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Lesson Plan in English – 7

February 07, 2020

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. state their opinions on why there is high tide during full moon
B. read the story of Mar and Luna (Why there is High Tide during Full Moon)
C. reflect on the importance of obeying the elders
D. complete a graphic organizer containing the correct arrangement of the story’s events

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Why There is High Tide During Full Moon (A Myth)
B. Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Worksheets, Chalk and Board Technique, Copies of Story

III. Methodology
A. Routines
1. Opening Prayer
2. Classroom Management
B. Pre-Reading Activity
The teacher shows some common scientific questions and let students share their opinions. These will include the following:
1. Why is the sky blue?
2. Why does the moon appear at daylight?
3. Why do we have low and high tide?
The last question would ask the students on the reasons why there is high tide during full moon. A short sharing of the students’
answers will be done. After then, the teacher diverts the discussion to the mythical beliefs of the ancestors regarding the
relationship between the moon and the tide.

In addition, the teacher recalls the idea of “myths” as a form of narrative explaining the origin of things.

C. While-Reading Activity
As the teacher presents the topic, she also gives questions that will guide the students on the important ideas of the story.
1. Who are the main characters of the story?
2. When and where did the lovers first meet?
3. What problem did the Mar and Luna face? How did it happen?
4. What happened in the end of the story?
5. Why did the characters end up that way?
Upon the presentation of the guide questions, she chooses a student to lead the story reading, while the students follow silently
using their own copies of the reading material.

D. Post-Reading Activity
1. Discussion
The teacher discusses the story through GPU. She asks the following questions:
a. How did the story begin?
b. Who is the character introduced in the beginning?
c. What can you say about her?
d. What does she usually do?
e. What happened to the moon goddess during one of her travels?
f. How will you describe Luna’s first meeting with Mar?
g. Did they ever see each other again?
h. Can you say that the characters remained happy together? Why? Why not?
i. How did they end up with that situation?
j. What will you do if you are in our characters’ situation?
k. Now that they are forbidden to see each other, what did our characters do?
l. How did the story end?

They will also give answers to the WH- questions given inside the story star.

WHO Why there WHERE

is High E
Tide during
Full Moon

2. Valuing/Application
The teacher emphasizes the value of obedience to the students. Using a graphic organizer, she asks the students to share the
consequences of disobedience.



Result Result

3. Evaluation
The teacher shows several events from the story and let the students complete the story organizer. (Some of the written events
are not included on the answers.)

Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Event 6

In one of her short travels outside the kingdom, she met Mar, The sun god was furious and he informed the sea god about
the son of the sea god, and they fell in love after their secret Luna and Mar’s disobedience. The two are punished and they
meetings. never get to see each other again.
Luna fought with her father and decided to run away with There was a beautiful moon goddess named Luna, the
Mar who was able to escape his father’s punishment. daughter of the sun god who loves going around in her golden
Longing for Mar, Luna goes out to the sea in hopes to see Mar, after his attempts, escaped from the sea cave and Luna
Mar. Mar sees Luna’s reflection and he struggles to escape, was very happy to finally see him again.
causing troubles to the water.
Since then, whenever the moon is full, the sea gets troubled One of Luna’s jealous cousins told the sun god about her
and causes the high tide. secret affair with Mar.

4. Assignment
The teachers asks the students to read “Indarapatra and Sulayman” from the Grade 7 Learning Material, pages 127 – 130.

Prepared by:

Ms. Kristel Blanca B. Dumagtoy

SST – 1

Checked by:

Mr. Franzen M. Taniegra

Head, English Department

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