English Language 2

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2 Language English
(As per New Pattern 2019-20)

Guided by

1. Sri. S. Rajendra.
DDPI,Bangalore South Dist.
2. Smt.Girijamma.H.N.
Education Officer.
3. Sri.Anil.A.N.
Education Officer.
4. Sarvamangala.V.M.
Subject inspector.

Prepared by

1. Shri. Appajappa.
Assistant Master
Vidhatha High School, Anekal.
2. Smt. Anthony Mary.
Assistant Mistress.
Govt High School, Chikkapete.
Type of Content Details No of Total
Question Question Marks
01 Marks MCQ, Grammar and 16 16
02 Marks Question answer and 08 16
03 Marks Question answers, extracts, 09 27
profile writing, Story
building and paragraph

04 Marks Quote from memory, 04 16

Unseen passage, essay
writing and question

05 Marks Letter Writing 01 5

Total 38 80
10thStandard II Language English Easy Scorer (40Marks)

New Pattern -

1. Mark Questions 1x16=16 (4 MCQ + 12 Fill in the Blanks)

Four alternatives are given for each incomplete statement /
question. Choose the correct answer and write it’s alphabet along
withthe answer.

Infinitive( 1 mark)
1. Read the conversation and identify
theinfinitive: Suresh : Hello! How are
Prasad : Yes, I’m fine. What aboutyou?
Suresh : I’m also fine. Where are yougoing?
Prasad : I’m going to meet my friend Raju. He is notfeelingwell.
(Which one of these is infinitive?)
A) Going B) I’m going C)to meetD)am
2. Mother :Pavani, where are you goingnow?
Pavani:I’m going to cyber cafe to browse aboutmyproject.
A) going B) are C) to cyber cafe D) to browse.

3. Patient:Good eveningsir?
Doctor :Very good evening sir what's wrong with you ?
Patient :I have lot of cough andfever.
Doctor :Yes, you will have to eat thismedicine.
A) have to B) to eat C) what's D) will have

4. Chetan:Why are you lateCharvi?

Charvi :I had been to Jayanagar
Chetan:Why did you go there?
Charvi:I went to meet myfriend.
A) Went B) had been C) to meet D) go

5. Ramesh:Hello! How are youRajesh?

Rajesh :I am fine,you?
Ramesh :Fine where are you going?
Rajesh : I am going to meet myfriend.
A) going B) am C)to meet D) are

6. Sudh : Why are you late Priya?

Priya: I went to post office to post aletter.
A) are B) went C) date D) to post.
7.Meghana :Hi Arathi, will you come with me to themarket?
Arati : Sure. Shall we go bybus?
Meghan : No. Let’s take anauto.
A) take B)come C)to buy D)go

8. Pratham: Hi Druva, what are youdoing?

Druva: Writing anassignment.
Pratham :Shall we goout?
Druva: Sorry, I’ve to complete thisassignment.
A) Tocomplete B) write C) go D)doing

Read the conversation and identify the non finite

1. Cook:What shall I cook for dinner tonight, sir?
Master :Prepare some sweets, I am expecting two guests.
Cook : Okaysir.
Master :Also make some fruitsalad.
Cook : Yessir.
A) expectingB)Shall C) prepare D)make

2. Sachin: When will you comeRadha?

Radha :I am ComingTomorrow.
A) Come B) Coming C) am D) do

If Clauses of Condition.( 1 mark)

Read the following conversation and fill in the blank choosingthecorrect ‘if clause’
given below:
1. Chaitr: You missed the train, didn’tyou?
Ghana :Yes, I want to the railway station at 10.30 a.m.But
the train had left at 10.15 a.m
Chaitra:If you had gone to the railway station intime,
You ------ thetrain.
A) Wouldmiss B) would havemissedC) wouldn’thavemissed
D) wouldn’tmis
2. Mother : Reena, why have you scored less inMathssubject?
Reena:Sorry mom, I could not understandMaths properly.
Mother : If you had attended the remedialclasses,you……… understood
Maths well.
A) will have B) shall have C) would D) would have.

3. Suresh :Hello Rama, did you get a seat in the institutionyou desired?
Rama : No uncle, my appliation was rejected due to mylow marks.
Suresh : Oh! If you had workedhardyou................................. gotthe seat.

A) would have B) shall have C) will have D) should have

4. Ramesh: Rekha, you look tired and you have become veryweak.
what is the reason?
Rekha:I had severe headache and fever instead ofconsulting the
I took tablets on my own. If I had consulted the doctor......
A) I will notbecomeweak. B) I would not have becomeweak.
C)I shall not havebecomeweak. D)Iwas not going to becomeweak.

5. Ram : Hi, Kumar what about yourresult?

Kumar :If I had workedhardI Scored moremarks.
A) would B) would have C) will D) shall have.

6. Mother :What are you doing,Rita?

Rita : I am watching cricketmatch.
Mother:Do you know, you have annual examinations
Rita: But I have done well in my preparatoryexams.
Mother : If you had not concentrated onstudies,you ............................... scored goodmarks
in preparatory exam.
A) can’thaveB) wouldn’t have C)won’thave D) Shan’thave

7. Vandana:You are still here! Did you miss thebus?

Aishwarya :Yes. By the time I reached the bus stop itwasalready 7.40!
Vandana :Oh! If you had startedearly, you ……..missedthebus.
A) Wouldhave B) shouldhaveC)wouldn’t have D) shouldn’thave
8. Kumuda : Suma, did you bring yournotes?
Suma : Sorry, Iforgot.
Kumuda :If you had brought the notes, I ….copiedit.
A) should’ve B)wouldn’thave C) would’veD)shouldn’t

9. Child : Ma, are we going out in theevening?

Mother : No, if we had holiday we……….gone out intheevening.
1. Will B) wouldn’thave C) would have D) would

Language Functions( 1 mark)

Read the following conversation and identify the languagefunction of the
1. Sunil :Do you know how to go to thegallery?
Sachin :Certainly, However there might still be roadrepairs and
Sunil:Thanks for yourwarning.
Sachin :Go down the street and turn left. Keep on going.
The gallery is between Pharmacy andSky-scapers.
Sunil:Thank you again. Have a niceday.
A)offeringhelp B) asking for direction C) givingdirection
D) thanking
2. Mother : Where are you goingLakshmi?
Lakshmi :School,Mother.
Mother :Ok, gocarefully
A) Order B) Request C) Obey D) Advice.
3. Student: Good morning,Sir.
In-charge :Good morning. Thank you. What can I do foryou?
Student :I am Geetha, a student of Class IX.I am interestedin joining the
summer camp. Could I have the details,please?
A) Order B) Request C) Obey D) Advice.

4. Visitor : Excuse me, can you help me in opening a savings account in

your bank?
Clerk:Take this form, fill it up, attach KYC documents, paste two
photos and give it to counternumber
Visitor :Thank you somuch.
A) AdviceB)Request C) Giving instructions D) Order

5. Don't copy from yourneighbour.

A) request B) instruction C) command D) wish.

6. Sheetal :Can you run 100 meters in 9 seconds?

Lavanya :No, Ican’t.
A) Ability B) suggestion C) order D) obligation.
7. Students : Good morningteacher.
Teacher : Good morning students. Did you finish your assessments?
Student : Yes teacher.
Teacher : Keep all your assessments neatly in the rack and come back.
A) advice B) giving instructions C) order D) request
8. Kavya:For how many days are you going to Mysore,Kala?
Kala:Three days. I’ve to attend my aunt’s marriage. ButI’m
worried that I am going to miss a lot of classes.
Kavya:Don’t worry. I will give you mynotes.
A) Givingsuggestion B) givingadviceC)OfferinghelpD) Making

9. Sanjay: Good Morning madam. Can I go home an hourearly today?

Teacher:Why? Whathappened?
Sanjay: My sister is not well. I’ve to take her to the hospital.
Teacher:Okay, you cango.
A) AskingadviceB) askingpermissionC)Makingsuggestion
D) offeringhelp

10. Ramya :Why don’t you do yourhomework?

Kavya : I am infected, had fever.
Ramya:I am reallysorry.
A) Gratitude B)sympathetic C)enquiry D)opinion

11. Could you please spare some time sir?

A) request B) apolizeC)command D) seeking permission

12. I am really greatful to you.

A)wishing B) apolizingC) expressing gratitude. D)command

Question Tag(1 mark)

Rules: a) Use negative tag for positive and positive tag for negative sentence.
b)Use suitable pronoun at the end and put aquestion mark.
Positive Negative Positive Negative
Is Isn’t Do Don’t
Was Wasn’t Did Didn’t
Are Aren’t Does Doesn’t
Were Weren’t Shall Shan’t
Has Hasn’t Should Shouldn’t
Had Hadn’t Can Can’t
Have Haven’t Could Couldn’t
Must Mustn’t Will Won’t

1. She has written a poem. The question tag to be used hereis

A) has she? B)hasn’tshe? C)isn’tshe? D) hadshe?

