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What is Integrated Marketing?

Unifying traditional and non-traditional marketing channels and applying

consistent branding, messaging and strategies and using cross-channel
promotions so channels reinforce and strengthen each other.
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

Creating the Plan

Bring Together the “Team”
Create a Marketing Charter

Establish (company) as a global (industry)

leader by creating and communicating a
consistent, compelling, and differentiated
story that drives target customer
awareness, preference and revenue.
Draft the Plan Together
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

The Plan
Integrated Marketing Plan
1. Market & Competitive Analysis
2. Marketing Objectives & Strategies
3. Marketing Channels & Tactics
4. Metrics of Success
5. Team Plans
6. Integrated Marketing Calendar
7. Marketing Budget
8. Go-to-Market
9. Messaging and Positioning
10. Reporting
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

1. Market Analysis
What Market are we in?

Market Category Here

~$15 Billion Market in 2014,

growing by ~10-12% a year

Description of the market category. This needs to be a

preexisting market not one you make up.
What Hill Are We On?

Sub-market or category
~$1.3 Billion Market in 2014,
growing by 18% over next 5 years

Expected to surpass $3B by 2019

Description of this sub-category. Also must be

something that already exists or is categorized.
What is our Flag on that Hill?

 Your Unique Market Niche or Capability

This is something you can do that no one or

few others in the market provide. This you can
Competitive Landscape
Enterprise Market


On-premise Cloud

Your Company

SMB Market
Competitive Landscape V2
Competitive Communication Audit
Marketing Situational Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
• Strong customer base with high satisfaction • Still not being included in all related articles and
• Excellent spokespeople across exec and reports
extended team • Not seen as clear leader in any particular market
• Foundation of content and materials to leverage • Confusion around market category and space
• Strong momentum around awards, PR and • Brand awareness still low compared to competition
analyst reports • Social media presence and engagement low
• Clear product roadmap and release schedule • No focus on customer references / case studies

Threats/Challenges Opportunities
• Increasing competition from a wide range of • Use partnerships to make company perception
vendors bigger than reality
• Market consolidation – noisy M&A environment • Use product releases to show platform/technology
innovation, create media buzz and increase
• Limited budget and resources to manage multiple competitive edge
partner marketing plans and initiatives – spread
too thin • Building out good content machine to use across
marketing mix
• Hard to identify the long-tail searches and terms
people use to find us • New Website content should improve SEO traffic
• Social media environment complex and multi- • Use customers to show proof points with prospects
channels – hard to keep up and analysts/media
Challenges & Actions Required
Therefore, our marketing needs to:
1. We are NOT in the market Invest more in public relations, social
conversation – low share of voice media and events – get out there!

2. Too many different brand messages Simplify and unify our story with new
and conflicting channels messaging and deliver consistently

3. Competitors are acquiring quickly and Deliver improved competitive

building market share intelligence and recommendations

4. Not focused enough on existing Provide clear NPS statistics and create
customer satisfaction new customer-focused programs

5. Product development cycle too slow – Create inflection points beyond

new products lagging product to make news and noise
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

2. Marketing Objectives and

Start with the End in Mind
Top Business Goal

$500K New Revenue in 2015

Top Supporting Marketing Goals

1. Be seen as the destination and expert

source for our target market
2. Grow demand generation database with
quality leads
3. Increase lead to sales qualified
conversion rate
4. Reduce churn
Marketing Strategies
Aligned to Buyer’s Journey
& Evaluate Engage Purchase Validate Use Grow

Be Seen Grow Increase Reduce

as Experts Leads Conversion Churn
Implement customer
Build influencer
Expand SEO and Drive more content education and
program and grow 3rd
PPC content to and programs around communication
party blog program to
increase quality score value prop, how to’s programs to increase
increase mentions
and search results and top use cases customer success
and association
with product

Increase thought Identify and invest in

Evaluate pricing and
leadership and top demand
packaging and Show more customer
market presence generation channels,
recommend changes love through gifts,
through speaking including live and
and/or promotional events, etc.
engagements, blogs, online events,
etc. syndication, etc.
Content & The Buyer’s Journey
• Messaging and Positioning
• Website content
• Blog
• Newsletter
• Trial User Training Webinar • Best Practices Whitepapers
• Trial User Email Cadence • Customer Testimony
• PR Articles • Customer Webinars & Training
• 3rd Party Referral Blogs • Awards & Reviews
• Speaking Engagements • Customer Email Cadence

