EAMC DFCM OPD Charting and Census Guidelines As OF JANUARY 2020

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EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020

DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
There are 4 Clerks/ Interns posts:
1. Triage
2. Vital Signs
3. Consults
4. Census
Patient Care Flow Chart

Triage Vital Signs Team Consultation Team Census Encoding

• Brief HPI • Vital Signs and Anthropometrics • History and Physical Exam • Checking of chart completion
• Triaging of patients to different • Referring of patients with abnormal vital • Referring of patients to Residents on • Encoding of Patient Charts on the
departments. signs and red flag symptoms. Duty Computer
• ER referrals • Logging and charting of time recieved • Checking of chart completion • Checking of accuracy of orders:
and time interviewed • Takes note the Time referred to the spelling errors, correct prescriptions.
resident. • Logging of time referred and time
• Takes note the time discharged (time discharged.
when the resident is finished checking
the patient and the chart.
• Carrying out Corrected Resident's
Orders (prescription, Lab requests,
Clinical abstracts or medical
• Checking of completion and correct
chart orders (prescription, Lab
requests, Clinical abstracts or medical
• Discussing Patient discharge
instructions to the patient.
• Checking of chart completion prior to
• Checks completeness of time stamps.
(time recieved, time interviewed, time
referred, time discharged.)
Assistant 1
1. Checks the completeness of the Daily census every after OPD hours. (with the encoder of the day)
2. Uploads the Census file on the Google drive link.
3. Checks and corrects spelling errors, dosages, and other encoding errors.
4. Every Tuesday, Converts OPD Daily Census Document files to DOH CENSUS Format. See DOH Census Editing Guidelines.

Assistant 2
1. Compiles Daily Morbidity Tally Sheets and encodes it to the Morbidity Census Excel file.
2. Copies Daily Census Summary information to Daily Census Summary File.
3. Every Tuesday, copies all the census on the Daily OPD census to the Master Monthly Census.
4. On the last day of the rotation, copies the Master monthly Census to the Master Annual Census.

Files to be submitted at the End of the rotation.

Soft copy of OPD Daily Census Summary.
Soft and Hard Copies of OPD Daily Morbidity Tally Summary.

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
PRIMARY SYMPTOM Associated symptoms Pertinent negatives Medications/consults
Timing: Associated with: List your differentials Medical Consults if any
Previous episodes, Include RELEVANT symptoms only. Then pertinent negatives. Ex. Sought consult at <private clinic, ER,
Onset, Other unrelated symptoms should be in UTI hospital, government hospital/ OPD>
Frequency, the Review of Systems. No dysuria, frequency, urgency, fever, Diagnosed with <diagnosis>
Duration chills, flank or suprapubic pain. Diagnostics done were <Tests>
Location Gynecologic Prescribed with <drug>
Quality or Character No vaginal discharge, vaginal pruritus, Self-medicated with <drug>
Severity dyspareunia With relief/no relief of symptoms.
Precipitating factors PRIOR TO THE ER CONSULT.
Interim history: Progression, if episodic, frequency, Timing of symptoms, relieving and aggravating factors,
Reason for consult: persistence, progression, severity, of symptoms prompted consult.

Minimum “Normal” Physical Exam findings

Neuro PE (Normal)
General Conscious, coherent, not in cardiorespiratory distress
I Not assessed
Skin Skin is brown moist with good skin turgor, no visible mass or III, IV, VI EOM- able to perform cardinal Eye ROM
lesions. V clenches teeth symmetrically, intact facial sensation
VII Symmetrical facie
HEENT Normocephalic, Pink palpebral Conjunctiva, anicteric sclera, VIII Intact audition
(Inspection, No Nasal nor aural discharge, no tonsillopharyngeal IX, X Uvula in midline, (+) gag reflex
Palpation) congestion, Neck is supple with no CLAD and no JVD XI Shrugs both shoulders symmetrically
XII Tongue protrudes in midline, no fasc.
Chest/Lungs No mass or lesions, Symmetrical chest expansion, no
(Insp, Palp, retractions, no chest lagging, vesicular breath sounds.
Perc, Ausc)

Heart Adynamic Precordium, PMI at 5th ICS Left Midclavicular line,

(Inspe, Normal Rate, Regular Rhythm, distinct S1 and S2, No
Ausc) murmurs

Abdomen Globular, no visible mass or lesions, normoactive bowel

(Insp, Aus, sounds , soft, non-tender, no CVA tenderness, Negative
Palp, Perc) Murphy sign, tympanitic

Extremities No gross deformities, full and equal pulses, capillary refill

time <2 secs, No edema.

Genitalia Grossly Male/Female Adult Genitalia, no visible mass or

lesions, no visible discharge.

Internal Patent vaginal canal, cervix is closed, soft, smooth and

exam nontender. uterus in midline, smooth, firm, and non- tender, Assessment Tools / Questionnaires Available for Printing
no palpable right and left adnexal mass. Whitish discharge Cardiology: Heart Failure-Framingham Criteria, NYHA and Angina
on examining finger upon withdrawal. Headache: Tension Type, Migraine, Cluster Diagnostic Criteria
Psychiatry DSM V criteria for MDD, GAD, Panic Disorder, Schizophrenia and
Rectal No visible mass or lesions, good sphincter tone, smooth Mental Status Exam checklist.
rectal walls, 2 fingerbreadths prostate, non-tender, full/empty Thyroid Disorders: Burch Wartofsky for Thyroid Storm, Wayne’s Index for
rectal vault, no palpable mass or lesions. Hyperthyroidism, Billewics Scoring for Hypothyroidism
Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score.
Spine Spine is in midline, no visible lesions, abnormal curvature,
Straight Leg raise negative.

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.