2. IlikeEnglish. ................. ?
A) do I ? B ) don‘t I ? C) am I ? D) aren‘t I ?
3. Rashmi brokethepot. ....................... ?
A) did she B) was she ? C) wasn't she ? D) didn't she ?
4. The Earth moves around the Sun....
A) isn't it ? B) does it ? C) hasn't it ? D) doesn't it ?
5. Baleshwar has a different story. ................
A) hasn't he ? B) has he ? C) had he ? D) hadn't he ?
6. Radha asked aquestion.
A) do she ? B) did she ? C) doesn't she ? D) didn't she ?
7. Rani is a prettygirl.
A) isn't she ? B) is she ? C) was she ? D) has she ?
8. He Steals sweets.......... ?
A) do he ? B) don't he ? C) did he ? D) didn't he ?
9. Gopal drives his car.
The question tag to be used above is
A) didn’the? B)don’the? C)hasn’the? D) doesn’the?
10. Sunil never goes to schoollate.
A) doesn’the? B) don’t he? C) did he? D) doe she?
11. Help the poor.
A) do you? B)don’tyou? C)can you? D) will you?
12. Mala sings well.
A) does she? B)didn’tshe? C) doesn’t she? D) don’t she?
13. They arecoming……?
A) do they? B)don’tthey C)aren’tthey? D) arethey?
14. It isn’t a pleasantday?
A) isit? B) wasn’t it? C) isn’t it? D) wasit?
15. They have not come homeyet.
A) haven’t they? B)havethey? C)willthey? D) won’tthey?

Framing Questions( 1 mark)

Frame a question to get the underlined words as answer

1. Suhas wants to become adoctor.
What does Suhas want to become?

2. Mohan went to Mysore to see thepalace.

Why did Mohan go to Mysore?

3. Raju is going to play cricket in

Where is Raju going to play cricket?

4. I went to the movieyesterday.

When did you go to the movie?

5. Ramesh is a sales person.

Who/What is Ramesh?

6. Prakash is staying in Bangalore for10 years.

Since how long is Prakash staying in Bangalore?

7. I would like to become adoctor.

What would you like to become?

8. Mr. Narayan wanted to meet theprincipal.

Whom did Mr. Narayan want to meet.

9. The train leaves the station at 6 in themorning.

What time does the train leave the station?

10. Rekha chose to buy a red car instead of the blackone.

Which car did Rekha choose to buy?

Tenses( 1 mark)
Fill in the blanks choosing the right form of verbs given in the brackets.
Ex: Shiva---(be + leave) Bengaluru this evening to attend his
friend’sbirthday party. - isleaving
1. Prajwal……(be+study) in a governmenthighschool. isstudying
2. Sarala………..(be+earn)money bygivingtuition. Isearning
3. Mr. Sadashiva………..(be+go) to Bengaluru tomorrow. isgoing
4. Ram (be + please) to see Shashi andwelcomedher.
5. Pranav is a jollyperson.He ……. (love) visiting different places.
Lastmonth, he ............. (visit) many placesinKerala ........... loves,visited
6. India ...... (be + rule) by the Britishbefore1947 wasruled
7. Many great leaders like Gandhiji,Nehru, Patel ........ (fight) for
thefreedomofourcount fought
8. Malati is my friend. She……. (be + work) inaschool.isworking
9. Every day she ............. (go) to the temple at9.30am ------goes

10. Kavitha is a goodteacher.She…….(Complete) her B.Ed.Degree

inM.E.S.College. completed
11. Mr. Krishna is a famous Engineer.He.....(Work)hard works
12. Myfriend …….( be+ drive) the car when the accident took place.
Was driving
13.Theseamen( have+ lose) their patience, since they did not find land.
14.In spiteofseveral …….. (visit ) to the doctor, Satish’s health deteriorated day by

Articles( 1 mark)
Fill in the blanks with appropriate 'article'
(1) Raja is ……….goodsinger.--------a
(2) Ravi is .............intelligentboy ----- an
(3) Rivershaveplayed .......... important role in shaping the historyof
Civilization--- an
(4) Sumanth comes from...............affluentfamily------ an
(5) Raghu is .............................honourableperson ----- an
(6) Sunderlal started-----Chipko movement in 1972 with
simple planof action the
(7) Mr.Sureshis_. ......... MLA. an
(8) There is a museum in Hyderabad.Itis ............... Salar Jung Museum.The
(9) ………. Bible is the sacred book of Christians.The
(10) I went to …… university to check about the courses offered.a

Preposition ( 1 mark)

Fill in the blanks with appropriatepreposition.

1. Harish and Raghu went to market one day--------school hours, sothat
they could buy somegoodbooks ------ in
2. He spends his time .............................learnedpeople ----- with
3. He is studying .....................Xstandard ----- in
4. Why should one man have the lives of fifty men………….hishands.---in
5. The guest distributed prizes .......... all the studentsatprogramme
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fo
6. He hails ….. a familyof musicians ----- from
7. Raghav is a teacher. He works hard…..the welfare of his students.for
8. Madhuriwasfilled .............surprise when her name was called out.with
9.Hegetsup .................... 4.30 am every morning.at
10. Look at the map.Manali is ----------- Himachal Pradesh.in

Reported Speech( 1 mark)

Sentences where one reports what the speaker has said, are in
indirect or reported speech.
Keep the following in mind……..
a) Do not use quotation mark in the second case. (indirect)
b)The first person and second person pronouns are changed into third person pronouns.
c)Words expressing nearness of time and place are changed into words expressing

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

now then this That
these those here there
ago before today that day
yesterday The day before/the tomorrow the next day
previous day
last night the night last the previous
before/previous year/month/week year/month/week

1. Read the following conversation and rewrite the underlined sentence in

the reportedspeech.
Ram : Hi Shashi. Please comein.
Shashi : Thanks.
Ram : Would you mind taking off
yourshoes?Shashi : Sorry, Iforgot.
Ram : We always taking off our shoes when we
the house.
Ram asked--------------------------------------------------------------------
Ram asked Shashi if he would mind taking off his shoes.

2. Father : Son, is it raining outside?

Son : Yes, dad, itis.

Father :Where is myumbrella?
Son:It’s on thetable.
Father asked his son about raining. To which, his son replied positively.
Father asked………………………………………………………………………...
Father asked his son where his umbrella was.

3. Father : Rajesh, will you

comewithme?Rajesh : Yes I willfather,
Rajesh and father greeted each other.
Father asked Rajesh.........................................................................
Father asked Rajesh if/whether he would come with him.

4. Sohail :Soha, can you speak English fluently?

Soha:I can speak English Correctly but notfluently.
Sohail asked Soha .........................................................................
Sohail asked Soha if/whether she could speak English fluently.
5. Niranth : Good morning,
KishanKishan: Very Good morning Niranth.
Niranth : Where did you go Yesterday?
Kishan : I went to Bengaluru to attend
aworkshop.Niranth and Kishan greeted eachother.
Kishan replied that ........................................................................
Kishan replied that he had gone to Bengaluru to attend a workshop.

6. Ranjith: Where are you going myfriend?

Likhita:I am going to my native.
Ranjith:Which is your native place?
Likhita:My native place isUdupi.
RanjitaskedLikhita ..............................................................................
Ranjit asked Likhita which was her native place.

7. Murthy : How are you Chandru

?Chandru : I am fine, you?
Murthy : Fine, thank you why did you go to Delhi
lastweek?Chandru :I
went to Delhi to see myfriend.
Murthy asked Chandru .......................................................................
Murthy asked Chandru why he had gone to Delhi the previous

8. Gokul : Preethi, How are you

?Preethi : I amfine.
Gokul : Have you done your homework ?
Preethi : Oh, I finished my home work justnow.
Preeti and Gokul greeted eachother.
Preetianswered .................................................................................
Preethi answered Gokul that she had finished her home work justthen.

9. Head Master :Raju, bring the attendance registers fromall classrooms.

Attender : I brought them already,sir.
The head master advised Raju……………………………………
The head master advised Raju to bring the attendance
registers from all the class rooms.
10. Policeman:What are you doing in the park?
Ravi : I’m walking my dog in the park.
Policeman asked Ravi What was he doing in the park.

Collocative Words( 1 mark)

1. Combine the word in column ‘A’ with its collocative
word incolumn ‘B’.
1. Road (office, map, jog,journey)
2. bright (fire, light, cloud,power)
3. Good (race, runs, looking,bad)
4. Prompt (reply, service, payment,work)
5. blood (post, water, book,bank
6. noble (responsibility, power, nation, leaders)
7. Street (road, park, light, avenue)
8. cold (sun, hot, war,issue)
1. Wavy [girl, hair, lady,story] 13. Rickety [pavement, gloves, bridge,bird]
2. Lay [attention, emphasis, notice,order] 14. Nuclear [earth, weapon, violence,attack]
3. Land [quake, house, lord,rain] 15. Speedy [payment, attack, progress,recovery]
4. Rapid [growth, progress, movement,speed] 16. Make [violence, weapon, decision,ideas]
5. Earth [water, quake, land,soil] 17. Fish [watering, sea-level, dress, out ofwater]
6. Bullock [carriage, cart, wheels,track] 18. Cold [tea, war, chance,time]
7. Table [bag, salt, man,paper] 19. Conduct [plan, survey, paper,thoughts]
8. Sugar [bread, cane, bag, fruit] 20. Prescribed [talk, look, medicine,photo]
9. Independent [Indian ,mission, power,organ] 21. Job [repair, work, hunt, finish]
10. Running [bag, water, door,pencil] 22. Convey [deed, money, message,effort]
11. Small [water, needle, apartment,hair] 23. Twinkling [earth, moon, sun, star]
12. Self [idol, reproach, cry,truth] 24. Twinkling [ears, hands, mouth, eyes]

Syllabification (1 mark)
1. One syllable words: eye, eat, tea, zoo, go, shoe, key, moon, greed, friend, grand,
car,school, whole.
2. Two syllable words: canteen, daughter, college, father, honest, empty, remain,prepare,
people,English, ago, idea, tailor, anger, vanish, talent.secton
3. Three syllable words: accident, beautiful, affection, relation, selection, familiar,
direction, continent, primary,determine.adventure.
4. Four syllable words: conversation, legislature, ceremony, agriculture,relaxation.

