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Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City

A Qualitative Research Entitled CyberBullying on Practical Research 1

Submitted To:

Mrs.Zorina I. Pendon

Submitted By:

Angatao, Kinshane Chris M.

TVL-Maritime Marco Polo

Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City


Chapter 1 Introduction


Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………..5

Purpose of the Study……………………………………………………………………..6

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………7

Research Questions………………………………………………………………………8

Chapter 2 Review of the Related Literature

Foreign Literature………………………………………………………………………...9

Foreign Study……………………………………………………


Local Study………………………………………………………………………………11

Local Literature………………………………………………………………………….12

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………...13
Chapter 3 Methodology


Population and Sampling………………………………………………………………..16

Procedure and Time Frame……………………………………………………………...17

Analysis Plan……………………………………………………………………………..18


Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………………………...21

Chapter 4 Results



Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation





Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City



There are students who experienced cyberbullying. Most of the

students that do not attend classes because of this problem. Cyberbullying

is a serious problem. Cyberbullying have a big effect in our society, there are

people who commit suicide because of this reason. According to the

consolidated report of Department of Education (DepEd),bullying cases on

elementary and highschool bot public and private schools on 2014 rose by 21%

or a total of 6,363 cases,compare with the 5,236 on 2013.

Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City

Statement of the problem

>Most of the reason why some students don’t attend classes

>Too much effect on emotional status of a cyberbully victim

Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan ,Muntinlupa City

Purpose of the Study

Since there are students are victim of cyberbullying or experienced

Cyber Bullying. The Researchers wants to find out the reason and effects

Cyberbullying and how to avoid it.

Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City

Significance of the study

Since there are students who experiencing cyber bullying. The researcher wants

To find out the ways of avoiding cyberbullying, and reasons and effects of

Cyber bullying.
Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City

Research Questions

The Research for this study will be

1. Do you think Cyberbullying is worse than Physical Bullying?

2. What should parents do If they suspect their child as a cyberbully?

3. Should Cyber Bullying be made mandatory to teach in schools?

4. Do you think cyberbullying have a big effect in emotional status of a person?

5. How much of a problem do you think a Cyber Bullying is?

Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City

6. What are the example of Cyber bullying you can think so?

7. In your own opinion what do you think are the effect of Cyber Bullying?

8. Do you think you can avoid Cyber Bullying?

9. Have you ever been Cyber Bullied by someone?

10. Where can you obtain addition information for preventing Cyber Bullying?
Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City




Cyber-bullying is a recently emerging type of violence, which has gained significant

media and research attention. Although research across Europe and the USA has been

extensive, in Greece it is sparse and at an elementary level. This paper aimed at reviewing

existing research literature on cyber-bullying experiences with Greek subjects. The

bibliographical research carried out for this purpose yielded studies conducted between 2005

and 2012. Findings illustrate that to date, most evidence regarding cyber-bullying in Greece

is drawn from European-level research projects which mainly provide statistics regarding the

prevalence of the phenomenon, but give little information regarding its correlates, while

most of the few national studies are conducted with small, non-nationwide samples or have

not been published in scholarly papers. In conclusion, cyber-bullying research seems to be at

a premature level in Greece, but it is a global issue that sooner or later should be

systematically addressed.
Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan, Muntinlupa City


Students who repeatedly bully are more like to get into frequent fights or be hurt in a

fights, carry a weapon, vandalize property, drink alcohol or smoke, and be expelled or

suspended from school. All forms of bullying are significally associated with increases in

suicidal ideation, both for the victim and the offender. However bullying and cyberbullying

victimization was a stronger predictor of suicidal thoughts and behaviors than was

cyberbullying offending. Bullying victims were 1.7 times more likely and offenders were 2.1

times more likely to have attempted suicide. It should be acknowledged that among

teenagers who committed suicide after experiencing cyberbullying many had emotional and

social stressors in their lives that may have been exacerbated by bullying. (Hindua & Patchin


Childrens who are the target of bullying or who are bully-victims are at significally higher risk

for a variety of psychosomatic problems. (Gini & Pozzoli, 2009)>


Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City


According to “Cyber Bullying Philippines” ,there was a recently report released about

the way that Philippine residents may be corresponding to these kinds of changes. The report

indicated that people are increasingly searching for cyberbullying terms through a wide array

of social media venues. The Philippines was the world’s 4th leading country when it came to

searching for “Cyberbullying” through google. According to Shiela Guevarra, cyberbullying

remains under reported in the Philippines because few parents or schools want to place the

cyber victims or schools reputation under spotlight.

Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City


According to Erick Manriquez, the victims and impact cyber bullying has caused, how

to prevent cyber bullying , and the laws in several states regarding cyber bullying

.Cyberbullying is very similar to traditional bullying. Cyberbullying involves more emotional

and psychological harm. Cyberbullying can lead also to violence, if the cyber bully decides to

physically attack their victim. Cyberbullying can involve social networking sites ,text

messages, websites and emails. Humiliating messages and videos can spread fast and cause

more harm. There have been several killings and suicides due to cyberbullying. The most

effective method of prevention is education awareness of cyberbullying. The author

conducted a survey about the awareness of cyberbullying. Several graphs and tables are

provided for statistical analysis.

Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City


Cyberbullying- the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending

messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

Bully- a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Victim- the so called “bullied” the one who is weak.

Bullying- is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse intimidate or aggressively dominate


Social Media- websites and applications that enables users to create and share content or to

participate in social networking.

Muntinlupa National Highscool-Tunasan Annex

Centennial Avenue Lageurta Street, Tunasan,Muntinlupa City

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