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Date: Class: XI
Time 3 hrs M.M: 80
General Instructions:
1. This paper is divided into FOUR sections
Section –A 20Marks
Section – B 20 Marks

section –C 10Marks
Section-D 30 Marks
2. All sections are compulsory.

3. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions

1 Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:-


Good people all of every sort,
Give ear unto my song;
And if you find wond‟rous short,
It cannot hold you long.

In Islington there was a man,

Of whom the world might say,

That still a Godly race he ran,


Whene‟er he went to pray.


A kind and gentle heart he had,

To comfort friends and foes;

The naked everyday he clad,


When he put on his clothes.

And in that town a dog was found,

As many dogs there be,

But mongrel, puppy, whelp and hound,

And curs of low degree.


This dog and man at first were friends;

But when the pique began,
The dog, to gain some private ends,
Went and bit the man.
Around from all neighboring streets,
The wond‟ring neighbor ran,
And swore the dog had lost his wits,
To bite so good a man.
The wound it seem‟d both sore and sad,
To every Christian eye:

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XI B 1
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And while they swore the dog was mad,
They swore the man would die.
But soon a wonder came to light,
That show‟d the rouges they lied;
The man recovered of the bite ,
The dog it was that died.

1. Answer the following question by choosing the most appropriate option:-

i. The man in Islington seemed to lead a religious and pious life as____ 1
a) He loved dogs and fed them
b) He was self centered and very busy
c) He went to pray regularly

d) He ran charitable trust

ii. The dog was different from the other dogs of the town because_____ 1
a) it was not faithful

b) it was not aggressive

c) it lacked sensitivity to pain punishment and rebuke
d) It had human qualities of love hate and revenge.

iii. The dog went mad and bit the man because_________
od 1
a) It had to gain some selfish interests
b) It was shocked by the selfish attitude of man
c) The enmity between he it and the man unhinged it

d) It wanted to teach man a lesson


iv. The good people of the town considered the man‟s wound deplorable because_____ 1
a) the mad dog had done something very evil

b) they foresaw the end of the good man because of the dog bite
c) the dog bite was unexpected and quite deep

d) the action of the dog was strange and selfish


v. the man recovered of the bite and the dog died because________ 1

a) the man led a religious and pious life

b) the dog was cruel, ungrateful and selfish
c) the selfish dissember was more poisonous than a mad dog

d) the good dog had to go mad to bite such a kindhearted man


vi. The poetic device used in the last stanza of the poem is ____

a)simile b)metaphor c) metonymy d) irony

vii Why did the mad dog bite the man?

viii What did the people of the town predict about the man?
ix. What miracle took place that surprised the people?
x. Why did the dog die?
xi. What did the neighbours say about the dog? 2

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XI B 2
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2. Read the following passage and answer the question that follow:-
Fashion inspires one with the desire to seem rather than to be. Another of its characteristic is
that every generation laughs at the old trends bu religiously follow the latest one. That
explains the quick changes, sometimes queer and grotesque, that come about in the vast
domain of fashion.
A particular fashion is popular for a few months before it is replaced by by another. That is
why Oscar Wilde said, “It is so ugly that we have to change it every six months”.
Yet, sadly, it has become a great governor of our world. If poets were the unacknowledged
legislators of the world, fashion models have become the acknowledged leaders.
Fashion writ runs not only in matters of dress and entertainment but also in law and politics. It
has infiltrated things of grave importance. Universities, no longer devoted to the pursuit of
scholarship , hold fashion shows. Imitating western decadence is a matter of pride.

The modern follow fashion for compelling reasons. They want to identify with a select group
of people. New fashions may be adopted immediately by well known people, including sports
persons, film stars or political figures. Then other people may follow these fashions so that

they can identify with thes3e privileged group. Some think that fashionable clothes raise their

status in life.

Fashion is a way to gain acceptance from others of that class. This adoption of fashion applies
more to clothes. Many youngsters identify with one another by wearing blue jeans. The more

faded the more fashionable!
A strong desire on the part of women to equal themselves with men has driven them to imitate
the male of the human species. A look at the campus unveils the staggering number of boys
and girls looking alike. If one were to count „heads‟ gong by their sartorial outfits, one may
say that „boys‟ edge out girls. The reason is simple: girls dress like boys.

Is this an unconscious attempt at gender equality? While one may say yes or no to it, one thing

is certain that this sartorial revolution is the work of the designers who are laughing their way
to the bank.

Shrewd psychologists, these designers shift the emphasis periodically n the age of these

women libbers, they have designed garments that satisfy a woman‟s desire to equate and beat

the man.
Most fashions symbolize belonging to a group. This is seen on the university campus. After

being there for some time, many Plain Janes shed their behan ji image image and acquire a jet
–age image.

Ideas of beauty vary from culture to culture. For example women use a number of cosmetics
to enhance their beauty. They apply tinted creams and decorate themselves with tattoos.

Men and women have always enjoyed changing their appearance. Following new fashions in
clothes, hair styles, and make up allow people to alter their look.

