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27 01/15/2020

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.27. This release contains bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Data was not plotting correctly on Custom Polar Stereographic projections.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob

WINGRIDDS v5.26 01/01/2020

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.26. This release contains bug fixes to

The changes to NGRB2PCG32 are as follows:

1) It has been found that NGRB2PCG32 is not processing the “Power of ten scale factor
(optional)” (field 4) in the GRIB2PARM.DAT and GRIB2EnsProbParm.DAT files.
(WINGRIDDS Users Guide p.265). This has been fixed.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The 4PNL command (4 Panel) would work from the command line but not in a
command macro. This has been fixed.

2) Command CLR0 (Color #10) was plotting Color #1. Remember, the plot color
override commands work as follows: CLR1-9 plot Colors 1-9, CLR0 plots Color 10 &
CLRA-C plots Colors 11-13

3) XLVL command/option is not working when trying to implement a Cross or Time

Section. This has been fixed.
4) The XLVL file selection was not being saved in the Cross Section Setup dialog. This
has been fixed.

5) Streamlines were not working correctly on Cross/Time sections. This has been fixed.

6) With Color-Fill operations on Cross/Time sections, the grid background was not being
redrawn after the color-fill. If the command was re-executed, the grid background was
then drawn. This has been fixed.

7) It was found that Cross Sections would error out when being created. This has been

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob

WINGRIDDS v5.25 10/01/2019

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.25. This release contains bug fixes to
WINGRIDDS and update to the WINGRIDDS Users Guide.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The ContourFill command CTFC would not use default fill colors if the user requested
config file was not found.

The WINGRIDDS Users Guide has been updated to reflect corrections in some incorrect
information & typographical errors in a few places.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!
Thanks in advance & enjoy!
Jeff Krob

WINGRIDDS v5.24 09/01/2019

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.24. This release contains bug fixes to
WINGRIDDS and GRIB download scripts.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Corrected Cross/Time section data collection algorithms to more closely align with the
operations of older versions of WINGRIDDS/PCGRIDDS32.

2) The GRIB download scripts for the NCEP Server have been corrected for proper GRIB
downloading for the following GRIB Model products:

a) GFS

3) The GRIB download scripts for the NCEP, NOMADS and THREDDS Servers have
been added for downloading for the following GRIB Model products:


I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob

WINGRIDDS v5.23 06/15/2019

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.23. This release contains bug fixes to
WINGRIDDS and GRIB download scripts.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Situations were found where contour values (digits) less than zero (0) were not being
plotted when requested. This has been fixed.

2) Moisture parameters were not being calculated on requested Sigma or Height surfaces.
This has been fixed.

3) There was found to be a scaling problem with the VVEL parameter between old-
format data files and new-format data files with the new-format being incorrect. A sanity
check has been added to correct VVEL data seen as too large.

4) WINGRIDDS has been updated for the precipitation commands so TPCP/CPCP

commands will work with all single-hour GRIB values (TPCP1, TPCP2, TPCP3, TPCP4,
TPCP5) since most all NCEP models now have 1-hour forecast steps and precipitation
values in each.

5) The GRIB download scripts for the THREDDS Server ( have been
updated for proper GRIB downloading for the following GRIB Model products:

b) GFS
c) NAM
d) RAP

6) GFS GRIB download scripts were updated to reflect changes on the NOMADS &
FTPPRD servers for the new GFS v15 model.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob

WINGRIDDS v5.22 05/15/2019

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.22. This release contains bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) It was found the diagnostics KINX, TOTL, CTOT, VTOT and SWET were either not
being calculated or being calculated with incorrect results. This has been fixed.

***** NOTICE *****

It was found that some versions of the ALIAS.USR file has a ‘KINX’ command in there
and this was masking the error if the ‘KINX’ command within WINGRIDDS. Now that
the WINGRIDDS command ‘KINX’ has been repaired and is optional, it is highly
recommended to change the ALIAS.USR ‘KINX’ to something different like ‘KNDX’ or
remove it from the ALIAS.USR file so it will not conflict with the WINGRIDDS

2) Going through the Observation Data Download scripts, it was found that the Collage
of Dupage (COD) seems to be the only site still providing data but their sites web address
has transitioned to secure HTTP so all of the COD download scripts have been updated
from to And those downloads now
work again. Also, the OBSDL.LST file has been updated to only show the COD sites.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob

WINGRIDDS v5.21 04/15/2019

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.21. This release contains a bug fixe to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The ANMA/ENDA commands (Animation of specific forecast hours) were causing the
animation process to not work correctly. This has been fixed.

