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1. Establishment of the national science development board (1958)

*Commonwealth (Roxas) - they came up in collaboration with the us survey team and the national
research council of the philippines they made a research tackling the gap between the science and
technology and the nation building of our country


1. 70% more of filipinos are science and math illiterate in 1950's - so far behind in terms of science and

Main factor attributed to this: because science and mathematics were not really required in HS and Elem
students only for college

2. Leaders of the country was not considering science and technology as priority for nation building

-this means there is a huge gap between science and technology and nation building, our leaders are not
using the knowledge acquired by science and technology we have for the development of the country

From those findings the 3rd president of the philippines CARLOS P. GARCIA establish now the National
Science Development Board (NSDB) that is formerly known as Institute of Science (IOS). IOS-national
practical region changed to NSDB so that it will have a nationwide scope

1st step of NSDB- the first recommendation made by NSDB in connection to the science education of the
philippines was they recommended the opening of the philippines science highschool

*1st ever science school they established under the Phy Sci in 1958 is the Quezon City Science High

2. NSDB was known as DOST it was renamed in 1987 through the time of Corazon Aquino

Basis of Cory in establishing DOST: Science and technology is not part of the representation of the
cabinet, DOST is a voice of science and technology to be a part of the decision making of the president,
they made it as a foreront, became a basis.

In time of Marcos- agriculture flourish because he invested much on research for agriculture; most
research conducted

In time of Aquino, Garcia, Erap - they focused on the industrialization of the Phil
DOST-SEI - provision of scholarship grants

-if you are accountancy student, you are not allowed to take the examamination even nursing because
the accountancy is not directly related to science and mathematics and applied science

-so the main purpose of the DOST-SEI is to provide scholarships for courses related to math science and
applied sciences

-DOST SEI influences science education in the Philippines


A. Philippine Science High School system

- 17 campuses - all (reg2 - bayombong) except ARMM

-research, tech writings, math, robotic

-is not under the umbrella of DepEd ot is developed by DOST-SEI

-automatic scholars of DOST

-The Philippine Science High School System is a research-oriented and specialized public high school
system in the Philippines that operates as an attached agency of the Philippine Department of Science
and Technology.

B. Regional Science High School System over 60 schools

-all are science section

-under the umbrella of DepEd

-needs to take exams for DOST scholarship

-Regional Science High School Union (RSHS-Union) is a specialized system of public secondary schools in
the Philippines, established during the 1994-1995 school year. It is operated and supervised by the
Department of Education, with a curriculum heavily focusing on math and science.

C. Specialized High Schools for Science and Technology

-even without "Science High School" are considered Specialized Science High School

-selected science class

D. Non-Science High School

-doesn't have science highschool

4. K-12 curriculum
-Phil is one of the two countries (Butan) that is not a K-12 curriculum that is why if your a college in the
phil and when you apply in the other countries you'll be called college undergraduate.

-ASEAN 2015 set of policies for globalization that all south east asian should be follow the same
curriculum for the globalization

4 main problems of the philippine national education

1. Laboratories

- Regions 3, 4A, 10,11,12 - 1of 10 (reg 2)

-most of the laboratories are not used for accademic purposes

2. Adequate and up-to-date references

The references used are outdated but the test items are updated, so there is a disconnect between what
is assessment and the type of references used.

2006-7 : 69. 21% - 44 %

201-12 : 73 % - 48

3. Qualified and imaginative teachers

-Deped conducted a mass hiring of teacher, all qualified teachers from privates nagsilipat sa public. The
applicants are not enough so even those who has a 75% below average are qualified. That's why the
other SHS teachers are not really in lined with the subjects they're teaching and some lessons are not
teached accurately.

4. Relevant seminars and trainings for faculty

-DepEd and Ched always implements seminars and training, the problem is as to the topics being discuss
in those trainings because the teachers invoove are not really learning anything because they are not
listening they just focus on their phones or others are sleeping because they are not interested at all
because they are not inlined with that topics.

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