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Lớp Tổng Ôn + Luyện Đề Hoàng Việt Hưng


- Có Đáp Án và Giải Thích Chi Tiết -

1. She told him she'd spent all her savings but he didn't _______ an eyelid.
A. tap B. hook C. chop D. bat

2. I could only pass the test by the skin of my _______.

A. feet B. hands C. teeth D. necks

3. He has bent ________ backwards to give his girlfriend enough money.

A. above B. over C. through D. across

4. When she saw him come with something on his face, she bust a _______ laughing.
A. mock B. joke C. gut D. hem

5. We had no plans for the evening so we were just going to _______ it by ear and see where we ended up.
A. cope B. play C. treat D. kick

6. I'm just going to _______ my fingers that my application will be accepted.

A. cross B. connect C. rub D. reveal

7. The groom got _______ feet and didn't show up for his wedding
A. cool B. hot C. cold D. warm

8. He came within a hair’s _______ of setting a new world record, but he fell down at the last minute.
A. circle B. piece C. height D. breadth

9. They expected his new product was a success, but they ended up backing the wrong _______.
A. dog B. cat C. cow D. horse

10. Tony, I would rather you came _______ about your true results at school.
A. clean B. fresh C. smooth D. flashy

11. To most of his friends, Tony is a cold _______; he rarely shows his emotions.
A. horse B. fish C. cat D. lion

12. He runs five kilometres every morning, _______.

A. storm or light B. snow or bright C. flood or glow D. rain or shine

13. He is the _______ image of his father; few people can tell them apart.
A. spitting B. slicing C. snicking D. sticking

14. As a rule of _______, it is better to avoid the main road from 5 p.m to 6 p.m.
A. toe B. finger C. thumb D. palm
Lớp Tổng Ôn + Luyện Đề Hoàng Việt Hưng

15. One pound may seem like a _______ in the ocean but if each of us contributes that much, we will have
thousands for the victims of the earthquake.
A. piece B. lot C. bit D. drop

16. The teacher asked us to talk about _______ of social networking services, such as Facebook and Twitter.
A. pros and cons B. ups and downs C. odds and ends D. carrots and sticks

17. It is clear that you broke the rules. Now, you must face the _______.
A. play B. music C. act D. line

18. Their granddaughter visits them _______, once or twice a month.

A. off and on B. home and dry C. thick and fast D. out and about

19. The centre of the city bore the _______ of the bombardment. Most of its buildings were destroyed.
A. brunt B. crown C. rabble D. patch

20. Why are you screaming at me? I am not the one in charge here. You are _______.
A. leaving well alone B. making ends meet
C. burning yourself out D. barking up the wrong tree

21. Only when the _______ are down will he know who his true friends are.
A. seeds B. pieces C. chips D. beans

22. He admitted that losing to a less experienced player was a bitter _______ to swallow.
A. tablet B. soap C. donut D. pill

23. You should meet Ms. Linda to talk about this matter. She is the one who _______ the shots.
A. calls B. cries C. screams D. whistles

24. An important treaty between the two countries was reached at the _______.
A. second hour B. tenth hour C. eleventh hour D. twelfth hour

25. The refugees might _______ prey to criminal gangs.

A. take B. fall C. set D. pull

26. The tickets will be given to customers on a _______ basis.

A. first go, first cared B. first return, first liked
C. first come, first served D. first arrive, first treated

27. A lot of poor people could buy their products for a _______, as they reduced the prices significantly.
A. song B. music C. theme D. note

28. The secretary accidentally got _______ of the boss's plan in which she would be sacked.
A. sun B. wind C. moon D. rain

29. The teacher hauled him _______ this morning after he had forgotten his homework.
A. up to the air B. down the road C. under the stars D. over the coals
Lớp Tổng Ôn + Luyện Đề Hoàng Việt Hưng

30. Her mind was in a _______ of disbelief after she had known the truth about her friends.
A. smoke B. cloud C. mist D. fog

