26 Topics For Speaking

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TOPIC 1: Your favorite sport

My favourite sport is football. It has been my favourite sport since I was a child. When I was small, I
used to go to the field near my house and play football all day long. Nowadays, football is called “the
king of sports” as most people around the world enjoy it due to these following reasons. Firstly, it
helps people improve their health fast. According to researchers, exercise and sport triggers chemicals
in the brain that can make you feel happier and relaxed. Football, a team sport, provides a chance to
unwind and take part in an activity that improves your fitness. If you play sports outside, you can
benefit from fresh air which is said to promote a good sleep. Secondly, it can create new connections.
Football brings together a mixture of people from different communities, backgrounds, religions and
beliefs. It can also offer a new way to meet others that you may not interact with day to day. As a
result, you can make new friends. And who knows, playing a football might even open new career and
business opportunities for you. In conclusion, I think that football is a really good sport that I will
continue it in the future.
Version 2:
Everyone has a favorite sport, and so do I. You know, I am really interested in badminton due
to the benefits it brings about. First and foremost, by playing badminton about two hours a day, I feel
energetic and am able to concentrate better. Therefore, I can finish my homework and housework
easily and effectively. The second point I’d like to mention is that playing badminton enables me to
make friends with numerous people. After competitive matches, we often chat with one another about
hobbies or plans in the future. Moreover, playing badminton is really entertaining. It makes me feel
relaxed and fresh after a hard working day at school as well as relieve my stress and pressure in order
that I can pay more attention to my work. In short, I consider playing badminton as my favourite
pastime because of the aforementioned physical and mental benefits it brings about.(150 words)

TOPIC 2: A subject you like best

Among many different subjects at school, I like English best. I have leant English since I was 7 years
old. I like it due to its advantages .Firstly, with English, I can communicate with people who are in
this globalization era. Secondly, I can find and read many documents written in English which
provides me with a great deal of information. Moreover, I can watch movies and news, read
magazines and papers without subtitles .Last but not least, having a good knowledge of English makes
it easier for people to get a good job with high salary. I always do all exercises before going to school
and am very enthusiastic in the class. In my free time, I also listen to English songs, not only to relax
but also to improve my listening skills .In conclusion, English is my favourite subject and I think I
will try to improve my English in the future. (154 words)
Of my subjects at school, I love English best for the following reasons. First of all, English has
become an international language. There are more than one hundred English speaking countries all
over the world. Also, speaking English well makes it easy for us to get a good job. Furthermore,
English is a compulsory subject at school. We study this subject three periods a week, which makes
me very excited. What makes me love English best is that English is very interesting. There are many
exciting films, newspapers, magazines which are in English. In addition, it is very interesting to
communicate with people worldwide in English. You can know their culture very well. In conclusion,
English is my favorite subject for the reasons I have mentioned above. (127 words)

TOPIC 3: The person you like best

Version 1:
My mother is the person whom I love and admire most. She is very helpful, friendly and humorous.
She never ignores any opportunity to help someone in need, with a smile on her face. If a member in
my family has sorrow, she will always be willing to give out lots of useful encouragement, which
strongly decreases others’ disappointment. What’s more, she is also a gentle and tolerant woman.
Whenever I make a mistake, she never shouts at me. She just reminds me and gives me sound advice.
Moreover, she also behaves kindly towards neighbours, friends, and acquaintances. As a result, she
often receives nice compliments. Additionally, she takes care of me carefully and always stands by
me. She respects my dreams and accompanies with me. Besides a great mother, she’s a good teacher,
instructing me not only subjects at school but also life skills to prepare for my future. I love my
mother so much. She is a very special person for me and I cannot imagine what I would be without
her. I often self-promise to study hard to make my mother proud of me.
Version 2:
Undeniably, mother is the greatest influencer in everyone’s life. For me, mother is the person I
love most. She is a beautiful woman with black hair, brown eyes and a caring touch. Also, everyone
considers her as a kind-hearted and elegant person. First and foremost, she is my bestfriend. For
example, when I get into troubles or sadness, she is always by my side, encourages me and helps me
overcome my ups and downs. As a result, she is the one I believe in and I often share all of my secrets
with her. Secondly, she is the greatest teacher I have in my life. For instance, she instructs me from the
tiniest things. I am often taught how to cook myself, do the housework, behave gently and so on.
What’s more, she usually inspires me by saying that “Forget what hurts you, but never forget what it
taught you”. Last but not least, my admiration for her job is great. Because she is a doctor, she takes
care of people every day. Although her job is busy and hard, she always sets aside time to look after
my family. I want to become a woman like her in the future. In short, my mother is the person I love
best. Thus, I will do my best to make her proud of me.