Eg: who, free,table,fight (twosyllable)

1. went, ball,dew,moral (twosyllable)
2. suggest, longer,know,about (Onesyllable)
3. sell, low, brother,crores (twosyllable)
4. ball, car,love,kilo (twosyllable)
5. enemy, supreme,school,beauty (Onesyllable)
6. Powder, Blank,Succeed,Enjoy (OneSyllable)
7. Father, cheque,office,travel (OneSyllable)
8. Butter, Boy,Beauty,Balance. (Onesyllable)
9. Powder, Blank,Succeed,Enjoy (OneSyllable)
10. Silent, above,beauty,bow ( Onesyllable)

Opposites/ prefixes( 1mark)

1. Raju is regular to school but his friendRaheemis ------ irregular
2. Vishal’s way was legal in all aspects but hisfriend’s way was……..illegal
3. Parents should encourage their children in sports but some of them-----
4. Nowadays students are mentally strongbut they are physically
5. My teacher alwaysspeaks kindly. She......speaksharshly. never
6. Mr. Suman is very intelligent, but his brotherisvery ….dull
7. The tiger is carnivorous, where as thecowis……herbivorous
8. The like poles ofamagnet……while unlike poles attract.repule
9. These rules are too rigid. Weneedmore………ones flexible
10. Sam is quite fat but his sisterLizis………thin
11. Days are hot, butnightsare……….cool
12. A stone is not soft,itis……….. hard
13. I thought that the test would be difficult, but itwasquite……easy
14. He used to be an active kid, but he hasbecome quite….now.
15. These clothes are wet, thoseclothesare……….dry
16. My belt was old. Iboughta……….one new
17. Alice is atall girl. Hersisteris short
18. Don’t berude.Be…….polite
19. Some colors are bright,othersare ___________ dim
20. The deer runs fast, whereastortoiseis slow
21. Lion is a wild animal, where ascow is domestic
22. The questions were very difficult , butanswers were quite….easy
23. Work moreandsleep less.

Homophones (1 mark)
(Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.)
1.Too– You are too late..Two - I have twoeyes
2.Bear - Bear is an animal.Beer - Don’t drinkbeer
3.Blue -The sky is blue.Blew - Krishna blew the birthdaycandle.
4.Knew - I knew English. New - This is a newcar.
5.Pray - Every day we pray to god.Prey = Lion is waiting for it’sprey.

Fill in the blank choosing the correct word given in brackets.

1. The ………of the rope was so strong thatitcould …… be
removed by us.(knot,not)
2. Nobody can ……...what I tell you ……….(hear/here)hear,here
3. …………….desires in our village tobecomea ................. (nun/none)
none, nun
4. She brushed away her….when she learnt her booking was
confirmedin three……. A/c (tear/tier)tear,tier
5. ………you, now? (were/where) where,were
6. White ........ is a small and cute animal. ( hair,hare)
7. I have not ……….the …………..cover book till now. (red/ read) read,red
8. The house …...was…..to work for many hours without
rest(maid/made)maid, made
9. They ……….at the market where they buy …….(meet/meat) meet,meat
10. …………people cannotshowthe .............. way tosuccess.(idle/idea)idle,
11. She………….on a …………which was paved withflowers.(road/rode)rode,
12. Mr. Lokeshisthe ..................... ofour college. (principal/principle)
13. Ravithought ........... a plan to solve hisproblem(of/off)
14. Somestudentsare ............ inEnglish(weak/week)
15. The ............ president of India visited Karnataka.(farmer/former)
16. Shrutigave birthtoa ............... child(male/mail).
17. Wehad .............. many apples tocarry.(to/too/two)
18. I ................ a horse at the Marina beach.(road/rode)
19. The booksareover… ............. on theshelf.(their/there)
20. She has a very good eye …………… (site, sight)

Give One Word( 1 mark)

Give one word for the following.
1. A person who is especially good at some act ofachievement.----wizard
2. A private room inaship ------------ cabin
3. A piece of land in which fruit treesaregrown ----------- orchard
4. A great reformer, especiallyamusician ------------ Maestro
5. Ability to see, hearandunderstand --------------cognition.
6. Say something not clearlyenough.------------(mumble)
7. Feelinghelplessly.---------(tumbling)
8. A deep breath taken whensurprised.-------(gasp)
9. A decorated rod carried by a king or queen as a symbolof power.---
10. A small narrow stream orriver.--------(creek)
11. Look at the thing fixedly for longtime--------.(stare)
12. suffocation makes onebreathless.---------(choke)
13. To get somethingback.----------(redeem)
14. A narrate composition in rhythmic verse suitablefor singing.-
15. Scientific method of finding out aboutacrime… forensic.
16. An organized journey with apurpose……expedition.
17. To speak in a very kind way.------(polite)
18. To talk in a low voice. --------(whisper)
19. To make movements with hands.---------(gesture)
20. Lower the body close to the ground.-------(crouch)

Meaningful Word( 1 mark)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of words given in brackets.

1. Please give your------------(accept) withina weekacceptance

2. The speaker accepted the------------(resign) of thelegislator. resignation
3. The ---(discover) of the sea route to India was made byVasco-da-Gama.--
4. The teacher admired the --------(honest) ofthestudents honesty
5. Have a--------------(science)outlook scientific
6. Please, don’t cause-----------(inconvenient)totravellers. inconvenience
7. Make------------(meaning)sentences. meaningful
8. Chemistry isan---------(interest)subject. interesting
9. Have you taken the ------------(decide) wheretogo? decision
10. Give himan---------------(appoint) appointment.
11. Literates should give---------------(educate)tovillagers. education
12. Let Suresh get------------(admit) toXstandard. admission
13. Student takeupthe----------(dictate) dictation
14. Thomas Alva Edison’s ..........( invent) is knowntoeveryone. invention
15. Short stories are very----- for children toread.(interest) interesting
16. Samanvithahas....... (confident) in herstudents’ability confidence
17. Lotus isour……………(nation)flower. national.
18. Let Suresh get------------(admit) toXstandard. admission
19. The cricket players’performancewas…………….(impress) impressive
20. Children are very…………(curiosity) to knowtheir results curious

Rearrange the words in proper order to make meaningful sentence.

(1 mark)

1. working / Ravi / is company / a /in

Ravi is working in a company. 7. with Birbal / Akbar / once / angry / got/
2. come / don’t / the / late / office /to very
Don’t come late to the office. Once Akbar got very angry with Birbal.
3. in front of / temple / there / is / the / a/ 8. sight / what / beautiful / a /!
tree What a beautiful sight!
There is a tree in front of the temple. 9. is / he /a / gentleman / what / fine/!
4. sometimes/ makes / teacher / us /laugh/ What a fine gentleman he is!
the 10. To / speak / who / do / to / you/
Sometimes the teacher makes us laugh. want?
OR Who do you want to speak?
Teachers make us laugh sometimes. 11. Suresh / does / help / any / need /?
5. celebrate/independence /every/day/year / Does Suresh need any help?
we 12. The / problem / can / solve / who /?
We celebrate Independence day every year. Who can solve the problem?
6. sings / Radha / songs / never /film
Radha never sings film songs.

Active and Passive Voice( 1 mark)

Read the conversation and change the underlined sentence into passive
1. Dad : Asha, how was the annual day celebration in yourschool?
Asha :Fine,dad.
Dad : Who distributed theprizes?
Asha :The chief guest distributed the prizes.
The passive form of the underlined sentence is
The prizes were distributed by the chief guest,
2. Teacher :who has preparedthemodel?
Suma:Sir, I have prepared themodel..
The passive form of the italicized sentence is ……………..
The model has been prepared by me.
3. Priya:Hi Raju ! How are you?
4. Raju:Hi Priya ! I amfine.
Priya:Which game did you play in the school, yesterday? Raju:We

Kabaddi was played by us.

5. Teacher :Will you answer the question?

Ravi :I will answer thequestion.
The passive form of the underlined sentence is ......................
The questions will be answered by me.

6. Ramu - Have you completed the work?

Raju - No. Not yet, we are attending to that work now.

That work is being attended to by us now.

7. Ravi : What are you doing myfriend?
8. Raj : I am eating amango.
A mango is being eaten by me.

9. Anil : Hi! Baskar. How are you?

Baskar:I am fine. What aboutyou?
Anil :Did you attend the programme?
Baskar:Yes, I have attended theprogramme.

The programme has been attended by me.

10. The passive form of, ‘Rita is playing chess’is ----

Chess is being played by Rita.

11. Mother :Dear, have you completed the homework?

Daughter :No, I did not completeit.
It was not completed by me.