2) The East/West alignment of data within certain Lat/Lon GRIB projections (1.0 deg, 0.5
deg, 0.25 deg) was not lined up correctly. This applied to both old format and new format
WINRIDDS data. This has been fixed.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!
Thanks in advance & enjoy!
Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.20 03/15/2019

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.20. This release contains a bug fixe to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The SLYR (Set Layer) command was not working from the command line or within
Command macros. This has been fixed. (Thanks Kevin McBride!)

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.19 10/01/2018

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.19. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) If basic parameters requested for the SFC are missing in the GRIB data file,
WINGRIDDS now also searches the 2M & 10M levels.

2) PCGRIDDS had the Dew Point Depression command as ‘DEPR’ and ‘DPTD’ instead
of just ‘DPDP’. Now, when ‘DEPR’ or ‘DPTD’ is requested (it is in a few macros), the
Dew Point Depression will be calculated.

3) Dashed contours have had a history of leaving ‘gaps’ in the contour line being drawn. I
have tried several ‘creative’ techniques to solve the problem with mixed results. I have
now resorted to a more ‘brute-force’ method to solve the problem. The dashed contours
will draw a little slower, but they will be more complete.
I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.18 08/15/2018

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.18. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) HGHT and associated calculations on Isentropic surfaces were not being performed
and have been corrected.

2) VVEL/OMEG calculations were supposed to be automatically performed when

requested and the parameters were not found in the GRIB data. This was not being done
and has been corrected.

3) The command of any 3-digit forecast hour with the command “F***” (example: F108)
was not responding with the correct forecast hour. This has been corrected.

4) Diagnostics SHRRVRT, SHRAVRT, CRVRVRT and CRVAVRT (dealing with

Shear/Curvature Vorticity calculations) were not working correctly and have been fixed.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.17 08/01/2018

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.17. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Various Issues associated with Isentropic calculations have been corrected.

2) Problems with drawing ‘BOX’ command have been corrected.

3) The custom config files associated with the ‘CTLG’ command were not being read.
This has been corrected.

4) The IMAS calculation (Calculates Isentropic MASs [inverse static stability] in any layer)
was not calculating correctly and has been corrected.

5) The prompted data entry for the commands SLVL and SLYR were not working and have been
corrected. Also, before (heritage PCGRIDDS, PCGRIDDS32, WINGRIDDS), the data entries
had to be right-justified. IOW, the data space was for 4 digits and if you entered only 3 or 2 digits,
you were required to add leading ‘spaces’ as you typed to keep the digits right-justified. Now, you
just enter the digits as you need and they will be corrected in the program.

6) The commands FNZN (Calculate Frontal Zone), FNSP (Calculate Frontal Speed) and FNTW
(Calculate Frontal Wave) were being calculated incorrectly using the scalar ‘SATURATED
Equivalent Potential Temperature’ instead of the correct ‘Wet-Bulb Equivalent Potential
Temperature’. This has been corrected.

7) THTW (Wet-Bulb Equivalent Potential Temperature) was not being calculated correctly. This
has been fixed.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.16 05/01/2018

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.16. This release contains some bug fixes and
improvements to WINGRIDDS and NGRB2PCG32.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The thickness to the MUSI (Most Unstable Lifted Parcel) has been changed from
150mb to 300mb to account for more elevated convection situations.

The changes to NGRB2PCG32 are as follows:

1) Some instability to operations in 64-bit environments caused problems. Should be


2) Added details in the NGRB2PCG32.OUT file when configuration files are loaded &
read during program initialization.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.15 02/15/2018

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.15. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The commands “<”, “^”, “>” now work (A feature left out of original PCGRIDDS
port). However, the original time increment was fixed at 12hrs. Now, it will increment to
the next available forecast hour set by what was downloaded.

