Prelim Language, Culture and Society, Summer 2019

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Mary’s College of Borongan

Prelim Examination in
Language, Culture and Society
April 29-30, 2019

Name______________________________ Score ____________

Course & Year ______________________ Date _____________
Professor: Mrs. Ellen Grace S. Abude
Test I. Multiple Choice. Directions: Choose the correct letter that best fits the statement. Write
your answer before the number.
___1. Which of the following was not identified as a defining feature of culture?
a. Culture is transmitted
b. Culture is cumulative
c. Culture is shared
d. Culture is learned
e. Culture is symbolic
___2. Values, traditions, and beliefs are all examples of-
a. Non-material culture
b. Customs
c. Material culture
d. Cultural relativism
e. Popular culture
___3. Jumping up and down in an elevator would be a violation of a ___
a. Law
b. Cultural universal
c. Value
d. Folkway
e. Mores
___4. Language is usually considered to be –
a. A key cultural market
b. A cultural universal
c. Essential for cultural integration
d. A flexible system of systems
e. A cultural barrier
___5. Bill 101 covered the issue of-
a. Bilingualism on interior signs
b. French language on exterior signs in Quebec
c. The rights of victims to testify in criminal cases
d. Sexual assault legislation
e. New laws governing computer fraud
___6. The use of language to label people can lead to a –
a. Cultural adaptation
b. Cultural lag
c. Development of a subculture
d. Sense of ethnocentrism
e. Self-fulfilling prophecy
___7. Research by Lakoff showed that these are some distinct communication differences
between men and women. In general, men tend to-
a. Use tag questions at the end of sentences
b. Use a greater range of words
c. Talk more over the course of the relationship
d. Not appreciate or encourage self-disclosure as much
e. Be more polite in their speech patterns
___8. Conflict theory emphasizes the use of humor as a-
a. Source of negativity towards women
b. Means by which to present the self
c. Means by which to bind culture
d. Political tool
e. Defense mechanism
___9. Culture is usually assumed to be-
a. Insulated against technology
b. A subjective entity
c. Always changing
d. Mutually exclusive
e. Fixed and static
___10. Bringing music and movies into Canada from another country would be a good example
of __ diffusion.
a. Direct
b. Indirect
c. Relativistic
d. Adaptive
e. Integrative
___11. Cultural change can also occur through –
a. Mass media and adaptation
b. Diffusion and technology
c. Multiculturalism and assimilation
d. Invention and discovery
e. Language and symbols
___12. The process that enables a culture to maintain equilibrium despite fluctuations in their
culture is known as –
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Enculturation
c. Diffusion
d. Cultural integration
e. Adaptation
___13. According to conflict theory, culture is maintained through the – of society
a. Dominant ideology
b. Language
c. Popular culture
d. Cultural universals
e. Proletariat
___14. Which sociological theory emphasizes the roll of language and literacy in fighting
against cultural subordination?
a. Symbolic interactionism
b. Conflict
c. Functionalism
d. Feminism
e. Radical
___15. In Canada, eating disorders would be an example of ---
a. Cultural lag
b. Cultural relativism
c. Cultural shock
d. Cultural integration
e. Cultural-bound syndromes
___16. Immigration, tourism, and globalization all mean that-
a. Cultures are becoming more stable
b. Cultural lag doesn’t last as long
c. Cultural diversity in increasing
d. Cultural relativism is now the norm
e. Culture shock is increasing
___17. Which of the following would not be a good example of a counter culture?
a. Organized crime
b. Toronto Raptors fans
c. Racist groups
d. Motorcycle gangs
e. Terrorism
___18. Embracing language and ethnic and cultural difference is thought to be a core Canadian
value called –
a. Belief in consultation and dialogue
b. Compassion and generosity
c. Importance of accommodation and tolerance
d. Support for diversity
e. Belief in equality and fairness
___19. According to sociologists, Canadian culture has been shaped by ---
a. Sports
b. Our aboriginal history
c. Political incompetence
d. Immigration
e. An intricate and diverse set of circumstances
___20. The destruction of a culture through conquest is referred to by anthropologists as-
a. Homicide
b. Ethnocide
c. Cultural extinction
d. Pesticide
e. Infanticide
___21. Dignity, personal integrity, and inviolability of body and mind are all examples of –
a. Cultural givens
b. Adaptive mechanisms
c. Constitutional law
d. Cultural relativism
e. Human rights
___22. The global economy and the concept of interdependence is often occurred of having –
a. Too many rules and regulations that weigh process down
b. A positive influence on multicultural development
c. Too much concern for non-material culture
d. A disregard for cultural assimilation
e. Few boundaries
___23. A process through which cultural elements become closely connected and mutually
interdependent is also known as ---
a. Cultural integration
b. Cultural relativism
c. Cultural genocide
d. Cultural lag
e. Cultural proscriptions
___24. Personal distances and gestures are examples of forms of –
a. Non-verbal communication
b. Material culture
c. Values
d. Cultural integration
e. Folkways
___25. According to__ theory, unique customs develop and persist because they are adaptive.
a. Conflict
b. Functionalism
c. Symbolic interactionism
d. Radical
e. Feminism
___26. A ___ is a distinct cultural group within a larger culture.
a. Material culture
b. Co-culture
c. Sub-culture
d. Bi-culture
___27. What is a “learned system of knowledge, behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms
shared by a group of people” called?
a. Dominant culture
b. Culture
c. Co-culture
d. Community
___28. Schools, governments, music, and theatre are examples of ---
a. Cultural elements
b. Cultural context
c. Enculturation
d. Co-cultures
___29. The process through which an individual acquires new approaches, beliefs, and values
by coming into contact with another culture is referred to as ---