Assessment 1. With comorbidities (HTN, DM, CKD) “for HTN/DM/Workup: 12 L ECG,

1. Medical Assessment FBS, Lipid Profile, Blood Uric Acid, CBC with pc, UA, Na, K, Cl, BUN,
Primary diagnosis then from most significant (RELATED TO THE CHIEF Creatinine, SGPT SGOT”
COMPLAINT) For patients with comorbidities 3 Write “For HTN/DM workup: 12 L ECG, FBS, Lipid
to least significant diagnosis Profile, Blood Uric Acid, CBC with pc, UA, Na, K, Cl, BUN, Creatinine, SGPT SGOT
Example: CC cough for 5 days
PMH: Hypertension Stage II When writing Imaging tests, do it in LIV format Location, Imaging modality, View
Assessment: (what type of view or special views)
CAP-LR (since it is the Main Diagnosis) Ex. Chest Xray PAL, HBT UTZ, Lumbosacral MRI, Cranial CT scan with contrast, 2D
Hypertension stage II controlled Echo with doppler studies, Arterial, Venous, AV duplex scan etc.
Warning: Always write pertinent history and physical exam on the Imaging
2. Psychosocial Assessment request, failure to do so has corresponding consequences.
Here is the list of acceptable Psychosocial assessment For 2D Echo/AV duplex scan patients, aside from the 2D Echo Request, make sure to
Tobacco use [ Z72.0] fill up the 2D Echo Physical Exam Form.
Alcohol use [ Z72.1] For laboratory requests that is not available in our standard request form, write the
Drug use [ Z72.2] request on the prescription pad.
Abuse of non-dependent producing substances [F55]
Lack of physical exercise [ Z72.3] Preventive/Screening recommendations:
Inappropriate diet and eating habits [Z72.4] Chest X-ray PAL- smoking history (>10 pack years)
Non organic insomnia – inadequate quantity or quality of sleep for a prolonged Female, 21 years old and above or 3 years from coitarche: PAP smear and HPV
period [ F51.0] screening every 3 years
Sleep disorders [G47] Female, 40 years old and above - Screening annual Mammography
Insomnia [G47.0] Males, 50 years old and above, Do Digital Rectal Exam
Insomnia due to medical condition (G47.01) Anyone >55 Recommend PCV and influenza vaccine
High risk sexual behavior [Z72.5]
Gambling and betting [Z72.6] Pre-Employment Workup.
Self damaging behavior [Z72.8] Routine: students, office, sales, etc.: CBC with PC, UA, Chest Xray PA-L
Burnout [Z73.0] Food handlers: CBC with PC, UA, Chest Xray PA-L, FA, Anti-HAV
Lack of relaxation and leisure [ Z73.2] For strenuous jobs: CBC with PC, UA, Chest Xray PA-L, 12-L ECG
Stress Not elsewhere classified / Physical and mental strain [ Z73.3]
Type A behavior pattern (characterized by unbridled ambition, a need for high PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT
achievement, impatience, competitiveness, and a sense of urgency) [Z73.1] Use standard format:
Social role conflict [Z73.5] Generic name, stock dose, dosing, frequency, duration*.
Inadequate social skills [ Z73.4] USE OD, q8h for TID, q12h for BID, q6h for QID. NEVER USE, BID, TID, QID,
Problems related to life management difficulty [ Z73. 9] E.g. Co-amoxiclav 1 g/tab, 1tab q12 for 7 days
Limitation of activities due to disability [Z73.6] *No duration for maintenance medications
Problems related to care provider dependency [ Z74]
Problems related to medical facility and other health care – unavailable, inaccessible NON-PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT
[ Z76 ] SEE SAMPLE PLANS for other nonpharmacologic management
Malingering – person feigning illness with obvious motivation [ Z76.5] Smoker: Smoking cessation advised, patient in pre-contemplation stage, advised
Example of Psychosocial Assessment patient that he can come back anytime if decided to quit.
S: Main chief complaint, Medical HPI then Fluid intake:
Patient came in seeking clinical abstract for her labs/medications. For well adults: Increase oral fluid intake.
O: Income: less than 5000 per month. Breadwinner of 5. For CKD, CHF patients. Limit fluid intake to 1L/ day instead.
A: Psychosocial Assessment: Problems related to medical facility and other health care Activity: Moderate intensity physical activity 30 mins/day 5x per week as tolerated. (for
– unavailable, inaccessible [ Z76 ] due to financial constraints healthy patients who you think can tolerate exercise)
Plan: Usual medical plan. DIET PLAN (compute for all Obese, DM and Hypertensive patients)
Insert at nonpharmacologic management: “Clinical Abstract provided and was referred HOW TO COMPUTE FOR THE DIET PRESCRIPTION
to Social Services for further assistance.” 1. Ideal body weight using Tanhauser method.
(Height in cms – 100) X 0.9 =
Eg. (169 – 100) = 69 X 0.9 = 62.1 kgs
Plan 2. Total Caloric Requirement = IBW X Activity factor
Follow the format Activity factor
1. Diagnostics 25 for bedridden, 30 for sedentary, 35 for moderate activity, 40 for strenuous.
2. Pharmacologic management 3. Distribution:
3. Non-Pharmacologic management CHO: TC x 0.6, CHON: TC x 0.15, Fat: TC x 0.25
4. Referrals Sample Diet plan Order
5. Follow up Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan
Diet: E.g. Low Salt, Low Fat, and/or DM Diet (specific)
DIAGNOSTICS TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385
Laboratory/Imaging Request should be clustered in to: If the patient already had a diet plan from nutrition clinic write:
1. PRIORITY LAB WORKUP: Labs that are relevant to the diagnosis “Continue diet plan C/O Nutrition Clinic”
For any patients >40 years old and above with Abdominal or Chest pain do STAT 12L If the patient has previous diet prescription but still unable to go to Nutrition clinic write:
ECG to Rule out Ischemic Heart Disease, if the patient came back with Normal ECG “Still for Nutrition clinic referral”
results, Write Stat12 L ECG – DONE
If refused for any reason, fill up the “release of responsibility form” and indicate the Referrals:
primary reason for refusing, then write STAT 12 L ECG – Refused, waiver signed. Refer to <Department> for further evaluation and co-management.
LIST PRIORITY WORKUP FIRST BEFORE ROUTINE WORKUP. NEVER write refer to <department> for Clinical abstract.
2. ROUTINE LAB WORKUP: Refer to Ophthalmology for official fundoscopy (all New DM and Hypertensive patients)
12 L ECG, FBS, Lipid Profile, Blood Uric Acid, CBC with pc, UA, Na, K, Cl, BUN, Refer to Ophthalmology for annual fundoscopy (for previously screened old patients)
Creatinine, SGPT SGOT Refer to HACT for counselling and testing (all urethritis and other STI’s)
Indications for routine workup HACT means HIV-AIDS Core Team. But writing “HIV” or “AIDS” on patient’s charts or
1. Obese at any age requests is taboo so we use HACT instead.
2. 40 years old and above
For patients qualifying 1 and 2 Write “For Wellness: 12 L ECG, FBS, Lipid Profile,
Blood Uric Acid, CBC with pc, UA, Na, K, Cl, BUN, Creatinine, SGPT SGOT

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
Same-Day Referrals Protocol
1. Confirm to the resident if the patient needs to be referred today. PATIENT FOLLOW UPS
2. If confirmed, complete the charting, prescriptions, laboratory or imaging request, Always review previous charting.
and referral letter for the department. SOAP format
3. Have the Census encoder take a picture of the chart.
4. Bring the patient and the chart to the receiving department and endorse the chart Subjective:
to the nurse/intern on duty. Review previous complaints if still existing, progressing, regressing or resolved.
5. Ask the patient to wait for his/her name to be called at the department. Ask for new symptoms/ Differential symptoms, Pertinent Negatives.
6. Ask the patient to come back to us once done with that department’s consultation. Ask for compliance to new/ current medications.

