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The organization of a ship’s crew
The man in charge of a ship is the Master. He is responsible for the ship, his cargo and the safety of
the crew. He must be well qualified and an experienced navigator. Although his correct title is the
Master, he is addressed as “Captain”.
The organization of the crew of a cargo ship is changing, but it is still customary to find Deck, Engine,
Catering, and Radio Department in ships of a reasonable size. Each department is made up of varied
number of officers, petty officers, and ratings.
The Chief Officer, of First Mate as he is often called, is the Master’s Chief Officer and head of the
Deck department. He is assisted by a second officer (Mate), a Third Officer (Mate), and sometimes the
Fourth Officer (Mate). Several Companies employ a First Officer as well as a Chief Officer. The Deck
Department also includes a Boatswain (Bosun) and a carpenter, both petty officers and a number of
ratings. These are made up as Able Seamen (AB), Ordinary Seamen (OS) and a middle grade known as
Efficient Deck Hands (EDH). There are other grades of seamen. On some ships Navigating Cadets are
carried for training purposes.
The Chief Engineer is head of the Engine Department. He is assisted by a Second, Third, Fourth, and
sometimes Fifth Engineer. An Electrical Officer may also be carried. The engine room petty officers are
the Storekeeper and Donkeyman. On thankers, there is also a Pumpman. He is also a petty officer. The
engine room ratings are firemen and Greasers. There may also be Engineer Cadets.
The Catering Department is under the Chief Steward. It is divided into a saloon and galley section.
The former is headed by the second steward, the latter’s by the Ship’s Cook. They are both usually petty
officers. They are assisted by several stewards and cooks, and by number of junior ratings.
The Radio Department often consist only one man: the Radio Officer. On ships where continuous
radio watches are kept there may be three radio officers: a Chief, Second, and Third.

 Now use the information in the passage to expand the diagram at the beginning. Your diagram should
show how each department is made up. If personnel exist only on some ships, put their names in
brackets ( ).
II. Grammar. Function
A person’s function, or what he does, can be expressed in term of his responsibility.
Study these examples:
 The Master is responsible for the safety of the ship.
 The safety of the ship is responsibility of the Master.
Exercise 1. Link the following (do not change their order), using whichever patter above is
1 Chief Officer – Master – The Deck Department.
2 Third Officer – the life – saving equipment.
3 The sounding of tanks and bilges – Carpenter.
4 Radio Officer – radio communications.
5 Chief Steward – Master – The Catering Department.
6 The preparation of food – Ship’s Cook.
7 Chief Engineer – the efficient running of his department.
8 The loading and unloading of oil – Pumpman.

III. Telling Time

Complete the times.
1 8.00 a.m = 0800 = Zero eight hundred hours.
2 7.25 p.m = _______________________________
3 10.20 a.m = _______________________________
4 2.00 p.m = _______________________________
5 5.00 p.m = _______________________________
6 8.30 p.m = _______________________________
7 10.15 p.m = _______________________________
8 11.40 p.m = _______________________________
9 1.55 p.m = _______________________________
10 1.00 a.m = _______________________________
IV. Preposition of Time. At/On/In
V. Present Simple.
A. Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs in parantheses.
B. Read the paragraph. Find and correct five more errors with the simple present.

C. Read the e-mail about Rosa’s new job. Guess her job.

D. Write five sentences about Rosa’s new job. Use the information from the e-mail in exercise A.
E. Apply in your notebook. Write a paragraph about a friend’s or family member’s job. Do not write
the name of his or her job. Work with a partner. Exchange paragraphs and try to guess the person’s
job. Use the model to help you.
People on board

1 Find a word in the text that means ‘leaving port’.

2 What three things do Ordinary Seamen do to maintain a vessel?
3 What word in the text means ‘inside’?
4 What term in the text means crews quarter?(3 words)
5 What word means to go up a rank?

B. Vocabulary
Match the job with the description.

C. Grammar. Function
A person’s function, or what he does, can be expressed in term of his responsibility.
Study these examples:
o The Master is responsible for the safety of the ship.
o The safety of the ship is responsibility of the Master.
Exercise 1. Link the following (do not change their order), using whichever patter above is
1 Chief Officer – Master – The Deck Department.
2 Third Officer – the life – saving equipment.
3 Radio Officer – radio communications.
4 Chief Steward – Master – The Catering Department.
5 The preparation of food – Ship’s Cook.
6 Chief Engineer – the efficient running of his department.
7 The loading and unloading of oil – Pumpman.

D. Writing
Write a description of the day-to-day duties of one of the following:

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