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According to Peter R. Scott and J. Mike Jacka, SOCIAL MEDIA has evolved from basic tools
and websites used by professors and computer geeks into a behemoth that is fundamentally
changing how people connect and converse with corporations, governments, traditional media,
organizations and traditional broadcast media had a stranglehold on the message. Social media,
as a set of web-based broadcast technologies that enable the democratization of content, gives
people the ability to emerge from consumers of content to publishers. These technologies
empower people to connect with each other to create (co-create) value through online
conversation and collaboration.
The emergence of the internet and the consequential array of social media networks
have, without doubt, resulted in an exponential increase in new types of written language: blogs,
tweets, Facebook posts and LinkedIn profiles to mention just a few. There’s no denying that
social media has had a drastic impact on the sheer volume of people we are now able to
communicate with, it’s also had an impact on the frequency with which we are able to
communicate with them. This has led to us being exposed to a myriad of different personalities,
perspectives, and approaches when we use social media to communicate. With the exception of
social media professionals and academic journalists, the majority of what is written by the
general public on social media is not edited, supervised or checked to ensure that proper use of
the English language is taken into consideration. With the freedom to use the English language
however we choose to on social media, trends are bound to appear. (Hermione Foster)

The Philippines as a one of the largest and globally recognized English-speaking nations,
with the majority of its population having at least some degree of fluency in the language. English
has always been one of the country’s official languages, and is spoken by more than 14 million
Filipinos. It is the language of commerce and law, as well as the primary medium of instruction
in education. However, the level of English proficiency of College graduates from the Philippines
is lower than the target English proficiency of High school students in Thailand, according to a
study conducted by the Hopkins International Partners, which is the official Philippine
representative to the group called Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC). the
Hopkins International Partners' General Manager Rex Wallen said the Philippines lags behind
most of its ASEAN neighbors in English proficiency. "In ASEAN, you're at maybe ranked three,
ranked four in English out of 10. But when you look at the trajectory every one else seems to be
improving," said Wallen. Warren said the level of English proficiency affects the chances of
Filipinos getting jobs abroad. (GMA News)

Hence, from the impact of social media in the current English proficiency of Filipino
students, the purpose of this study are to (1) study relationship between usage of social media
and academic performance particularly in English proficiency, (2) describe demographics of the
respondents usage of social media platforms;(3) ratio of student population who have active
accounts on social media platforms, and (4) to assess the respondents’ academic performance in
terms of grades in English subject matter of the Second Quarter of School Year 2018-2019.
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