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Clear the Frame

Firstly remove the foil from frame parts. The best way to do it is to use your nails, you can also use some
other tools but thay can't be sharp because you can scratch it.
Z Axis Assembling

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First thing is to build main frame. On included SD card you can find video tutorial about how to assemble
the frame unfortunatly there is only how to assemble frame (nothing about connection e.t.c.).
Y Axis Assembling

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On the images above you can see how to assemble Y axis. You can also watch video from sd card. The
most important things:
spacing between the longest screws must be good for bearings otherwise it wouldn't move smoothly.
toothed belt must be tight
X Axis Assembling
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So same as y axis photos above and videos on SD card. Most important things:
brace toothed belt after combined X asxis with Z axis
close back plate at the end
Put It All Together

Now you can combine X, Y and Z axis with other parts. Before turning it on add two small piece of
plastic on the top of Z axis to set bars in good position. Screw all thing very strong but be careful to not
destroy anything.

Heating bed is better because your prints hold better to surface and won't unstick while printing. On this
bed you can find blue tape, with it you prints won't unstick but thay can be hard to remove so the best way
is to make glass table (look at last step).
Screw heating bed to Y axis metal plate with screws and springs.

Screw the extruder with 3 screws to X axis. Make sure that it is fixed very strong. Also fix fan for cooling
printed layers.

3D printer use endstops to find where it is. Before every print it goes to the 0 point on each axis and then
start printing.Endstops you need to place on every axis and add something to limit the movement. I glued
pice of plastic with double sided tape. On phots you can find where I place it. X axis: place endstop near
to extruder Y axis: place endstop near to motor, on the back of printerZ axis: place endstop above one of
Z axis motor (no matter which one)

Every wire is described (in english and chienese) so you can't connect it incorrectly. But for sure I will
write below things, that you might have problem with.
1. Bed
Wire with connector plug into TEMP_BED on controll board and two cables without any connectors plug
into screw terminal described as BED (red to + and black to -). Other side of cable plug into heated bed
there is only one possible way to connect it.
Both fans to screw terminal (FAN). Stepper motor to MOTO_E0. Termistor to TEMP_E0 (again with
connector). Head to screw terminal (E0).

Power Suply

+V from power supply to VCC with white frame around screw terminal on control board.
-V from power supply to GND screw terminal on control board.
Display and Controll Board


The best program for making gkods to this printer is cura. Cura is free and really good software made by
Best settings for this printer:
layer height: I tested 0.2mm and 0.25mm but I heard that with this nozzle (0.4mm) you can print to 0.14
mm (not tested, yet).
Shell thickness: 0.8mm (but can be more of course)
Bottom and top thickness: 0.4 or 0.6 mm
Fill density: your choice
Print speed: 40mm/s
printing temperature: depends on material that you use
Bed temperature: depends on material that you use
Diameter: 1.75mm
Flow: 100%
Nozzle size: 0.4 mm

Go to menu->prepare and select autohome then then go to menu->prepare-> move axis->1mm and move
head over whole table (don't change Z position) and turn screws in bed to get same height in every place.
Height must be big enough to fit between head and table sheet of paper.

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On the photos you can see prints, that I made on this printer. I will update it after I printed something
new. I can say that prints are realy good, they aren't ideal but I think it's good.If you didn't set
temperatures in cura, you need to preheat bed and head before every print
(prepare->preheat PLA->preheat pla1). And to print choose printing from SD card and find your gcode.

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