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Theme 8

WORK LESSON 1 Vocabulary:
doctor, nurse, cleaner, driver, hospital
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. What’s his/her job?
2. Have students read the words on the board. She’s a _______. She _______.
3. Write the structure from the previous theme on the board. He’s a _______. He _______.
4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
5. Have some students come to the front and practice using the
vocabulary and structure in front of the class.

A Listen, point and say. CD2

Track 93
1. M: Doctor.
1 2 2 3 3 4 5
2. M: Nurse.
3. M: Driver.
4. M: Cleaner.
doctor nurse driver cleaner hospital 5. M: Hospital.

1. Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio and have

students listen and repeat. Point to the flashcards along with 4. Have one student come to the front and play ‘Tennis’ with you.
the audio. Repeat several times. 5. As you say a word hit it to the student and have the student
2. Play audio again and have students listen, repeat and point to respond with another word and hit it back to you.
the pictures in their books. 6. Divide students into pairs and have them play with each other.
3. Change the order of the flashcards, point to them Have some pairs demonstrate in front of the class.
individually and have students say the words, correct
pronunciation when needed.

B 1. Listen and read. CD2


Track 94 - 95
Narrator: Look at the pictures. Listen. There is one example.
Tom’s Uncle Tony works at the hospital…
1. Alfie: So, this is a hospital?
Tom: Yes, Alfie. My Uncle Tony works here.
Alfie: What’s his job?
Tom: He’s a doctor. He helps sick people.
Narrator: Can you see the number 1? This is an example. Now
listen and number.
What’s his job? 2. Alfie: Who’s that man? What’s his job?
Tom: He’s a driver. He drives the ambulance.
3. Alfie: And her? What’s her job?
Tom: She’s a cleaner. She cleans the hospital.
He’s a doctor. He
helps sick people. 4. Alfie: What’s her job?
Tom: She’s a nurse. She helps the doctor.
Alfie: I want to help too!
1. Now introduce the situation“The children are hungry after football…” Boy: Argh! What’s that!!!
2. Have students call out the objects and people they can see.
3. Have students listen and read.

2. Listen and number. 95 CD2

1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. STRUCTURE
2. Play audio and have students listen and number. What’s his job?
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. He’s a doctor. He helps sick people.
3. Practice the structure. CD2

1. Draw students’ attention to the structure box.

2. Play audio and have students listen. Track 96
3. Play audio again and have students listen and repeat. W: What’s his job?
M: He’s a doctor. He helps sick people.

C Listen. Sing along. CD2
Track 97
What’s his job? What his job?
He’s a docto He is a doctor. He helps sick people.
r. He hel
ps sick people.

1. Play audio and have students listen. 4. Divide class into two groups. Group A: sing the questions/
2. Play audio and have students point to the pictures in part A. first part; group B: sing the answers/second part.
3. Play audio and have students sing the song as the whole class. 5. Swap roles and repeat.

 Pronunciation tip CD2

Track 98
1. Focus attention on the example sentence, and briefly B: He’s a cleaner. She’s a doctor.
explain the focus. G: He’s a cleaner. She’s a doctor.
2. Tell students they must listen and notice the pronunciation feature. M: He’s a cleaner. She’s a doctor.
3. Play the audio once, and draw attention to the
pronunciation feature.
4. Play the audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a focus PRONUNCIATION TIP CD2

on the feature. “He is a…/ “Heeza/

She is a…” Sheeza”

D Listen and tick () the box.

