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Uumiwuat pHospHate provect- | DAME ILNIVE ‘AUIMONIA PLANT wa ¥osien DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL MT ne Garrone Loca Fas ALKhal KSA Teta Page : 19 Sheol el 7To.: Mr Jayakumar From. Hi Sung Project Manager, GAC ain, Ste Manager Response Required Yorn, Response Duo Date _| Not Roquirod Copies :1 Had Copy 8 1 Sot Copy ‘Subject: Approved ITP for G2P Piping Lamination & Instalation. Roforonce “The Flowing Dovinds Repo» rts Comers Meted of oeivey: I at WW Hiordeary Spe. etvay — Clotors Reason fr Deby: CI Fer Aono!) Forinomaton i Canscton Reve Ra-bet 1 FerRoeronco (2) For Review CI Fortton ‘sue Stamp: eco Samo Signature Signature: DOCUMENT List Rw. | No.of bw. J Document No. ne | eee ription Remarks Inspection and Test pln for GRP Piping | pavance o-s13.1200-00-0c-P-2022 | nor | 01 Lamiation & Instat, copy om Na DSAPE-THO exo) Ene COz010 fino Rev. | ot Ma’aden Ammonia Tate [aap Be | Project Manual : 1 Page | 1018 Unm Wi *hosphate Projet Ammonia Plan GRP PIPING LAMINATION & INSTALLATION [Locaion [1 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN MD-513-1A00-QD-QC-ITP-2022 tnemen@ ota DOCUMENT APPRAISAL STAMP | Gnay Dak | Part LBA aa/o) ‘ewat [ow [oseciptin roxno| Renowe [rovsnstie] remedy | tevpry | aonovedny | Appel 701 | anqaczona | taunt [OR coay | 5M. Lee oe eae TS ame a id a a ] INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN GRP PIPING LAMINATION & INSTALLATION om | MD-513-1A00-QD-QC-TP-2022 Dae. 7 Sevh20ie 7 raw [zat [=o Rovision Index Rev | Date Description ‘A01 | 28:Sep,2014 | inpodion and Tet Pan for GRP Piping Lamination & lostalaion| PROPRIETARY &| Symon pl av sho a | rsmenene| Stes: rer oees scarier earns | DAELIM | INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN | GRP PIPING LAMINATION & | Rev. INSTALLATION. MD-513-1A00-QD-QC-ITP-2022 ao a - — | Page Table of Content LEGEND Dofintion/Abbroviation ‘Attachments to This TP MD-S13-100-D-QC-TP-2022 Rev.A01 Inspection and Test Plan aot 28 Sopt. 2014 [sore Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 "Tarn a HAN CT TT eB Proprucrary a| Porshe” artsy ft aa sat et CONFIDENTIAL | ‘etons er abun ol a pr en pont fon cm INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN GRP PIPING LAMINATION & Rev. aot | ‘ INSTALLATION | -_ Date 28 Sept. 2014 MD-513-1A00-QD-QC-ITP-2022 5} — — I Page |4ofe LoEND soot. | catecory DescrIPTion ewan RecatReview of Inspecson or Text sus ond R | Recon /Rovew | Carine, Conc Revlon Spratt shat be ‘utorze nd Empyer ron Sure west Thi is an inspostono test may bo promod ona {00% er sane ‘bans bu whch pot canbe reasonable ard ot ar ot hes oon pated w | winess Pont | ito iterping he repeor. ot cosacon Wines pont eq nso of wtonntfeaton 1th Cone and Employer fa avy Bo poromed ‘Tis an speton ote ich scone walt the ua, meaty an safe clon te 4 NotaPoint | ovation and en ean ety seed at hs Hot Pow re hspecton ato lovant Inspects} presence fe manay ness wed fh ‘ng byte. 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Daied 24.07.14 GRP piping Installation Chock List. ‘0SA1QC- 01108 (Re.0} Dated 0508 Inspection for ver lamination for ntaled GRP Piping Syst [BSAIQC-VDH08 (Re0) Dated 05.08.2014 Vsust Dimensional Inspection of Laminated Connection, DDSAIQC-BH!110 (Rev.0) Dales 0 08.2014 Barco Herds Test Report DSAIQC-STR/t4 (Rox) Dated 28.08.2014 Bolt Torqueing Repo DSAQC-FCTRION (Revo) Dated 1.01.14 Field Compaction Test Record ‘DsAIaC-C¥SI28 (Rev) Dated 08.04.2014 Survey FULPPA.ODZA Rev) Ping Hye Test Rept. 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