and the Immune Response 261

Newsholme 1985). In general, psychological stress Davies et al. 1974; Galbo et al. 1973,1977), return
has been shown to be capable of inducing suppres- to normal levels rapidly after short term heavy ex-
sion of the immune system (Gisler et al. 1971; Hin- ercise (Hagberg et al. 1979), but have been shown
kle et al. 1962; Monjan & Collector 1977; Solomon to remain high for at least 30 minutes after mod-
et al. 1974; Yamanda 1964). However, in some erate exercise (Galbo et al. 1975, 1976). Adrenaline
cases, enhancement of some immune reactions has levels have been shown to rise as much as 8 times
been recorded (Gisler et al. 1971; Monjan & Col- during prolonged exercise (Galbo et al. 1977) and
lector 1977).. therefore, in the light of the mounting evidence that
Alterations of immune function caused by stress sympathoadrenal immunoregulation exists (Bese-
are usually considered to be mediated mainly by dovsky et al. 1985), becomes a potential modulator
adrenal hormones (Besedovsky et al. 1985), al- of immune reactivity as a result of physical exer-
though in adrenalectomised animals that have been cise.
stressed further immunomodulation is still possi- Catecholamines have been shown to modify
ble (Stein 1985). Changes in thyroid hormones, both the number and function of circulating
growth hormones and sex steroids, which have been lymphocytes. Infusion of adrenaline has caused
induced by stress, as well as direct sympathetic leucocytosis (Crary et al. 1983; Eriksson & Hedfors
nervous stimulation of immunocompetent tissues, 1977; Gader & Cash 1975; Mishler & Sharp 1976;
have allIed to alterations in immune function (Stein Steel et al. 1971) which included both a lympho-
1985). The importance of eliminating psychologi- cytosis and a neutrophilia. Some of the effects of
cal stress in research into the immunology of ex- adrenaline on the subpopulations of circulating
ercise was illustrated by a study in which the coach leucocytes may well be sequential in nature, with
and the coxswain of a college rowing eight exhib- a predominant and immediate rise in lymphocytes
ited eosinopenic responses comparable with those followed after about 30 minutes by a neutrophilia
of the rowers during a major race, but not during (Gader & Cash 1975; Steel et al. 1971). While
training sessions (Reynold et al. 1951). Eriksson and Hedfors (1977) found a decrease in
the proportion of T lymphocytes after the admin-
6.1 Catecholamines and the Immune System istration of adrenaline this was not confirmed by
in Exercise Crary et al. (1983), although they did find a re-
duction in the T 4fT 8 ratio. These data tend to agree
One of the most important changes to occur with changes in leucocyte populations that occur
during physical exercise has been shown to be the as a result of physical exercise (Eskola et al. 1978;
increase in sympathoadrenal activity, which results Hedfors et al. 1976, 1983; Nguyen et al. 1984; Steel
in increases in the blood concentrations of the cate- et al. 1964) and lend support to the hypothesis that
cholamines adrenaline (epinephrine) and nor- adrenaline may be directly or indirectly largely re-
adrenaline (norepinephrine). Adrenaline is an sponsible for the changes in leucocyte numbers seen
adrenal medullary hormone, while noradrenaline in the peripheral blood after exercise.
is primarily a sympathetic neurotransmitter which The site of mobilisation of leucocytes after ad-
can also function as a hormone (Galbo 1983). renaline infusion or exercise is unclear. It has been
Raised levels of catecholamines have been found suggested that a lymphocytosis may result from in-
to increase heart rate, cause vasoconstriction in the creased emptying of lymph into the blood stream
splanchnic region, increase metabolic rates of via the thoracic duct, while neutrophils might be
working muscle fibres, increase substrate mobilis- originating from the bone marrow due to increased
ation and stimulate sweating (Bunt 1986; Galbo blood flow (Gader & Cash 1975). However, Steel
1983). The concentrations of these hormones in et al. (1971) were unable, at that time, to show any
blood are increased exponentially with the inten- increased influx of lymphocytes from the thoracic
sity and duration of exercise (Bloom et al. 1976; duct to the blood stream. Mishler and Sharp (1976)
Exercise and the Immune Response 262