12. Sharath : Hello Madhu, what did you buyyesterday?

Madhu : I bought a newdress.
A new dress was brought by me.

13. Jayaram : Hello Keerthi. What are you doing?

Keerthi : Hello Jayaram, I am writing anessay.

An essay is being written by me
14. Mother :Who cleaned thebicycle?

Himamshu :I cleaned thebicycle.

The bicycle was cleaned by me

Degrees of comparison (1 mark)

There are three degrees of comparison.
● Positivedegree
● Comparativedegree
● Superlativedegree

The following are the basic adjectives we have to know

while changing degrees of comparison

List of the adjectives in degrees of comparison.

PositiveDegree ComparativeDegree SuperlativeDegree

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst
Much More Most
Little Less Least
Far Farther Farthest
Tall Taller Tallest
great Greater Greatest
Old Older Oldest
young Younger Youngest
Costly Costlier Costliest
Easy easier Easiest
Happy happier Happiest
small smaller smallest
Heavy heavier Heaviest
High higher Highest
Large larger Largest
Long longer Longest
1ow lower Lowest
Pretty prettier Prettiest
Strong stronger Strongest
Sure surer Surest
Sweet sweeter Sweetest
Bold bolder Boldest
Thick thicker thickest
Thin thinner Thinnest
Weak weaker Weakest
Safe safer Safest
Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful
Excellent More excellent Most excellent
Interesting More interesting Most interesting

Change the following sentences into other degrees.

1. One is compared withmany
For example:-
Asia is the largest continent in the world.
Subject + is/was + the + adjective + est/most + object
Asia is largerthan any othercontinent in the world.
Subject + is/was + adjective + than any other + object

No othercontinent in the world is as large as Asia.

No other + object + is/was+ as + adjective + as + subject

2. One is compared with anotherone

For example:-
Bangalore is costlier than Chennai.
Subject + is/was + adjective(er or more) + than + objective.
Chennai is not as costly as Bangalore.
Object + is + not as + adjective +as + subject.

3. When few are important withmanyForexample:-

Nehru is one of the greatest statesman in the world (Superlative)
Subject + is/was + one of the + adjective + object.

Nehru is greater than most other statesman in the world. (Comperative)

Subject + is/was + than most other + object.

Very/ only few states men in the world are as great as Nehru.(Positive)
Very/ only few + object + (is) are (was) were + as + adjective + as + subject.

More Examples to practice

1. The comparative degree of, ‘ Suresh is tallest boy in the class’is

Suresh is taller than any other boy in the class.
2. Change the following into comparativedegree.
Ravish is the most intelligent boy in the class.
Ravish is more intelligent than other boys in the class.
3. Change the following into superlativedegree.
Peacock is a beautiful bird.
Peacock is the most beauitiful bird.

4. Give the positive degreeof

Hemanna is the best student in the class.
No other boy is as good as Hemanna in the class.
5. Give the superlative degreeof
Rose is prettier than any otherflower.
Rose is the prettiest of all flowers.
6. Change into other two degrees.
The Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. (sup)
The Mount Everest is higher than any other peak in the world.
No other peak is as high as the Mount Everest in the world.
7. Change into other two degrees.
Iron is the hardest metal. (sup)
No other metal is as hard as iron.(pos)
Iron is harder than any other metal.(comp)
8.Change into other two degrees.
Mango is the sweetest fruit.
No other fruit is as sweet as mango.(pos)

Mango is sweeter than any other fruit.(comp)

Linkers.(1 mark)
Fill in the blank with suitablelinker.
1.Rahim………Vincent aregoodfriends………they live in differentplaces. And,but)
2.Bhavana Chetanaaretwins they are not identical. (And,but)
3. Abdul Kalam was a disciplined person. ...... he was able to reach toa
prestigious position.(hence)
4. --------he was ill, Kiran completed hiswork.(Though)
1. All schools in Shivamogga were closed foraweek……….of torrential rain.(because)
2. Ramesh could not come to school intime.......he missed his (because)
3. The game was stopped forawhile to heavyrains.(due)
4. Sea animals adopt tothedark coldenvironment.(and)
5. his illness he scored good marks.(in spiteof)
6. The secretary did the give the messagetoMr.Smith………she did not know
who hewas.(as/because)

Few examles for 2 Mark Questions

Answer the following in two or three sentences each:
1.“Baleshwar had good memory and had lot of good qualities.”Give
examples to support your answer.
2. Why did Swami’s father want Swami to sleep alone in the officeroom?
3.How do you say that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a voraciousreader?
4.“You cannot put a fence around the planet Earth.” Is this a toneof
weakness or self assertion?
5.What do the night, the sun and the clear dawnrepresent?
6.Why were the students marching in the street? Why was ittermed uncommon?
7. What had the police expected about the way ofprotest?
8. What are the hardships faced by DickyDolma,before she was readyfor
9.How did Dicky Dolma prepare for herventure?
10.DonAnselmo and the Americans were generous in their own way.
Give instances to justifythis.
11.‘It’s the chance of the lifetime’, said Ananth. What was ‘it’? How could he getit?
12. ‘They had come with high hopes’. What hopes did Anant’s parenthave?
13. Make a list of the lessons that KeilisBorok learn at theGeneva Summit.
14. What does ‘The motherland writing the Book of the Morrow’signify?
15. How does the speaker in the poem, ‘Off to Outer space Tomorrow Morning’
describe his experiences in the spaceship once it starts itsjourney?
16. What was there in the ‘mysterious parcel’? What suspicion did thepolice
have about that?
17.How did Dicky Dolma face hardships and challenges in her life?
18.The absence of mother from home taught the children something.
What wasthat?
19What did the old folks say about the Bird of Happiness?

Editing(2 marks)
The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it. Clues
are given.
1. The old man bow to all of us in the room. Then he removed his hat
and glove, slowly and carefully.
a) Verbal error to becompleted.
b) Number error to becorrected.
2. I did not attended the summer camp because he made me work athome from down
a) tense form of the verb to becorrected
b) spelling error to be corrected.
3. There had been a accident when he went hiking with his father and
brotherInder. They was crossing a bridge which wasold.
A) Correct article to beused.
B) Verbal mistake to becorrected.

4.These Americans are good people and they are willing to pay at the same
rate per acre. The money are foryou.
a) Capital letter to beused.
b) Verbal mistake to be corrected.
4. One day he asked his courtiers weather there is any other child,
whichis as beautiful as hisgrandson.
A)Spelling to becorrected
B)Conjunction to becorrected
5. He thought of a plan to got money. He went to the sea again and
had a dip.
A) Verbal mistake to becorrected.
B) Spelling to becorrected
6. Although Dravidian in origin, Kannada has been influenced bySanskrit.
According to some scholars, its early dates back with the
A) adverbial mistake to be Corrected
B) preposition to becorrected.
7. The old man hug his head for a moment. Then he
stand up and stared atme.
A) spelling error tobecorrected
B) verbal error to becorrected

3.Marks questions.
1“Columbus had the will power and had the strength toface obstacles” Justify
Columbus and his crew left Spain to discover the new world. He and his
men sailed for a long time but did not come across the trace of any land. The
sailors were fed up. They wanted to go back to their places. They asked
Columbus to turn the ship back to their country. When Columbus asked them
to wait for a few days, the crew became angry.
The sailors thought of revolting and even murdering Columbus. One of the
sailors rushed towards Columbus to murder him. Pepe another sailor
intervened him and saved the life of Columbus.
2. How was Pepe loyal to hismaster?
Pepe was loyal to Columbus. He had great respect for Columbus. He was
obedient, loyal and devoted servant of Columbus. Pepe always prefers to be in
the company of his beloved captain than any another. Pepe hated the rebels
because they were against his captain. Once Pepe cautioned his captain about
the desperate and the mutinous thoughts of theseamen. Everybody doubts
about the voyage except Pepe. Pepe called Guillermo Ires and seamen as
cowards and stood against them when they are about to attack Columbus. Till
the end Pepe remained loyal and obedient to Columbus.
3.“SatishGujral became a great artist’, support thisstatement
mentioning a few of his achievements.
“Physical disability is no barrier to success to Satish”. Justify.
SatishGujral is an expert in several art forms like painting,sculpture,
architecture and writing. Exhibitions of his works were held in prestigious
museums like Museum of modern Art, New York, the Hiroshima collection,
Washington and the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. He has
published four books of his works in the various arts. He was awarded the order
of the crown. He has also been honoured with the PadmaVibushan.
4.Narrate the circumstances that compelled Satish stay in thehouse.
Everything seemed like scenes from pantomime show to Sathish, Why?
One holiday Satish was hiking with his father and brother.They
therapids.Asaresultofthishislegsandearwereinjured.Hislegsbecame weak. He
suffered frequently from bouts of fever and didnot hearproperly. The teacher did
not allow him to school because he was hard of hearing and frequently absented
for the class. His father tried to get admissiontosomeotherschool,butinvain.
Whenhewentoutsidetoplay with children,they teased him. Therefore he was
compelled to stay at home.