Write: Patient was referred from, <department>, advised to continue follow up with Patient came in with laboratory results.
<department> for continuity of care. And always write SOAP on the Referral Letter Check for completion of laboratories, write the results legibly,
Use the mg/dl unit in writing lab results on the chart.
FOLLOW UP Use MDCALC app on Android/IOS device
for those in pain, infectious, started on antibiotics, (if you are not sure when to follow up if with Creatinine, always compute for EGFR using CKD-EPI calculator and if
its safe to use 3 days) Follow up after 3 days EGFR is Less than 60, compute for BUN/Creatinine Ratio. (Normal 12-20)
for Chronic diseases like DM, HTN, CKD: Follow up after 1 week if with Lipid profile, always compute for ASCVD risk score.
For follow up laboratories: “Follow up ASAP with results”
For Viral Exanthem T/C Varicella, Herpes zoster Assessment: note the NEW DIAGNOSIS if any, followed by the PREVIOUS
Follow up after 2 weeks once lesions have DRIED DIAGNOSIS.
For patients referred to other departments write: Add RESOLVING if patient is clinically improving.
Follow up once seen by <department> Add RESOLVED if patient’s symptoms have resolved.
back” Plan: Review previous and rewrite unless the resident in decides to change, shift, or
NEVER FORGET TO GIVE A PATIENT A FOLLOW UP CARD. discontinue current medications.
Ask the patient to always bring the follow up card and his/her Hospital ID ”green”
Card. Patients for Clinical Abstract/ Medical Certificate.
IF IN DOUBT, USE 3 DAYS FOLLOW UP 1. Write in a sheet of small piece of paper the document (Clinical Abstract or Medical
ADVISED (always end your charting with it.) Certificate) the patient needs.
2. Ask the patient to proceed to the nurse’s station (in front of the elevator) to get the
YOUR FULLNAME AND SIGNATURE 3. Present Order of Payment and pay at the cashier.
TIME INTERVIEWED 4. Ask the patient to bring the receipt back to the nurse’s station.
TIME REFERRED TO THE RESIDENT 5. Either the nurses or the Nurse assistant will bring the document to us.
TIME DISCHARGED: TIME THE RESIDENT WAS FINISHED SEEING THE PATIENT. 6. Fill up the document as legibly as possible. Avoid erasures and spelling errors
EXCLUDE THE TIME YOU USED TO CORRECT AND CARRY OUT CORRECTED particularly the patient’s name, address, and diagnosis. Use permanent ink in filling
PATIENT PLANS. up the form to prevent scammers from abusing the document.
7. Have the resident on duty sign the document.

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
Respiratory Disorders
Community Acquired Pneumonia-Low URTI prob Viral PTB, R/O PTB, PTB Cat II T/C Relapse, Bronchial Asthma, controlled or
Risk <Imaging/routine labs if indicated> Presumptive PTB uncontrolled not in acute
For Chest Xray PAL For non-hypertensive patients: For patients 15 years old and above, a exacerbation, or COPD not in acute
<Routine labs if indicated> Phenylephrine + paracetamol 10 presumptive TB has any of the following: exacerbation
Co-amoxiclav 1g/tab 1-tab q12 for 7 mg+500 mg/tab 1-tab q8 PRN for Cough of at least 2 weeks duration Spirometry with Bronchoprovocative test
days or colds. with or without the following symptoms: <Imaging/routine labs if indicated>
Cefuroxime 500 mg/tab 1-tab q 12 for For hypertensive patients: Significant and unintentional weight loss; Reliever:
7 days Gentinae radix et al. 6 mg/ tab 1-tab Fever; Bloody sputum (hemoptysis); Salbutamol 100 mcg/actuation MDI, 1-
And or q8 PRN for colds. Chest/back pains not referable to any 2 puffs Q8 for PRN 3 days.
Azithromycin 500 mg/tab 1-tab OD for If bacterial: musculoskeletal disorders; Easy Salbutamol nebules, nebulize with 1
3 days Co-Amoxiclav 625 mg/tab 1-tab q8 for fatigability or malaise; Night sweats; and, nebule as needed for shortness of
If with tenacious cough: 7 days. Shortness of breath or difficulty of breath, may nebulize up to 3 times 15
NAC 600mg/sachet dissolve 1 sachet If with allergic component: breathing. minutes apart for 3 days
in 100 ml of water and drink ODHS or Cetirizine 10 mg/tab, 1-tab ODHS for 1 (Initially) For Chest X-ray PAL Controller:
Carbocisteine 500mg/tab 1-tab q8 week or (Patient came back with CXR indicative Budesonide + Formoterol 160mg+4.5
PRN for tenacious cough Loratadine 10 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 1 of PTB) For DSSM and mcg MDI, 1 puff Q12 or
Proper cough etiquette, droplet week Chest Xray Apicolordotic view per Salmeterol + Fluticasone 50+250 mcg
precaution If with allergic component: Allergen radiologist recommendation, Do not write MDI, 1 puff Q12
Increase oral fluid intake Identification and avoidance. APL view, it is totally different from Fluticasone furoate + Vilanterol
Recommended pneumococcal and Proper cough etiquette, droplet Apicolordotic view. trifenatate 100/200 mcg/25 mcg DPI, 1
influenza vaccines (age dependent) precaution, increase oral fluid intake (additional test for PTB Cat II: History of puff OD
Follow up after 3 days Recommended pneumococcal and previous PTB) Gene Xpert Identify potential allergens, allergen
Advised influenza vaccines (age dependent) <Routine labs if indicated> avoidance, hypoallergenic diet, proper
Follow up after 3 days. <Meds if any> cough etiquette, droplet precaution,
Advised. Proper cough etiquette, airborne increase oral fluid intake
precaution, Recommended pneumococcal and
Encouraged screening of household influenza vaccines (age dependent)
members Bring MDI on next follow up for proper
Refer to TB DOTS for DSSM inhaler technique assessment.
Follow up ASAP once with result Follow up after 3 days
Advised Advised
Acute Tonsillopharyngitis prob Allergy (Allergic Rhinitis, Allergic COPD, COPD suspect
bacterial Cough) Spirometry with Bronchoprovocative test.
Start Co-Amoxiclav 625 mg/ tab 1-tab <Routine labs if indicated> <Routine labs if indicated>
Q8 for 7 days Cetirizine 10 mg/tab, 1-tab ODHS for 1 Salbutamol + Ipratropium bromide
Paracetamol 500 mg/ tab 1-tab q4 PRN week or nebules, nebulize with 1 nebule up to
for Fever > 37.8 Loratadine 10 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 1 3 doses 15 minutes apart as needed
May gargle with Chlorhexidine oral week for shortness of breath then Q8 for 3-
solution 3x a day after meals. Allergen Identification and avoidance. 5 days
Cold soft diet, Increase oral fluid intake hypoallergenic diet Start Indacaterol + Glycopyrronium
Refer to ENT-OHNS for further Recommended pneumococcal and 110/50 mcg/actuation, 1-2 puffs once
evaluation and management (If with influenza vaccines (age dependent) a day
Hypertrophic tonsils) Follow up after 3 days Identify potential allergens, allergen
Follow up after 3 days Advised avoidance, hypoallergenic diet, proper
Advised cough etiquette, droplet precaution,
increase oral fluid intake
Recommended pneumococcal and
influenza vaccines (age dependent)
Bring MDI on next follow up for proper
inhaler technique assessment.
Follow up after 3 days