31. The builders really cut _______ when they built this bathroom; the basin is leaking.”
A. corners B. surfaces C. parts D. tops

32. His girlfriend gave him the cold _______ after he had forgotten her birthday.
A. arm B. knee C. neck D. shoulder

33. I told him about my discovery and he stole my _______ by reporting it to the press the following day.
A. lightning B. thunder C. rainbow D. horizon

34. A: "So, how was your trip?"

B: "We had a _______! We could visit a lot of places and meet some very interesting people."
A. stroke B. mount C. curse D. blast

35. On such hot days, a glass of beer would really hit the _______.
A. sack B. nail C. spot D. roof

36. The meeting had been cancelled, which let the tired chairman off the _______.
A. rod B. hook C. plug D. joint

37. His chance of promotion to manager position is small, as he is considered a one-trick _______.
A. donkey B. pheasant C. pony D. vulture

38. Who _______ the beans about her affair with David?
A. spilled B. slipped C. spread D. spoilt

39. Stop beating around the _______ and tell us the truth.
A. plant B. grass C. tree D. bush

40. We’ve managed to stay in the _______ for over a year now. We are having a good time.
A. green B. yellow C. black D. brown

41. The restaurant is open around the _______. You can have a meal here anytime.
A. hour B. time C. clock D. moment

42. I have had _______ with you. It's time to leave me alone now.
A. it up to date B. it up to here C. it around the bush D. it around the corner

43. All the volunteers were ready at a moment’s _______.

A. notice B. defence C. instance D. occurrence

44. The job is up for _______, why don't you apply now?
A. hints B. posts C. grabs D. flows

45. He carried a _______ for a girl in the same school until they graduated.
A. mace B. baton C. stick D. torch
Lớp Tổng Ôn + Luyện Đề Hoàng Việt Hưng

46. She was really on a _______ when she was able to answer four difficult questions in a row.
A. circle B. roll C. sphere D. whirl

47. They sell cigarettes under the _______ to children.

A. post B. knife C. arcade D. counter

48. The woman should accept that she is over the _______, and therefore unsuitable for this kind of work.
A. hill B. mountain C. sea D. ocean

49. Having walked in the rain without an umbrella, Jane were wet _______.
A. around B. under C. over D. through

50. The job had so many _______ to jump through that a lot of people gave up.
A. stones B. hoops C. nests D. balls

N0 Key Explanation
- not bat an eyelid (eye/eyelash): thản nhiên như không.
1 D
- do sth by the skin of one's teeth: suýt soát, sát nút (tí thì thất bại nhưng may vẫn thành
2 C công)

- bend over backwards: cố làm hết mọi thứ; nỗ lực hết sức.
3 B
- bust a gut laughing: cười lăn cười bò; phá lên cười như điên.
4 C
- play it by ear: làm tùy tiện (không chuẩn bị trước), làm đến đâu hay đến đó.
5 B
- cross one's fingers: mong chờ điều tốt đẹp sẽ xảy ra; hãy hi vọng.
6 A
- have / get cold feet: đột nhiên đổi ý, đột nhiên nghĩ lại.
7 C
- within a hair's breadth: rất gần, suýt nữa.
8 D
- back up the wrong horse: ủng hộ nhầm người/ vật; chọn sai đối tượng (nghĩ là nó sẽ thành
9 D công).

- come clean (about sth): thú nhận (về cái gì).

10 A
- a cold fish: người lạnh lùng, thiếu thân thiện.
11 B
- rain or shine: dù có chuyện gì xảy ra đi nữa, dù có thế nào đi nữa.
12 D
13 A - spitting image of sb: (hình ảnh / người) giống ai đó như đúc.
Lớp Tổng Ôn + Luyện Đề Hoàng Việt Hưng

- (as a) rule of thumb: (theo) kinh nghiệm thực tế.