5. Satish’s father and his brother Inder always supportive toSathish.

Explain this statement.
Due his frequent absence and his hearing problem, the school Satish was
attending till then, kept him out of the school. AvtarNarain
givinghimhandfulofbooks.HisbrotherIndersatforhourswithhimand talked to
hear him, teaching him words and pronunciation. The books impressed his
sensitive mind. Avatar Narain changed his mind bought things necessary for
his drawing and painting. He helped Satish to become world famousartist.
6.Narrate Swami’s dreadful experience when he was lying in theoffice
Swamirememberedthestoriesofdevilsandghostshehadheardin his life. For
example his friend Mani had seen the devil in the banyantree and Muniswami’s
father spat out blood when he saw the devil near the river edge. In fear his heart
beat faster. He was faint with fear. Hecovered himself completely so that he
could not breathe. He expected the devils would come and carry him away.
Swami hurriedly got up and spreadhisbed under the bench as he thought it was
the safe and secure place. He shut his eyes tight and encased himself in his
blanket once again and fell asleep unknowingly. In sleep he was racked with
nightmares. A tiger was chasing him. His feet stuck to the ground. He
desperately tried to escape but his feet would not move; the tiger was at his back
and he could hear its claws scratch the ground and then a loud thud. Swami
tried to open his eyes but his eyelids would not open and the nightmare
continued. Swami groaned in despair.
7. Narrate how a coward boy Swami became an heroovernight.
Swamiinevitablyhadtosleepintheofficeroom.Hespentthatnight with the
fear of the devils and the nightmares. Then he saw something moving in
darkness. He thought that his end had come and the devil had come to carry
him away. Finally as an attempt for survival he hugged it with all his might, and
used his teeth as mortal weapon on it. It was not
thedevilbuttheburglarwhocriedwithagonyandfellamidstthefurniture with a
bleeding ankle. The notorious house breaker of the district was arrested by the
police. The police were grateful to him. His classmates
appreciated that he was a true scout. Thus unknowingly Swami became a ‘hero’

Answer the following question in 5-6 sentences each:

1. How do you say that Don Anselmo was a man of principle and generous?
2. News paper report was an unexpected event in Swami’s life. Justify.
3. How was the accident a turning point in Satish’s life?
4. Write in your own words about the poem ‘I am the land’.
5. How does mother India make the poet to be aware of the practical problem and
asks to sing about?

(Extracts)3 Marks Questions

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1. “I argued with him but it was useless. Finally he signed

the deedand took the money. But refused to take more
than the amountagreed.”
a) Who does ‘I’ referto?
b) Who is the ‘he’here?
c) Why didn’t he take moremoney?
2. “They bought about a veritable revolution in socialthought.”
a) Who are they’?
b) What revolution is referredhere?
c) How did they bring about therevolution?
3. “I’m new to Mumbai, bit I’ve noticed that people here areafraid.”
a) Who was new toMumbai?
b) Why did he come toMumbai?
c) What made him to feel that the people of
Mumbaiwere afraid?
4. “What song shall I sing of you, mymother?”
a) Who is the speakerhere?
b) Who does ‘you’ referto?
c) Why does the speaker sayso?

5. ‘I’m new to Mumbai but I have noticed that people here areafraid’.
a) Why had he come toMumbai?
b) When did the speaker sayso?
c) What were the people of Mumbai afraidof?
6. ‘He raised, brick by brick, the magnificentedifice…’
a) What is the ‘magnificent edifice’ referred tohere?
b) Who raised theedifice?
c) How did he raiseit?
7. ‘The deepening of their discontent isominous’.
a) Who made thestatement?
B) Whose discontent does the speaker refer to?
c) When did the speaker say so?
8. “But his little daughter whispered, as she took his icyhand”
a) Whose daughter wasshe?
b) What did shewhisper?
c)What was the reaction of herwhisper?

(Teacher is supposed to frame questions to the following stems and help

children in answering them.)
1. You think you are wiser than thenewspaper.
2. A frightful proposition Swamithought.
3. Don’t cover your face. Are you really sleepy.
4. Why don’t you join the police when you growup.
5. There is a closer place I know of.
6. Oh, I could not thankhim.
7. I thought of SenatorCatron.
8. He bought books by curtailing his dailyneeds.
9. They had with high hopes in the miracle of modernscience.
10. They could not believe theireyes.
11. Why should one man have the lives of fifty in hishands.
12. They are simple men and must have therelaxation.
13. I don’t speak to them. I hatethem.
14. Everybody doubts, exceptme.
15. The Santa Maria will be the lighter for hiscarcass.
16. Cowards! Cowards! You will have to kill mefirst!
17. We were crowded in the cabin, not a soul would dare tosleep.
18. We arelost.
19. Isn’t god upon the ocean, just the same as on theland?
20. Then we kissed the littlemaiden.
21. They were crossing a rickety bridge over somerapids.
22. Will you come to schooltomorrow?
23. My son is not dumb,sir.
24. You want to do it very badly, don’tyou?
25. The summons came from the president of Russian Academy ofSciences.
26. It taught me never to feel lonelyabroad.
27. There won’t be any calendar, there won’t be anyclock.
28. You can watch on television and follow fromafar.
29. With the tea cups circling round me like the planets roundthe
(Note; Teachers must set questions for these statementsrelevantlylikeWho said…..
Who was it said to…… when was this said……. Why was it said ..etc )

Paragraph writing( 3 mark)

Study the picture given below.Write a paragraph based on whatyou see.
Profile writing( 3 marks)
1.Write a paragraph on Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar based on what you read

Born : 24thApril 1973 in Mumbai

Spouse : AnjaliTendulkar
Education : Kirti M.Doongursee
Movies : Sachin, A
Awards : BharathaRatna, Padma. Vibushan.
Children : Arjun Tendulkar, SaraTendulkar
Books : Playing it MyWay

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is a former Indian Cricketer and captain. He was born
on 24thApril 1973 in Mumbai. He was fond of cricket. He took cricket at the age of 11.
He studied in Kirti M. Doongursee College. He played test against Pakistan at the age
of 16. He scored 100 centuries in test and ODI. He was awarded BharathaRatna, Padma
Vibushan and many more. He married Anjali and had two children Arjun and Sara. On
him a cinema was started i.e. Sachin, a Billian Dream and wrote a book called ‘Playing
it My Way.’
2. Based on the information given in the table, write a biographical
Name : P.T.Usha
NickName : PayyoliExpress
DateofBirth : 27th July,1964
PlaceofBirth : Payyoli,Kerala
FieldofSports : Athletics ,running
Awards andMedalswon : - 4 gold medals and one silver
1986 Asian Games
- Padmashree and Arjuna
Award by Government of
P.T. Usha, also known as Payyoli Express was born on 27th July, 1964 at
Payyoli in Kerala. She was a famous athlete and had won many medals in running.
She won 4 gold medals and one silver medal in the 1986 Asian Games. She was
conferred with Padmashree and Arjuna Award by Government of India. Hence she was
called as golden queen.

3.Based on the information given in the table, write a biographical

Sketch on APJ AbdulKalam
PlaceofBirth :Rameshwaram,Tamilnadu
DateofBirth :15th October1931
Education :Aeronautical Engineering from MadrasInstitute
of Technology
Achievement :Project Director – Satellite Launch VehicleIII
BooksWritten :Wings of Fire, India 2020 : A Vision forthe
millennium My Journey, Ignited Minds
Awardsand Rewards : 1. 30 Honorarydoctorate
2. Padma Bhushan(1981)
3. Padma Vibhushan(1990)
4. Bharat Ratna(1997)
5. 11thPresident of India in2002
Dr.A. P. J.
AbdulKalamwasbornin15thOctober1931,atRameshwaram.inTamilnadu. He did
Aeronautical Engineering in Madras Institute of Technology. He was the project director
for Satellite Launch Vehicle III (SLV III). Hehaswrittenfourbooks. They are
WingsofFire,India2020:Avisionofthemillennium, MY Journey and Ignited Minds. He
became the 11th President of India in 2002. He got 30 honorary doctorates. He was
awarded Padma Bhushan (1981), Padma Vibhushan (1990) and BharathRathna (1997)
by the Government ofIndia.

Write a paragraph using the clues given :

1) Name : JehangirRatanjiDadabhoyTata
Born : July 29th1904
Died : November 29th
1993 Education : In France, Japan
Achievement : India’s first pilot, Chairman of Tata and sonsfor
50 years.Launched India’s first
Awards : BharathRathna in 1992

2) Name : BismillahKhan
Born : 21st March1916
Died : 21st August 2006
BirthPlace : Bihar
Instrument : Shehnai
Achievement : BharathRathna,
n, Padmashri,
SangeethNatakAcademy Award
3) Name : Raja Ramanna
Born : January 28th,
BirthPlace :Mysore
Died : September 24th2004
Career : Nuclear scientist, NuclearPhysicist
Education : B. Sc and M.Scfrom Madras
PhD., King’s college, London
Postsheld : Chairman II SC President,
IndianNationalScienceAcademy and Secretary,
Defence Research
Awards : ShanthiSwaroopBhatnagar Award,
Padma Vibhushan.
Padma Bhushan,
PadmashreeMeghanadSaha Medal.