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
Cardiovascular disorders
Hypertension/HCVD Congestive Heart Failure NYHA Class I-IV Typical/ Atypical Angina Pectoris R/O Ischemic
12 L ECG, FBS, LP, BUA, CBC with PC, UA, Na, K, Cl, 12 L ECG, FBS, LP, BUA, CBC with PC, UA, Na, K, Cl, Heart Disease
2D echo with doppler studies for HCVD 2D echo with doppler studies FOR PATIENTS >40 YRS. OLD WITH CHEST PAIN,
Irbesartan 150 or 300 mg/tab, 1-tab OD ARBS THE PATIENT RIGHT AWAY TO THE RESIDENT ON
Telmisartan 40 or 80 mg/tab 1-tab OD Losartan 50 or 100 mg/tab, 1-tab OD, q12 DUTY. THE ROD WILL DECIDE IF PATIENT IS FOR
Losartan 50 or 100 mg/tab, 1-tab OD, q12 Irbesartan 150 or 300 mg/tab, 1-tab OD STAT 12 L ECG OR IMMEDIATE ER REFERRAL.
Amlodipine 5 or 10 mg/tab, 1-tab OD (watch out for Telmisartan 40 or 80 mg/tab 1-tab OD If patient came back with 12 L ECG strip photocopy
signs of edema) Betablocker within the day, write STAT 12 L ECG done.
Strict compliance with medications Carvedilol 6.25 mg/ tab half tab q12 If patient refuses due to any circumstance, have the
Daily BP monitoring and record If indicated: Atorvastatin 40mg/tab 1-tab ODHS patient signed Release of Responsibility Form and
Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan Antiplatelets indicate the reason for refusal. Then write,
Diet: Low Salt, Low Fat Diet Aspirin 80 mg/tab 1-tab OD or STAT 12 L ECG/ ER referral refused; waiver signed.
TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385 Clopidogrel 75 mg/ tab 1-tab OD For FBS, LP, BUA, CBC with PC, UA, Na, K, Cl, BUN,
Refer to Ophthalmology for official fundoscopy Strict compliance with medications Crea, SGPT SGOT
Follow up after 1 week Daily BP monitoring and record 2D echo with doppler studies
Advised Limit Fluid intake to 1 L/ day Chest Xray PAL
Hypertension suspect (single episode of BP >140/90 Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan ISMN 30 mg/tab 1-tab OD
mmHg) Diet: Low Salt, Low Fat Diet ISDN 5 mg/ tab 1-tab sublingual PRN for chest pain,
No meds for now TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385 may repeat up to 3 doses 15 minutes apart.
Daily BP monitoring and record (NYHA Class III-IV) Refer to IM-Cardiology for Clopidogrel 75 mg/tab 1-tab OD
Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan further evaluation and management Atorvastatin 40 mg/tab 1-tab ODHS
Diet: Low Salt, Low Fat Diet Follow up after 3 days or once seen by IM Watch out for chest pain not relieve by ISDN, advised to
TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385 Advised go to ER if unrelieved after 30 minutes.
Follow up after 1 week with BP monitoring record. Watch out for severe headache may be a side effect of
nitrates. Follow up ASAP if with headache.
Daily BP monitoring and record
Fall precaution: Avoid sudden standing. Dangle legs at
the edge of the bed, if with no lightheadedness, may
stand up carefully.
Follow up after 3 days.

Gastroenterology Disorders
Dyspepsia w/o alarm features Dyspepsia without Alarm features, Gastroesopphageal Reflux disease
(less than 40 years old without any comorbidities) if 40 years old and above ALWAYS if 40 years old and above ALWAYS
<Routine labs if indicated> Rule out ACS if the setting of symptoms is acute Rule out ACS if the setting of symptoms is acute
Omeprazole 40 mg/cap, 1 cap OD 30 minutes before (days) warrants immediate ER referral (days) warrants immediate ER referral
breakfast for 2-4 weeks Rule out IHD if the setting of symptoms is chronic Rule out IHD if the setting of symptoms is chronic
Avoid spicy, acidic, fatty, and caffeinated food and (weeks to months) (weeks to months)
beverages, small frequent meals, avoid skipping of ABDOMINAL PAIN PROTOCOL ABDOMINAL PAIN PROTOCOL
If patient came back with 12 L ECG strip photocopy If patient came back with 12 L ECG strip photocopy
within the day, write STAT 12 L ECG done. within the day, write STAT 12 L ECG done.
If patient refuses due to any circumstance, have the If patient refuses due to any circumstance, have the
patient signed Release of Responsibility Form and patient signed Release of Responsibility Form and
indicate the reason for refusal. Then write indicate the reason for refusal. Then write
STAT 12 L ECG/ ER referral refused; waiver signed. STAT 12 L ECG/ ER referral refused; waiver signed.
FBS, LP, BUA, CBC with pc, UA, Na, K, Cl, BUN, FBS, LP, BUA, CBC with pc, UA, Na, K, Cl, BUN,
Omeprazole 40 mg/cap, 1 cap OD 30 minutes before Omeprazole 40 mg/cap, 1 cap OD 30 minutes before
breakfast for 2-4 weeks breakfast for 8 weeks
Avoid spicy, acidic, fatty, caffeinated food and Avoid spicy, acidic, fatty, and caffeinated food and
beverages beverages, Small frequent meals, avoid skipping of
Small frequent meals, avoid skipping of meals meals.
Follow up after 3 days Maintain upright position 2-3 hours after meals.
Advised Follow up after 3 days
Dyspepsia with alarm features Acute Gastroenteritis without signs of dehydration Biliary cholic T/C Cholelithiasis
Still follows ABDOMINAL PAIN PROTOCOL For Fecalysis (if indicated: hematochezia) For HBT ultrasound,
CBC with PC, Fecal Immunochemical Test c/o Racecadotril 100 mg/tab 1-tab q8 until 2 consecutive <Routine labs if indicated>
Gastro, T, H. pylori stool antigen test. formed stools Start Pinaverium 50 mg/tab 1-tab q8 PRN for pain
<Routine labs if indicated> ORS sachet dissolve in 200 ml of clean water and drink Avoid fatty food.
Omeprazole 40 mg/cap, 1 cap OD 30 minutes before 1 sachet for every bout of loose stool Watch out for fever, right upper quadrant pain.
breakfast for 4 weeks Proper handwashing, proper food preparation. Small frequent meals.
Avoid spicy, acidic, fatty, and caffeinated food and WOF weakness, drowsiness, persistent vomiting, Follow up after 3 days
beverages, small frequent meals, avoid skipping of decreased urination.
meals. Follow up after 3 days.
Refer to IM-Gastro for possible endoscopy Advised
Follow up after 3 days