4: Advantages of wearing uniforms :

Some people think that students should wear school uniforms at school, while others think that
they just need to wear casual clothes. In my opinion, school uniform is the best choice for students
due to these following reasons.
First of all, school uniforms help students be distinct from other people. We can identify who
really are students and who are from outside if they wear uniforms. Moreover, students who wear
uniform can be helped by many people. For example, when people see a student wearing uniform,
those people will believe in them and help them very much.
Secondly, school uniforms make student feel equal. Both rich and poor students have to wear
the same uniforms so they will be treated fairly. Besides, school uniforms help poor pupils feel more
comfortable when they study at school. There are no differences between them, so they can make
friend and focus on their study.
Finally, students will be proud of their school when they wear uniforms. For instance, if there
is a contest among all of schools of the city, students will feel more confident and participate in
activities with high energy to demonstrate their school is good.
In short, wearing school uniform help student a lot in their life and make them feel right when
choosing the school to study.

TOPIC 5: Disadvantages of wearing uniforms

There has been an endless debate on whether or not wearing uniform is nescesary. I personally think
that wearing uniform brings about numerous minus points. In the first place, school uniforms price is
not always reasonable for parents to afford. Uniforms may even cost a hefty amount of money. Thus,
it would be drastic if these clothes are obligated. Despite community involvement, charitable giving,
and other forms of economic balancing, there are always families which struggle to put their children
into school uniforms. Secondly, uniforms reduce the individuality of the student population within a
school district. Students who are in a district with a strict uniform policy lose their ability to express
their personalities through fashion. Although there are many influences that can reshape students
thinking patterns. This type of policy can be a foundational element of it if the uniform policies are
not carefully introduced and monitored.
Moreover, scholars in school uniforms still experience bullying. Even though uniforms are meant to
get rid of discrimination and prevent students from expressing their bad behaviors, once finding a
way of rebelling against the rules, bullies will continue to do harm to whoever they want to. In
conclusion, it is schools’ responsibility to considerate making students wear uniforms for their own

Version 2:
Some people think that students should wear school uniforms at school, while others think that
they just need to wear casual clothes. In my opinion, students shouldn’t wear uniforms at school due
to these reasons
First of all, a great number of students and their parents complain that wearing a school
uniform doesn’t let students express themselves. Students not wearing a school uniform can
experiment with different clothing styles in order to find something that will suit them and their
Secondly, teachers usually have to work with big groups of students. This means that they need
to remember many different names. It is often so that they can recognize this or that student by look
only. School uniform makes it impossible for the teacher to visually identify a certain student.
Finally, people are different and their tastes are different as well. To some students it may be
especially troubling to wear the clothes which don’t bring them any satisfaction. Furthermore,
physical features of all are different and there’s no guarantee that the school uniform will suit all the
students equally.
From my point of view, it is extremely important to weigh the pros and cons before setting up
school uniform rule at school.

TOPIC 6: Advantages of wearing casual clothes

From my point of view, I think it is advisable that students should wear casual clothes to school
because of these following reasons. Firstly, wearing daily clothes makes students feel more
comfortable. As a matter of fact, some school uniforms are made from unfit materials. Thus, students
may feel uncomfortable when wearing them, which directly affect their performances at school.
Secondly, casual clothes give student freedom of choice. They can choose to wear what they like to
express their own styles, personalities. Therefore, students’ self-esteem will be raised Last but not
least, daily clothes make school a more colourful and lively environment. Instead of being in white
all the time,which is boring, pupils can choose different colours to wear to school. As far as I am
concerned, it is clear that students should wear casual clothes to school. (138 words)

Version 2:
From my perspective, it’s necessary for secondary students to wear casual clothes when they are
at school because of the following reasons.
First and foremost wearing casual clothes makes students feel comfortable for a new day.
Therefore, their academic performance can be enhanced remarkably especially when they are in their
favorite clothes. The pupil doesn't feel constrained to wear uniforms that they don't want.
The second point is that wearing casual clothes gives scholars a sense of freedom and creativity.
Students can have opportunities to choose their favorite clothes with different labels, colors, style,
which can assist them to be more flexible and innovative. Also, they have the right to express their
characters and personality through what they wear. Just imagining when you walk into a school where
everyone wears uniforms. Everyone is indistinguishable because they are very similar when wearing
Last but not least, it makes schools more colorful and lively. Each student has his own color,
which creates an exciting and interesting environment to be efficient in studying.
In short, it is recommended that students be allowed to wear what they want to school.