4) Name : GirishNagarajeGowda
Born : January 26th 1988
BirthPlace :Hosanagara, Karnataka
Event : HighJump
Coach : Mr.Sathyanarayana
Achievement :Silver Medal in 2012 in SummerPara Olympics,
Awards : Padmashree, Arjuna Awar

Story Expansion(3Marks)
1. An Ant .... pond.... get out of the pond---drown........A dove .......... antdrowning help
the dove ...... dropped leaf......climbed the leaf .....saved. Just then a hunter wished
........ dove ........bit his leg .......... dropped the net. saved.
Once a dove saw an ant struggling to come out of the water. It was almost drowning in
thewater.The dove took pityontheantanddroppeddownaleaf.Theantclimbedon to the leaf
and reached the shore safely. Thereby the dove saved the ant’slife.
A while later a hunter came along with his trap. He saw the dove sitting on the tree and
aimed an arrow at the dove. The ant saw the hunter aiming at the dove. It wanted to save
the dove. So, it bit the hunter’s leg. The hunter missed his aim and the dove flew safely.

Moral ‘ A friend in need is friend in deed.’ Or ‘ One good turn deserves another.’

2. A farmer — goose — laid golden eggs. Sold — rich. But — greedy — at a time.—
cut — no eggs — sad. Lost — goose and eggs. Moral
Once a poor farmer lived in a village. He had a goose. It laid golden
eggseveryday.Thepoorfarmerused to take theeggtothetownandsellit. He earned a lot of
money and he was a happy man. Onedayhesaidhimself,“Igetonegoldeneggeveryday.
WhynotIhave all the eggs at a time? Then I will become very rich. I will kill the goose
andtakeallthe eggsatatimeandsellthem inthemarket.”Andsothepoor man killed the goose.
And lo! There were no eggs in its stomach. The goose died. The farmer regretted for
Moral ‘Think Before Action.’

3. An old farmer-----idle and uselesssons-----fatherdying………………………….anxiousfor

the sons-----calls them------says in one part ofhisproperty……………………….hidden
treasure----die----Sons take spades----dig through allthefields……………………..no
treasure----fields yieldgoodcrops………………………………………………learntlesson.

4. A rich farmer---owned a big piece of land---cattleandservants…………………………..two

sons---happy life---After some years youngersonunhappy…………………………..askedfor
his share of the property---wouldn’t listen tofather’sadvice……………………………..gothis
share---sold them all--…..went away toanothercountry……………………………….fell intobad
ways---soon all money gone---poor—no one to help him--……..understood his mistake
Poems for memorization.(4 marks)

The Quality of Mercy

But his little daughter whispered,
The quality of mercy is not strain’d As she took his icy hand,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven “Isn’t God upon the ocean,
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: Just the same as on the land?”
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.
‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes Then we kissed the little maiden, And
we spoke in better cheer, And we
The throned monarch better than his crown. anchored safe in harbour When the
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, morn was shining clear.
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway; The Blind Boy
It is enthroned in the heart of kings; O say what is that thing call’d light,
It is an attribute to God himself; Which I must ne’er enjoy.
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s What are the blessings of the sight, O tell
When mercy seasons justice. your poor blind boy.

You talk of wondrous things you see,

Ballad of The Tempest You say the sun shines bright;
WE were crowded in thecabin, I feel him warm, but how can he
Not a soul would dare to sleep,-- Or make it day or night?
It was midnight on the waters,
And a storm was on thedeep. My day or night myself I make,
Whenever I sleep of play; And
'Tis a fearful thing in winter could I ever keep awake With me
To be shattered by the blast, ‘twere always day .
And to hear the rattling trumpet
Thunder, 'Cut away the mast!'
With heavy sighs I often hear
So we shuddered there in silence,-- You mourn my hapless woe;
For the stoutest held his breath, But sure with patience I can bear
While the hungry sea was roaring A loss I ne’er can know
And the breakers talked with death.
Then let not what I cannothave My
As thus we sat in darkness cheer of mind destroy Whilst thus I
Each one busy with hisprayers, sing, I am a king, Although a poor
'We are lost!' the captain shouted, blindboy.
As he staggered down thestairs.
Summary of the poem- (4 Marks)

Summarize the poem Grandma climbs a Write the substance of the poem
tree. ‘Jazz Poem Two’.
The poet Ruskin Bond calls his grandmother The Jazz player is like an Ancient
as ‘Genius’ because she could climb anytree, Mariner. He has a wrinkled face, closed
even at the age of sixty-two. She was eyes with full of wearies. His collar
passionate to climb trees and learnt it from frayed, faded blue old shirt turned dark
her loving brother at the age of six. People sweat. Old necktie undone drops, old
said it was disgraceful to climb trees at that jacket holding his sagging stomach. He
age. Everybody feared that granny would fall had a rundown shoe having paper in
from the tree one day. She one day climbed a them. His unshaven face shows pain.
tree but could not come down. After the Across his chest lies an old saxophone
rescue, doctor recommended rest for a week. supportedbyawirecoathanger.Through
But for granny it was a brief season in hell. hismusic he spreads the gospel of God.
She demanded a house to be built on the Once he starts playing the music, he is
treetop. The poet’s father, who was dutiful, no longer a poor old black man but a
fulfilled his mother’s wish. Granny moved up bird which flies high, higher and
and enjoyed having sherry with the poet. higher. He feels, he has a message for
the people of theworld.

I am the Land Song of India

The poem ’I am the Land’ is written by The poem ‘Song of India is written by
Marina de Bellagenta. In this poem the earth V.K. Gokak. Here the poet tries to
lays patient when people say I buy it and convince his mother singing song.
owns it. The earth imagines itself with He says about the snow-covered
muddy holes and cars parked on with lights Himalaya and three oceans which
on, which looked like a staring eye. The washes her paws. He says about the
happiest thing that the earth feels is epics, the historical stories which
thatthefarmers ploughing the earth, plant were carved on the old walls of the
trees, grow fruits and flowers, children play temple. The soldiers guard our
and birds sing. The soldiers fight against nation in the boarders. The seers
other country. They put fence between the and prophets teach us valuable
nations. But they do not know they are lessons. Our country achieved a lot
choking the earth with smoke due towars. through industries dams, lakes,
Finally, the earth asserts that men can put steel mills and ship building yards.
fence between the countries but not around She boasts about the atomic energy.
the planet earth. The poem conveys Here the night represents sorrow.
universal brotherhood. The sun god saves us. The dawn
represents the bright future.
Unseen Passage. (4 marks)
Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow :
1)Many years ago Eskimos did not have permanent homes. They
wandered from place to place and then settled down for some time.
Their main occupations were fishing and hunting. They caught whales,
sharks, seals and the fish that are found in the icy waters of the North
Pole. They also hunted animals that were found in the Polar Regions.
When they did
They did very little cooking. Their main items of food were fish and
meat. It was never cooked. They preferred to eat itraw.
1.Why did the Eskimos wander from place toplace?
Ans: They had no permanent homes and wandered from place to place in
search of fishing and hunting.
2.Why did the Eskimos shift theirresidence?
Ans: When they did not get any more food, the Eskimos shifted their
2) I remember the house where I was born. It was in Karachi. At first
we used to live in a small house on Bunder road. Then, one day my daddy
came and told us, “We are getting Independence”. I was surprised and
said, “Why daddy, we are already free, I do what I like”. He smiled and
mummy told us that there were riots and we must not go out. She
explained that riots meant disturbance and no law and order.
After a month or so, we had to leaveKarachi.
It was the day of Diwali that we left. How well I remember Diwalis - When I
used to burst crackers with my friends and enjoy. But now it was all gone.
I had to leave all my friends and go to Bombay.
1.Why did the writer’s father say that they were going to be free?
Ans:The British were ruling our country and after we got
independence Pakistan and India were two different countriesand
people started to their respectivecountries.
2. Why did the writer feel unhappy on leaving Karachi?
Ans: The writer was unhappy because he was missing all his friends
and the Diwali he celebrated with them.
3)The tenth film festival for children and youth was inaugurated on November
14th, at Hyderabad. The popular American film ‘Babe’ was shown on the first
day and everyone enjoyed the film. On the second day a European film named
‘Star kid’ was screened. Some of the Indian films shown were ‘Dakghar’ (Hindi),
Ganga Bhavani (Telugu) Abhayam
(Malayalam)Mudhalia(Tamil)andLawanyaPreeti(Oriya).In all 131films from over
30 countries were screened. The money collected from the festival is to be used
for helping the poor children across thecountry.
1.If ‘Babe’ is for America : then ‘star kid’ isfor……….
Ans:- European
2. What will the organizers do with the money collected fromthe film festival?
Ans: used for helping poor children
3. Name the Indian films which were shown at the Tenth FilmFestival.
Ans:‘Dakghar’ (Hindi), Ganga Bhavani (Telugu) Abhayam (Malayalam) Mudhalia (Tamil)
and LavanyaPreeti(Oriya).
4. To whom were the films screened? Ans:
Children and theyouth.

