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1. Please indicate your age range *

 Under 18  45-54
 18-24  55-64
 25-34  65+
 35-44  Iba pa:

2. Please indicate your gender *

 Male
 Female

3. How often do you visit museums, where "museums" include art exhibitions,
collection of historical artifacts and holds cultural presentations, symposiums and the
like. *

 At least two or three times a year

 About every year or so
 About every two to three years
 Have not visited any in the past three years or more

4. When was the last time you visited Museo Valenzuela? *

 Within the past year

 Within the past 3 years
 More than 3 years ago
 Have never visited

5. How would you rate your personal knowledge in design, including interior design,
graphic design and architecture. *

 "Professional" level (holding a design-related qualification and/or engaged in the

design industry)
 "Student" level (currently enrolled in a design related program)
 "Hobby" level (watching design-related programs or reading magazines but
without any professional involvement)
 No particular knowledge or interest in design

If studying/engaged in design related fields, please specify ( e.g., Graphic Design,

Interior Design, etc.)


6. How would you rate your personal knowledge of Natural History? *

 "Professional" level (holding a qualification in history related courses and/or

engaged in the field like historians, history teacher, museum curator and the like)
 "Student" level (Currently enrolled in a history related course)
 "Hobby" level ( general interest in human culture and history, watching/reading
related materials but without professional involvement)
 No particular knowledge or interest in History

If studying/engaged in history-related fields, please specify (e.g., AB in History,

History Teacher etc.)


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