have also refuted the hypothesis that neutrophils added to cultures at physiological concentrations.
are mobilised from the bone marrow by adrena- Interestingly, Hadden et al. (1970) also found that
line, on the basis that these would be expected to isoprenaline caused a slight enhancement of the
be immature cells. They suggested that the cells mitogen response, but if it was added with pro-
were being mobilised from the lungs and the spleen pranolol, the response was significantly greater,
and the marginated pool where the cells are known suggesting that enhancement of lymphocyte trans-
to adhere to the walls of sma)! venules and capil- formation was occurring through the a-receptor
laries (Crary et al. 1983; Mishler & Sharp 1976; mechanism and inhibition through the {1-receptor
Muir et al. 1984). The changes recorded in the sub- mechanism.
sets of cells mobilised have been proposed as a re-
sult of differing circulation times between T 6.2 Glucocorticoids and the Immune System
lymphocytes and B lymphocytes (Sprent 1973), al- in Exercise
though it has also been proposed that the various
lymphocyte subsets may vary in their stickiness or Adrenocorticotrophic hormone originates in the
sensitivity to adrenaline or be marginated in dif- anterior pituitary gland and increases with exercise
ferent amounts (Crary et al. 1983; Hedfors et al. to stimulate the production of the major adrenal
1976). cortical hormone, cortisol (Bunt 1986). Cortisol
Noradrenaline has also been claimed to increase enhances both free fatty acid mobilisation and glu-
the number of circulating leucocytes after its in- coneogenesis as its main biochemical functions.
fusion (Gader et al. 1975). Serum cortisol levels have been shown to rise dur-
While there have been differences in the timing ing exercise but the levels may not peak until after
and dosage used, it appears that catecholamines can the exercise has been completed (Bunt 1986; Few
also affect immunological function. Metabolically, 1974; Davies & Few 1973; Dessypris et al. 1976;
catecholamines have been shown to increase adenyl Gawel et al. 1979; Kuoppasalmi et al. 1980; Sutton
cyclase activity leading to an increase in intracell- et al. 1969). It has been suggested that an increase
ular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in the level of cortisol in blood over a period of
[Strom et al. 1977], which has been found to in- time may contribute to some of the physiological
hibit both T and B cell responses to mitogens (Estes adaptations to training (Galbo 1983).
et al. 1971; Watson 1976). Adrenaline 100 ~mol Corticosteroids have been shown to affect the
inhibited tritiated thymidine uptake when added immune system (Cupps & Fauci 1982) and are gen-
to lymphocyte cultures stimulated with phytohae- erally considered to be immunosuppressive. Phy-
maglutinin, but it was not inhibitory when added tohaemaglutinin-, concanavalin- and pokeweed
at more physiological concentrations (Hadden et mitogen-induced transformation in vitro has been
al. 1970; Keast, unpublished data). Other studies shown to be depressed by the addition of cortico-
have shown that the leucocytes from individuals steroids (Gillis et al. 1979; Goodwin et al. 1979;
inoculated with adrenaline do not respond to phy- Gordon & Nouri 1981; Neifield & Tormey 1979;
tohaemaglutinin, concanavalin or pokeweed Nowell 1961; Smith et al. 1977; Webel & Ritts
mitogen in vitro (Crary et al. 1983), neither do they 1977). The mixed lymphocyte reaction has also
if isoprenaline (isoproterenol), {1-adrenergic com- been depressed by cortisone (Ilfeld et al. 1977; Katz
pound, is added to cultures at physiological con- & Fauci 1979) but there has been some evidence
centrations (Goodwin et al. 1978, 1979; Goodwin that Ig synthesis can be further enhanced, in cul-
& Webb 1980; Hadden et al. 1970). tures stimulated by pokeweed mitogen, by the ad-
The proliferation of human lymphocytes stim- dition oflow levels of cortisone (Cooper et al. 1979).
ulated by phytohaemaglutinin has been reported to In vivo the administration of low doses of cor-
both increase (Hadden et al. 1970, 1971) and de- ticosteroids has induced some suppression of im-
crease (Goodwin et al. 1979), if noradrenaline was mune functions while experimentally abnormal
Exercise and the Immune Response 263