Track 99
Practice. Point, ask and answer. CD2
Narrator: Look at the pictures. Listen. There is one example.
Listen and tick () the box. Alfie: What’s his job?
1. Have students look at the pictures and call out the jobs Tom: He’s a driver. He drives the ambulance.
they can see. Narrator: Can you see the tick? This is an example. Now listen and
2. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. tick the boxes and write the missing words.
3. Play audio and have students listen and tick the box. 2. Alfie: What’s her job?
4. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class Tom: She’s a cleaner. She cleans the room.
3. Alfie: What’s his job?
Tom: He’s a doctor. He helps sick people.
5. T: I say “his job”. You say, “What’s his job?” 4. Alfie: What’s his job?
T: I say “her job”. You say, “What’s her job?” OK? Tom: He’s a teacher. He teaches the class.
T: his job
Class: What’s his job?
T: her job Group A: What’s his job?
Class: What’s her job? Group B: He’s a doctor. He helps sick people.
T: her job/nurse
Continue whole class/group/individual drills, with:
Point, ask and answer.
• his job/cleaner (cleans the room)
• her job/driver (drives the ambulance) 7. Divide class into pairs. Student A asks e.g. “What’s his job?”,
• his job/teacher (teachesthe class) student B answers e.g. “He’s a doctor. He helps sick people.”
6. Divide class into Group A and Group B. 8. Swap roles and repeat.
T: I say “his job/doctor”. 9. Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate in front of the class.
Group A, you say “What’s his job?”
Group B, you say, “He’s a doctor. He helps sick people”
T: I say “her job/nurse”.
Group A, you say, “What’s her job?”
Group B, you say, “She’s a nurse. She helps the doctor.” OK?
T: his job/doctor

E Play the “Pretend” game. 1. Divide students into pairs or small groups.
2. Have one student ask “What’s his job?” and have another
He’s a cleaner.
What’s his job?
He clean the house.
student make actions to show the job.
3. Have the other students take turns to guess the answer, e.g.
“He’s a cleaner.”
4. Swap roles and repeat.

Theme 8
WORK LESSON 2 Vocabulary:
firefighter, hose, builder, hammer, artist,
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. What does a _______ use?
2. Have students read the words on the board. A/an _______ uses a _______.
3. Write the structure from the previous lesson on the board.
4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
5. Have some students come to the front and practice using the
vocabulary and structure in front of the class.

A Listen, point and say. CD2

Track 100
1. M: Builder.
1 2 3 4 5 6 2. M: Hammer.
3. M: Firefighter.
4. M: Hose.
firefighter hose builder hammer artist paintbrush 5. M: Artist.
6. M: Paintbrush.

1. Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio and have students 5. Arrange the flashcards on the board and write a number under
listen and repeat. Point to the flashcards along with the audio. each card.
Repeat several times. 6. Have students look at the flashcards for the count of ten. Turn the
2. Play audio again and have students listen, repeat and point to the flashcards over to face the board when the students are not looking.
pictures in their books. 7. Call out a number and have students take turns to guess the face
3. Change the order of the flashcards, point to them individually and down card. Turn the flashcard over after each guess.
have students say the words, correct pronunciation when needed.
4. Play the“Guess”game.

B 1. Listen and read. CD2


Track 101 - 102

Narrator: Look at the pictures. Listen. There is one example.
What does a
Alfie learns what people use for work…
builder use?
2 Tom: Hi Uncle Rick!
He uses a hammer. Rick: Hi Tom! (BANG BANG BANG)
Tom: He’s a builder.
Alfie: What does a builder use?
Tom: A builder uses a hammer.
Narrator: Can you see the line? This is an example. Now, listen
and draw lines.
board 2. Alfie: Your mom is a teacher. What does a teacher use?
Tom: A teacher uses a board
1. Review the story from the previous lesson "Tom and Alfie were 3. Tom: My Uncle Paul is a firefighter.
visiting Bill and Sue….” Alfie: A firefighter? What does a firefighter use?
2. Now introduce the situation“Tony is buying the children ice cream….” Tom: A firefighter uses a hose.
3. Have students call out the objects and people they can see. 4. Tom: Aunt Sally is an artist.
4. Have students listen and read. Alfie: Really? What does an artist use?
Sally: Alfie, an artist uses a paintbrush.
2. Listen and number. 102 CD2
Alfie: Oh, can I try?
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. (SOUNDS OF MIXING AND FAST PAINTBRUSH STROKES)
2. Play audio and have students listen and number. Sally: Wow! Alfie! You should be an artist!
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.
3. Practice the structure. CD2 STRUCTURE
What does a builder use?
1. Draw students’ attention to the structure box. A builder uses a hammer.
2. Play audio and have students listen.
3. Play audio again and have students listen and repeat.
Track 103
W: What does a builder use?
M: A builder uses a hammer.
C Listen. Sing along. CD2
Track 104
What does a builder use? What does a builder use?
A builder
uses a hammer.
A builder uses a hammer.

