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Education definition, concepts and aims


Quest for knowledge is an innate quality of human beings which makes them distinct from all other
creations by god. This evaluating affinity towards knowledge ranging from fire in the prchistoric period
to the cloning in the Modern Times. This attempt to organize the knowledge has lead to the
development of education system. In this lesson , we will discuss the definition , characteristics ,
concepts , function and aims of education.

Meaning in literacy science education Corps its origin to the to Latin words care and education means to
Naresh to bring up to rice flour means to bring forth to lead out to draw out the act of teaching and
training definition education is the natural harmonious and progressive development of mens in 8 hours
education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his
environment and fulfill his possibilities education is the all round dropping out of the best in child and
men body mind and spirit Mahatma Gandhi the manifestation of divine purpose already existing in men
education means the expression of men’s complete individuality Swami Vivekananda a process of
development from infancy to maturity the process by which he adults himself gradually in various ways
of physical and spiritual development mood for systemic understanding of Education study of following
meaning is essential education as acquisition of knowledge education as a tool to discipline the intellect
education officer preparation for Life Education is direction education as growth education as
transmission of culture concepts of education the chief task of education is above all to shape man or to
guide the solving through which man forms himself as a man education is an essential human sir to man
becomes man through education human being is not in any proper sense in human being still he is
stimulated towards growth and development education enables a man to realise higher values of life
which are essential for him to become roof and Chrome of all creation the concepts of education is still
in the process of evaporation and it will never come to an end in short the concept of education is
dynamic it can be never be static broader meaning of education in its broader sense education is a
lifelong process it starts with construction and ends with death professor stated education in its why
descends includes all influence which app upon an individual during his passage from cradle to the grave
education as such is no teaching for learning of three hours that is read remember and but it consists of
four h head hot hand and health the concept of education is now dream as the occasion of behaviour
contact with environment adds to the experience of the individual and produces some change in his
behaviour which involved thinking feeling and action accordingly education is not limited to schooling
institution for learning in broaden meaning education in its totality has to be emphasized Edward things
says education is the transmission of life by leaving to relieving narrow meaning of education science
education is confined to school and University instruction education in the sense is equalent to
schooling institution or the act of training according to Raymond in dinner over and more definite sense
education does not improve self culture and the general influences of ones surroundings but only those
special influences which or consciously and designly brought do bear upon the young by the adult
portion of community such education is given in more formal way under set and controlled condition
and environment it is pre planned and given by teachers in the classroom synthesis of two meanings
there is a need for recognise these two meanings Dr Radhakrishnan says education to be complete must
be humanity it must include not only retraining of the internet but also the refinement of the hot and
the discipline of the spirit chief characteristics of education it is a sociological process it is here
psychological process it is not only training of the internet it has to be come per both formal and
informal way it is developing of knowledge skill attitude it is bipolar and tripolar process it is a lifelong
process it is a child centred process it is more than teaching and instruction it is more than giving
instruction functions of education functions of education in human life progressive development of
innate power ocational efficiency satisfaction of needs personality development to prepare the child for
adult life control redirection and sublimation of instance achievement of self sufficiency character
formation and development of morality achievement of material prosperity to put on continuity of life
guidance reorganization and reconstruction of experience functions of education in National life
National Development National Integration to supply skilled workers to give training for leadership to
improve social efficiency development of the ideal of emotional integration subordination of private
Villa FIR to public welfare inclination of social and civil duties security of culture and Civilization to
prepare good citizen provocation of social feelings social tree information and progress types of
education education can be classified into formal informal and nonformal types formal education
formule education is based on certain rules customs and procedures it involve se direct face to face
interaction with the teacher and the rendered through educational institution in a pre plant and
organised mama formule education is conducted for the period of time is based on well defined
curriculum it is very systematic in nature and given by special asali qualified personal informal education
informal education is not systematically plant and has the following characteristics no formal Agencies
like school or college is involved and provided by informal Agencies such as home family or community
no prescribers schedule for well defined curriculum and takes place mainly as a result of experience
gaining from day to day life or interactions with others no specially qualified Persona to teach or to
know evaluation system like examination and conference of certificates devices is on habits ideas
attitudes and skills non formal education non formal education adaps your Midway between formal and
informal types of education the characteristics of non formal education or very flexible without Arijit
rules regulations and fixed stages of timeframe systematically planned organised and implemented
integrated with life and work a learners design to meet the learning needs of different categories in the
society aims of education education is a purposeful and plant activity undertaken by the educator and
the learner for achieving clearly defined objectives or ends in view Honey is a predetermined goal which
determines the individual to attain it’s true appropriate activities individual development as an
individual of a human being moral and spiritual development cultural development hormone is
development promote positive physical development provide the essence of complete living
development of right personality development of good citizenship development of good leadership
ocational development of an individual emotional and mental development create National
consciousness promote social development character building social in development of social aim of
education state socialism state and individual idealized metaphysical and entity extreme type of social in
is in the form of state socialism the individual is subordinated to the in social efficiency state socialism
been explained in first census in the second sense the concept of social aim is individuals social
efficiency democratic view of the social aim of education it means making the individual socially efficient
for a democratic society a socially efficient individual would be able to control his environment and fulfill
his possibilities specific aims of education knowledge as an aim of education ocational name character
building cultural development hormone is development mental and emotional development moral
development self-realization citizenship education for Russia physical development complete living aims
of nursing education nursing education has its in in common with the aim of education in general as well
as its specific aim the nursing education aims of determined by the health needs of the society needs of
students philosophy of nursing current trends in education and nursing and advancement in science and
technology the many nursing aims of listed below intellectual in leadership in professional and
developmental in personality development in generating and utilising Research evidence ensuring the
safe quality and cost-effective care conclusion education is important for gaining knowledge it helps the
individual grow as like professional growth is dependent upon the level of education and applying the
skills in the particular field

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