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NeuroImage 14, S103–S109 (2001)

doi:10.1006/nimg.2001.0832, available online at on

Neural Simulation of Action: A Unifying Mechanism for Motor Cognition

Marc Jeannerod 1
Institut des Sciences Cognitives, 67 Boulevard Pinel, 69675 Bron, France

Received November 28, 2000

state of execution of that action. The term S-states will

Paradigms drawn from cognitive psychology have be used throughout to designate those “mental” states
provided new insight into covert stages of action. which involve an action content and where brain activ-
These states include not only intending actions that ity can be shown to simulate that observed during the
will eventually be executed, but also imagining ac- same, executed action.
tions, recognizing tools, learning by observation, or
even understanding the behavior of other people.
Studies using techniques for mapping brain activity,
probing cortical excitability, or measuring the activity
of peripheral effectors in normal human subjects and
The idea that certain cognitive states correspond to
in patients all provide evidence of a subliminal activa-
tion of the motor system during these cognitive states.
simulated actions is by no means new. These states
The hypothesis that the motor system is part of a sim- now include a wealth of situations which correspond to
ulation network that is activated under a variety of covert actions (see Table 1). Some of them are accom-
conditions in relation to action, either self-intended or panied by conscious experience, some are not. In spite
observed from other individuals, will be developed. of these differences, they all bear the same relationship
The function of this process of simulation would be not to action, both at the behavioral and the neural levels.
only to shape the motor system in anticipation to exe- The main features of some of these states are outlined
cution, but also to provide the self with information on below.
the feasibility and the meaning of potential actions.
© 2001 Academic Press Imagined Actions
Behavioral findings have accumulated in the past 10
years, showing that imagined actions retain the same
temporal characteristics as the corresponding real ac-
The possibility to experimentally access to cognitive tion when it comes to execution (Decety et al., 1989).
or mental states characterized by absence of overt be- Similarly, temporal regularities which are observed in
havior represents a new avenue for neuroscience. In executed actions are retained in their covert counter-
the field of human motor cognition, it is only recently parts. As an example, mental reciprocal tapping on
that it was realized that actions involve a covert stage. targets of varying size follows the same constraints
This covert stage is a representation of the future, (e.g., Fitts law) as actual tapping on the same targets
which includes the goal of the action, the means to (Sirigu et al., 1995). This temporal similarity becomes
reach it, and its consequences on the organism and the even more obvious in non conscious operations, where
external world. Covert and overt stages thus represent the subject is simply requested to make an estimate
a continuum, such that every overtly executed action about the feasibility of an action, for example to deter-
implies the existence of a covert stage, whereas a co- mine the feasibility of grasping an object placed at
vert action does not necessarily turns out into an overt different orientations: the time to give the response is
action. The simulation theory to be developed in this a function of the object’s orientation, suggesting that
paper postulates that covert actions are in fact actions, the subject must mentally move his arm in an appro-
except for the fact that they are not executed. The priate position before the response can be given. In-
theory therefore predicts a similarity, in neural terms, deed, the time to make this estimate is closely similar
between the state where an action is simulated and the to the time taken to actually reach and grasp an object
placed at the same orientation (Frak et al., 2001). Not
surprisingly, motor imagery is one of the first situa-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to author. E-mail: tions for which it was specifically proposed that it should involve, in the subject’s motor brain, neural

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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.


A Taxonomy of Behaviorally Defined S-States THE SIMULATION THEORY

Type of S-state Degree of awareness Findings concerning neural activity during S-states,
as measured by neuroimaging techniques, are summa-
Intended action Conscious/nonconscious rized in Table 2. This table illustrates the fact that the
Imagined action Conscious
Prospective action judgements Nonconscious
activation networks, although they partially overlap,
Perceptually based decisions Nonconscious differ from one S-state to another, and also between
Observation of graspable objects Nonconscious covert and overt actions. This section will report re-
Observation of actions performed sults showing that, although there is a core network
by others Conscious/nonconscious
that pertains to all S-states, each S-state retains its
Action in dreams Conscious
own specific network.

