Problem Set 2

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Mechanical behaviour of materials

Instructor – Dr. Chinmoy Chattopadhyay

Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology
Problem Set – 2
1. If, at 400oC, the concentration of vacancies in Aluminium is 2.3x10-5, what is the excess
concentration of vacancies if the Aluminium is quenched from 600oC to room
temperature? What is the number of vacancies per cubic μm of quenched Aluminium?
[(nv/N)=exp(-Gv/kT) where, nV is no of vacancies and N is total no of atoms; Gv=0.62
eV, k=86.2x10-6 eV/K and given rAl=0.143nm]

2. An annealed Copper block has a dislocation density of 10-12 m-2; Calculate total strain
energy of the Copper block. [Burger’s Vector of Copper = 0.25 nm; G = 48.3 GPa]

3. Consider the following BCC dislocation dissociation reaction

a __ a __ a __ a __
[111]  [11 0]  [11 2]  [11 0]
2 8 4 8
(a) Prove that the dissociation will occur.
(b) What kind of dislocation are (a/8)<110> and (a/4)<112> ?
(c) What kind of crystal imperfection results from this dislocation dissociation?
(d) What determines the distance between two dislocations 1st and 2nd of Right
hand side of the dissociation reaction?

4. Consider the reaction of two parallel dislocations of Burger’s vector b1= (a/2)[110] and
b2= a [0 11] . What would be the Burger’s vector of the product dislocation if they react
with each other? Would the reaction be energetically favourable?

5. A tensile stress of σ = 5 kPa is applied parallel to the [432] direction of a cubic crystal.
Find the shear stress, τ, on (111) plane in the [011] direction.

6. A cubic crystal is subjected to a stress state, σx =15 kPa, σy = 0, σz = 7.5 kPa, τyz = τxz =
τyx = 0, where, x=[100], y=[010] and z=[001]. What is the shear stress on the (111)[101]
slip system? See the Figure below.

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