1. Play audio and have students listen. 4. Divide class into two groups. Group A: sing the questions/
2. Play audio and have students point to the pictures in part A. first part; group B: sing the answers/second part.
3. Play audio and have students sing the song as the whole class. 5. Swap roles and repeat.

 Pronunciation tip CD2

Track 105
1. Focus attention on the example sentence, and briefly B: What does a builder use?
explain the focus. G: What does a builder use?
2. Tell students they must listen and notice the pronunciation feature. M: What does a builder use?
3. Play the audio once, and draw attention to the
pronunciation feature.
4. Play the audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a focus PRONUNCIATION TIP CD2
on the feature.
What does a builder use?

D Tick () the box. Practice. Ask and answer.

5. Divide class into Group A and Group B
What does a firefighter use?
A firefighter uses a hose.
T: I say “firefighter” and “hose.”’
Group A, you say “What does a firefighter use?”
1 2 Group B, you say “A firefighter uses a hose.”
T: I say “teacher”and “board.”
Group A, you say “What does a teacher use?”
Group B, you say “A teacher uses a board.”
T (to whole class): Teacher/board.
Group A: What does a teacher use?
3 4 Group B: A teacher uses a board.
T (to whole class): Firefighter/hose.
Continue whole class/group/individual drills, with:
• artist/paintbrush
• builder/hammer
Ask and answer.
Tick the box.
6. Divide students into pairs.
1. Have students look at the picture and call out the words
7. Have student ask, e.g. “What does a firefighter use?” and have
they can see.
student B answer, e.g. “A firefighter uses a hose.”
2. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.
8. Swap roles and repeat.
3. Play audio and have students put a tick.
9. Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate in front of the class.
4. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.

E Play the “Board race” game.

1. Divide the class into two teams.

What does a firefighter use? 2. Stick two flashcards on the board e.g. hose and hammer.
3. Have one student stand in front of the class and ask a
question e.g. “What does a firefighter use?”
A firefighter uses a hose! 4. Choose one student from each team to race to the correct
flashcard and answer the question.
5. Choose two more students to take a turn.

Theme 8
WORK LESSON 3 Vocabulary:
using a computer, building a model,
drawing a bridge, talking on the phone
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. What is he/she doing?
2. Have students read the words on the board. What are you/they doing?
3. Write the structure from the previous lesson on the board. I’m/He’s/She’s/They’re _______.
4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
5. Have some students come to the front and practice using the
vocabulary and structure in front of the class.

A Listen, point and say. CD2

Track 106
1 22 33 4 1. Using the computer.
2. Building a model.

3. Drawing a bridge.
using a building drawing talking on 4. Talking on the phone.
computer a model a bridge the phone

1. Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio and have students 4. Two teams. Play the game“Heads up. What’s missing?”. Arrange
listen and repeat. Point to the flashcards along with the audio. Repeat flashcards on the board and remove one card when students are not
several times. looking. One student from each team calls out the missing flashcard.
2. Play audio again and have students listen, repeat and point to the
pictures in their books.
3. Change the order of the flashcards, point to them individually and
have students say the words, correct pronunciation when needed.