4) I am very upset. I can’t sleep. Writing my diary may help. Today I slapped
Raman in the afternoon, which made him cry. Since then he hasn’t
talked to me. Today is the first time in 5 years that I have hit my younger
It hasn’t been a good day for me. In the morning, I couldn’t find my pen
and went to school without one. I made many mistakes in my sums. My
teacher scolded me. Then I didn’t get a ‘Good’ in Drawing, my favourite
subject. But the worst was games class. I had kicked the ball high and it
hurt Mukul. “Rahul, you are a naughty boy!” shouted Mr. Gill and punished
me. The moment I came home Raman came running “Rahul I have found
your pen. Now can I play with your blue aeroplane?” he said. But I was so
upset, that I slapped him. Poor Raman. It is my fault. I must say sorry to
Raman. How ? Should I buy him a chocolate or give him the blue aeroplane?
Or give him both? Both, I thought.
1. Why does the writer say that the day was not good forhim?
Ans: The day was not good for the writer because he had
slapped his younger brother, due to the mistakes on the
hectic day.
2. How did Rahul reconcile with hisbrother?
Ans: Rahul bought him a chocolate and also a blue
aeroplane and asked sorry to his brother.

3. Once the wind and the Sun had an argument. “I am

stronger than you”, said the wind. “No, you are not”, said the Sun.
Just at that moment they saw a traveller walking across the road. He
was wrapped in a shawl. The Sun and the wind agreed that whoever
could separate the traveller from his shawl
traveller gripped the shawl to his body. The struggle went on till the
wind’sturn was over. Not it was the Sun’s turn. The Sun smiled
warmly. The traveller felt the warmth of the smiling Sun. Soon he let
the shawl fall open. The Sun’ssmile grew warmer and warmer hotter
and hotter. Now the traveller no longer needed his shawl. He took it
off and dropped it on the ground. The Sun was declared stronger than
1. What was the argument between the Sun and
Ans: Who wasstronger?
2.How did they decide to test their strength?
Ans: To separate the traveller from
2. How did the wind prove itsstrength?
Ans: He blew with all his might to tear the traveler’s shawl
fromhis shoulders.
3. How did the Sun win thetest?
Ans: When sun became hot, the traveller took his shawl
off and dropped it on the ground.

4)One day Pasha Sab was walking along the road. He stopped near
a talltree and saw a monkey on it. It was eating nuts. The tree was full of
nuts. Pasha was very high up in the tree. He picked up a stone and threw it
at the monkey. The monkey chattered at him and said rude words in its
language. Pasha threw another stone. The monkey grew angry. Pasha threw
stones continuously at the monkey. The monkey picked up a nut and started
throwing at Pasha. This went on for half an hour. He got a bag of nuts.
Pasha said, “Thank you very much. My dear Monkey”, so saying he sat down
and ate allnuts.
1.Why did Pasha throw stones at the monkeyrepeatedly?
Ans: Pasha threw stones at the monkey repeatedly, so that the
monkey would grow angry and repeat the same act by throwing the nuts at
2.Who do you think is wise, the monkey or Pasha.Why?
Ans: Pasha is wiser than the monkey because he wanted to get the
nuts from the tree which was too high for him to reach it. Hence, herepeatedly threw
stones and annoyed the monkey, which in turn threw nuts athim.

4. Once there was a rich man living in a small village. He was a

businessman. He earned money with much risk. He went on horseback
and did hisbusiness. He was returning home, when a heavy rain overtook
him in the forest, he was drenched to the skin. He complained God for
such bad weather. Suddenly another man on a horseback came rushing
towards him. He had a gun in his hand. “Give me all your money or I will
shoot you.” He had a lot of money. He knew that he would lose all.
Suddenly his horse turned around. The man shot him, but nothing
happened. He realized that the gunpowder was wet and would not work.
He charged his horse and rode away safely. He thanked God for the rain. If
there was no rain, he would have certainly lost his wealth. God protected
him by sending the rain. So one should know that God will be there even
in little things to protectus.
1. How did God save the richman?
Ans: God saved the rich man by sending the rains. Had it not rained
the man on the horse back would have showered bullets on
him, hurt him and looted all the money he had.
2. What moral do you learn from thisstory?
Ans. : God knows all our needs and will do the needful at the right time.
One should not underestimate His blessings.

5. Once there was a rich man. His name was Rajaiah. He lived in a small town.
The people in that town wanted to be rich too. But they did not like to work
hard. One day Rajaiah put a box in the middle of the road. The box was
large and dirty. He hid behind a tree. He wanted to see what people would
do. Firsta farmer came there. He saw the dirty box. He walked around it and
went on his way. Next came the miller, then the milkmaid. At the end of the
day came a shepherd boy and saw the box. He moved it out of the way. He
thought that people may trip on it. Just as the boy was walking away he saw
something on the ground. It was a bag ofgold.
3. Why did Rajaiah hide behind atree?
Ans: Rajaiah hid behind a tree because he wanted to see how people
reacted after seeing the dirty box.
4. How was the shepherd boyrewarded?
Ans: The shepherd boy thought that people would trip on the box and
themselves, hence he moved the box and found a bag of gold.

9.Once there was a slave. His name was Andracles. His master was very
cruel. He treated him badly. So, the slave was sick of him and ran
awayintoa forest. There he saw a lion crying with pain. The lion sat
before him and held out its paw. There was a big thorn in its paw. The
slave drew it out and dressed the wound. They became friends.
After a few days, the slave was caught. He was ordered to be thrown before
a hungry lion. Many people came to see the act of cruelty.
A lion was caught for this purpose. It was kept hungry for many days. On
the fixed day, the lion was let loose on the slave. Instead of killing the
slave and feasting on him the hungry lion began to lick his feet.All the
people were surprised. The slave told the whole story of how the slave had
helped it during his need. The master was pleased and set Andracles free.
5. Why do you think the master ordered, the slave to be
thrown beforea hungrylion?
Ans: The master ordered the slave to be thrown before a
hungry lion, so that the slave would be killed for running
away from his clutches.
6. Why didn’t the lion killAndracles?
Ans: Because Andracles had helped the lion by drawing
out the big thorn from its paw and dressed its wound.

Letter Writing [5 Marks]

1.Imagine you are Tapaswini / Tejas in X standard, Jyothi High School,
Chitradurga. Write a letter to your father telling him how you are

Tapaswini / Tejas
X Standard
Jyothi High School,

My dear father,

I am fine here. Hope to hear the same from you. I am studyingwell.

My teachers are teaching well. I am studying for 4-5 hours daily
and there by preparing myself for the examination. We have special
coaching classes from our subject teachers both in the morning and
evening. Night classes also starts from January. Now it is very
forustodiscussthedifficultquestions.Myparentsarealsohelpingme in
I hope you that, I will score good marks in the board examination.
I shall come home, after the examination. Share my views with
mother. See you all soon.

Yours affectionately,
Tapaswini / Tejas
2.Imagine that you are Surekha / Suresh of SardarVallabhai
PatelHigh school, Darwar. Write a letter to the Editor, Deccan Herald
Newspaper, Bangalore -01 requesting him to report your school day
programme in thenewspaper.

Surekha / Suresh
SardarVallabhaiHigh School Darwar.

The Editor
The Deccan Herald Bangalore-01

Respected Sir,

Sub:-Requisition to report school day programme in the newspaper.

With regard to the above subject I am the student of 10thStandard of

SardarVallababai High School, Darwar. In our school, the school day
was held on 30thand 31stof December. I will send the CD of that
programmeto you. Many of our students had participated in dance
and won prizes. Kindly report this in your paper.
I hope you will do this as quickly as possible. I am waiting forthe

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Surekha / Suresh

3.Imagine that you are Punith / Punarvika studying in X standard,

Govt. school, Veerajpet.
Write a letter to your mother about your studies and your stay in the hostel.
Punith/ Punarvika
X standard
Govt. High School.
Date : 23/10/2019

My dearmother,

I am keeping well and expect the same from you.

I amgoing to school regularly. I am really fortunate to have good teachers
for all the subjects. I get up at 5am and study for about twohours.After
bath I go through newspaper. After breakfast, I startmy journey
I have good hostel mates. The warden of the hostel is very strict. He
helps us in our studies. I am working hard. I will score good marks.
Please convey my respect to father and uncle.
Yours affectionately,
Punith/ Punarvika

Write a letter to your head master requesting for financial help

from poor boys’ fund.

Punith/ Punarvika
X standard
Govt. High School
23rd Feb,2019.

The Head Master
Govt. High School.

Respected Sir,

I am to state that my father is a labourer. His monthly income is

Rs. 2000/-. He has to feed six members. I am not able to purchase
note books. My father wants me to discontinue my studies. But I
want to study and pass S.S.L.C examination in first class.
I came to know that there is Poor Boys’ Fund. I request you to
kindly grant me Rs. 2000/- I shall return this amount as soon
as I begin toearn.


Yours faithfully,
Punith/ Punarvika


Swami’s father read the newspaper report.
It was about the bravery of a village boy who came face to face with a tiger.
So swami’s father said that courage was more important.
But swami said age and strength are moreimportant.
Swami father challenged Swami to prove his courage. He
tried escape but his father did not leavehim.
He went sleep in the office room.
He was so scared so he went under the bench and slept.
He had a nightmare in which a tiger was chasing him.
Then he heard a sound and he opened his eyes.
He saw a thing moving.
He thought it was a devil and bit its leg.
He was the most wanted burglar.
He became a hero.
Everybody congratulated him.


Roma was travelling in a train.
She fell of a moving train.
Baleshwar saw her and call others for help.
Nobody came forward.
Because they were afraid of the police and the courts.
A truck driver helped him.
Both of them took her to a nearby hospital and He called her brother.
Doctors treated her without any paper work.
She was saved.
She was surprised because a stranger had saved her life.