TOPIC 7: Disadvantage of wearing casual clothes

Nowadays, many schools don’t allow students to wear casual clothes due to some following
drawbacks it brings about. To begin with, usual clothes undoubtedly lead to the background
discrimination. To illustrate, while the rich students who often put on expensive and popular costumes,
others just can afford cheap and simple ones. As a result, those pupils may feel unconfident and even
be isolated from their friends. Second, wearing normal clothes is certainly impractical. Every morning,
it takes pupils such a lot of time to think and pick out what to wear that day; otherwise, they can sleep
more or spend some minutes revising the lessons. Besides, parents also have to waste a great deal of
money for their children to keep up with the current trend and avoid being out of fashion. Last but not
least, casual clothes make it hard to identify which schools students come from. In some cases, few
pupils after being caught doing bad deeds often tell the wrong schools to avoid punishments.
Consequently, the image of those schools especially which have high quality will be appreciated
incorrectly. To sum up, casual clothes should not be encouraged at school on account of the
aforementioned disadvantages.

TOPIC 8: Disadvantages of living in big city.

In recent years, there has been a considerable rise in the number of people moving to the city.
Besides many benefits it brings about, living here also has numerous disadvantages.
First of all, the urban living goes along with the lack of green spaces. For instance, it goes
without saying that the more the city is modernized, the more tall buildings are built. Therefore, it is
hard for citizens to relax and breathe the fresh air after a working day.
Secondly, when people settle in urban areas, they are likely to deal with traffic problems.
Namely, inhabitants have the habit of using private transport. As a result, they will get stuck while
travelling during rush hours. In addition, city dwellers are always at risk of encountering accidents.
Last but not least, civilians usually cope with serious crime. An obvious example is that they are
more likely to be robbed when living in a large city than in a small town. Thus, they have to watch out
social evils and terrorisms.
In short, due to these above reasons, people should take living in cities into account.

TOPIC 9: Disadvantages of living in big city

In recent years, there is a tendency of people rushing to big cities. However, living in big cities also
has numerous drawbacks because of these following reasons. First of all, air pollution is a major
problem that city people have to face. The number of factories is rapidly increasing, and it will make
the air extremely polluted by smokes from factories and vehicles. This leads to environmental
problems which seriously affects people’s health. Secondly, the lack of safety is known as a big
disadvantage in big cities. Big cities tend to have a higher crime rate; therefore, it is really hard to
control crimes and social evils in such a complex society. Moreover, the traffic problems can cause
serious accidents which, in some cases, threaten our life. Last but not least, traffic jams is an
unavoidable problem in big cities. People cannot move to another place in time at rush hour because
the road is packed with people and vehicles. In conclusion, living in big cities has some worth-
noticing disadvantages; therefore, people should take its drawbacks into consideration before deciding
to follow this ongoing trend. (185 words)
Version 2: for speaking
As everyone knows, in recent years, there are a lot of people who move to big cities to live. This
tendency can bring about a lot of advantages as follows.
First and foremost, a big city has a variety kinds of entertainment such as cinemas, museums,
parks. Therefore, those who live in urban areas are able to reduce their stress after a hard working day
by watching a film or going round at the park.
Second, living in urban areas enables the residents to have good jobs with high salaries. As a
result, they seem to have enough money to support their families as well as travel and enjoy
Finally, city lives make one more active and confident. Dwellers need to be very active in order
to keep up with the fast pace of the city.
In short, living in urban areas benefits people a lot and it is advisable that each person should
live in the city to better his life.
TOPIC 10: Advantages of living in the countryside
Nowadays, people tend to live in the countryside because of the following reasons. First of all,
the atmosphere in the countryside is more peaceful and quiet. There aren’t many big buildings like in
the city. Therefore, it is less noisy to live in the countryside. Therefore it is an ideal place to relax and
refresh your mind after a hard-working day. Secondly, living in the country can bring you a clean
environment. The air is fresher and there are lots of trees. There isn't as much traffic, smog or
pollution from industrial factories. Consequently, the countryside is not as contaminated with toxic
pollutants and poisons as the city. Finally, people in the country are friendlier and more outgoing than
city dwellers. They live near each and often communicate with one another in their free time.
Sometimes, people hold festivals and games for the whole neighbourhood to participate. In
conclusion, countryside life undoubtedly is better suited to the elderly and children. (160 words)
Version 2:
In this day and age, there has been an increase in the number of people living in the countryside.
In my opinion, this can bring about several plus points as follows.
First of all, living in the country can provide us with a clean environment. In fact, in the suburb,
the air is fresher and there are lots of trees, rice fields and rivers. Hence, we can walk across the fields
or along the rivers to enjoy the clean and fresh air here in the early morning.
Secondly, living in the countryside is cheaper than in the city. People there have lower income
and don’t have the habit of spending a lot of money, so if we live in the country, we can save a lot of
Last but not least, people in the countryside are more friendly and opener than those in the city.
Since suburban live together in a small village, they can talk to each other about their everyday life
and help their neighbors if they get into troubles.
Taking everything into account, I think we should consider moving to the countryside to settle
down in the future as a good idea.
TOPIC 11: Disadvantages of living in the countryside:
It is undeniable that living in the rural areas brings about a lot of advantages, but honestly, in my
opinion, it also has many disadvantages.
Weather can be a large drawback to people who live the countryside. In some parts of the
country, the winters bring blizzards and the spring brings torrential rains and flooding. Though some
country roads are paved, many are still dirt or gravel. During blizzards, you may find that it takes
snow plows days to reach your house, so you must plan to be snowed in for an extended period of
time every once in awhile. During a flood, you also may be confined to your house if the roads into
town are under water.
The second minus point is travel time. Living in the country takes more time when it comes to
planning activities and arriving at places on time. When you live in the countryside, it may take you
substantially longer than your friends who live in the city to get places. Often you must leave earlier to
get to events, including school or work.
Last but certainly not least, isolation can be considered to be a hard problem to deal with. It can
be easy for people who live in the country to become isolated. People often find it inconvenient to
drive into town. So that their friends may find it bothersome to drive out for visits. This type of
behavior could potentially take a toll on your relationships if you let it come to that.
In conclusion, I think besides advantages, living in the countryside also has many drawbacks.

