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PALEMBANG T.A. 2019/2020
Academic writing and paragraph format
Writing Cover Letter

Preparation task
Put the words in the correct groups.

sales assistant communication skills high school diploma IT consultant

degree in information technology ability to work under pressure Master’s in
Engineering certificate in hotel management engineer marketing manager good
team player good at problem solving

Jobs Education Skills

An email cover letter

From: Laura Mazzanti

To: David Kelly, HR Manager
Subject: Application for sales manager position

Dear Mr. Kelly,

I am writing in response to the job advertisement on the ABC Jobs website for the position of
sales manager.

I have five years of experience in sales. For the last three years, I have worked as a team leader,
managing a team of 20 sales assistants in a large store. I have experience in hiring, training and
managing staff. I have good communication skills and I can speak Italian, Spanish and English.

I have attached my CV with more information about my background and qualifications.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Laura Mazzanti

1. Be specific in the subject line and say what job you are applying for.

2. Start your email with Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + person’s surname.

3. Say where you saw the advertisement.

4. Say which job you’re applying for. You can use the sentence I’m writing in response to the job
advertisement for the position of … .

5. Write a short paragraph to say why you’re suitable for the job. Mention your education,
qualifications, work experience or skills.

6. Attach a CV (also known as a résumé in the USA) with more information about your
qualifications and background.

7. End by saying I look forward to hearing from you soon or I hope to hear from you soon.

8. Sign off with Best regards or Best wishes.

Task 1

Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these is the best subject line?

a. Jobs

b. Application for IT consultant position

c. IT consultant

d. Job advertisement

2. Which of these should you NOT use to start a cover letter or email?

a. Dear Mr Kelly,

b. Dear HR Talents,

c. Hi Stephen,

d. Dear Sir/Madam,

3. Which of these phrases can you use to complete this sentence? I’m writing … the job

advertisement for the position of IT consultant.

a. in response to

b. regarding

c. with regards to

d. in response to / regarding / with regards to (all answers are correct)

4. In your email, what can you also include?

a. details of your hobbies

b. all of your work experience

c. one or two examples of your relevant skills

d. the names of all your family members

5. What is a CV called in American English?

a. a résumé

b. a job application

c. an advertisement

d. a position

6. Before writing your name, how can you sign off your email?

a. Ciao!

b. Laters,

c. Bye,

d. Best regards,
Task 2

Put the parts of the email in the correct order.

____________Best regards,
____________I look forward to hearing from you soon about a possible job interview.
____________Please see my attached CV for more information about my qualifications and
____________Taukif Ali
____________Dear Ms Tan,
____________I’m writing with regards to the position of lead engineer you advertised on your
website. I have many of the qualifications you are looking for and am interested
in applying for the above job.
____________I have a Master’s in Engineering and ten years’ experience leading an
engineering project based in Dubai. I have the ability to work under pressure
and excellent problem-solving skills
Task 3
Write a word to fill the gaps.
(1) ……………………………… Ms Campbell,
I’m writing (2) ……………………………… response (3) ……………………………… your
job advertisement for an
outreach worker. I have six years’ experience working (4) ……………………………… the
sector. I have worked (5) ……………………………… three years (6)
……………………………… a social worker. I
also worked as (7) ……………………………… volunteer for three years
(8)……………………………… a centre
for the homeless.
I have good experience of working (9) ……………………………… a team and organising my
Please find attached my CV (10) ……………………………… more information.
I am looking forward (11) ……………………………… hearing (12)
……………………………… you.

Best regards,
Sam Hill

What kind of information would you include in your CV or résumé?


 Students will be able to identify the problem, solution, setting and the characters of the
 Students will use the basic story elements to help them retell the story.
Making a presentation
Practicing a small discussion in group (being presenter, moderator, and participants)

Moderator - Responsibilities
 Make sure everyone participates
 keep discussion on topic
 ask speakers to explain their opinions
 ask participants if they agree or disagree
 take notes on the discussion
 summarize the important points at the end

Moderator - Set the Topic

 Today we are going to discuss...
 Our topic for today's discussion is...
 As you know, today we are talking about...

Moderator - Give a Speaker the Floor

 Who would like to begin / go first / open the discussion?
 Let's turn the floor over to [Name].
 Let's hear from [Name].
 [Name], what do you think?

Moderator - Ask for Comments

 Does anyone have anything to say / add / contribute?
 Who would like to make a comment?
 Any further comments?
 Comments, anyone?

Moderator - Ask for Questions

 Who would like to ask a question?
 Does anyone have a question?
 Are there any questions?
 Questions, anyone?

Moderator - Ask for Replies

 Who would like to answer / respond to that question?
 Does anyone have an answer / response?
 Could I have someone respond to that question?
 Any comments?
Moderator – Get Attention and call to order
 Could I have your attention, please?
 Would everyone stop talking for a moment?
 Attention, please!
 Listen up!
 Let's not all talk at once.
 Let's calm down.
 Quiet down!

Moderator –summary & conclusion

 To summarize / recap...
 In short /summary...
 In conclusion...
 Altogether / overall, we thought...


