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12/09/19 VC71095A: Psychopower and Subjectivity | Goldsmiths, University of


VC71095A: Psychopower and Subjectivity View Online

(Academic Year 2019-20)

26 items

Week 1 (2 items)
Chapter 1-4 - Robert Musil
Chapter | Essential

Introduction: Affect in the Present - Lauren Berlant

Chapter | Essential

Week 2 (2 items)
The Soul at Work - Franco 'Bifo' Berardi
Chapter | Essential

Precarious Labor: A Feminist Viewpoint - Silvia Federici, 2008

Article | Essential

Week 3 (2 items)
Chapter of Capital and affects - Christian Marazzi
Chapter | Essential

The Leakiness of Friends, or Think Different Like Me - Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
Chapter | Essential

Week 4 (2 items)
Ordinary Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism - Tiziana Terranova
Chapter | Essential

Conclusion - Georges Canguilhem

Chapter | Essential

Week 5 (1 items)
Pharmacology of the Proletariat - Bernard Stiegler
Chapter | Essential

12/09/19 VC71095A: Psychopower and Subjectivity | Goldsmiths, University of

Week 6 (2 items)
Excerpts from 'What Makes Life Worth Living: On Pharmacology' - Bernard Stiegler
Chapter | Essential

Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena - D.W. Winnicott

Chapter | Essential

Week 7 (2 items)
The End of Emo-Politics - Mark Fisher, 2016
Article | Essential

Excerpts from 'The Weariness of the Self: Diagnosing the History of Depression in the
Contemporary Age' - Alain Ehrenberg
Chapter | Essential

Week 8 (2 items)
Introduction: Freud and Preexisting Fault Lines - Catherine Malabou
Chapter | Essential

What is a Psychic Event? - Catherine Malabou

Chapter | Essential

Week 9 (2 items)
On the Theory of Anxiety and Guilt - Melanie Klein
Chapter | Essential

The Development of the Capacity for Concern - D.W. Winnicott

Chapter | Essential

Week 10 (2 items)
Introduction: Why Happiness, Why Now? - Sara Ahmed
Chapter | Essential

"Resisting Resilience" by Mark Neocleous | Radical Philosophy - Mark Neocleous, 2013

Article | Essential

Week 11 (2 items)
The Subject and Power - Michel Foucault
Chapter | Essential

12/09/19 VC71095A: Psychopower and Subjectivity | Goldsmiths, University of

Homeplace: A Site of Resistance - Bell Hooks

Chapter | Essential

Week 12 (1 items)
Introduction - Judith Butler
Chapter | Essential

Week 13 (2 items)
Preliminary - Felix Guattari
Chapter | Essential

Postscript on the Societies of Control - Gilles Deleuze, 1992

Article | Essential

Week 14 (1 items)
We Are All Very Anxious - WEAREPLANC, 2014
Article | Essential

Week 15 (1 items)
A Very Careful Strike - Precarias a la Deriva, Franco Ingrassia, Nate Holdren, 2006
Article | Essential


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