a. Acculturation
b. Cultural immersion
c. Enculturation
d. Sub-culturation
___30. People from “masculine” cultures like Great Britain and Japan –
a. Tend to be more religious
b. Tend to value such things as caring for the less fortunate
c. Tend to value collective achievement
d. Tend to value more traditional roles for men and women
___31. Canada is a country that scores high on the cultural value of –
a. Individualism
b. Power distribution
c. Collectivism
d. Uncertainty avoidance
___32. Cultures that rely more on language and less on contextual cues when sending and
interpreting messages are considered
a. Medium-context cultures
b. High-context cultures
c. Non-context cultures
d. Low-context cultures
___33. The feeling of stress and anxiety that most people experience when encountering a
culture different from their own is referred to as---
a. Acculturation
b. Culture shock
c. Enculturation
d. Ethnocentrism
___34. The belief that one’s culture is superior to other is called –
a. Assuming similarity
b. Enculturation
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Stereotyping and prejudice
___35. The statement “Asians are good at English” is an example of -
a. A stereotype
b. Labelling
c. Prejudice
d. Discrimination
___36. A __ is a perception shared by a culture or group about key beliefs and issues like the
meaning of life.
a. Cultural outlook
b. Co-culture
c. World view
d. Third culture
___37. What strategy are you using when you take into account another person’s thoughts,
values, background, and perspectives while you interact with them?
a. Paraphrasing
b. Common courtesy
c. Social decent
d. Empathy
___38. What strategy are you using when you feel what another person is feeling which you
interact with them?
a. Social decent
b. Sympathy
c. Empathy
d. Adaptation
___39. What theory suggests that all people adapt their behavior to others to some extent?
a. Predictive and adaptation theory
b. Empathy theory
c. Reactive adaptation theory
d. Communication accommodation theory
___40. When you modify your behavior in anticipation of an event, you __
a. Accommodate
b. Adapt predictively
c. Adapt reactively
d. Adapt defensively
Test II. True/False. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is true; FALSE if it is false. Write
your answer before the number.
___41. For the most part, the terms “linguistics anthropology “and “anthropology linguistics
mean exactly the same thing, and neither is to be preferred over the other.
___ 42. Natural language itself is not ambiguous; it is people who misinterpret things that cause
___43. According to Boas, there is no intrinsic convention between race, language, and culture.
___44. Almost everywhere in the world everyone is monolingual or mono dialectal, just as in
___45. No language is really more complex or simpler or easier than any other; no language is
harder or easier to learn than any other.
___46. While linguists are primarily interested in the structure of languages, linguistic
anthropologists study the relationship between language on the one hand and culture and society
on the other.
___47. The reason all anthropologists enjoy fieldwork as that living in the field place no
demands o them that they must adjust to.
___48. The native speaker from whom the researcher collects linguistic data is referred to as an
___49. One characteristic that sets anthropology apart from other social sciences is a strong
framework component.
___50. In the initial phases of field work, the anthropologist prefers to use people who have had
extended experience in the anthropologists own society.
___51. Unwritten languages of small tribal societies are primitive because these languages have
little or no grammar.
___52. Vocabularies of the languages of small tribal societies may not be as extensive as the
vocabulary of, say, English, but are sufficient to serve the needs of the groups living them.
___53. American English has more vowel phonemes than consonant phonemes.
___54. English spelling and spoken English are well correlated; the writing system of English is
therefore particularly suitable for careful linguistic word with unwritten languages.
___55. In the production of vowels, the air that escapes through the mouth (and the nose in the
case of nasalized vowels) is relatively unimpeded.
___56. Pitch in a variety of intonation patterns is used in English- for example, in questions.
___57. The syllable written as Ma has four different meanings in Mandarin Chinese depending
on the type of pitch contour the speaker employs.
___58. The English words guy and thigh represent a minima pair, that is, they vary from each
other in one sound only.
___59. The term emic refers to an analytical approach based on data received from native
informants, that is, it is a culture specific (language-specific approach).
___60. If the norms of interpreting speech behavior are shared by speakers, their relations are
always harmonious.
___61. The semantics differential is one device used to try to measure connotation.
___62. Every language in the world basically has the same set of color terms.
___63. Cultural determinants believe that environment and cuture determine the structure of the
human mind.
___64. There are no areas in the world where societies have very similar cultures but speak
completely unrelated languages.
___65. In anthropology, the term society always refers to a homogenous population, that is, a
population of uniform ethnic composition.
___66. There is very little correlation between the vocabulary of a language and the material
culture of the society whose members speak the language.
___67. Gender is not a distinctive component of cousin terminology in English.
___68. So-called tag questions characterize the speech of young American women rather than of
older ones.
___69. Both male and female speakers of American English use the same patterns of intonation.
___70. In courts, the specific phrasing of questions can and does influence the answers of

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