Don Anselmo had a land.
Americans wanted to buy it but he was not in a hurry.
Finally he agreed to sell it for 12 hundred dollars.
American discovered that he had more land.
They were ready to pay more for that land.
Don Anselmo did not take it.
One day Americans came and complained to the story writer that
everyday children came and played in their orchard.
They requested to stop them.
The old man said that he could not do that. Children were
the real owners.
The Americans decided to buy those trees individually.

Ambedkar was a good reader.
When he was a child, he bought books by cutting his daily needs.
He bought two thousand books from New York and 32 boxes
of books from London.
He fought for the depressed classes.
So he was called the champion of the depressed.
The 14thamendment and Mahatma Phule influenced him.
He reminded the depressed classes about their rights.
Gandhiji reminded the higher classes about theirduties.
According to Buddha, there are only two classes noble and ignoble. According
to Avvai there only two classes the charitable and the misers.
Nehru made him the first law minster as he was skilled in law making

Columbus with other seamen went to discover a land.
After many days they did not find any land .
Seamen were so sad.
So they wanted to go back.
Columbus was a short tempered man.
For him his tongue was the worst enemy.
When Columbus did not agree to go back, the seamen came to kill him.
Pepe was a small boy, who stood between him and the seamen.
Columbus felt very bad.
Finally they found a new land
Ananth was suffering from cancer.
So his family came to Bombay for his treatment.
The doctors gave no hope.
He was intelligent, fastest runner, the best table tennis player
And he had composed many tunes.
Listening to Pandit Ravi shankar was his chance of life time.
When Pandit Ravi Shankar was coming and performing in his town, he
wanted to go but could not.
So Smitha, his sister planned.
She went to the concert and requested Pandit to perform for her brother.
Though they were very busy,Pandit and Ustad came and performed for
Colours of silence
Satish went hiking with his father and brother Inder.
He fell into the rapids .
His legs and head hurt badly.
Treatment made him deaf.
Schools rejected him.
New schools did not give admission.
He stayed at home and started reading books, painting and drawing. His
father did not like drawing and painting.
According to him artist live in poverty.
One day Satish saw a bird.
It was beautiful with a longish tail and a black crest.
It had restless energy.
He sketched that bird.
From then on he began drawing. One day his
father saw him painting.
He got all necessary things for drawing,
He also admitted him to a school of art.
Today he is a famous artist and a great writer.
He got awards like order of the crown and PadmaVibhushan.
Physical disability is not a barrier to success.
Science and hope of Survival
Kellies Borok was doing research on seismic waves.
These waves cause tremors.
Tremors are generated by earthquake and nuclear explosion.
Borok was called to Geneve to find out the difference between these two.
Three super nations met at Geneve to put a ban on underground explosion.
Because they were afraid of MAD.
Scientists from different countries worked together.
We cannot live without science.
All new technologies, new brands of industries are the gifts of science.
There is a hope of survival.

Short essays for High school students[4 Marks]

1. Ban on plastic:
Plastic bags are readily available in the market and are used widely.
These are especially popular at the grocery stores since they come handy
in carrying the grocery items. Available in various sizes these are quite
economical and also easy to carry. However, the cost we are paying for
using these bags is over looked.These bags are costing us our beautiful
environment. Yes! The plastic bags that we use in our everyday life are
hazardous for theenvironment.
The problem is much serious than it appears. Researchers claim
that plastic bags are a major cause of water pollution. These are also
responsible for making our agricultural lands infertile and a cause of a
number of other serious problems. Many countries have banned the use
of plastic bags in order to ensure a cleaner and greener environment.
India is also among one of thesecountries.
Our country has banned the use of plastic bags in many states.
However, the implementation of this rule hasn’t been proper. These are
still available in the market. The retailers provide goods in these bags and
the shoppers gladly take their stuff in these easy to carry bags. It is time
each one of us must understand the severity of the issue and stop the use
of plastic bags.
2. Uses of Internet:-
Internet is one thing that we cannot imagine our lives without. It is
longeracostlyaffair.Youcanconnectwiththematjusttheclickofa button.
Internet offers various means of communication including
orchatwithyournearanddearonesatanytimeofthedaywiththe help ofInternet.
everyoneisbusywiththeirownlivesinternetcanprovetobeyourbest friend.
From e-books to movies to music – everything you need for entertainment
is available on theinternet.

Internet has also proved to be a boon for the businessmen. It has become a platform
to sell products and make a presence across the
isbeingsoldonline.Eventhosewhoarenotprovidinggoodsand services online are using
this medium for promotion of their businesses.

3. World EnvironmentDay:-
thepeopleworldwideon5thofJune.Thiscampaignwasestablishedto raise
the global awareness among people about the environmental issues as
well as take positive environmental actions. It is handled by the United
Nations Environment Programme and was established by the United
Nations General Assembly in 1972. It is a day to especially focus on the
current environmental conditions to make environment better. It is
celebrated by the people in more than 100 countries. It is
wellaspublicactions.Thisdaywascreatedtopromotepeopletowork for
environmental issues and become active agents of the sustainable and
eco-friendly developmentworldwide.

Conclusion: Theconditionofourenvironmentisgettingdeclinedday by day

because of the pollution and global warming. We should celebrate and
promote eco-friendly development in our country in order to save the
environment for betterfuture.

Corruption is the misuse of public property, position, power and
Corruption is the misuse of authority for personal gain of an individual or
group. It is the unfair use of public power for some private advantages by
breaking some rules and regulations made by government. Now a day, it
has been spread deeply in the society and has become very strong because
of its lots of roots. It is like a cancer which once generated cannot be ended
without medicine and spreading its rootscontinuously.
through online transfer or in the form of costly gift etc. Some people
wrongly uses someone else money for their own sake. Some people
recruited in the government or non-government offices have been
5.Importance of Sports in Our Life:–
Introduction: Taking part in various sports activities is important
in ensuringthatoneisabletoreapthebenefitsthatcomewithit.There are
various sports activities that one can take part in to ensure that they
are able to lead healthier and more activelives.

Importance of sports: Sports help to reduce the levels of stress.

They helponetodeviateawayfromotherthingsthatnaybestressingthem
inlifetheyareabletofocusonhavingfunplayingtheirfavoritesport for
sometime.Sports also help towards the development of a healthier body.
This is becauseplayingofferssomeformofexerciseasitisaphysicalactivity.

healthierbones.Sports also help in improving one’s cooperation skills.
Most of the
sportsactivitiesinvolveonbecomingpartofateamwhichrequiresone to
cooperate to ensure the success of
helps one to get rid of excess fat and calories which have
for one to ensure that they become actively and regularly involved at

6.Swachh BharatAbhiyan:

NarendraModi as a nationwide cleanliness campaign. It is implemented to
fulfill the vision and mission of clean India one day. It was launched
especially on the birth anniversary of the Mahatma
But after so many years, Swachh Bharat Mission was again started
by the Government of India to make the dream of clean India come true
till 150th birth anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi. It was started in 2014
on 2nd of October on the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma
ifeachandeverypersonlivinginIndiawouldunderstandthiscampaign, their
own responsibility and try to join hands together to make it a

7.Short Essay on the “Role of Media” in Our Daily Life:-

delivered to us with our morning cup of tea. Some of us switch on to
developmentssincethenewspaperwenttobed(sentforprinting)last night.
items and songs as the case may be. These advertisements try to
influenceourmindsaboutwhatweshouldeat,drink,wearorbuyin general.
They even caution us against diseases like AIDS, remind us about
polio drops,informusaboutforthcomingfilmsandmotivateourthinkingina
subtle manner. Before leaving home for the day some of us check and
reply our e-mails like we used to see our mailboxes.
8. Music:-
Musicplaysanintegralandessentialroleinourlife.Thereare various types of music
which we can enjoy according to our
needadrequirement.Someofusareusedtooflisteningmusic during the study time, playing
indoor or outdoor game and othermoments.
However, everyone wants to listen music in their spare time to get
some enjoyment and relief their mind. Listening slow sound music gives
us relief and peace and makes us healthy mentally and spiritually. It
helps us to get prevented
fromthementalandemotionalproblemsallthroughthelife.I love music a lot
9.Use of Technology inEducation:-
The effective Use of Technology in Education has changed the face
of education and it has created more educational
variouseducationaltechnologies,teachershavelearnedhowto integrate
technology in their classrooms and students are
gettingmoreinterestedinlearningwithtechnology.Theuseof technology in
education has removed educational boundaries, both students and
teachers can collaborate in real time using advanced
Technologyhashelpedinthegrowthofmobilelearningand long
distance learning. The use of internet technology has
enabledteacherstoreachstudentsacrossboardersandalso students
from developing countries have used internet
Many universities and colleges have embraced online education by
creating virtual classrooms. Online education is flexible and affordable,
students can attend classrooms during
theirfreetime,andtheycanalsohaveachancetointeractwith other

doeshis/herworksontimeiscalledaspunctual.Punctualityis the characteristic of a person
which makes him capable to handlealltheappointmentsontime.Itenablesapersontodo
benefitsapersoninmanyways.Studentsmustbetaughtto reach their
schools at right time. Punctuality is a powerful quality which can
make a person successful and famous personality.

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