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Der RETAIL MANAGEMENT University of South Asia Lahore Introduction: Doce bakers is a food and grocery retail store chain in Lahore Pakistan with more than 25 branches currently operational First branch opened on 3 July 2011 iqbal town Lahore. It has its own production facility at kotlakhpat industrial area approximate 125 workers at factory for production DOCE have a wide range of products from milk to water, baked desserts, Special Pakistani Mithai with several Variations, live Fresh Pizza from their Professional Chefs and breakfast pastries and they also have products from other brands as well at their outlets. VISION & MISSION “Doce believes on the fact we are what We eat. Our vision is to make Doce is a brand, a brand recognizable for its uniqueness and quality in ethnic food market all” “Our mission is to offer wholesome organic food products, promote healthy and sustainable alternative lifestyle choices those others haven’t even dreamt of. It’s our commitment to deliver you premium quality” Branches First branch was opened in July 2011 Current numbers of branches are 25 in the Lahore. By December 2012 number of branches will be 45-50. Doce bakers branches are every major market in the Lahore. Product line: Total 500 products are retail on DOCE. oSweets oBakery products oPizza Supplier: Doce get the raw material for their sweets and bakery products from different supplier, the top supplier are eSunny floor °Ok floor eAl Rehmat almond & dry fruits get from Shahalmi Lahore. Competitors: eGourmet eSHEZAN Cakes and bakes Butt sweets eNIRALA sweets Production plant: Dose foods have their own production facility at Quaid -e-Azam industrial estate kot lakhpat Lahore . where they are manufacturer the sweets & bakery products as their need on retail outlets. they manufacture 500 products in their own production plant. Supply chain management Doce have a proper supply chain management system, all the products are manufacture on a single place then they distribute round the city on every branch by the small and medium trucks. Trucks deliver the products 2 time in a day , and in the case of big order special truck sent of require product. Bakery, milk and other fresh products are distributed on daily bases. Market Factors Size: Market size of DOCE foods is dependent on the population of the Lahore, which is increasing continually due to the migration of peoples from other cities of Pakistan, the middle, upper & lower middle class is the target customers of DOCE, and the number of customers increasing due to the brand awareness. So these are the all factors that increase the market size. Growth: Growth rate of DOCE increase day by day as the number of branches increase in the city, total 25 plus branches are working on different location of Lahore on the end of year the number of branches will be 40-45. Seasonality: The season of bakery & routine life edible products are throughout the year, but demand of sweets increase in the EID occasion & wedding season. "yn Business cycle: Due to the recession & poor economic condition the buying power of customer decrease that why there are ups & down in the business cycle. Competitive Factors Barriers to entry: Before the launching DOCE the competitors GOURMET & SHEZN have the loyal customers so it’s tough for the DOCE to make their place in market and get market shares. DOCE need some unique products to compete with competitors .better taste and differentiate products may help DOCE to achieve their goals. Bargaining power of vendor: For the raw material there are several options for DOCE to purchase from different supplier because the raw material Easley available in the local Pakistani market so bargaining power of vender will be low ,and price can be negotiable. Competitive rivalry: DOCE have many competitors which are selling almost same products, some are direct competitors & some indirect competitors. Due to this competition the result will be low prices and low profit margin. Environmental factors Technology: Due to the innovation in technology DOCE can improve their MIS system and make the operation more efficient and effective. DOCE have also opportunity for multi channels retailing .they can sell their products on internet/website or by phone calls use catalos & broachers. Economic: Economic condition of Pakistan is very bad in these days due to inflation & energy crises the production cost increase and buying power of customer decrease. So that why economic condition not in the favour of DOCE. Regulatory: The government of Pakistan has some rules eee & regulation. There are some Quality standards fix by the government and monitor them. But due to bad law and order situation these rules are not followed strictly. Social: Every place have their own traditions, culture, and their own taste , so that why DOCE produce that products which people of Lahore like and give preference Analysis of strengths and weaknesses Management capabilities: Doce have the most professional management team and all workers & employee trained and worked in well established firm before joining the Doce. Financial resources: Financially Doce have the strong background so there is no lack of resources for Doce. Locations: All the branches of Doce are on good location where people have no hassle of narrow roads, traffic jam, parking issues. Operations: To perform the different operation an operation manger handles all the work of that particular task. Merchandise management: To manage whole retail activities a branch manager is responsible for all the work related to that particular branch. Customer loyalty: Doce is new brand in Lahore market the other brands have their own strong brand image and loyal customer so its tough for Doce to make their loyal customers. THAN YQu

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