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
Genitourinary/ Nephrology Disorders
Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis Complicated UTI, Acute UTI in male Urethritis
(pre-menopausal women, no prior history pyelonephritis UA, Urine GSCS High risk sexual behavior [Z72.5]
of UTI within 2x in 6 mos, or 3 in 1 year) UA, Urine GSCS <Routine labs if indicated>
No need for Urinalysis <Routine labs if indicated> Start one Urethral Discharge GS/CS, UA, HBSAG,
<Routine labs if indicated> Start one Ciprofloxacin 500 mg/tab 1-tab q12 for RPR, HACT
Offered Fosfomycin 3mg/ sachet Ciprofloxacin 500 mg/tab 1-tab q12 for 7-10 days Ceftriaxone 250 mg TIM as a single
dissolve 1 sachet in ½ glass or water 7-10 days* Levofloxacin 250 mg/tab 1-tab OD for dose ANST (-)
and drink as a single dose but patient Levofloxacin 250 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 7-10 days PLUS
preferred a cheaper drug. 7-10 days Ofloxacin 400 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 5 Doxycycline 100mg/tab 1-tab q12 for 7
Start one Ofloxacin 400 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 5 days days Avoid prolong sun exposure during
Cefuroxime 500 mg/tab 1-tab q 12 for days Cefixime 400 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 14 doxycycline treatment <if will be taking
7 days* Cefixime 400 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 14 days doxycycline>
Cefaclor 500 mg/tab 1-tab q8 for 7 days Increase oral fluid intake greater than 2- OR
days Increase oral fluid intake 2-2.5 L/day, 2.5 L/day Azithromycin 500 mg/tab 2 tabs as a
Cefixime 200 mg/tab 1-tab q12 for 7 proper perineal hygiene (for women Avoid delays in voiding single dose
days only), avoid delays in voiding Follow up after 3 days Avoid delays in voiding. Increase oral
Ofloxacin 200 mg/tab 1-tab q12 for 3 Follow up after 3 days Advised fluid intake greater than 2.5 L/day,
days Advised Counselling done: increased patient ‘s
Ciprofloxacin 250 mg/tab 1-tab q12 for End-Stage Renal Disease secondary awareness on high risk activities, sexual
3 days to <insert etiology here> abstinence during treatment, encourage
Levofloxacin 250 mg/tab 1-tab q12 for Continue Hemodialysis (frequency)/ sexual partner screening, and use
3 days week protective contraception (condoms)
Co-Amoxiclav 625 mg/tab 1-tab q12 Continue Medications: Refer to HACT for further counselling
for 7 days <Insert maintenance medications here> and testing
Increase oral fluid intake 2-2.5 L/day, Limit fluid intake to less than 1L/day Follow up after 3 days
proper perineal hygiene, avoid delays in Strict compliance with medications Advised
voiding Daily BP monitoring and record
Follow up after 3 days Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan
Advised Diet: Low Salt, Low Fat Diet
Benign Prostatic Enlargement with TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: Nephrolithiasis (confirmed by UTZ) T/C CKD Stage III -V
(Mild/Moderate/Severe Lower urinary 385 For UA (EGFR less than 60 mL/min/1.73m2)
tract Symptoms. Refer to IM for further evaluation and Sambong tablet 1-tab q8h for 1 month Repeat Creatinine,
For KUBP Ultrasound, PSA co-management. <NEVER write for K citrate 1080 mg/tab 1-tab Q8 for 1 Spot Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio or
<Imaging/routine labs if indicated> clinical abstract> month 24-hour urine protein
Start Tamsulosin 0.4 mg/tab 1-tab OD Follow up with attending Nephrologist. Increase oral fluid intake Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, Ph,
Or Tamsulosin + Finasteride 0.4/5 Advised Low salt diet KUB Ultrasound with Doppler studies
mg/tab 1-tab OD Refer to Urology for further evaluation Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan
Decrease oral fluid intake at bedtime. and management (for stones greater Diet: Low Salt
Avoid delays in voiding than 5 mm) TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat:
Refer to Urology for further evaluation Follow up after 1 month or anytime if with 385
once with results. problems For possible referral to IM and
Follow up after 1 week Advised Nephrology once with conclusive
Advised results.
Follow up ASAP with results.

Neurology Disorders
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo S/P Cerebrovascular accident / Transient Bell’s Palsy R/O Cerebrovascular Acute Headache T/C Tension or Migraine
<Imaging/routine labs if indicated> Ischemic Attack accident Headache with/without aura
Start Betahistine 24 mg/tab 1-tab q12 for 2 Limitation of activities due to disability For Plain CT scan Physical and mental strain [ Z73.3] if
weeks [Z73.6] <Imaging/routine labs if indicated> there is any identifiable source of strain.
Avoid sudden head movements Start Prednisone 20 mg/ tab 1-tab q8h for 5 If with indication (Danger Signs):
May do Anti-vertigo exercise (Semont Plain CT Scan/ MRI ask the resident in days then Cranial CT Scan with IV contrast
maneuver) with caution. charge Prednisone 20 mg/ tab 1-tab q12h for 3 days <Imaging/routine labs if indicated>
Fall precaution: <Imaging/routine labs if indicated> then Celecoxib 200 mg/ tab, 1-tab q12 for 5
Observe for spinning sensation prior to Start Clopidogrel 75 mg/tab 1-tab OD Prednisone 20 mg/ tab 1-tab OD for 2 days days
standing up. Atorvastatin 40 mg/tab 1-tab ODHS Dextran+Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Etoricoxib 60 or 90 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 5
Betahistine may cause drowsiness so avoid Continue current medications (list down with eyedrops apply on affected eye every 3-4 days
risky activities such as driving or handling correct prescription format) hours. Paracetamol + Orphenadrine 650+50
power tools and dangerous equipment. Strict compliance with medications Tape affected eye to close during sleep. mg/tab, 1-tab q8PRN for pain for 5 days
Refer to ENT-OHNS for further evaluation Daily BP monitoring and record Refer to Neurology for further evaluation or
and management Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan and management. Avoid triggers: lack of sleep, emotional
Follow up after 3 days Diet: Low Salt, Low Fat Diet Refer to Rehab medicine for further stress, and fatigue or any other known
Advised TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385 evaluation and co-management triggers mentioned in the HPI
Refer to Neurology for further evaluation Refer to Ophthalmology for further Counselling done. Proper stress
and management. evaluation and co-management. management.
Referral to LGU for possible Follow up after 3 days Follow up after 3 days
psychosocial disability certification. Advised Advised.
Follow up after 1 week