Welcoming and greeting the audience

 Hello, everyone. I'd like, first of all, to thank the organizers of this meeting for inviting
me here today.
 Good morning everyone and welcome to my presentation. First of all, let me thank you
all for coming here today.
 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s an honour to have the opportunity to address
such a distinguished audience.
 Hallo/Hi everyone. Thanks for coming.

Introducing yourself (name, position, responsibilities)

 Let me introduce myself. I’m Jan Novak from Masaryk University in Brno, Czech
Republic... Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. I’m a
PhD student of Geography at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.
 For those of you who don’t know me already, my name’s ... and I’m responsible for...

Saying what your topic/title/subject is

 What I’d like to present to you today is...
 As you can see on the screen, our topic today is...
 The subject/focus/topic/title of my presentation/talk/speech is...
 In this talk, I/we would like to concentrate on...
 In my presentation I would like to report on...
 I’m here today to present...
Explaining why your topic is relevant for your audience
 Today’s topic is of particular interest to those of you who...
 My talk is particularly relevant to those of you who...
 By the end of this talk you will be familiar with...

Stating your purpose/objective

 The purpose/objective/aim of this presentation is to...
 Today I’d like to give you an overview of...
 I’d like to update you on/inform you about/put you in the picture about/give you the
background to/present the results of my research...
 During the next 20 minutes we’ll be...
 This talk is designed to act as a springboard for discussion.
 This morning I’m going to be talking to you about/ telling you about/ showing you how
to deal with/ taking a look at the recent development in/ reporting on the results of the
study we carried out...
 What I’m going to do/What I intend to do is describe to you/show you/tell you about...

Presenting the outline/organization/structure of your presentation

 I’ve divided my presentation into three main parts.
 In my presentation I’ll focus on three major issues.
 We thought it would be useful to divide our talk into three main sections.
 We can break this area down into the following fields:...
 The subject can be looked at under the following headings:...
 We have organized this talk in the following way:...
 This presentation is structured as follows:...
 This talk will cover two current theories on the topic of...

 My first point concerns...
 I’ll begin/start off by...
 Then I’ll move on to...
 Then/Next/After that, I’ll be looking at...
 First/First of all, I’d like to give you an overview of...
 Secondly/Then/Next, I’ll focus on...
 Thirdly/And then, we’ll consider...
 Finally/Lastly/Last of all, I’ll deal with...
 So, I’ll begin by filling you in on the background to/ bringing you up-to-date on/ giving
you an overview of the history of/ making a few observations about/ outlining...
 And then, I’ll go on to highlight what I see as the main points of/ put the situation into
some kind of perspective/discuss in more depth the implications of/ take you
through/make detailed recommendations regarding...
 One thing I’ll be dealing with is the issue of...
 I’ll end with...
 And finally, I’d like to address the problem of/to raise briefly the issue of...

 This should only last 20 minutes.
 My presentation will take about 20 minutes
 It will take about 20 minutes to cover these issues.

 Does everybody have a handout/brochure/copy of the report? Please take one and pass
them on. I’ll be handing out copies of the slides at the end of my talk.
 I can email the PowerPoint presentation to anybody who wants it.
 Don’t worry about taking notes. I’ve put all the important statistics on a handout for you.

 If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at any time.
 Please interrupt me, if there is something which needs clarifying. Otherwise, there’ll be
time for discussion at the end.
 If you have any questions you’d like to ask, I’ll be happy to answer them.
 If you don’t mind, we’ll leave questions till the end.
 There will be time for questions after my presentation.

Participant – Responsibilities
 speak loudly and clearly
 take your time speaking; do not rush
 take turns speaking; do not interrupt
 listen carefully to other speakers; make eye-contact and nod
 ask other speakers questions (for clarification or more information)
 let the moderator lead the discussion

Participant - Give Your Opinion

 I think / feel / believe...
 My opinion on [this topic] is that...
 I am in favor of / support...
 If you ask me, ...
 In my opinion...
 In my experience, ...
 The way I see it...
 It seems to me that...
Participant - Respond: Other Opinions
 I understand your position, (but ...)
 That is a valid point, (but...)
 I see your point, (but...)
 As [you/Name] said / mentioned (earlier), [reword their opinion]. I agree / disagree
 In regard to / Regarding [Name]'s comment about [reword their opinion], I think...

Participant – Agree
 I agree with you completely.
 I couldn't agree more.
 That's a good point.
 My thoughts exactly.
 You're absolutely right.
 Definitely / Absolutely / Exactly.

Participant – Disagree
 I disagree with you completely.
 I have to disagree.
 I can't say that I agree.
 I beg to differ.
 I'm not so sure about that.
 I don't see it that way at all.
 Not at all / No way / I don't think so.

Participant Ask a question

 If I may ask...
 I'd like to ask...
 I was wondering...
 I have a question for [Name].
 Could you tell us more about...

Asking for Clarification

 I'm sorry, I don't understand.
 Could you please repeat that / speak up / slow down.
 What do you mean?
 What did you mean when you said [reword their statement]?

Participant - Respond: Topic/Question

If I may, I'd like to answer / respond / reply to the question / make a comment.
There's something I'd like to say in response.
Moderator: When a participant asks to speak, respond with:
 Go ahead.
 Please.
 Please wait. [Someone else] wanted to speak next.

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