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1. Who do you send a Mayday call to?

a. The coastguard c. Everyone

b. The nearest ship d. The charter Company
2. A minute ago the deck hand . . . . . under the water.
a. Disappear c. Disappeared
b. Has disappeared d. Is disappearing
3. We . . . . in heavy seas. Please send assistence.
a. Drifted c. Are drifting
b. Drift d. Had drifted
4. The wave are too high and the sea . . . . our yacht.
a. Has swampped c. Swaps
b. Is swampping d. Swapping
5. Whis emergency code word do you use for this situation?
‘there is thick fog in your sea area’
a. Intention c. Mayda
b. Pan-pan d. Securité

Read the text below to answer no. 6 – 8.

A vessel was in harbour undergoing engine repairs. There was an explosion and a blaze
started in the engine compartment. Three people suffered burns to the face and body.

6. You can replace undergoing with:

a. Needing c. Having
b. Waiting d. Taking
7. A blaze is:
a. Strong heat c. Damage
b. Fire d. Broke
8. A compartment is:
a. A room c. A cupboard
b. A box d. Deck

Read the text below to answer no. 9 – 10.

There were two boats. In one boat there was a man with a rocket grenade launcher. We
tried to run over one of the boats. Then we headed out to sea very fast to outrun them.

9. To run over is to:

a. Chase c. Hit
b. Run away d. Running
10. To outrun is to:
a. Hit c. Go slower than the other boats.
b. Go faster than the other boats. d. Shoot
11. Which of the following is not dry cargo?
a. Iron ore c. Sand
b. Bottle gas d. Cars
12. Waht is warehouse?
a. Area for storing cargo on a ship
b. Shop
c. Building for storage
d. Place for unloading ships
13. What is crane?
a. Equipment for lifting and lowering heavy things
b. Machine for moving cargo to a storage area
c. A type of package
d. Long distance transporter
14. What types of vessel is a Lash mother?
a. Small vessel for carrying people
b. Vessel that carries other vessel
c. A prototype vessel
d. A vessel for carrying cars
15. Bill of landing
a. A document with information about a cargo
b. A charge for transportation cargo
c. A destination
d. Building for storage
16. Seven days the fishing vessel Andrea Gail . . . . in high seas and strong winds.
a. Breaking down c. breaks down
b. Broke down d. Breaked down
17. At the moment salvage vessels . . . . by fot the weather to improve.
a. Stood c. Are standing
b. Stands d. Stand
18. The fire started when the engine . . . .
a. Explodes c. Exploded
b. Will explode d. exploding

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