mechanisms similar to those operating during the real Motor System

action (see Jeannerod, 1994, 1997).
Activation of the motor system during S-states is a
Action Observation prerequisite for the simulation theory: this is what
gives S-states their action content.
Another category of covert actions can be elicited by
observation of actions performed by other individuals, Primary Motor Cortex
as if the observer would use the implicit strategy of
putting himself “in the shoes of the agent.” At present, fMRI studies unambiguously demonstrate that pix-
this concept, and its consequences on behavior, is els activated during contraction of a group of muscles
taken as equivalent to “mind-reading,” the ability for are also activated during imagery of a movement in-
normal people to understand and predict the behavior volving the same muscles (Roth et al., 1996). Porro et
of their conspecifics. One of the explanations proposed al. (1996) showed that pixels activated during both
for mind-reading is that it represents an attempt to motor performance and motor imagery represent a
replicate and simulate the mental activity of the other large fraction of the whole population of pixels acti-
agent. In other words, the observed action would acti- vated during motor performance (see also Lotze et al.,
vate, in the observer’s brain, the same mechanisms 1999). Primary motor cortex activation reported during
that would be activated, were that action intended or motor imagery amounts about 30% of the level ob-
imagined by the observer (Gallese and Goldman, served during execution. It may not be found in all
1998). Besides its “social” function, action observation subjects (e.g., Gerardin et al., 2000). Similarly, during
also corresponds to simulating the “technical” content action observation, magnetoencephalography reveals a
of the action, with the consequence of learning how to significant activation at the level of precentral motor
replicate it. cortex (Hari et al., 1998).

Brain Areas Activated during S-States


Brain regions and Brodman areas Observe Observe

(Ba) Execute Intend Imagine actions objects

Precentral gyrus Ba 4 4, 8, 10, 12, 13 9, 10, 13 15

Precentral gyrus (dorsal) Ba 6 1, 8, 10, 14 4, 8, 9, 10, 14 5, 9
Precentral gyrus (ventral) Ba 6 1, 14 4, 14 2, 5 3
SMA (rostral) Ba 6 6, 10, 13 8, 9, 10 5, 9
Cingular gyrus Ba 24 1, 8, 10, 12, 4 7 4, 8, 10, 14
Superior frontal gyrus Ba 10 4, 8
Middle frontal gyrus Ba 9, 46 7 4, 8, 9 5
Inferior frontal gyrus Ba 44, 45 4, 8, 9 2, 5, 9, 12 11
Inferior parietal lobule Ba 40 1, 6, 10, 12, 14 4, 8, 9, 14 2, 5, 9 3

Note. Brodman areas (Ba) activated during action execution and several different S-states have been listed. Numbers in the table are those
of the references listed below. Each time a number appears, it indicates that the authors of the corresponding study have described activation
in this particular area during a particular state. 1, Binkofski et al. (1999); 2, Buccino et al. (2001); 3, Chao and Martin (2000); 4, Decety et
al. (1994); 5, Decety et al. (1997); 6, Faillenot et al. (1997); 7, Frith et al. (1991); 8, Gerardin et al. (2000); 9, Grafton et al. (1996); 10, Lotze
et al. (1999); 11, Perani et al. (1995); 12, Rizzolatti et al. (1996); 13, Roth et al. (1996); 14, Stephan et al. (1995); 15, Hari et al. (1998).