& Evaluate Engage Purchase Validate Use Grow
• Two-page Overview • Quarterly NPS
• How-to Videos research
• Getting Started Guide • Customer upgrade
• Competitive “Battlecards” promotions
• Analyst reports • Customer Events
• Case Studies

Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

3. Marketing Tactics
Marketing Areas & Tactics
Awareness Demand Marketing
& Thought Digital Product Content / Sales Gen / Lead Partner Strategy & Global
Leadership Events Strategy Marketing Documentation Enablement Mgmt Marketing Operations Marketing

Messaging Corporate Website / Voice of Collateral University DG Channel Competitive Regional

Events Blog Ops Customer Campaigns Mktg Intelligence Plans

Evangelism Technology SEO / SEM Product/Solutio API Docs Internal Sales Lead MDF Strategic Localized
Events n Messaging & Training nurturing & Program Projects & campaigns
scoring Mgmt Initiatives

Branding / Industry eCommerce Launch Plans & Product Partner Lead Strategic Metrics & Global
Advertising Events Implementation Technical Docs training Conversion Alliance Reporting Budget
Flow Mktg Mgmt

PR – AR Partner UX / UI - External Getting Started/ Sales tools & Content OEM Salesforce Global
Events architecture Roadmap How to / User Playbooks Syndication Partner Admin Launches
Guides Marketing

Tht Ldrship Analyst Web Content Market Infographics / Customer Online Solution Budget &
Campaigns Events Research Digital Content References Campaigns Partner Procurement

Exec / Webinars Blog Content Product Web Content DG Asset Partner

Internal Evaluations Mgmt Events

Speaker’s Social Media Demos / Graphic Design Partner

Bureau Product Lead Gen
Try to Focus on Top Channels
Top Channels
Targeted 3rd Party Blogs
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Social Media
Public Relations
Engineering as Marketing
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

4. Metrics of Success
2015 Metrics Snapshot
Overall Direct Channel

Total New Revenue $500k $320,000 $180,000

Average Deal Size $6k $5k

# of Deals 90 54 36

# of Qualified Leads
(10% qualified to deal)
900 540 360

# of Leads Required
(15% Lead to Qualified)
6,000 3,600 2,400
Success Metrics: Revenue
Total Revenue for Year: $504k

Revenue by Quarter

100000 90000

80000 72000 70000

60000 50000
42000 40000

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Direct Channel
Success Metrics: Deals
Total Number of Deals for Year: 90

Deals by Quarter


15 14

5 4

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Direct Channel
Success Metrics: Qualified Leads
Total Qualified Leads for Year: 900

Qualified Leads by Quarter



150 140

50 40

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Direct Channel
Success Metrics: New Leads
Total New Leads for Year: 6,000 required
Need to front load due to 3 – 6 mos sales cycle & prep for next year

New Leads by Quarter


2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000




Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015
= on track, trending right direction
= at risk, issues or delayed
= goal not met, cancelled or high risk

Marketing ScoreCard
Item Target Metric Q1 2015
Grow Revenue New Revenue • $500k
New Leads • 6000
Grow Leads
New Qualified Leads • 900 qualified

Increase Conversion Lead to Sales • 15%

Conversion Qualified

Be Experts in PR / Social Share of Voice • Top 3

Market Analyst Rankings • Leadership Rankings

Reduce Churn Customer churn rate • Under 5% by Q2

Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

5. Team Plans
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

Demand Generation
Demand Gen Goals & Strategies

Goals Strategies
1. Xx  Xx
2. Xx  Xx
3. Xx  Xx
= on track, trending right direction
= at risk, issues or delayed
= goal not met, cancelled or high risk

DG Team ScoreCard
Item Quarterly Goal Q1 2015
Grow Revenue Monthly Recurring Revenue
Website leads
New Leads Event leads
Other leads
Inside Sales /
Lead Nurturing Program
Communications Marketing Nurturing Sales Nurturing:
Cadence: Qualified through Opportunities
Raise Hand: Registration,
Sent to all leads, opportunities, online media, event
customers and connections Lead Generation call
Newsletter Marketing 1: Thank you
letter with offer
Follow-up email based on
21 call with deliverable

Event / Webinar Marketing 2: Informative

invites content with call to action
If become Opportunity,
21 sales takes over and
continues touches and
Marketing 3: Segmented If no decision deliverables
within 6
info with call to action months, goes
Analyst reports back to
or news articles 21 marketing
nurturing Moves through opportunity
Marketing 4: Demo or high
value with call to action