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
Psychiatry Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder/ Generalized Anxiety Disorder T/C Schizophrenia
Limitation of activities due to disability [Z73.6] Limitation of activities due to disability [Z73.6]
<Imaging/routine labs if indicated> <Imaging/routine labs if indicated>
Escitalopram 10mg/tab ½ tab ODHS for first 4 nights Counselling done with the family member.
then 1-tab ODHS thereafter. <Always ASK the resident first> Keep company at all times.
Counselling done. Refer to Psychiatry for further evaluation and management.
Deep breathing exercises, proper stress management. For possible referral to LGU for possible psychosocial disability certification once
Suicide precaution. certified.
Refer to Psychiatry for further evaluation and management. Follow up once seen by Psychiatry
For possible referral to LGU for possible psychosocial disability certification once certified Advised
by psychiatry.
Follow up once seen by Psychiatry

Musculoskeletal Disorders
Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD), <indicate location> Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD), <indicate location> Arthritic Group of Diseases (AGD) T/C Gouty
or Arthritic Group of Diseases (AGD) T/C e.g. Plantar fasciitis, Low back pain> or Arthritic arthritis in flare
Osteoarthritis, <indicate specific joint> Group of Diseases (AGD) T/C Osteoarthritis <Imaging/routine labs if indicated except BUA, may do
For severe symptoms add <indicate specific joint> BUA when patient is no longer in flare>
Limitation of activities due to disability [Z73.6] For severe symptoms add Colchicine 500 mcg/tab 1-tab q8 until 6 days or
NON HYPERTENSIVE, LESS THAN 40 YRS OLD Limitation of activities due to disability [Z73.6] relief of symptoms or diarrhea occurs
Lumbar MRI if with radiculopathy symptoms <Imaging if indicated> Uncontrolled hypertension, history of chest pain, MI,
Scoliosis series if with scoliosis Lumbar MRI if with radiculopathy symptoms stroke, Gastric or duodenal ulcers
Lumbosacral Xray APL if with visible spine deformity or Scoliosis series if with scoliosis Select one if without any contraindication.
crepitus Lumbosacral Xray APL if with visible spine deformity or Celecoxib 200 mg/ tab, 1-tab q12 for 5 days
Celecoxib 200 mg/ tab, 1-tab q12 for 5 days crepitus Etoricoxib 60 or 90 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 5 days
Etoricoxib 60 or 90 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 5 days Paracetamol + tramadol 325+37.5mg/tab, 1-tab q8 Diclofenac 50 mg/tab 1-tab q8 for 5 days
Diclofenac 50 mg/tab 1-tab q8 for 5 days PRN for pain for 5 days or DO NOT START URICOSURIC AGENTS LIKE
Proper body mechanics, avoid prolonged <insert Paracetamol + Orphenadrine 650+50 mg/tab, 1-tab FEBUXOSTAT DURING ACUTE GOUTY ATTACKS
potential risk factor here>, q8PRN for pain for 5 days or On follow up see Hyperuricemia.
adequate rest and sleep, warm compress affected area Eperisone 50 mg/tab, 1-tab Q8 for 5 days Rest affected area, Elevate affected area when at rest
for 15 minutes 3x a day or as needed. Proper body mechanics, avoid prolonged <insert Cold compress for 15 minutes 3x a day or more as
Refer to Rehab Medicine for further evaluation and potential risk factor here>, tolerated
management (If indicated: symptoms persist >6 adequate rest and sleep, warm compress affected area Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan
weeks) for 15 minutes 3x a day or as needed. Diet: Low purine Diet (if no other co-morbidities)
Referral to LGU for possible psychosocial disability Refer to Rehab Medicine for further evaluation and TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385
certification. management (If indicated: symptoms persist >6 Follow up after 3 days
Follow up after 3 days weeks) Advised
Referral to LGU for possible psychosocial disability
Follow up after 3 days

Infectious Diseases
Viral Exanthem T/C Varicella Zoster / Herpes Zoster Dengue Fever Syndrome w/o warning signs Leptospirosis, Mild (Moderate- Severe, send to ER)
(Shingles)/ Herpes Zoster ophthalmicus For CBC with PC CBC PC, UA, BUN, Crea, SGPT, SGOT, Lepto-MAT
<Routine labs if indicated> Fever for 3 days- Dengue NS Doxycycline 100 mg/tab 1-tab q12 for 7 days
If within 48 hours from the onset of rash or vesicles. Fever for >3 days- Dengue IgG, IgM Paracetamol 500 mg/tab 1-tab q4 for fever >37.8 C
Start Acyclovir 800 mg/tab 1-tab q4 hours (8 am, 12 nn, Paracetamol 500 mg/tab 1-tab q4 for fever >37.8 C ORS sachet dissolve in 200 ml of clean water and drink
4 pm, 8 pm, 12 mn) for 7 days, ORS sachet dissolve in 200 ml of clean water and drink every 3-4 hours as tolerated
<If in severe pain> Pregabalin 75mg/tab 1-tab q12 every 3-4 hours as tolerated Increase oral fluid intake
Keep lesions dry, proper handwashing, avoid scratching Avoid dark-colored foods WOF: Urination less than 4-6x per day, tea colored
affected areas. WOF: Urination less than 4-6x per day, Abdominal pain urine, Abdominal pain or tenderness, Persistent
Isolate from household members, or tenderness, Persistent vomiting, Mucosal bleed vomiting, or yellowing of the skin
contact and droplet precaution. (gums, urine, vomitus) Follow up today with results or at the ER if OPD is
For patients with Herpes Zoster ophthalmicus Follow up today with results or at the ER if OPD is closed.
Refer to Ophthalmology for further evaluation and already closed. Advised.
management Advised. Have the patient sign on the chart that he/she will come
Follow up after 2 weeks or once all lesions have DRIED. Have the patient sign on the chart that he/she will come back today with results or at the ER if OPD is closed
Advised back today with results or at the ER if OPD is closed Example “Ako ay babalik sa OPD or sa ER dala-dala
Example “Ako ay babalik sa OPD or sa ER dala-dala ang resulta ngayong araw na ito”
ang resulta ngayong araw na ito”
Viral Exanthem T/C Rubeola
CBC with pc, Measles IgM, IgG c/o Public Health Unit
Cetirizine 10 mg/tab 1-tab ODHS for 2 weeks for
Loratadine 10mg/tab 1-tab OD for 2 weeks for pruritus
Proper body hygiene, proper handwashing, Keep
lesions clean and dry. Avoid scratching affected areas.
Airborne precaution: Isolate from household members,
wear mask if necessary.
Watch out for progressive cough, fever, difficulty of
breathing or shortness of breath.
Refer to PHU for surveillance and testing.
Follow up after 1 week.