Corticospinal Pathway (Lotze et al., 1999). By contrast, imagined action and

action observation activate more posterior areas.
If motor cortex is active during S-states, its activity
should influence the motoneuron level. This point was
tested by directly measuring corticospinal excitability Premotor Cortex
using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of mo- Activation of premotor cortex is one of the most con-
tor cortex during both observed and imagined arm spicuous findings across all S-states (see Table 2). De-
movements (Fadiga et al., 1995 and 1999, respec- cety et al. (1994) found a large activation of the dorsal
tively). Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were found to and ventral parts of lateral area 6 during imagined
be increased, only in those muscles involved in the hand movements (see also Stephan et al., 1995;
covert hand action. Accordingly, MEPs were selectively
Grafton et al., 1996; Gerardin et al., 2000). This is also
increased in a finger flexor when the subject mentally
true for perceptually based motor decisions (Parsons et
activated finger flexion, whereas MEPs in the antago-
al., 1995) and visual presentation of graspable objects
nist extensor muscle remained unchanged. In addition,
(Chao and Martin, 2000). During observation of hand
other types of imagery (e.g., visual) did not affect MEPs
movements, the same areas, principally in the ventral
in any of the recorded muscles.
area 6, are activated (Rizzolatti et al. 1996; Grafton et
The generation of motor outflow by the motor system
al., 1996; Decety et al., 1997; Iacoboni et al., 1999), with
also involves a concomitant activation of the vegetative
a somatotopic organization when actions involving dif-
system. Sympathetic outflow increases during motor
ferent body parts are observed (Buccino et al., 2001).
preparation, in anticipation to metabolic changes due
Lateral premotor cortex activation during covert ac-
to subsequent muscular activity. Accordingly, an in-
tions overlaps with movement execution for what con-
crease in heart rate has been observed during imag-
ined movements (Decety et al., 1993; Oishi et al., 1994). cerns dorsal area 6 (Gerardin et al., 2000; Rizzolatti et
The control of respiration also seems to be part of the al., 1996) and involves an equivalent number of acti-
package of central commands generated by the motor vated pixels whether the action is a covert or an overt
system at the time of preparation to action. Accord- one (Roth et al., 1996; Lotze et al., 1999). Activation of
ingly, respiration rate is increased during imagination ventral area 6 in the inferior frontal gyrus, however,
of exercise, in proportion to the imagined effort which is so clearly found in covert actions, is less fre-
(Wuyam et al., 1995). This is also the case during mere quently mentioned during execution (see Binkofski et
observation of a runner on a treadmill: the respiration al., 1999).
rate of the observer increases with the speed of the The same degree of overlap between conditions of
runner (Paccalin and Jeannerod, 2000). covert and overt actions exists for SMA. The general
trend is that SMA activation during imagined move-
ments and action observation is more rostral than dur-
Basal Ganglia
ing executed movements (e.g., Stephan et al., 1995;
Basal ganglia are found to be activated during imag- Grafton, 1996; Gerardin et al., 2000; Lotze et al., 1999),
ined actions. There are indications that execution and but that the active zones partially overlap during S-
imagination engage different parts of the striatum states and during execution. The function of SMA,
(Gerardin et al., 2000). During execution, the putamen, which acts as a parser for temporally segmenting the
which is part of a purely sensorimotor corticocortical action and anticipating its successive steps, is thus
loop, is activated. During imagination, activation in- retained during S-states.
volves the head of the caudate, which is part of a more
cognitive loop. Associative Cortical Areas
Cerebellum Parietal Cortex
Activation of the cerebellum during covert actions is Parietal areas caudal and ventral to the primary
congruent with that of the corticospinal system, if one parietal cortex are consistently activated during S-
considers the close functional linkage of the two sys- states. Areas in the inferior parietal lobule and in the
tems during motor execution. Indeed, cerebellar acti- intraparietal sulcus are activated during imagined
vation was clearly found in imagined action (Ryding et grasping movements (Decety et al., 1994; Grafton et al.,
al., 1993), in perceptually based motor decisions (Par- 1996), perceptually based decisions and prospective
sons et al., 1995) and during action observation action judgements (Parsons et al., 1995; Johnson,
(Grafton et al., 1996). The involved area includes both 2000), action observation (Buccino et al., 2001; Grafton
the medial and the lateral parts of the cerebellum. et al., 1996), and visual presentation of graspable ob-
However, areas in the ipsilateral cerebellar hemi- jects (Chao and Martin, 2000). During execution, the
sphere that are activated during execution (in the an- same parietal areas are also largely involved (Faillenot
terior lobe) are much less activated during imagination et al., 1997; Binkofski et al., 1999). The area involved