B 1. Listen and read. CD2


Track 107
Narrator: Look at the pictures. Listen. There is one example.
What are you doing? I’m using a
computer. Sam is working. Alex tries to help…
Tom: Hi dad!
Alfie: What are you doing?
1 Sam: I’m using a computer.(SOUNDS OF TAPPING ON
Narrator: Can you see number 1? This is an example. Now listen
and number.
2. Alfie: What’s he doing, Tom?
Tom: Oh, he’s drawing a bridge.
(Sound of scribbling)
1. Review the story from the previous lesson "Tom and Alfie were Sam: What’s Alex doing?
visiting Bill and Sue….” Tom: He’s building a model. Wow!
2. Now introduce the situation“Tony is buying the children ice cream….” 4. Alfie: What’s Sam doing?
3. Have students call out the objects and people they can see. Tom: He’s talking on the phone.
4. Have students listen and read. Everyone: Wow! Look at Alex’s bridge! Good job Alex!
Alex: HA HA!
2. Listen and number. 108 CD2

1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.

2. Play audio and have students listen and number. STRUCTURE
What are you doing? I’m using a computer.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. What’s Sam doing? He’s building a model.
3. Practice the structure. CD2

1. Draw students’ attention to the structure box. Track 109

2. Play audio and have students listen. What are you doing?
3. Play audio again and have students listen and repeat. I’m using a computer.
What’s Sam doing?
He’s building a model.
C Listen. Sing along. CD2
Track 110
What are you doing? What are you doing?
I’m using
the computer.
I’m using the computer.

1. Play audio and have students listen. 4. Divide class into two groups. Group A: sing the questions/
2. Play audio and have students point to the pictures in part A. first part; group B: sing the answers/second part.
3. Play audio and have students sing the song as the whole class. 5. Swap roles and repeat.

 Pronunciation tip CD2

Track 111
1. Focus attention on the example sentence, and briefly B: He’s drawing a bridge.
explain the focus. G: He’s drawing a bridge.
2. Tell students they must listen and notice the pronunciation feature. M: He’s drawing a bridge.
3. Play the audio once, and draw attention to the
pronunciation feature.
4. Play the audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a focus PRONUNCIATION TIP CD2
on the feature. The sound of ‘dg’
He’s drawing a bridge.

D Practice. Point, ask and answer. Group A, you say “What’s he doing?”
Group B, you say, “He’s drawing a bridge.”
T: you/building
What’s Alfie doing?
He’s building a model. Group A: What are you doing?
Group B: I’m building a model.
T: he/drawing
Continue whole class/group/individual drills, with:
1 2 3 4
• she/using a computer
• Sam/drawing a bridge
• they/talking on the phone
e if 2 1


Point, ask and answer.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Divide students into pairs.
4. Have student A point to a picture and ask “What is/are _______
doing?” and have student B answer “________ is/are ________.”
1. Divide class into Group A and Group B. 3. Swap roles and repeat.
T: I say “you/building”. 4. Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate in front of the class.
Group A, you say “What are you doing?”
Group B, you say, “I’m building a model.” OK?
T: I say “he/drawing”.

E Play the “Teacher says” game.

1. Demonstrate the game and actions for the vocabulary.
"Teacher says:
“You're building a model!” 2. Have the class stand up.
you're talking on the phone!"
3. Play the role of “teacher”, and give commands to the class.
4. Start some commands with the phrase “Teacher says…”
5. If the command starts with “Teacher says” students do
the action.
6. If the command does not start with “Teacher says” students
do not do the action.
7. Have students take turns to be “Teacher”. (Review actions
from previous themes. E.g. Driving a car, touch your face, etc..)

Theme 8
WORK LESSON 4 Vocabulary:
pilot, soccer player, singer, police officer
What do you want to be?
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. I want to be a _______.
2. Have students read the words on the board.
3. Write the structure from the previous lesson on the board.
4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
5. Have some students come to the front and practice using the
vocabulary and structure in front of the class.

