Hagerman Dec 10 Newsletter From Paraguay

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December, 2010

Phwew! That’s all I know to say concerning our whirlwind two-month tour of South Carolina! We had a spectacular time visiting
churches, family, friends, and a few special events. We were honored to speak at twelve different churches, an Operation Christmas
Child rally, SC Youth Retreat, and have a booth at Career Day at my former middle school. We also managed to squeeze in a couples'
retreat, a Kenneth Copeland conference, a few homeschool co-op classes, and a whole lot of visits with family and friends. Our
parents were so gracious to host us in their spare bedrooms while we went back and forth between the lowcountry and the upstate.
We were glad to be there for our nephew Jackson’s birthday party (gotta love American cake!!) , god-daughter Julia's birthday party
(even if we stood out sorely in the room full of other 5-year-olds), my mom's birthday, Thanksgiving, a family reunion, and a slew of
other great get-togethers. I was able to see in person the miraculous progress my Dad has made since his near-fatal motorcycle
accident in May. The girls put up a Christmas tree at Ken’s parents’ house and decorated their back porch. We touched base with old
friends, made new ones, and put faces to people who had contacted us via the internet over the course of our first two years here. We
were so encouraged by the response of God’s people, and at how many youth and young-at-heart are understanding God’s call for
each and every one of us to be missionaries, whether it be in a foreign country or in their own neighborhood. It was a fully packed two
months, but we were reminded of how blessed we are to have such a supportive group of friends and family praying for us and
encouraging us from across the world.
We were limited in how much luggage we were able to fly with, but we were able to bring a few items back that partners sent
for the Paraguayans. It’s been a joy to hand some of those out already, and to have the privilege to tell the folks here that these are
gifts from people far away who don’t know them but already love them. Thanks for making that possible, and for opening your
kitchens, your wallets, your hearts, and your homes to us these past two months.

Life on This End

We were glad to be received warmly back to Paraguay and to find our friends here doing well. We were treated to a
traditional asado with mandioca (grilling out with yucca root on the side). We came back to find our car broken down, but
thankfully our friends, the Mortons, are still on their furlough and have loaned us theirs for the month of December.
The day after we landed, we attended a party at one of the elementary
schools where we teach Bible classes. The party was in honor of the graduating
preschool and 6th grade classes.
We spoke with the 6th graders
about continuing their education
by going on to high school, but this
is not mandatory and many don’t.
For those that do choose to
continue, the school year is now
ending. Summer break lasts until
February, when they will begin the
6th graders after completing their school year, 2011 school year.
with their teacher in the back, center
celebrating graduation from preschool
While we were gone, Saúl was inspired to begin a project where kids
and youth here in town donate their used shoes to help those who can’t
afford to have their own. Saúl puts the word out, collects the shoes, and
Prayer Focus then takes them to a local cobbler… no, not the apple kind, but the guy
who makes or repairs shoes. The cobbler takes what is usable from the
--Ken’s heart: That God would old shoes, spruces them up, and then Saúl delivers them to children in
perform a total healing and the very poor neighborhoods. He is also working on finishing his high school
planned open-heart surgery education by taking night classes, and this is final exam week. The girls
have enjoyed torturing him while he’s trying to study, but he takes it in
could be canceled because the
stride! He continues deejaying the popular Saturday evening Christian
Great Physician has already radio program. He says now that we’re back, he has a new appreciation
operated. for the chores we gals do around the house. 
--Easy adjustment back into the
heat, culture, food, and water This upcoming week, Ken is scheduled to enter the hospital here in
of Paraguay. Paraguay for his open-heart surgery. He is set to have a heart
catheterization on December 13, and then the replacement of a valve and
--Ministry guidance: We strive possibly his aorta on Tuesday, the 14th. The surgery will require a
to be sensitive and relevant to couple of days in intensive care and then a week in a normal room, so
the needs of those we minister I’m preparing to be hanging out at the hospital in the capital, Asuncion.
to, so help us pray that our We are thankful to have trustworthy friends who offered to keep the
vision and God’s vision are girls during this week, and that he should be home for Christmas.After
one and the same, and that we the hospital, the recovery will be a few months of rest at home.
will recognize and walk During the less critical weeks of this time, I hope to take intensive
through the doors He opens Guarani language classes from a missionary who lives a few towns
for us. away. He has designed the course specifically for English-speaking
--God’s continued provision missionaries. Many people in Paraguay understand both Spanish and
and protection for us-- Guarani, but the farther from town we venture, the more we encounter
physically, spritually, those who cannot speak Spanish and only converse in Guarani. This
mentally. further language learning would be a great benefit to our ministry.

Thank you again for your part in our ministry in this Telephone in Paraguay:
beautiful country, which is only possible through your 595-985-782-928
prayers, support, and giving. May God richly bless you for Skype number: 864-343-1731
being our partners in the growth of His Kingdom in Paraguay! Donations are received through our local church:
Have a Merry Christmas! Carolina Heights CoGoP
2900 Anderson Road
--Ken, Christie, Camille, and Caroline Greenville, SC 29611
Carapeguá, Paraguay (Please write “Hagerman Missions” on check
memo. All donations are tax deductible.)
1 Thessalonians 2:8
Mailing address:
Ken and Christie Hagerman
Casilla de Correo 13134
Shopping del Sol
God bless you! Asuncion, Paraguay, South America

Email: hagerman100@yahoo.com
¡Dios le bendiga! (Spanish) Webpages: www.hagermans.blogspot.com
Ñandejára tanderovasa!

**(If you are receiving this through the US Mail and have an email address, please send it to us so we can get
our newsletter to you in that way. It is much quicker and more efficient. If you don’t have an email address, or
if you just prefer the regular mail, don’t worry. We’ll keep sending it to you that way.)

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