14 B
- a drop in the ocean/bucket: một số lượng rất nhỏ.
15 D
- pros and cons: ưu điểm và nhược điểm.

- ups and downs: lúc thịnh lúc suy, sự lên xuống thất thường.
16 A - odds and ends: đồ lặt vặt.
- carrot and stick: có thưởng phạt (hình thức làm việc).

- face the music: chấp nhận hình phạt.

17 B
- off and on: thỉnh thoảng.

- home and dry: thành công, làm xong.

18 A - thick and fast: tới tấp.
- out and about: hồi phục, khỏe lại.

- bear the brunt of sth: gánh chịu phần tồi tệ nhất của cái gì.
19 A
- (to be) barking up the wrong tree: trách nhầm người.

- leave well alone: cứ để yên nếu cái gì vẫn ổn (đừng chữa lợn lành thành lợn què).
20 D - make ends meet: kiếm đủ tiền để trang trải cuộc sống.
- burn one's self out: kiệt sức do làm việc quá nhiều.

- when the chips are down: khi khó khăn / tai họa ập đến.
21 C
- a bitter pill to swallow: điều không vui nhưng phải chấp nhận.
22 D
- call the shots: có quyền đưa ra quyết định ; giữ chức vụ chủ chốt.
23 A
- the eleventh hour: giây phút quyết định; phút chót.
24 C
- fall prey to: trở thành nạn nhân của ; bị làm hại bởi.
25 B
- first come, first served: ai đến trước thì được phục vụ trước ; câu này na ná như câu: "Trâu
26 C Chậm Uống Nước Đục" của mình.

- for a song: với giá rất rẻ.

27 A
- get wind of sth: nghe được, phát hiện ra cái gì.
28 B
- haul sb over the coals: mắng nhiếc ai dữ dội ; chỉ trích ai nặng nề.
29 D
- in a fog (of/about sth): rối trí, mù mờ, mông lung.
30 D
Lớp Tổng Ôn + Luyện Đề Hoàng Việt Hưng

- cut corners: làm qua loa, làm không đến nơi đến chốn.
31 A
- give sb the cold shoulder: phớt lờ ai; ngó lơ ai.
32 D
- steal one's thunder: cướp công của ai ; phỗng tay trên của ai.
33 B
- have a blast: có 1 khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời.
34 D
- hit the spot: đúng thứ đang cần; đúng thứ cần thiết.

+ hit the sack: đi ngủ.

35 C + hit the roof: nổi giận.
+ hit the nail on the head: nói trúng, nói đúng.

- off the hook: tránh được trách nhiệm, nghĩa vụ, hình phạt.
36 B
- one-trick pony: người chỉ có thể làm được 1 việc nhất định (người không đa năng).
37 C
- spill the beans: làm lộ bí mật.
38 A
- beat around the bush: vòng vo tam quốc, dài dòng.
39 D
- in the black: có dư tiền, làm ra tiền.
40 C
- around the clock: cả ngày đêm, 24/24.
41 C
- have had it up to here with sb/sth: chịu đựng ai đó quá đủ rồi, không thể chịu đựng ai thêm
42 B được nữa.

- at a moment's notice: (gần như) ngay lập tức, ngay và luôn.

43 A
- up for grabs: có sẵn (cho ai muốn lấy).
44 C
- carry a torch for sb: yêu ai, thường là yêu thầm.
45 D
- on a roll: đang thuận lợi, đang gặp may.
46 B
- (sell/buy sth) under the counter: (mua bán) lậu, (mua bán) trái phép.
47 D
- over the hill: đã luống tuổi, không còn trẻ nữa.
48 A
- wet through: ướt sũng, ướt như chuột lột.
49 D
- jump through hoops: cần phải vượt qua nhiều thử thách khó khăn.
50 B + hoops to jump through: nhiều thử thách khó khăn cần phải vượt qua.
Lớp Tổng Ôn + Luyện Đề Hoàng Việt Hưng

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