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
Routine Patients
ESSENTIALLY WELL ADULT AT THE TIME OF CONSULT (pre-employment) Follow ups from ER (treat as NEW patient)
For Chest X-ray PAL, CBC w/ PC, UA, Take note of the history of present Illness before the ER consult.
(for food handlers) add FA, Anti-HAV Then: Sought consult at <private clinic, hospital, government hospital/ OPD>
(for strenuous occupation) add 12 L ECG Diagnosed with <diagnosis>
Well balanced diet Diagnostics done were <Tests>
Adequate oral fluid intake Results were as follows <results>
Moderate intensity physical activity 30 mins/day 5x per week as tolerated. (for healthy Prescribed with <drug>
patients who you think can tolerate exercise) Self-medicated with <drug>
Follow up ASAP with result With Relief/no relief of symptoms
Advised Patient came in today as follow up per ED instructions.

Endocrine / Metabolic/ Hematology Disorders

Anterior Neck Mass T/C Multinodular Toxic/Non- Anterior Neck Mass T/C Hypothyroidism sec to (RAI/ Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Toxic Goiter, Hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto Thyroiditis/ Multinodular Non-Toxic suspect
If mass is small, do Thyroid Ultrasound Goiter/ Total Thyroidectomy) Priority labs: FBS, HBA1C (if known DM prior to consult)
If mass is large or with CLAD, do Neck Ultrasound If mass is small, do Thyroid Ultrasound FBS only (if for DM suspect) LP, BUN, Crea, UA, 12 L
TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Calcium), If mass is large or with CLAD, do Neck Ultrasound ECG.
CBC with PC, SGPT, SGOT. TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Calcium (if S/P total BUA, CBC with pc, Na, K, Cl, SGPT SGOT
<then monitor TSH every 6 weeks (4-8 weeks)> Thyroidectomy), <then monitor every 6 weeks> Chest X-ray PAL if indicated
Antithyroid medications: Hypothyroid medications: <insert current maintenance medications here>
Methimazole 5mg/tab 1-tab q8h (then adjust accordingly Less than 65 yrs old: Or Start Metformin 500mg/tab 1-tab q8h
at increments of 5mg) Initial Low dose: Levothyroxine 50 mcg/tab 1-tab OD Gliclazide 80 mg/tab 1-tab OD/Q12
Propranolol 10/tab 1-tab OD for palpitations, Full-dose Levothyroxine (1.6 to 1.7 mcg per kg) For CKD patients (EGFR less than 60)
tachycardia. 65 years and older or who have ischemic heart Glimepiride 2 mg/tab 1-tab OD/q12
Avoid goitrogenic food such as Brussel sprouts, disease, start with: Levothyroxine 25 to 50 mcg per day Sitagliptin 50 or 100 mg/tab 1-tab OD
radishes, cabbage, and cauliflower. Avoid goitrogenic food such as brussel sprouts, For HBA1C >10 %: Insulin Glargine (0.1 to 0.2 IU/Kg)
Watch out for fever, sore throat, generalized body radishes, cabbage, and cauliflower, iodine rich foods. or 10 IU SQ ODHS
malaise, chest pain, severe palpitations, nervousness, Watch out for lack of energy, sleepiness, weight gain, or Atorvastatin 20 mg/ tab 1-tab ODHS (ALWAYS
fatigue. lethargy START FOR PTS WITH DM)
For possible referral to ENT-OHNS once with results For possible referral to ENT-OHNS once with results Strict compliance with medications
Follow up ASAP with results. Follow up ASAP with results. Daily foot care, proper foot gear
Advised Advised Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan
Dyslipidemia Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia Diet: DM diet
When to start? Repeat BUA after 2 months TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385
1. All diabetics, Stroke (CVA), TIA or MI patients should <Imaging/routine labs if indicated> Refer to Ophthalmology for official fundoscopy
be started on a HIGH INTENSITY STATIN. WHEN TO START URICOSURIC AGENTS? Recommended pneumococcal and influenza vaccines
2. ≥40 years of age ASCVD score >7.5% If with history of gout or uric acid Nephrolithiasis (age dependent)
3. ≥ 45 years with LDL-C ≥ 130 mg/dL AND ≥ 2 risk 7 mg/dl (416 umol/L) in men Follow up after 1 week
factors* 6 mg/dl (357 umol/L) in pre-menopausal women Advised
Risk Factors: male sex, postmenopausal women, If without history of gout or uric acid nephrolithiasis.
smoker, hypertension, obesity (BMI > 25 kg/m2), family 9 mg/dl
history of premature CHD, microalbuminuria, Febuxostat 40 mg/tab, 1-tab OD
proteinuria, left ventricular hypertrophy Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan
Target: LDL-C level of < 70 mg/dL Diet: Low Purine Diet
TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385
Follow up after 2 months

Anemia probably IDA Anemia, secondary

For CBC wit PC with Red cell indices, Reticulocyte If with Abnormal uterine bleeding: Transvaginal
count, serum ferritin. sonogram
Once confirmed with IDA, may start If with ETBD, R/O Colonic New Growth, add
FeSO4 323 mg/tab 1-tab OD for 3 months Fecalysis, Chest Xray PAL, Fecal Immunochemical test
Dyslipidemia Monitor CBC with PC monthly for increase 1 g/4 weeks c/o Gastro
Diagnostics: Repeat Lipid Profile after 2 months Iron-rich Diet: green leafy vegetables, organ or red Refer to Gastroenterology for further evaluation and
<Imaging/routine labs if indicated> meats. management.
Start Rosuvastatin 10 or 20 mg/tab 1-tab ODHS Follow up after 1 month with CBC result. Follow up ASAP with results.
Atorvastatin 20 or 40 mg/tab, 1-tab ODHS Advised
Simvastatin 40 mg/tab 1tab ODHS
Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan
Diet: Low Fat Diet
TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385
Follow up after 2 months

Psychosocial Assessment
Tobacco use [ Z72.0] (_____Pack years) Insomnia [G47.0] Primary Obese I or II
Counselling done; smoking cessation advised. Patient (see DSM V Criteria) Lack of physical exercise [ Z72.3]
in ______ stage Melatonin 3 mg/tab 1-tab 30 minutes before bedtime. Inappropriate diet and eating habits [Z72.4]
Stages: Proper sleep hygiene: Avoid bright screens 1-2 hours Moderate intensity physical activity 30 minutes per day,
For stages Pre contemplation and Contemplation. before bedtime. 5x per week as tolerated.
Advised to come back anytime if decided to quit. Avoid caffeinated food and beverages and strenuous Refer to Nutrition Clinic for a diet plan
For Preparation and Action activities 4-6 hours before bedtime. Diet: Well-balanced diet, Low Salt, Low Fat Diet, DM
Refer to Smoking Cessation Clinic for further Follow up after 1 week. Diet, Low purine Diet if with co-morbidities,
counselling and management. TC: 1539, CHO: 923, CHON: 231, Fat: 385
For Maintenance Weight monitoring same time, same scale weekly and
Continue smoking cessation, avoid temptations and record.
influences. Follow up after 1 month