Imitation plays a big role in making a fashion popular. In 1600s king Loius of France began
the trend of wearing wigs.
In the mid 1800s English women are said to have copied queen Victoria‟s stout figure puffy
dresses with padding underneath.
Film stars are avidly followed by eager fans and this creates a fashion trend. Amir khan‟s style
is a craze among boys. Many boys wear unbuttoned shirt imitating Salman Khan.
Is fashion a mere display of riches or the art of beautifying one‟s self? perhaps it is both.
2.1 Make notes on the passage using recognizable abbreviations (minimum 4) in suitable 5
format. Give a title to the passage

2.2 Make a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words. 2

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XI B 3
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3 Poonam /Prashant Singh ,of 13 Acharya Nagar Kanpur, is starting her/his cooking classes for 4
children of all age groups. Help her/him draft a display advertisement to be put in the national
daily. Include all necessary details, in not more than 50 words.
You are Ajita /Ajit Ahluwalia at the outskirts of Delhi, you have a farm house with lot of open
space. Draft an advertisement to sell it off, specifying the use it can be brought to, along with
all necessary details, in not more than 50 words
4 You are Amrit /Amrita Shah, Secretary Army Housing Society, Bengaluru. The complex 8
subscribes to Hathway Services. The proprietor Mr. Jadhav Singh has increased the monthly
subscription but has done nothing to improve the quality of transmission. Write a letter of

complaint regarding the same in not more than 150 words.

Write a letter to the Editor of The Hindu on the fear that is spreading among people due to

their anxiety over the widespread terrorism in the world. Give suggestions to curb such anti-
social activities in not more than 150 words. You are Vikram/Varsha.

5 Your school is organizing an article writing competition for on the topic “Importance of Newspaper”. 8

Write your article in not more than 200 words. You are Amogh/ Anita of class XI of your school
Or st
You are the Headboy /Headgirl of your school. You have been asked to speak in the morning assembly
on the topic “Aping of the Western Culture by the Younger Generation”. Prepare the script in not more
than 200 words.

6 The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line .Identify the error 4

and write the incorrect word and the correction against each blank.
Error Correction

The poet relates an incident who changed eg who which


his life. It was the season where the leaves a) ________ _________
turned yellow. He reached a place when the road forked b)________ _________

into two. for he was a single traveller he could not c )________ _________
travel on both. His difficulty was whether it was d) ________ _________

not easy to decide whose road he should take.It e) ________ _________

was a dilemma and he had to choose one of f) ________ _________

them when he wanted to have both. Then g) ________ _________

he took the one who he considered the better of the two. h) ________ _________

6 Rearrange the following jumbled words to form meaningful sentences: 2


a) greatest/ missionaries/ Mother Teresa/ one of the/ times /was/ of our/

b) dedicated/ poorest /of the /poor /entire/ she/ to /herself /the /service /of
c) she /apostle /was /of /unwanted/ the/ an
d) Mother Teresa/ Calcutta/ foreigner /and/ home settled/ though /in/ made/ a //it /her
7 In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line .write the missing word and 4
the word that comes before and after. Ensure your answer is underlined

Coral reefs are one of most sensitive ecosystems of all a)__________

A large no of reefs all the world are on the brink b) _________
Of extinction. The major factor the destruction of coral c )__________
Reefs is global warming increases carbon dioxide in d) __________
The atmosphere. Studies shown that even 1degree rise above e)__________

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XI B 4
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Normal temperature can result large scale destruction . f)__________
Besides water pollution destructive fishing practices g)__________
Oil spills , tourism activities and collection rare species h___________
Also play an important part in destroying corals .

8 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
And forever, by day and night , I Give back life to my own origin
And make it pure and beautiful
(For song issuing from its birth place after fulfillment wandering
Reck‟d or Unreck‟d , duly with love returns )

a) How does rain give back life to its own origin?

b) Why are the last two lines put in brackets?
c) How has the rain been compared to a song?
d) Name the poem and the poet



Silence surrounds us. I would have
him prodigal. Returning to

his father‟s house, the home he knew,
rather than see him and make and move st
his world. I would forgive him too
shaping from sorrow a new love .
a) Explain “ silence surrounds us”.

b) What would the father not want the son to do?

c) What would the father do if the son ever came back?

d) What is the significance of the phrase ,‟prodigal returning to his father‟s house”?

9 Answer any four in not more than 30-40 words: 4x2


a) “When he finally reached the mummy, though, he ran into trouble.‟ why was it so ?

b) When the people are pious and good even nature mourn their death? Justify in the
context of Khushwants Singh‟s grandmother.

c) What subjects does Taplow want to opt for and why?

d) What was weighing upon Andrew as he waited with the patient?
e) What did Yuri say to Albert about violence in the hostel?

10 Answer any one in not more than 100-125 words: 6


What are the four systems that sustain life on earth? What threat are they facing?


„Andrew‟s visit to Morgan‟s gave him pleasure and satisfaction that he had not achieved earlier‟.

11 Elaborate upon the various attempts by the ghost to frighten the Otis Family in not more than 6
125 words.

12 Give a character sketch of Virginia as the harbinger of love and peace in not more than 125 6
words .

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XI B 5

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