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Name of the Drug Action/Classification Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Action: Monitor V/S. and check for cardiac dysrhythmias
epinephrine Stimulates beta receptors
in lung.
Brand Name: Drug increases rigidity and tremor in patients with
Injection, OTC Relaxes bronchial Parkinson’s disease
nasal solution: smooth muscle.  Observe patient closely for adverse reactions. Notify
Adrenalin Chloride
doctor if adverse reaction develop
Increases vital capacity
 BP,  HR,  PR  If blood pressure increases sharply, rapid-acting
vasodilators such as nitrates or alpha blockers can be given to
Decreases airway counteract

Beta2 Adrenergic

Name of the Drug Action/Classification Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Action: Monitor EKG, BP, pulse, rhythm, continuously.
Decrease cardiac
Monitor serum lidocaine levels throughout theraphy;
Brand Name: excitability, cardiac therapreutic range 1.5-5 mcg/ml
Xylocaine contraction is delayed in
the atrium and ventricle Monitor intake and output

Classification: Do not mix in the same syringe with amphoterin B or

Antiarrythmic and cefazolin
Anesthetic Administer Lidocaine TIV.
In case of circulatory depression have dopamine

Name of the Drug Action/Classification Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Action: Monitor serum glucose, and electrolyte
furosemide inhibits sodium and D iet- K+ for all except aldactone
Brand Name: chloride reabsorption at the I ntake and Output, daily weight
proximal and distal tubules U ndesirable effects; Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Apo-Furosemide and the ascending loop of R eview HR, BP and electrolytes
Henlen E lderly-Careful
Furoside T ake with or after meals and in AM
Classification: I ncrease risk of orthosthatic hypotension; move
Lasix Loop Diuretics slowly
C ancel alcohol
Lasix Speacial



Name of the Drug Action/Classification Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Action: Monitor urinary pH, calcium, electrolytes and
Sodium Neutralizes gastric acid phosphate levels.
Decrease pepsin activity Record amount and consistency of stools.
Brand Name: Arm
and Hammer Pure Classification: Alkalizing Clients on low-sodium diets should evaluate
Baking Soda, Agent, Buffer, Antacid, sodium contents of antacids.
Citrocarbonate, electrolyte
Soda Mint

Name of the Drug Action/Classification Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Action: Record characteristics and precipitating factors
Nitroglycerin Relaxes the vascular of anginal pain.
Brand smooth system
Nitrostat Monitor BP and apical pulse before
 Myocardial oxygen administration and periodically after dose.
Have client sit or lie down if taking drug for the
 left ventricular first time.
 arterial BP Client must have continuing EKG monitoring
for IV administration
 venous return

Antianginal, Nitrate,
Vasodilator, Coronary

Name of the Drug Action/Classification Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Action Monitor VS.
Atrophine Sulfate cholinergic receptor sites Report  HR
so response to Monitor for constipation, oliguria.
Brand acetylcholine is decreased Atrophine could result in CNS stimulation
Isopto Atropine (confusion, excitement) or drowsiness
Anticholinergics Instruct to take 30 mins before meals

Eat foods high in fiber and drink plenty fluids.

Avoid OTC antihistamines.
Instruct client not to drive a motor vehicle or
participate in activities requiring alertness.
Advise to use hard candy, ice chips, etc. for dry

Name of the Drug Action/Classification Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Action Monitor CVP to assess vascular volume and
Dobutamine Enhancing the force of myocardial cardiac pumping efficiency.
Hydrochloride contraction
(Elevated CVP may indicate disruption on
Brand  HR,  CO, and  SV with minor CO, as in pump failure or
Dobutrex effects to HR. Pulmonary edma; low CVP may indicate
 elevated ventricular filling pressure hypovolemia)
and helps AV node conduction
Monitor ECG and BP continuously during
Classification drug administration
Inotropic, Adrenergic
Record I&O
Monitor glucose
in diabetes patients

Drug is administered IV to improve cardiac

function thus increasing BP and improving
urine output.

Report any chest pain, increase SOB,

headaches or IV site pain.

Name of the Drug Action/Classification Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Action
Morphine Sulfate Principal opium alkaloid; acts as Teaching points
agonist at specific opioid receptors
in the CNS to produce analgesia, Take this drug exactly as prescribed. Avoid
euphoria, sedation; the receptors alcohol, antihistamines, sedatives,
mediating these effects are thought tranquilizers, over-the-counter drugs.
to be the same as those mediating
the effects of endogenous opioids Swallow controlled-release preparation
(enkephalins, endorphins). (MS Contin, Oramorph SR) whole; do not
cut, crush, or chew them.

Classification Do not take leftover medication for other

Opioid agonist analgesic disorders, and do not let anyone else take
your prescription.

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