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
1. Patient number. Make sure no skipping of numbers. You can use autofill (10 error pts)
2. Type: There are 3 patient types: (10 error pts)
a. NEW: These are patients interviewed for the first time at Family Medicine Department
b. FF UP: these are patients who came back for follow up of his/her previous diagnosis.
c. OLD/NEW: these are previous patients who came back with a new complaint/ or lost to follow up.
3. Time seen: This is the time that the patient was seen by the RESIDENT (10 error pts)
4. Time D/C: This is the time that the RESIDENT finished ordering on the chart, it does not include the time that the clerks/JI finished carrying out doctor’s orders. (10 error pts)
5. TAT or turnaround time: this is the total time spent by the resident for each patient. Please ask the CLERK or INTERN in charge if it goes beyond 40 minutes. (10 error
6. Hospital Number: Do not rely on the OPD form, Look for the Hospital number at the side of the folder. (10 error pts)
7. Patient’s Name: Data Privacy act requires us to use the LAST NAME, and initial of the First name. e.g. Dela Cruz, J (10 error pts)
8. Age: 19-100 only we don’t handle Pediatric (18 and below) patients for now. (10 error pts)
9. Sex: M for Male, F for Female (10 error pts)
10. Contact number: May be landline or Mobile number. (10 error pts)
if none, clarify with the Clerk or Intern in charge. (10 error pts)
11. Address: Brgy and City is sufficient, do not type the whole address. E.g Brgy Tatalon, Quezon City (10 error pts)
12. Diagnosis: One diagnosis per line.
E.g Hypertension Stage II
Diabetes Mellitus
AGD t/c Osteoarthritis
13. Plan: standard order of plan is
a. Diagnostics (10 error pts)
b. Medications (10 error pts)
c. Non-Pharmacologic management (10 error pts)
d. Referrals (10 error pts)
e. Follow up (10 error pts)
14. Disposition: (10 error pts)
a. Discharged: these are patient discharged from our department.
b. Referred: these are the patents referred to other specialties on the SAME day.
c. To ER: these are emergency cases that was referred to ER.
15. Senior RIC: Make sure all charts that you input on the excel file has the Senior RIC stamp, if it does not contain any stamp from Senior, clarify it with the
Resident/Intern/Clerk in charge. (10 error pts)
16. Junior RIC: Make sure all charts that you input on the excel file has the 1st year RIC stamp, if it does not contain any stamp from Senior, clarify it with the
Resident/Intern/Clerk in charge. Exception: if the senior personally saw the patient and was not referred to a 1 st year resident. (10 error pts)
17. Referred: click referred to if the patient was referred to other departments. This different from REFERRED in disposition Column where patients were immediately referred
to other departments the same day. (10 error pts)
18. Referrals 1 to 3 indicate the departments where the patient was referred to. (10 error pts)
19. WELLNESS if the patient is Essentially Well at the time of Consult and Medical certificate was given. (10 error pts)
a. Wellness checkup: patients without disease who came in for checkup.
b. Illness resolved: patients previously diagnosed and disease is resolved, do not use for patients with chronic diseases. This is for acute illnesses only.
c. Occ Pre employment: use this for patients for pre employment purposes.
d. Occ Medical Certificate: For patients asking for medical certificate. Use this if the patient was seen at our department and was diagnosed immediately as
Essentially well adult.
20. Referral from other department: these are the patients seen at other departments and was referred to ours for co-management. (10 error pts)
21. Waiting time: always indicate the waiting time computed by the Vital Signs Clerks (10 error pts)
22. Color Codes
Pink - Well Adult (Resolved or Essentially Well Adult)
Green - Referred
Red - SHOULD NEVER BE EMPTY (200 error pts)
23. Before submitting the census file to Dr. Magbojos please make sure. (10 error pts)
a. All spelling errors are corrected
b. At least either Senior RIC or Junior RIC is filled up
c. No Empty Cells on columns A-P
24. If you have any questions or experiencing any errors, do not hesitate to call the attention of Dr. Adrian Magbojos. Merits will be given to those who will discover errors, and
demerits will be given to those who does not follow this guideline. *50 error pts = 1-hour demerit

EAMC DFCM OPD Charting Guidelines as of January 2020
DISCLAIMER: Please use this only as a guide during EAMC DFCM rotation. Good clinical judgement and updated knowledge supersedes this guideline.
1. Download a Copy of Census .DOCX from the Census folder link 4. Replace with ALLM (the Standard Initial of the Dr., See List
2. ADD DOH After the Date of the filename e.g (OPD Census October 1, 2019 DOH) for details) hit Replace all. Click Yes
3. Open the file
4. Click the “Type” column, hit delete. Type the Census Date e.g. October 1, 2019.
Highlight October 1, 2019, then Ctrl + C to copy. Click the whole column then Ctrl + V
to paste. Then Change the Column header to “Date”.

5. then Click OK.

5. Select the TAT column by click at the top of the column. Hit Backspace to delete the
entire column.
6. Select Plan Column by click at the top of the column. Hit Delete to delete the cell
contents. At the first cell of the column, type “None”. Highlight the word “None” and
copy (CTRL + C). Select the whole column then paste ( Ctrl + V). Change the Header
cell to Operations/ Procedures.

7. Change all the Names of the Residents to their Initials. INITIALS for DOH Census
4. At the Senior RIC or Junior RIC Column, Highlight the Name of the Doctor Third Year
you want to change. Ctrl + C to copy. Mary Jean Rigor-Delamida, MD MJRD
Wilma Cristina T. Gatchalian, MD WCTG
Matthew Benedict T. Tolosa, MD MBTT
Second Year
Gillian Chris R. Maraña, MD GCM
Rosa Andrea C. Valencia, MD RAV
Assumption G. Vanguardia, MD AGV
First Year
Adrian Levi L. Magbojos, MD ALLM
Abegail A. Masangkay, MD AAM
5. Find and click Replace. April Quintua-Alimbuyuguen, MD AQA
Jireh Knowell B. Alparas, MD JKBA
Eunice F. Cristobal, MD EFC
Sharmaine Rose L. Medel, MD SRLM
Manuel Karlo L. Parungo, MD MKLP
Cris John V. Supetran, MD CJVS

6. At the “find what Text Box, Paste the name of the Dr. you want to replace.

8. Your final table should look like this.


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