amounts of cortisol, in particular in the neonate, et al. 1985; Thompson et al. 1984). Production of
has produced sometimes lethal modification to the a B-cell proliferation factor was also shown to be
immune system (Keast 1968, 1969; Keast and Wal- reduced under these culture conditions (Jelinek et
ters 1969). Hydrocortisone, dexamethasone and al. 1985). However, there appears to be little re-
prednisolone given in vivo have been shown to sig- search published as yet to indicate whether or not
nificantly modify the ability of lymphocytes to re- prostaglandin-mediated changes to immune func-
spond subsequently in vitro to both mitogens and tion can be modified by physical exercise. The work
by Ig production (Fauci 1976; Gillis et al. 1979; of Cameron et al. (1987) suggested, however, that
Saxon et al. 1978). While the numbers of circulat- over a series of exercise protocols, designed to spe-
ing lymphocytes have been shown on occasions to cifically stress each of the recognised major energy
vary inversely with circadian changes in plasma systems utilised in physical exercise, there was no
cortisol (Tavadia et al. 1975; Thompson et ai. 1980) effect within the tissue culture systems used that
their circadian rhythm with respect to phytohae- could be attributable to abnormal variations or
maglutinin-induced transformation coincides di- levels of prostaglandin production from the leu-
rectly with changes in plasma cortisol, suggesting cocytes under test:
a positive effect of cortisol on lymphocyte function
at physiological levels (Tavadia et al. 1975).
8. Conclusion
The level of other hormones is also modified as
a result of physical exercise and some of the prop-
erties of insulin with respect to its influence on the The literature for the most part indicates that
immune system have already been discussed. Al- exercise protocols with respect to duration and in-
dosterone and antidiuretic hormone as well as the tensity needs to be better controlled in studies de-
sex hormones may well affect lymphocyte func- signed to explore the role of exercise stress on the
tions through their abilities or otherwise to main- immune system.
tain electrolyte balances or the synthesis and ma- Despite limitations in this area research has in-
turation of cells within the bone marrow (Bunt dicated that physical exercise, possibly in associa-
1986). The role of hormonal modification to the tion with hormonal changes, can modify the im-
immune system as a result of physical exercise is mune system in several ways. Physical exercise
an area of research deserving more attention in the appears to be producing, for the most part, major
future. fluctuations in both total leucocyte number and the
currently established cellular immunoregulatory
7. Prostaglandins, Exercise and the network. However, the difference in acute response
Immune System to exercise and the response to chronic exercise and
overtraining needs urgent clarification.
Although changes in lymphocyte function dur- Both specific and polyclonal mitogen responses
ing exercise might be related to hormonal altera- of cells of the immune system in vitro, have been
tions, it is possible that they may be mediated at shown to be modified often suggesting that tem-
the local level. Prostaglandins of the E series, which porary immune suppression may be an outcome of
can be synthesised by macrophages (Gemsa et al. exercise. The extent to which these changes occur
1982) have been shown to suppress the lymphocyte appear to be related to intensity of exercise, al-
response to T-cell mitogens when added to cultures though this is by no means absolute.
in physiological concentrations (Gemsa et al. 1982; Preliminary evidence indicates that variation in
Goodwin et al. 1978; Gordon et al. 1979; Novo- lymphocyte subsets in circulation is also found and
grodsky et al. 1979). There is also evidence that B it is tempting to speculate that changes in these
lymphocyte proliferation in Staphylococcus aureus parameters may be indicators of overtraining
stimulated cultures is inhibited by PGE 2 (Jelinek (chronic fatigue). If this could be verified, then its
Exercise and the Immune Response 264

Chailleux E, Bigdon JD, Peyrat MA, Godard A, Soulillou JP.

refinement might provide a major contribution to Lymphocyte subsets, phytohaemaglutinin responsiveness of
aid athlete management. blood lymphocytes, and interleukin 2 production in sarcidosis.
Thorax 40: 768-773, 1985
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a fertile field for future research. hancement of immunoglobulin synthesis by pokeweed mito-
gen stimulated lymphocytes. Clinical and Experimental Im-
munology 37: 145-151, 1979
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