2) The Cross/Time setup commands were not working from the command line. This has
been fixed.

3) Changed Cross/Time section vertical pressure levels so nothing above 100mb is

processed. Found VVEL/OMEG in model GRIB are not processed above 100mb and this
would corrupt any VVEL/OMEG associated commands.

4) Increased Cross/Time section Isentropic top vertical level from I400 to I430 to help in
tropical zones.
5) The ‘SPEC Line’ at the bottom of the screen updates parameters between individual
‘LOOP-ENDL’ commands.

6) The ‘SPEC Line’ at the bottom of the screen updates parameters during both
Animation Loop build and Animation Loop execution.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.14 02/01/2018

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.14. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to OBS2PCG are as follows:

1) The text data file written at the completion of upper air RAOB processing was not
created correctly due to incorrect parsing the completed RAOB reports and writing
improper data to the text data file. This was not allowing SkewT & Hodograph graphics
to be created and crashing WINGRIDDS. This has been fixed.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) When drawing contours that were DOT/DASH type, the ‘tops’ of circular contours
were missing/not plotted. This has been fixed.

2) When switching from 4PNL to 1PNL display, the contents of window 1 were shown
with the improper screen resolution.

3) Fixed some cosmetic behavior associated with screen redraws and such.

4) Fixed some cosmetic behavior associated with screen text at certain screen resolutions.

5) Added error dialog if opening a data file of 0 size. This error can occur if
NGRB2PCG32 errors out when building the inventory section at the end of processing.

6) Cleaned up screen refresh when Convert Observation Data Edit dialog is closed.
7) Added extra OS/CPU ID info in the WINGRIDDS.LOG file at WINGRIDDS startup.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.13 01/15/2018

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.13. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) With a CROSS or TIME section set up and you switch to PLAN then back to CROSS
or TIME, data would still plot in PLAN mode. This has been fixed

2) If a CROSS section was defined, you were unable to increment the level using LV+/-
commands while in PLAN mode. This has been fixed.

3) If a CROSS or TIME section was in use and you went to display a SKEW, HODO,
TRAJ, the system would crash because those can only be displayed in PLAN mode. Now,
WINGRIDDS will shift to PLAN mode and display the requested data.

4) The vertical Latitude lines in a Cross Section had irregular spacing. This has been

5) Vertical Circulation calculations in Cross/Time Sections were not correct due to

improper scaling of VVEL. This has been fixed

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.12 01/01/2018

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.12. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to NGRB2PCG32 are as follows:

1) It was discovered the NCEP CFS (Climate Forecast System) model GRIB files on the
NCEP server ran out to over 4000 hours (!). NGRB2PCG32 was modified to
accommodate 4-digit forecast hour and the NCEP GRIB2 software was found to have a
bug associated with these long run processes and was corrected.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Along with NGRB2PCG32 above, WINGRIDDS has been modified to accommodate a

4-digit forecast hour.

2) The NCEP CFS (Climate Forecast System) model GRIB files have Velocity Potential
(VPOT) and Stream Function (SFTN) parameters. These data have values up to 9-digits
long (!). The contour routine has been modified to accommodate these large values.

3) The Showater Index (SHOW) was not calculating the correct values due to an error in
calculating THTE. This has been fixed.

4) The BUFKIT file generator was not collecting various surface-based parameters
correctly, including precipitation. This has been corrected

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!
Thanks in advance & enjoy!
Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.11 11/15/2017

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.11. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The shear calculations for VGP were not correct and have been fixed. They are set for
the 0-4km layer. Work may be done in the future to allow this to be adjustable by the
user. Thanks Tim Vasquez for finding this. (#1)

2) The SWEAT Index (SWET, SWTS) was not being calculated correctly for PLAN
views. This was corrected. Thanks Tim Vasquez for finding this. (#2)

3) If a Cross Section has been created and a Command macro has the ‘CROS’ command,
it was causing problems. It is now ignored. Same goes for ‘TIME’ commands after a
Time Section has been created.