A Listen, point and say. CD2

Track 112
1 2 3 4 1.Pilot.
2. Soccer player.
3. Singer.
4. Police officer.
pilot soccer player singer police officer

1. Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio and have students 5. Arrange the flashcards on the board and write a number under
listen and repeat. Point to the flashcards along with the audio. Repeat each card.
several times. 6. Have students look at the flashcards for the count of ten. Turn the
2. Play audio again and have students listen, repeat and point to the flashcards over to face the board when the students are not looking.
pictures in their books. 7. Call out a number and have students take turns to guess the face
3. Change the order of the flashcards, point to them individually and down card. Turn the flashcard over after each guess.
have students say the words, correct pronunciation when needed.
4. Play the“Guess”game.

B 1. Listen and read. CD2


Track 113 - 114


What do you
Narrator: Look at the pictures. Listen. There is one example.
want to be? The children talk about future jobs…
1. Alfie: Hey, Tom! What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to 2 Tom: Hmmm… I want to be a pilot!
be a pilot. 2
2 Alfie: A pilot! Cool!
Narrator: Can you see the circle? This is an example. Now listen
and circle.
2. Alfie: What about you Lucy? What do you want to be?
Lucy: I want to be a singer. La, la, la!
3. Alfie: And Mai, what do you want to be?
Mai: I want to be a police officer.
4. Alfie: What do you want to be Nick?
Nick: I want to be a soccer player.
54 5


54 4

1. Review the story from the previous lesson "Tom and Alfie were (sound of spaceship landing)
visiting Bill and Sue….” Beta: Hi guys! Let’s play space soccer!
2. Now introduce the situation“Tony is buying the children ice cream….” (Splat! Sam: Argh!)
3. Have students call out the objects and people they can see. Beta: Sorry! Gotta go! Bye!
4. Have students listen and read.
2. Listen and circle. 114 CD2

1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. STRUCTURE
2. Play audio and have students listen and circle. What do you want to be?
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. I want to be a pilot.
3. Practice the structure. CD2

1. Draw students’ attention to the structure box.

2. Play audio and have students listen. Track 115
3. Play audio again and have students listen and repeat. What do you want to be?
I want to be a pilot.

C Listen. Sing along. CD2
Track 116
What do you want to be? W: What do you want to be?
I want to M: I want to be a pilot.
be a pilot.

1. Play audio and have students listen. 4. Divide class into two groups. Group A: sing the questions/
2. Play audio and have students point to the pictures in part A. first part; group B: sing the answers/second part.
3. Play audio and have students sing the song as the whole class. 5. Swap roles and repeat.

 Pronunciation tip CD2

Track 117
1. Focus attention on the example sentence, and briefly B: I want to be a pilot.
explain the focus. G: I want to be a pilot.
2. Tell students they must listen and notice the pronunciation feature. M: I want to be a pilot.
3. Play the audio once, and draw attention to the
pronunciation feature.
4. Play the audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a focus PRONUNCIATION TIP CD2
on the feature.
“ …want to be…” “… wannəbe…”

D Unscramble and write. Practice. Ask and answer. 4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Divide class into Group A and Group B.
What do you want to be?
I want to be a pilot. T: I say “be/soccer player”.
Group A, you say “What do you want to be?”
Group B, you say, “I want to be a soccer player.”
T: I say “be/police officer”.
Group A, you say “What do you want to be?”
2 Group B, you say, “I want to be a police officer.” OK?
IGENRS T: be/soccer player
Group A: What do you want to be?
Group B: I want to be a police officer.
T: be/police officer
Continue whole class/group/individual drills, with:
• be/singer • be/teacher • be/artist
• be/pilot • be/doctor • be/firefighter
Ask and answer.
6. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
Unscramble and write. 7. Divide class into pairs.
8. Have student A point to a picture and ask “What do you
1. Have students call out the objects they can see.
want to be?” have student B answer “I want to be a _______.”
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
7. Swap roles and repeat.
3. Have students unscramble the letters and write.
8. Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate in front of the class.