TOPIC 12: A country picnic

Last summer, I had an unforgettable trip with my family to the countryside. We woke up early in the
morning to get ready for our trip. And at 6 am sharp, the bus arrived to pick us up and headed to our
destination. I was very excited about the trip because I hadn’t visited my grandparents for a long time.
It didn’t take too long to get to the village. When we reached my grandparents’ house, my
grandmother was preparing lots of food to welcome us when we arrived. I was so happy to see my
grandparents after such a long time. After lunch, we took a nap. In the afternoon, my grandfather took
my family to go fishing in the lake near our house. We did not come back home until late at night. I
hugged my grandparents and waved them goodbye before getting on the bus. It was such an amazing
trip that I could not for forget it and I hope I can come back to the countryside more often (174 words)
Version 2:
After a stressful semester, my parents decide take me to the country to visit grandparents, leave the
noise of city behind. Homeland is a small and peaceful land, beside the Red River. The atmosphere
here is very fresh; there is no noise, no pollution as in the city I am living. On two sides of the road
there are the rows of green trees and birds singing beside the ears. In front of my grandparents’s house
is a small garden. Every morning, after sweeping the house, I am taken to the garden to water
vegetables, feed chickens. The feeling of watching the little yellow chickens run around the legs is
really amazed. In the afternoon, my brother leads me to fly kites on the long dyke with children in the
neighborhood. These children also think some interesting games such as chasing, hide and seek ... For
me, everything here is new and amazing. After the trip, I know how to swim and learn many things. I
hope next summer parents will take me to visit the grandparents again.