during covert hand actions tends to extend more cau- spect to that observed during imagined action, flexor
dally than during overt actions (Gerardin et al., 2000). motoneurons being facilitated during extension and
Posterior parietal cortex may be the site where ac- vice versa. What remains from these conflicting results
tion representations are stored and/or generated. Be- is that motoneuron excitability is affected during ac-
cause it integrates abundant visual and somatosensory tion simulation. Different testing conditions (e.g.,
information, it appears well suited for encoding the lower limbs vs upper limbs, trained athletes vs normal
technicalities of the action, like transforming object people) may account for different amplitudes and di-
spatial coordinates from a retinocentric framework rections of these changes. A tentative hypothesis could
into an egocentric framework, or processing the con- be that a dual mechanism operates at the spinal level:
straints related to the objects. These aspects are rep- a subthreshold preparation to move by the increased
resented in many different S-states. corticospinal tract activity, and a parallel suppression
of overt movement by inhibitory influences. A similar
Prefrontal Cortex
explanation was put forward in the monkey by Prut
Prefrontal granular cortex is activated in most S- and Fetz (1999).
states. Activation usually involves the dorsolateral
part (areas 9 and 46), the orbitofrontal zone (areas 10
and 11), the cingular gyrus, and a ventral and caudal
zone (areas 44 – 45, see Iacoboni et al., 1999) in conti-
The theory predicts that lesions affecting the motor
nuity with the agranular zone of ventral area 6. Dor-
system should impair the expression of all S-states, but
solateral prefrontal cortex is also notoriously activated
should leave intact their content. By contrast, lesions
during preparation states, when a decision must be
taken about which finger to move or about when to affecting structures located ahead of motor system
start a movement (Frith et al., 1991). Prefrontal acti- should specifically affect the ability to produce a given
vation, which intervenes during S-states before an S-state. Available data in the literature, although still
overt action starts, is far less marked during action incomplete, tend to converge in the expected direction.
Lesions of the Motor System
The Problem of Inhibition of Execution
Both Decety and Boisson (1990) and Sirigu et al.
The simulation theory is faced with a difficult prob- (1995) reported that patients with hemiplegia follow-
lem: how come that covert actions, in spite of activation ing a corticospinal lesion were still able to generate
of the motor system, do not result in muscular activity imagined movements with their affected limb. When
and overt movements. There are two possible explana- tested with the mental reciprocal task described above,
tions for this absence of motor output. The first one is Sirigu et al.’s patient showed the same regularities
that motor activation during S-states is subliminal, with both her normal and her affected hand. In these
and therefore, insufficient to fire spinal motoneurons. studies, the only difference between the mental perfor-
The other, complementary one, postulates that motor mance of the two hands was that the affected hand was
output would be blocked before it reaches the motoneu-
slower than the normal one. This difference was even
ron level, by an inhibitory mechanism generated in
not noticed in Johnson’s (2000) hemiplegic patients
parallel to the motor activation. The simple fact that
tested in a perceptually induced motor decision. There
motor cortex remains activated during S-states ex-
are no comparable data available for lesions limited to
cludes an inhibitory role of corticocortical connections.
To account for the data, the inhibitory mechanism premotor cortex or SMA. It is likely that this type of
must therefore operate downstream to motor cortex, lesion should be more deleterious to imagined sequen-
for example by blocking the descending corticospinal tial movements than pure primary motor cortex le-
volleys at the spinal cord or brainstem level. sions.
Data on spinal reflexes during S-states suggest such Patients with dysfunction of the basal ganglia (Par-
a possibility. Bonnet et al. (1997) found increased spi- kinson’s disease) also show deficits in covert actions.
nal reflexes (predominantly T-reflexes) during a men- Patients with akinesia more severe on one side were
tally simulated isometric foot pressure, whereas Oishi still able to generate the motor image of a sequential
et al. (1994) found decreased lower limb H-reflexes in finger task, although their performance was asymmet-
elite athletes. Hashimoto and Rothwell (1999) found no rical, with the worse affected hand slower than the
significant change in upper limb H-reflexes during sim- other one (Dominey et al., 1995). A PET study of motor
ulated wrist movements. Finally, Baldissera et al. imagery involving the akinetic hand in such patients
(2001) found changes in upper limb H-reflexes during showed a lack of activation of primary motor cortex and
observation of finger flexion or extension. However, the cerebellum, with normal activation of SMA and pari-
pattern of activation appeared to be reverted with re- etal cortex (Thobois et al., 2000).