4) Cleaned up error behavior for Cross/Time sections.

5) Corrected contour labeling issue dealing with MIXR & VVEL displays when special
contouring intervals were requested. Contour labels were shown as 1000x too large.

6) You can now open data files from the command line with the ‘OPEN’ command. That
was an original PCGRIDDS function that was never implemented.

7) Also from PCGRIDDS, the commands SAVE, ENDS & REST are now functional.
These commands are to save a screen plot (SAVE), end saving screen plot (ENDS) and
display (Restore) screen plot (REST). There are several Macros which use these

8) The LTX* command was not working. That has been fixed.

9) Made some corrections to the contour labeling algorithm where incorrect labels were
being assigned to very small contour values.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.10 10/15/2017

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.10. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to NGRB2PCG32 are as follows:

1) When processing with Ensemble Probability data, no inventory data would be written
if processing more than 6 GRIB files. It now works through all 384 hrs.

2) The processing of NOMADS custom sectors of the NAM model were not assigning
the correct grid info for creating the WINGRIDDS data file name so the GRIB data
would not process. This has been fixed.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The processing of Ensemble Probability data had to be changed to accommodate the

NGRB2PCG32 fix above.

2) It was found that when creating Cross or Time section plots, the grid point(s) selected
to collect data from were 1-2 data points off from what the user requested when using
Lat/Lon data files. This has been corrected.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.9 10/01/2017

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.9. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Still seeing a 1 deg Longitude offset in Lat/Lon grids (this has been a perpetual off/on
issue). This should be finally fixed.

2) When working with Ensemble Probability data, the parameter list was not showing
data correctly. This has been fixed.

3) When working with Ensemble Probability precipitation, data values were 100 times
too large due to data scaling associated with regular precipitation values. This has been
corrected so probabilities only range from 0% to 100%.

4) TXT Labels were still having problems. I made the algorithm more robust and
I *think* I have it fixed.

5) Precipitation values have been standardized. All precip values in GRIB is in

Millimeters (mm). TPCP, CPCP, LPCP and PWAT show values in mm. TPCC will show
values in Centimeters (cm) and TPCI will show values in Inches (in). This is how it will
stay. If any command macros have contour settings that show too great or too small
values being plotted, change the contour values in your macros.

6) Precipitation conversion from millimeters to inches was incorrect (values too big).
This has been fixed

7) It was found that if the ‘CONT’ command was in a macro command string, any model
info labels (example: LTM1 LLN1 LMN1) would not print. This has been fixed.

8) If LIFT command is entered but the level is not SFC and the LFTX SFC parameter is
there in the parameter list along with the LIFT SFC, WINGRIDDS will choose LFTX
instead. Then if any LIFT command is repeated, LIFT SFC will display. This issue has
been fixed.

9) Selecting Station locations for plots was not working (would not find station in search)
for either Command Line or Dialog mode since new STNID.DAT file format was
implemented. This has been fixed.

10) STID command displays only last 3 characters of the 4 character Station ID. This has
been fixed.

13) Updated STID plot filtering using NRMG/FULG commands. When plotting with
NRMG setting (Normal Grid), station IDs will be filtered by spacing & will not over
write each other. This will automatically scale and fill as zoom factor increases. With
FULG setting (Full Grid), all station IDs will be plotted.

14) When working with sector grids like from NOMADS, Lat/Lon map points would not
go all the way to the screen edge. This should be fixed.
The changes to NGRB2PCG32 are as follows:

1) Processing custom sectorized GFS 0.25deg GRIB data from NOMADS has been
corrected (it was upside-down).

2) Processing custom sectorized GFS of any resolution has been adjusted to allow smaller
data areas with larger number of parameters (this has been an issue before causing
NGRB2PCG32 to crash at the end of processing without generating proper data files.)
**NOTE** this change may invalidate any data files previously generated custom
sectorized NOMADS GRIB files but will not impact data using the full global GRIB

3) The NWS/NCEP Data generation people have painted themselves into a corner
concerning grid ID’s of which WINGRIDDS is dependent for file naming. The
GRIB/GRIB 2 standard allows 255 unique grid ID’s and NCEP has used all of them with
nothing left over for the new GFS 0.25deg grid & this has been assigned ID#255. This
grid ID#255 is also assigned with all NOMADS custom sectors users download. This can
cause conflicts with data file naming in WINGRIDDS.

