Gerund Infinitive

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I. Verb + Gerund :nhöõng ñoäng töø luoân ñöôïc theo sau bôûi V-ing:
- Admit : chaáp nhaän - Consider : xem xeùt
- Advise : khuyeân - Keep : giöõ, tieáp tuïc
- Avoid : traùnh - Mind : phieàn
- Discuss : thaûo luaän - Suggest : ñeà nghò
- Dislike : gheùt - Enjoy : thích, thöôûng thöùc
- Practise : thöïc haønh - Can’t help : khoâng theå chòu ñöïng
- Complete = - Finish : hoaøn thaønh
- Delay = - Postpond : hoaõn laïi
- Give up = - Quit : töø boû
- Be used to = - Get used to
- Be accustomed to - Look forward to
Ex: They discussed opening a new business.
He admitted stealing the money.
II. Verb + Gerund or Infinitive ( Nghóa khoâng thay ñoåi ):
- Begin : baét ñaàu - Like : thích - Hate : Gheùt
- Start : baét ñaàu - Love : yeâu - Can’t
stand:khoâng theå chòu ñöïng
- Continue : tieáp tuïc - Prefer : thích hôn - Can’t bear :
Ex: It began to rain = It began raining.
III. Verb + Gerund or Infinitive ( Nghóa thay ñoåi ):
1. Stop + V-ing : chaám döùt, khoâng laøm moät vieäc naøo ñoù
Stop + to V : Ngöng laïi moät vieäc naøo ñoù ñeå laøm moït
vieäc khaùc.
Ex:- He stopped smoking. ( Anh aáy boû huùt thuoác.)
- He stopped to smoke. ( Anh aáy döøng laïi ñeå huùt thuoác.)
2. Remember + V-ing : Nhôù laïi moät vieäc ñaõ xaûy ra trong quaù khöù.
Remember + to V : Nhôù ñeå laøm, thöïc hieän moät vieäc naøo
Ex: - I remember seeing the Everest for the first time. The sight was
- Before going to bed, she always remembers to lock the door.
3. Forget + V-ing : Queân moät söï vieäc ñaõ xaûy ra trong quaù
Forget + to V : Queân laøm moät vieäc naøo ñoù ( nhieäm vuï, boån
Ex:- I ‘ll never forget seeing the Everest for the first time.
- Don’t forget to do homework before going to school.
4. Try + V-ing : Thöû
Try + to V : Coá gaéng.
Ex: - The room was hot. I try opening the window, but it was still hot.
- I always try to learn English.
IV. Expressions followed by gerund:nhöõng thaønh ngöõ ñöôïc theo sau
bôûi V-ing:
- It’s no use - It’s useless - It’s no good
- Be used to = Get used to = Be accustomed to : quen
- Look forward to - Be busy: baän roän - Be worth : ñaùng
Ex: It’s no use doing that. ( Thaät laø voâ ích ñeå laøm vieäc
I’m looking forward to meeting her. ( Toâi ñang mong chôø gaëp coâ
V. Prepositions ( in, at, on, of, for,with, without …) + Gerund: sau giôùi töø
laø V-ing:
Ex:- She is interested in watching T.V.
- We can’t live without eating.

VI. Verb + money, time + Gerund:

- Spend : He spends most of his time (on) studying.
- Waste : She wastes much momey buying those clothes.
VII. Verbs of perception + (Pro)noun + Gerund or Bare infinitive: Sau
caùc ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan thì ñoäng töø theâm –ING hoaëc
ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu khoâng TO:
- See - Notice - Hear
- Watch - Look at - Listen to
- Observe - Feel - Smell
Ex: I heard the rain fall on the roof. ( Toâi nghe möa rôi treân maùi
falling ( Toâi nghe möa ñang rôi treân maùi
VIII. Modal verb + Bare infinitive: Sau ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát laø
ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu khoâng TO:
( Will, shall, can, may, must, would, should, could, mibght, had better, ought
to, …)
Ex:- I can swim.
-You ought to study harder.
- He had better not be late.
IX. Verb + someone + Bare infinitive:
- Let : ñeå - My father let me drive his car.
- Have : nhôø - I’ll have my brother repair my bicycle.
- Make: baét buoäc - Mrs Lee made her son clean his room.
X. Verb + something + Ved/ 3 (passive): theå thuï ñoäng cuûa caâu
truyeàn khieán:
- Have : nhôø - I had my watch repaired.
- Get : nhôø - I got my watch repaired.

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