E Play the “Chain” game.

What do you
What do you want to be?
want to be? I want to be a pilot. I want to be a doctor. 1. Demonstrate the game.
2. Have the students stand up.
3. Student 1 turns to student 2 and they ask and answer.
4. Student 2 turns to student 3 and they ask and answer.
5. Continue until all students have practiced.

Theme 8
WORK LESSON 5 Social studies - Going shopping
dong, dollars, thousand, candy, coffee,
Useful language:
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. How much is/are the _______?
2. Have students read the words on the board.
It’s/They’re _______ dong.
3. Write the structure from the previous lesson on the board.
4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
5. Have some students come to the front and practice using the
vocabulary and structure in front of the class.

NEW WORDS Listen, point and say. CD2

118 Track 118
1 2 3 4 5 5 1. Dong.
2. Dollars.
3. One thousand.
4. Candy.
dong dollars one thousand candy coffee postcards 5. Coffee.
6. Postcard.
1. Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio and have
students listen and repeat. Point to the flashcards along with correct pronunciation when needed.
the audio. Repeat several times. 4. Have one student come to the front and play ‘Tennis’ with you.
2. Play audio again and have students listen, repeat and point to 5. As you say a word hit it to the student and have the student
the pictures in their books. respond with another word and hit it back to you.
3. Change the order of the flashcards, point to them 6. Divide students into pairs and have them play with each other.
individually and have students say the words, Have some pairs demonstrate in front of the class.

LISTENING Listen and write the numbers. CD2

Track 119
Narrator: Look at the pictures. Listen. There is one example.
Kim goes shopping at the market…
1. Kim: Let’s go shopping! I have 20 dollars.
Vinh: Oh, Kim. We use dong in Vietnam.
Kim: Oh, OK.
Kim: How much is the candy please?
It’s 20,000
Clerk: It’s 20,000 dong.
__,000 VND dong. Narrator: Can you see the number? This is an example. Now
listen and number.
__,000 VND
2. Kim: Excuse me, how much is the coffee?
How much is
Clerk: It’s 30,000 dong.
the candy? 3. Kim: Ok. How much is the hand fan?
Clerk: It’s 25,000 dong.
20,000 VND __,000 VND
4. Kim: How much is the postcard?
Clerk: It’s 10,000 dong.
1. Introduce the situation:“Kim goes shopping at the market”. Kim: Ok! Here you are.
2. Ask the following questions:“Who can you see?”“What can you Clerk: Thank you.
see?”“Where are they?” Kim: Now I’m going to write my mom a postcard!
3. Allow time for the students to look at the picture and call out
answers to each question. 6. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.
4. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. 7. Play audio again and have students listen and repeat.
5. Play audio and have students listen and write the missing numbers.

 Useful language box

1. Have students look at the useful language box.
2. Have students listen to audio and repeat.
Track 120
How much is the candy? M: How much is the candy?
It’s 20,000 dong. It’s 20,000 dong.


READING Read and circle “True” or “False”.

Kim likes shopping at the market. She sees some candy that is 20,000
dong. A book is 50,000 dong. A non la costs 50,000 dong, too. Kim
buys a postcard that is 10,000 dong.
1. Have students read the passage.
The note says…
2. Read the passage as a whole class.
1. The candy is 20,000 dong. True/False
3. Demonstrate circling true or false using the example.
2. The book is 40,000 dong. True/False
4. Have students read the statements and circle true for a
3. The non la is 50,000 dong. True/False
correct statement and circle false for an incorrect statement.
4. The postcard is 30,000 dong. True/False
5. Check answers as a whole class.

SPEAKING Point and say.

How much is the book? It's 15,000 dong.

2 3 4
15,000VND 60,000 VND 50,000VND

Point and say.

1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have student A point to a picture and say “How much is the chocolate?” and have student B say “It's _______.”
4. Swap roles and repeat.
5. Afterwards, have some students demonstrate in front of the class.

