English Assignment 3.atri Rahma Citra. 05.x3

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English Assignment #3

Atri Rahma Citra/05/X3

Page 29-30

Task 1 Rearrange the sentences

Anggis : “Lisa, here is your English paper.”

Lisa : “Thanks. Wow, it’s great.”

Anggis : “How did you get?”

Lisa : “I got ten for the first time ever.”

Anggis : “Congratulation then!”

Lisa : “Thanks.”

Task 2 Answer the question based on the dialogue

1. Kuhuyung and Rindu are talking in the dialogue

2. Rindu looked happy because her short story has been published in the magazine.
3. It means that Rindu was verry delighted because her short story has been published in the
4. Rindu wished to be a famous writer.
5. “Famous” The underlined word means “terkenal”

Task 3 Compelete the conversation

Mirna : Lisa, i (1)heard you wil go to Singapore next holiday.

Lisa : Yeach, i will.

Mirna : Are you?

Lisa : I am. (2)You know, i have an uncle who lives there. Last week he called and invited me to
(3) spend my holiday there.

Mirna : How do you feel?

Lisa : Of course, i’m (4) very happy to hear that. Till now, i still can’t believve that i’m going to

Mirna : Well, (5) Congratulation !

Lisa : Thanks.
Page 31

Task 1

Jhonson Hotel

This hotel proides 60 (1) comfortable rooms with modern and ethnic.

Style architecture and international standard (2) facilities.

Each room has a provide balcony. Fully air (3) conditioned, radio, TV, small kitchen, refigerator, hair

dryer, slippers, bath/shower with cold and hot water, and spa bath.

To book, please (4)contac us on :

Phone: 764-881-996 Fax: 764-881-990

Email : booking@jhonsonhotelone.com

(5) website : www.jhonsonhotelone.com

Indonesian :

Hotel Jhonson

Hotel ini menyediakan 60 kamar yang nyaman dengan model arsitektur moderen dan kuno, dan
fasilitas dengan standar nternasional. Setiap kamar mempunyai balkon pribadi. AC penuh, radio, TV,
dapur kecil, kulkas, pengering rambut, sandal, kamar mandi/pancuran dengan air dingin dan panas,
dan kamar mandi spa.

Untuk pemesanan, mohon hubungi kami di :

Telepon : 764-881-996 Faks. :764-881-990

Email : booking@jhonsonhotelone.com

Situs : www.jhonsonhotelone.com

Task 2 Rearrange the sentences!

1. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful and hardworking girl named Cinderela. She lived
with her stepmother and two step sisters. Meanwhile, the king wanted to find his son a good
wife. So, he decided to have a ball. All the girls in the land were invited.
2. Cinderella wanted the ball. But her stepmother and stepsisters would not let her go. She was
very sad. Tears fell down from her cheeks.

3. Suddenly, her fairy Godmother appeared. She changed Cinderella into a beautiful princess.
On her feetwere two lovely glass slippers. “Remember to come back before midnight,” said
the fairy, “Yes, i will and thank you,”said Cinderella.

4. There were many people at the hall. When Cinderella arrived, everybody went quiet. They
were attracted to her beauty. The prince walked up to greet her. Then they danced the whole
night through.

5. The clock struck twelve. Cinderella ran out of the ballroom. In her hurry, she lost one of her
glass shoes.

6. The next day, the prince sent for his guard. “Find me the girl whose foot fits the slepper,”
ordered th prince. The guard went all over the land. Finally he found Cinderella. Her foot
fitted the slipper. Cinderella and the Prince were married and they lived happily ever after.

Indonesian :

1. Pada suatu hari, hiduplah seorang gadis cantik dan pekerja keras bernama Cinderella. Dia
tinggal bersama dengan ibu tiri, dan dua kakak perempuan tirinya. Sementara itu, raja ingin
mencarikan putranya seorang istri yang baik. Maka, dia memutuskan untuk mengadakan
pesta dansa. Semua gadis di negeri itu pun diundang.

2. Cinderella menginginkan pesta dansa itu. Tetapi, ibu tiri dan kakak perempuan tirinya tidak
membiarkannya ikut. Dia sangat sedih. Air mata pun berjatuhan dari pipi.

3. Tiba-tiba, ibu perinya pun muncul. Dia mengubah Cinderella menjadi putri yang cantik. Di
kakinya pun terpasang dua sepatu kaca yang indah.”Jangan lupa untuk kembali sebelum
tengah malam,” kata sang ibu peri, “Ya, aku akan melakukannya. Terima kasih,” kata

4. Ada banyak orang di halaman pesta dansa. Saat Cinderella datang, semua orang diam.
Mereka tertarik dengan kecantikannya. Sang pangeran pun berjalan menemuinya. Kemudian
mereka berdansa sepanjang malam.

5. Jam pun menunjukan pukuk dua belas malam. Cinderella berlari keluar dari ruangan dansa.
Karena tergesa-gesa, Cinderella kehilangan satu sepatu kacanya.

6. Pada hari berikutnya, pangeran mengirim pengawalnya, “Carikan aku seorang wanita yang
kakinya pas dengan sepatu kaca itu.” Pesan sang pangeran. Pengawal pun pergi ke seluruh
negeri. Akhirnya, ia menemukan Cinderella. Kakinya, pas dengan sepatu itu. Cinderella dan
pangeran pun menikah, dan mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.

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