Lesions Upstream to the Motor System The role of prefrontal cortex during S-states would
be twofold. First, the orbitofrontal and cingular areas
The effects of lesions located upstream with respect would exert an inhibitory influence on areas involved
to the motor system are perhaps more interesting to in S-states, its role being to select the appropriate
consider, as they should produce different forms of network by either slowing down or releasing the activ-
disruptions of S-states according to the type or the ity of these areas according to the S-state in which the
location of the lesion. subject is engaged. The above pathological cases tend
to support this view. This selective inhibition exerted
Posterior Parietal Cortex by prefrontal cortex should not be confounded with the
more global descending inhibition of motor commands
Disruption of motor representations has been re- already described at the spinal level. Second, dorsolat-
ported following lesions of posterior parietal cortex. A eral prefrontal cortex, in conjunction with the basal
patient with a unilateral parietal lesion was unable to ganglia, could be involved in short term information
mentally perform the reciprocal tapping task, using storage for anticipating the action goal and simulating
her contralateral hand. This impossibility contrasted the action to its completion.
with the fact that she performed normally with that
hand when the task was overtly executed (Sirigu et al., Psychotic States
1996). Patients with posterior parietal lesions often
present difficulties in tasks which require representing The simulation theory has been recently used as a
an action. Such patients cannot recognize pantomimed possible framework for integrating social cognition to
actions; they may be unable themselves to pantomime the neural substrate and for understanding the pro-
found alterations of social behavior expressed by psy-
actions involving an object or a tool; they fail to recog-
chotic patients. When two agents socially interact with
nize their own actions from those performed by other
one another, representations are activated in their re-
people (Sirigu et al., 1999). These impairments, which
spective brains: each agent generates representations
are part of the apraxia syndrome, clearly correspond to
for his own (overt or covert) actions, and simulta-
a lack of representation and recognition of action.
neously simulates actions he observes from the other
agent. In normal conditions, the existence of non-over-
Prefrontal Cortex lapping parts in the respectively activated networks
Lesions affecting the prefrontal cortex also (and not allows each agent to discriminate what belongs to him
surprisingly) alter the functioning of the simulation from what belongs to the other. This process would
thus be the basis for correctly attributing a represen-
network. A critical example of this alteration is ob-
tation (or the corresponding action) to the proper agent
served in patients with orbitofrontal lesions (Shallice et
or, in other words, for answering the question of “Who”
al., 1989). These patients tend to compulsively imitate
is the author of an action (Georgieff and Jeannerod,
gestures or even complex actions performed in front of
them by another agent and cannot refrain from using
This conception allows making hypotheses about the
graspable objects when presented to them. It would be
nature of the dysfunction responsible for misattribu-
interesting to know how such patients would behave
tion of actions by schizophrenic patients. Changes in
during imagined actions. It is likely that they would be
the pattern of cortical connectivity could alter the
unable to generate motor imagery without immedi-
shape of the networks corresponding to different rep-
ately transferring it into motor output. A case with an
resentations, or the relative intensity of activation in
opposite behavior was described in a patient with a
the areas composing these networks. In verbal hallu-
hysterical paralysis of the left side of the body (Mar- cinations, for example, activity in primary temporal
shall et al., 1997). Although a normal activation cortex is abnormally increased, which makes the pa-
(mapped with PET) of the left sensorimotor cortex was tient feel that his voices originate from outside (Dierks
observed during movements of the right “good” leg, no et al., 2000). Similarly, in delusion of influence, poste-
such activation was observed on the right side during rior parietal activation is abnormally high, hence the
unsuccessful attempts to move the left “bad” leg. In- experience of alien control (Spence et al., 1997). Pre-
stead, the right anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal frontal cortex is one of the possible origins of this
cortices were significantly activated. This result sug- perturbed activation during S-states in psychotic pa-
gests that these prefrontal areas exerted a state-depen- tients (Frith et al., 1995).
dent inhibition on the motor system when the intention
to move the left leg was formed. It can be predicted that CONCLUSION: THE ROLE OF SIMULATION
this patient should not be able to experience motor IN MOTOR COGNITION
imagery with her affected leg, but that she should not
have difficulty generating other types of motor images The above pattern of results on the mechanisms of
involving her other limbs. This remains to be tested. covert action corresponds to the central stages of action

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