If under 40 pts or no action,

move to cadence If over 40 lead points,
automatic sales call

Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

6. Marketing Calendar
Integrated Marketing Calendar
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

7. Marketing Budget
2015 Marketing Budget
Exec Summary
Budget Category 1Q 15 2Q 15 3Q 15 4Q 15 FY 15 Total
Total Marketing
840,000 1,050,000 955,000 865,000 3,510,000
Demand Generation &
100,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 700,000
Sales Enablement
Partner Marketing 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000

Digital Strategies 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000

Awareness & Thought
75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 300,000
Events 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 600,000

Content / Documentation 15,000 25,000 30,000 40,000 110,000

Product Marketing 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

Marketing Strategy &
25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000
Global / Field Marketing 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 1,400,000
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

8. Go-to-Market
What is Our Go-to-Market Strategy?

Partner Attach
Through Channel
• Enterprise • What kind of • Integrate with
• How do you channel other
reach them • How do you technologies
reach them • How do you
• How do you choose which
partner with partners
them • How does the
• Why do you integration work
need them

Value Prop by Go-to-Market

Partner Attach
Through Channel
• What is the • What is the • What is the
value prop for value prop for value prop for
these these these
customers customers customers

Target Market
Target Geographies Target Companies
1. North America * 1. Enterprise
2. Western Europe 2. SMB through Channel
3. Asia Pacific
4. ROW

* Marketing investment will focus 1H 15 on North American

Secondary Target Audiences
 Media  Analysts
• Technology • Enterprise IT
• Business • Cloud
• Regional • Big Data

 Investors &
 Bloggers / Influencers Employees
• Business
• Cloud
• Big Data / Tech
Target Customer Personas
Through Channel & Technology Partners Direct Sales
SMB Small SMB Medium
2 – 99 employees 100 – 1,000 employees Enterprise

Bob Smith Rita Mehta Antonio Clarkston

CEO VP, Technology & Security CIO
BS Engineering Big Deal Pharmaceuticals Mongo Bank Worldwide
Our Target Customer: SMB Small
• Largest group of SMBs worldwide
• Once 25 to 50 employees, has at least one internal IT
person – but needs expertise from channel partner
• Owner usually still approves all “IT” decisions
• Sample industries would be:
 eCommerce retailers
 High-tech companies
 Healthcare Offices
Bob Smith
CEO  Engineering firms (CAD/CAM)
BS Engineering  Restaurants / Small Shops
 Food or Alcohol Distribution / Manufacturing
 Media or production companies
 Law firms
• Needs to move to SaaS apps and cloud solutions, but
might be slow to upgrade
• VERY cost sensitive – wants a deal and hates the cost of
• Starting to embrace BYOD out of necessity
• Needs some hand-holding and likes fast tips and training
Our Target Customer: SMB Medium
• Has IT department with specialist areas
• Price and resources still an issue
• IT investments & decisions made by VP/CIO
• Networks with peers for ideas and recommendations
• Embracing the cloud to obtain next generation solutions
and save dollars – but security a big issue for them
• Already uses multiple SaaS applications
• Wants enterprise-grade solutions and support at SMB
Rita Mehta
VP, Technology & Security pricing
Big Deal Pharmaceuticals • Sample industries would be:
 Technology Companies
 Healthcare or Pharmaceutical companies
 Large engineering firms (CAD/CAM)
 Manufacturing
 Retail
 Packaged foods / products
 Restaurant groups
Our Target Customer: Enterprise
• Has large, distributed IT organization, usually with
global base and conflicting regional policies
• Under huge pressure to use cloud
• Constantly needs strategies around big data, security,
cloud computing, etc.
• Wants to work with minimal number of vendors – and
use those that can be partners across several areas
• Needs to be relevant to business and show how IT is
Antonio Clarkston driving business impact
• Doesn’t like “sales” people and wants to be treated
Mongo Bank Worldwide
like a VIP by vendor executives
• Wants to be seen as a thought leader among his
• Sample industries would be:
 High-tech
 Telecom
 Industrial / Manufacturing
 Healthcare
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

9. Messaging and Positioning

Messaging & Positioning Framework
Digital Marketing Analytics with a Competitive Edge

10. Reporting
Set a Review & Report Cadence

Digital Strategies Review Content Calendar Check-in

Marketing Calendar Budget Review &
Scorecard Check-in
Update Adjustments

Scorecard & Plan Review and
Quarterly Business Review
Updates as Needed
Thank You

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