So, I have changed NGRB2PCG32 processing so if it encounters a grid ID of 255,

instead it will change the last 3 characters of the data file name from the grid ID to the
grid distance increment posted in the GRIB GDS (Grid Description Section). So, for
example, a recently processed GFS 0.25deg data file would have the name;
SEP121700.GFS255 will now have the name SEP121700.GFS025 with the ‘025’
meaning 0.25deg or ‘050’ meaning 0.50deg and ‘100’ meaning 1.00deg, etc. If this
situation occurs with a Lambert Conformal or Polar Stereographic grid, remember, the
grid distance is measured in km and not deg.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.8 09/01/2017

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.8. This release contains some bug fixes to
WINGRIDDS, OBS2PCG, GRIB2 software updates to NGRB2PCG32 and
GRIB2PCG32 as well as some GRIB/OBS download script changes and WINGRIDDS
User’s Guide Updates.

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Removed the Mean Wind commands MEANWV, MEANWU, MEANWV because it

was basically the same as the Average Wind command WAVG.

2) Corrected bug where Station ID not found when creating Plan/Cross/Time/Point data
plot using the Station ID.

3) Point data plots (Skew-T, Stuve, etc.) would not animate when requested from Dialog.

4) Corrected navigation for new GFS 0.25 deg grids when location selected in creating
Plan/Cross/Time/Point data plot using Map Select option.

5) Updated STNID.DAT file for finding & using Surface Station locations.

6) The FH+ & FH- commands worked fine by themselves but did not work when
following another command. This has been fixed.

The changes to OBS2PCG are as follows:

1) Fixed Barnes Analysis section so the observation data is mapped to the requested grid
and operation is successful.

The changes to NGRB2PCG32 are as follows:

1) Corrected for proper operation on GFS 0.25 grids.

I’ve updated 680 GRIB download scripts to reflect NWS updates to their download
servers. Thanks to Bruce Becker with his help fixing these scripts.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer
WINGRIDDS v5.7 03/31/2017
This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.7. This release contains some bug fixes to
WINGRIDDS, OBS2PCG, GETGRIB as well as some GRIB/OBS download script

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Users were reporting that Polar Stereographic grids created in the Custom Maps
Selection for the Southern hemisphere were not filling the full display area & were
compressed into the lower left corner a certain zoom factors. I went through & cleaned
the math up & added adjustments so the regardless of latitude coverage, the data for that
projection should fill the screen. I checked this for the Northern Hemisphere as well.

The changes to OBS2PCG are as follows:

1) Well, it wasn’t working… attempting to process Surface, Upper Air or both would
cause it to crash. Works now!! No sure how that made it out but apologies for any

The changes to GETGRIB are as follows:

1) Small cosmetic changes so program statements write to the GETGRIB.LOG file & not
some random file ID.

Download Script changes are as follows:

1)Bruce Becker found there had been changes to file location at the CMC (Canadian
Meteorological Centre) for their national model & he passed along the updated files
(THANKS!). In troubleshooting the OBS2PCG issue, I found the date-time-group
assigned to the Upper Air data from COD (College of Dupage) was encoding wrong.
Those have been fixed.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. ENJOY!!!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.6 03/15/2017

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.6. This release contains some bug fixes to
The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The Vertical/Tangential diagnostic calculation (ACRC, GCRC, WCRC, etc.) on

CROSS/TIME displays are sensitive to vertical velocity values. The main GRIB
parameters that provide vertical motion values are VVEL & OMEGA and the ACRC-type
diagnostics were correct for VVEL parameters but not for OMEGA parameters. It was
found the OMEGA values were and order of magnitude larger than the equivalent VVEL
values. Now, when the OMEGA parameter is found during a calculation, it is multiplied
by .01 to make it consistent with VVEL & internal calculated OMEGA.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. Happy New Years!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.5 12/01/2016

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.5. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) The setup process for Custom Grids has been GREATLY improved and is now much
simpler. The math calculations have been improved so the final step of ‘aligning’ the map
background to the data grid has been eliminated. The WINGRIDDS Users Guide has
been updated to reflect this change.