SPEAKING and write the words.

Dear Mom, I had so much fun today. I went to the market.

The chocolate is ___________ dong.

The box of juice is ___________ ___________.

The t-shirt ___________ ___________ ___________.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________.

See you soon! Love, Kim.

1. Demonstrate the activity by using the example.

2. Have students look at the pictures in the speaking part and finish the sentence related to the pictures.
3. Check answers as a whole class.


Theme 8
WORK LESSON 6 Review and Practice

LISTENING Listen and tick () the box. CD2


Track 121
Narrator: Look at the pictures. Listen. There is one example.
B: What does a firefighter use?
G: A firefighter uses a hose.
B: Ah, right. A firefighter uses a hose.
A B C A B C Narrator: Can you see the tick. This is an example. Now listen
and tick the box.
1 2
1. G: What do you want to be?
B: I want to be a pilot.
G: Yes, you’ll be a good pilot.
2. G: What’s his job?
3 4
B: He’s a doctor. He helps sick people.
543 5
766 7
887 89
309 4



G: A doctor?
B: Yes, that’s right.
1. Play example audio and demonstrate ticking the box. 3. B: What’s she doing?
2. Play audio and have students listen and tick the correct box. G: She’s using a computer.
3. Play audio again. 4. B: What do you want to be?
4. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. G: I want to be a singer.
B: A singer?
G: Yes, I love singing.
Narrator: Now listen again.

READING & WRITING Read the sentences. Choose a word from the box.
Write the correct words next to the letters A-D.

driver firefighter talking on the phone drives the ambulance board


What does a teacher use? What do you want to be?

A __________ board
uses a _________. I want to be a (A)___________________.

2 3

What’s his job? What’s she doing?

He’s a (B)________. He(C)___________ She’s (D)_______________________
_________________________________. _______________________________.

1. Demonstrate looking at the pictures, reading the statements and write.

2. Have students look at the pictures, read the statements and write using words from the box.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
4. Afterwards, have some students read their answers to the class.


SONG Turn to page 103. Listen. Sing along. CD2

1. Have students turn to page 103.

2. Read lyrics as a whole class.
3. Play audio and have students listen.
4. Play audio again and have students listen and sing along.

GAME Ask and answer. Play the “Connect three” game.

Pair 1 vs. Pair 2

What’s his/her
She’s a _____.
She _______.
He’s a _____. Pair 1
He ______. vs.
What does
a/an ___ use? Pair 2
A/An ___ uses
a _______.

What’s he/she
54 4

He’s/She’s I win!


What do you
want to be?
I want to be a

1. Divide the class in groups of 4. Divide the groups into pairs. Have each pair use a different color pen.
2. Have students play rock, paper, and scissors. The winners will go first.
3. Student A from the first team points to space on the board where they wish to put a mark and asks the related question. Student B an-
swers. If correct, then that team can put a mark on the space. If incorrect, the next team takes their turn.
4. The winners are the team that can get three of their own marks in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Note: swap students roles after each turn.

I CAN...

Go through "I can" statements with students, have them color

• I can ask and answer about different kinds of jobs. the stars to represent their understanding.
• I can say what people use for different jobs. • I can ask and answer about different kinds of jobs.
• I can talk about my future job.
• I can say what people use for different jobs.
• I can talk about my future job.

‘Can Do’ statements

1. Read out the statements and give an example for each. E.g.
• I can ask and answer about food and drink that I want.
• I can ask people what food and drink they would like.
• I can talk about food using ‘some’ and ‘a/an’.
2. In pairs, have students give a few more examples of each function, then briefly practice.
3. Ask students to color one, two or three stars, to show how well they can perform the tasks.
= Great!
 = Ok
 = Needs more study
For students with two or fewer stars, recommend that they review the theme at home, or do the Workbook or Activity
Multi-ROM (if they have it).


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