TOPIC 13: The importance of learning English

It is undoubted that learning English nowadays is of great importance due to the following reasons.
Firstly, English is an international language. English is the most commonly spoken language in the
world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English so it is definitely easy to
communicate, travel,and entertain. Furthermore, being able to understand English gives you access to
all kind of resources such as music, science, art, sports and business. Also, because the primary
language of the information age we live in is English, it can give users access to the information in the
internet, such as social media, manuals and guides. Secondly, English offers employment. These days,
the job market is global; therefore many companies need employees who can communicate with
partners and clients all over the world. Very often, that means finding employees who speak English,
thus providing new opportunities locally and globally. Finally, learning English makes you smarter.
Research shows that learning another language, especially English, makes brain stronger and more
versatile, improving the ways of thinking. Besides, bilingualism also helps with memory,
concentration and creativity. Well, to sum up, I believe it is necessary to learn English these days.
Version 2:
SAMPLE : oral presentation
Topic: There are a lot of benefits of learning English. Your opinion? / What are the benefits of
learning English?
Well, first of all, I think learning English can let a person easily find more job opportunities
not only in his or her home country, but around the world as well. Actually, this is due to the fact
that English is often considered the language of global business. The international business
community often uses it for communication, even among people who do not speak the same native
Actually, from my point of view, I think learning English broadens their employment
opportunities, since, you know, it is used so commonly in business. People who speak two or more
languages are often ideal candidates for jobs in travel, international business, or translation. As you
know, many government agencies and employers that offer work with the general public, such as
positions in law enforcement or healthcare, often look for multilingual candidates.
In addition, as far as I am concerned, many people see the ability to communicate and talk
with others as one of the major benefits of learning English. In fact, even outside of a professional
environment, people often like to be able to talk to individuals from around the world. Besides, you
know, many people find great social and cultural benefits in having pen pals from other countries,
and the Internet makes such communication fast and easy.
Another benefit that I’d like to point out is that a great number of the most prominent and
well known publications throughout the world are written and printed in English. Therefore, I
believe that learning English helps scholars in their studying; doing research at an academic level, or
working on new scientific developments by reading these issues and publish their own work.
Last but not least, I'll say that a huge amount of popular entertainment comes out of
Hollywood, and nearly all of it is produced in English. In fact, American movies and TV programs
are distributed all over the world. Therefore, you know, knowing English can allow you to better
understand the subtleties of dialog that subtitles frequently miss.

TOPIC 14: Advantages of the Internet

In the modern worlds today, it is an undisputable fact that the Internet has brought numerous
benefits. First of all, it is a rich source of information. Through the internet, you can get information
of almost all fields from science, technology, current affairs to prices of the latest fashion. You can
also find a wide range of information on a certain topic, which is very useful as you have chance to
consider different ideas on the same topic, or to understand it from different aspects. The internet is
also the place where they can learn and widen their knowledge in different fields, just a click you can
get a great deal of information you need, which is much quicker than visiting libraries or making
expensive phone calls. What’s more, the internet is an incredibly useful and powerful tool of
communication, which makes it easier to keep in contact with family and friends and communicate
with people from around the world through email and social networking websites like Facebook, or
Ttwitter. Finally, you can do the online shopping, which otherwise may take you a few hours. In
conclusion, the Internet is a great tool with plenty of advantages which should be made the best use of.
( 205 words)
TOPIC 15: Disadvantages of the Internet
It is true that the Internet is a great invention. However, it also has numerous disadvantages. Firstly, it
can cause mental problems. The people using internet often will find it difficult to differentiate
between virtual and real world. Social network sites can also lead to depression as many people tend
to compare their lives with others. Furthermore, less interaction and face-to-face communication in
reality may result in the decrease in networking abilities. Secondly, internet users can suffer from
personal information leaking. Hackers can create viruses that can get into your personal computer and
ruin valuable data. Users' personal information such as name, address, credit card, bank details and
other information can be accessed by culprits when used on the Internet, resulting in big economic
loss. Last but not least, Internet crimes. Anyone who has spent time on the Internet has
encountered trolls or abusive people. Another issue that has increased over the years is cyber-bullying.
With people sharing information on the Internet, it's also easier for stalkers to find personal
information about others through various means. In conclusion, the Internet users should learn how to
use the internet sensibly to avoid its drawbacks. (193 words)
Version 2:
It is undeniable that the Internet is being widely used. However, it can also bring about some
drawbacks as follows.
First and foremost, using the Internet may be a waste of time. Many people spend too much
time surfing the Internet, which makes them less concentrate on other things but the website that they
usually surf. Second, the Internet may have bad effects on users’ studying and working results. This is
due to the fact that they use the internet too much and do not have time to work or study. Therefore,
they have poor performances at schools or offices. Finally, some websites on the internet can result in
youngsters’ behavior and attitude. Nowadays, there are numerous contents which are not suitable for
the young and are not censored carefully such as violence or pornography. As a consequence, children
seem to have bad behavior and act more violently than those tho donot get access to those contents.
In short, the internet might have some disadvantages. Hence, it is advisable that users use it in
reasonable time and for suitable purposes.
 continued

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