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English Assignment Atri Rahma Citra/05/X3

Page 27

A. Task 2 Fill in the missing words with the suitable words in the box!

The Camel and The Mouse Deer

Long time ago, there were the camel and the mouse deer. The camel said, “Nothing like
being tall! Look how tall I am!” The mouse deer who (1) heard these word, said, “Nothing like being
short! Look how short I am!”.

The camel said, “ Well if i fail to prove (2) the truth of what i said. I shall (3)give up my
hump.” The mouse deer said, “If i fail to prove the truth of what i have said, i shall give up my
(4)snout.” “Agreed!” said the camel. “Just so!” said the mouse deer.

They came to a garden, (5) enclosed by a low wall without any opening. The camel stood on
this side of the wall, and (6) reaching the plants within by means of his long neck, made a breakfast
on them. Then, he turned jeeringly to the mouse deer, who had been standing at the (7) bottom of
the wall, without even having a look at the good things in the garden, and said,” Now, would you be
tall or short?”

Next they came to a garden, enclosed by a high wall, with a wicket gate at one end. The
mouse deer entered by the gate, and, after having eaten his fill of the vegetables within, came out,
(8) laughing at the poor camel who had to stay outside because he was too tall to enter the garden
by the gate, and (9) said,” Now, would you be tall or short?”

Then, they thought the matter over and came to the conclusion that the camel should
(10)keep his hump and the mouse deer used his snout, observing,” Tall is good, where tall would do
of short, again, this is also true!”

B. Find out in dictionary

1. Amazingly (Adverb)/ əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ.li
Amazingly is a especially in a way that makes you feel pleasure.
The synonym of amazingly is amusingly
The Indonesian of amazingly is mengagumkan

2. Harvest (noun) / ˈhɑː.vɪst

Harvest is the time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields, or the activity
of cutting and collecting them, or the crops which are cut and collected
The synonym of harvest is reap a nice profit
The Indonesian of harvest is panen

3. Abundant (Adjective) / əˈbʌn.d ə nt

Abundant is existing in large quantitis, more than enough
The synonym of abundant is plentiful
The Indonesian of abundant is berlebih-lebih
4. Quit (Verb) / kwɪt
Quit is to stop doing something or leave a job or a place
The synonym of quit is out, stop
The Indonesian of quit is keluar

5. Mingle (Verb) / ˈmɪŋ.gl ̩

Mingle is to combine or make one thing combine with another.
The synonym of mingle is mix
The Indonesian of mingle is mencampur

6. Sure (Adjective) / ʃɔː r

Sure is confident that you know something or that you are right
The synonym of sure is certain
The Indonesian of sure is yakin

7. Ungrateful (Adjective) / ʌnˈgreɪt.f ə l

Ungrateful is not expressing thanks for something that somebody has done for you
The synonym of ungrateful is greedy
The Indonesian of ungrateful is tidak bersyukur

8. Treated (Verb) / triːted

Treated is being behaved toward by someone
The synonym of treated is taken care of
The Indonesian of treated is dirawat

9. Confused (Adjective) / kənˈfjuːzd

Confused is unable to think clearly or to understand something
The synonym of confused is upset
The Indonesian of confused is bingung

10. Neighbour (Noun) / ˈneɪ.bə r

Neighbour is person who lives near
The synonym of neighbour is people who lives near your house
The Indonesian of neighbour is tetangga

11. Surprised (Adjective) / səˈpraɪzd

Surprised is feeling or showing surprise
The synonym of surprised is shocked
The Indonesian of surprise is terkejut, kaget

12. Immediately (Adverb) / ɪˈmiː.di.ə

Immediately is at once, without delay
The synonym of immediately is soon
The Indonesian of immediately is segera
13. Missing (Adjective) / ˈmɪs.ɪŋ
Missing is that cannot be found
The synonym of missing is lost
The Indonesian of missing is hilang

14. Heavily (Adverb) / ˈhev.ɪ.li

Heavily is in a way which needs a lot of effort to move or lift
The synonym of heavily is thick
The Indonesian of heavily is dengan berat

15. Slippery (Adjective) / ˈslɪp. ə r.i

Slippery is wet, smooth or oily so that it slides easily or causes something to slide
The synonym of slippery is slick
The Indonesian of slippery is licin

16. Completely (Adverb) / kəmˈpliː

Completely is in every way or as much as possible
The synonym of completely is fully
The Indonesian of completely is dengan lengkap

17. Worried (Adjective) / ˈwʌ

Worried is unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that
might happen
The synonym of worried is anxious
The Indonesian of worried is khawatir

18. Decide (Verb) / dɪˈsaɪd

Decide is think about something and choose between the possibilities available
The synonym of decide is determine
The Indonesian of decide is menentukan

19. Regretted (Verb) / rɪˈgret

Regretted is felt sorry about a situation, especially something sad or wrong or a mistake
that you have made
The synonym of regretted is remorsed
The Indonesian of regretted is menyesal

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