2) The ‘LIST’ command from the command line has been restored as well as the listing
of the contents of the opened data file.

3) The NAM GRIB download script listing in the file REGGDLL.005 has been modified
from reading: “NAM GRID 215 20KM 0-84” to reading: “NAM GRID 215 (SURFACE)
20KM 0-84”. To avoid confusion when downloading that data set & not seeing any
upper-air levels/parameters.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. Happy New Years!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.4 11/01/2016

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.4. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) WINGRIDDS could not display or process TIME/CROSS Sections or any grid-point

displays associated with WAFS GRIB in Southern Hemisphere. This has been corrected.

2) Custom Grids using Polar Stereographic projections in the Southern Hemisphere were
not working correctly with WAFS GRIB data either. This has been corrected.

Speaking of Custom Grids, since it became a part of WINGRIDDS, I have never been
happy with how it has performed matching the gridded data to the requested grid
projection. So, I have been focusing on improving those operations to ease & streamline
the Custom Grid Projection setup. This will be coming in the near future.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. Happy New Years!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.3 10/01/2016

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.3. This release contains some bug fixes to
The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) Isentropic level Interpolation was not working correctly. It has been fixed.

2) Sigma level Interpolation was not working correctly. It has been fixed.

3) Additional issues dealing with the LIFT parameter were fixed.

4) The drawing of the Color Bar across the bottom of the screen has been returned to its
traditional look.

5) The following lines have been restored to the ALIAS.DAT file:



This was done to ensure proper operation with previous versions of WINGRIDDS & in
V5.3, the lines are ignored & calculated internally.

6) The DOTS plot command was not working. It has been fixed.

7) The Latitude/Longitude readouts in the CROSS/TIME Section Dialog were rounding

any fractional degree input to the nearest degree and zeroing the fractional number. This
has been fixed

8) The Latitude numbers across the bottom of CROSS Section plots were off by a degree
or two at times. This has been fixed.

9) CROSS/TIME Sections were not able to plot decimal precipitation (TPCP, etc.) data.
This has been fixed.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. Happy New Years!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer
WINGRIDDS v5.2 09/15/2016
This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.2. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) IMAS calculation was not producing results. This has been fixed.

2) The LIFT parameter was not being calculated if it was not found in the GRIB file. Also
it was found a variety of other LIFT-associated parameters were being included in GRIB
files... in a non-standard way. Therefore, the following changes have been included – if
the LIFT parameter has been requested but is not found at the SFC level, WINGRIDDS
will attempt to search for LFT4, LFTS, and LFTX at the SFC and if nothing is found, it
will search for LIFT at the B015 level. If nothing is still found at this point, it will
calculate the parameter as the LNDX command.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. Happy New Years!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

WINGRIDDS v5.1 09/01/2016

This is to announce a new WINGRIDDS v5.1. This release contains some bug fixes to

The changes to WINGRIDDS are as follows:

1) PWAT and some precipitation results were incorrect. This has been fixed.

2) There were problems with color increments of contouring in certain situations. This
has been fixed

3) The following calculations were not working correctly on Isentropic levels: LDIF
(Layer Difference), LAVE (Layer Average), TDIF (Time Difference), TAVE (Time
Average), TTND (Time Tendency) and TTOT (Time Sum or Total). This issue has been
present since PCGRIDDS32 and has been corrected.

4) Some complex Contour commands (CI.2, C2-5, etc.) were not working properly. This
has been fixed.
5) Wind displays were not plotting data at speeds above 160 KTS. This has been fixed.

I hope everyone is finding the latest WINGRIDDS useful and enjoyable. Remember, if
you find any errors, please be complete in your description of the problem & what you
did to cause it to happen. Remember to include a copy of the debug files
files…whichever applies to the situation. Happy New Years!!

Thanks in advance & enjoy!

Jeff Krob
WINGRIDDS System Developer

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